SAINT CANERA CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. Ruben Restrepo, C.M. [email protected] 504 S. WASHINGTON NEOSHO, MO 64850 (417) 451-3411 (417) 451-3432 (fax) [email protected] The Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015 La Santísima Trinidad 31 de mayo DE 2015 MASS/MISAS SATURDAY/SABADO: 5:00pm., 7:00pm (Spanish), SUNDAY/DOMINGO: 8:00am WEEKDAYS/DIARIAS: Tues. (martes)-Fri. (viernes) 8:30am RECONCILIATION: (Saturday) 4:30pm., (Sunday) 7:30am. Any time by appointment Communally during Advent, Lent, and as scheduled . Saint Canera, patroness of Irish Sailors, is sitting in a boat with an oil lamp, the symbol of wisdom and virginity, with a monastery on an island in the background where she sought spiritual rest. She was refused entrance to the island but was given Eucharist just before she died. The shamrock speaks to her Irish ancestry. Parish Office/Oficina Monday (lunes) - Friday (viernes) 9-12; 1-4:30 WELCOME: If you are new to our parish we welcome you and invite you to become a member of Saint Canera. Registration forms can be found in the church or in the office. BIENVENIDOS: Si usted es nuevo en nuestra parroquia le demos la bienvenida y lo invitamos a hacerse miembro de Santa Canera. Las formas de registro se puede encontrar en el templo o en la oficina. INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Please call the parish office and ask for information on the RCIA program or send an e-mail to [email protected] ¿Quisieras ser católico? Por favor, llamar a la oficina de la iglesia y pedir información del programa RICA o envia un e-mail a [email protected] Sacrament of Marriage—contact the church office six months in advance. Baptism — contact or come by the church office for information on classes. Hospital visitation — contact the church office with name, location, and room number. Sacramento de matrimonio –Contacta la oficina parroquial seis meses antes. Bautismo—contacta o visita la oficina parroquial y pedir información de las clases de preparación. Visita al hospital — Contacta la oficina de la iglesia con nombre, lugar, y número de cuarto. MISSION STATEMENT The parish family of St. Canera sees as its mission to work together and in the larger community to know, love, and serve God. Based on Scripture, the sacraments, and our Roman Catholic tradition, we seek to recognize our dependence on God, grow spiritually, become images of Christ, educate adults and assist in educating children, and as God’s instruments, share our faith with and welcome others. MISION DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA La Familia Parroquial de Santa Canera considera que su misión es trabajar unidos e integrarse a la comunidad cristiana más amplia para conocer, amar, y servir a Dios. Fundamentados en la Escritura y en la Tradición de nuestra Iglesia Católica Romana, procuramos reconocer nuestra dependencia de Dios, crecer espiritualmente, convertirnos en imagen de Cristo, educar a los adultos y acompañar la educación de los niños y jóvenes; y, como instrumentos de Cristo, compartir nuestra fe y acoger a los otros. LECTURAS DE ESTE DOMINGO Primera Lectura: Deuteronomio 4, 32-34. 39-40 Salmo Responsorial: 33, 4-5. 6 y 9. 18-19. 20 y 22 Segunda Lectura: Romanos 8, 14-17 Evangelio: Mateo 28, 16-20 LECTURAS DEL PROXIMO DOMINGO Primera Lectura: Éxodo 24, 3-8 Salmo Responsorial: 116, 12-13. 15 y 16bc. 17-18 Segunda Lectura: Hebreos 9, 11-15 Evangelio: Marcos 14, 12-16. 22-26 Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas, La solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad no es tanto acerca de la celebración de una doctrina, ya que se celebra el misterio de la acción y la presencia de Dios entre nosotros. La última línea del Evangelio de hoy nos remonta a los principios del evangelio de Mateo acerca de Jesús que se llama Emmanuel, que significa Dios con nosotros. Mateo concluye su Evangelio con el gran encargo seguido de la maravillosa promesa: "Dioscon-nosotros.": "Y he aquí que yo estoy con ustedes todos los días hasta el fin del mundo”. ¡Qué maravillosa promesa para todos nosotros a medida que continuamos en nuestro camino hacia el reino-nuestro, Dios Trino que nos acompaña. No es casualidad que la palabra "acompañar" y "compañero" se derivan de las palabras en latín "pan" y "con". Por lo tanto, un compañero es uno con los que compartimos el pan. Esto da una nueva profundidad a todo lo que significa para nosotros en lo que respecta a nuestra celebración semanal de la Eucaristía. Hay un icono o figura maravillosa que muestra a la Trinidad como tres personas sentadas alrededor de una mesa. En cada Eucaristía, nuestras oraciones se dirigen al Padre con el Hijo y en el Espíritu Santo. Que la Santísima Trinidad nos acompañe en nuestra peregrinación terrena hasta que alcancemos el Reino a donde vamos a vivir con ellos para siempre. Con cariño, P. Hank Rosario Guadalupano Cada Viernes 7:00 p.m. En el templo Parroquial Grupo de Oración Todos los domingos de 3:00-5:00 p.m. Venga y únase a nosotros para oír la Palabra de Dios, para rezar y cantarle las alabanzas al Señor. Reporte del Desarrollo Diocesano: Hasta la fecha nuestra parroquia ha dado $14,671 y la meta es $19,172. Gracias! Si usted no ha dado su contribución, por favor añada la cantidad que va a contribuir a los fondos que se han recaudado haciendo su promesa y entregando la tarjeta de promesa. Tenga en cuenta que la donación para las intenciones de la misa es de $10. Gracias por su cooperación DESPEDIDA Viernes, 12 de junio 7:00 pm Centro Parroquial Fiesta para el P. Rubén. Tendremos comida y música. IS ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Más información en el próximo boletín. Sabado, 6 de junio 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM a AUTOZONE (704 S. Neosho Blvd.) ¡Traiga su carro para lavarlo y ayude al grupo de jóvenes de Santa Canera recaudar dinero para su viaje para ver el Papa Francis! Platicas Matrimoniales 7 de Junio Casa de piedra de 5:00 PM a 7:00 PM Favor no traer niños a la clase. Llamar a la oficina parroquial a nuestra secretaria (Debbie) para pedir una cita con el P. Rubén y comenzar a llenar los papeles que se requieren para este sacramento. Balance de la Construcción del Centro Parroquial Total recibidos para construcción: Total compromisos no recibido: Pago al préstamo hecho cada mes: Total compromisos recibido en Mayo: $635,634 $ 99,082 $ 9,918 $ 3,521 ¡Por favor recuerde su compromiso con la construcción. Necesitamos de sus pagos! Parish Center Building Fund Summary Building Project Total Expenses Paid: Original Loan (excludes interest): Outstanding Loan (excludes interest): Total Pledges: $ 714,435 $ 805,900 $ 395,865 $ 211,547 Total Pledge Pymnts. Rcvd. (thru 5/24/2015): $404,173 Additional Building Fund Donations: $231,461 Total Building Funds Received: $635,634 Total Pledges past due (as of 5/24/2015): $ 99,082 Loan principal & interest due each month: $ 9,918 Pledge pymnts received (May, 2015) $3,521 DDF REPORT To date our parish has pledged $14,671 toward our $19,172 goal. Thank you! If you have not yet made your pledge, please add your gift, whatever the amount, in unity with those who have already given by returning a pledge card. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS RECUERDE LAS SIGUIENTES PERSONAS EN SU ORACIÓN: Don Wall, Cherri Link, Dorothy Mulik, Josephine Nault, Janet Ducommun, David Garnett, John Barnes, Matt Kissel, Jerrie Stone, Frank Evers (Names stay on list for four weeks, unless renewed.) Remember your donations for CROSSLINES ! LITURGICAL MINISTRY DAY - SAVE the DATE All current and potential parish readers, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, ushers, ministers to the sick or homebound, liturgical coordinators, server trainers, cantors, musicians, and those interested in the liturgical life of the parish are invited to the Liturgical Ministry Workshop on Fri. - Sat., Aug. 28-29, 2015 at St. Mary Parish in Joplin. Additional information is available on the Worship Office page on the diocesan website, For more information, contact Katie Newton at (417)866-0841 or [email protected]. FAREWELL PARTY Please be aware that the donation for Mass Intentions is $10. Thank you for your cooperation. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEETING Thursday, June 4 at 7:00 PM in the Rock House SATURDAY, June 6 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM At AUTOZONE (704 S. Neosho Blvd.) Get your car washed and help the St. Canera Youth Group raise money for their trip to see Pope Francis in September! Note from the Knights of Columbus . . . 5th Sunday Breakfast Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus on Sunday, May 31 after the 8:00 Mass. Serving: Eggs, sausage, pancakes, biscuits & gravy. Donations are accepted for the food. Fellowship is “on the house”. Friday, June 12 7:00 pm Parish Center IS Appreciation fiesta for Fr. Ruben. We’ll have food and music. Look for more details in the next bulletin. TEC- Teens Encounter Christ TEC is a three-day retreat experience for high school juniors, seniors, and college freshman. It is designed for those in a period of transition, helping to sorting out life values and encourages participants to be open to the Gospel vision. The next TEC will be June 6-8 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Springfield. Adults are invited to attend as observers. Applications may be downloaded from the Youth Ministry page of the diocesan Website, . PSR Teachers needed Do you want the joy of sharing your faith with a younger generation? Then please consider being a PSR teacher. We need a teacher for the First Grade class and a teacher’s aid for the 5th & 6th class this fall. Please see Casey Burkhart-Henson, Fr. Ruben, or call the office (451-3411). PARISH STAFF PASTOR REV. RUBEN D. RESTREPO, C.M. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DEBBIE GORHAM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS JERRY MAHAN (451-7919) PCCW (WOMEN’S GROUP) DIANE STROUSS PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION (PSR) CASEY BURKHART HENSON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS RALPH FREDERICK BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Please bring written announcements to the church office or email to [email protected] by 9 AM Tuesday Saturday—May 30 5:00 PM +Albert / Evelyn Hamlet (A. Hamlet) 7:00 PM +Norma Crews (A. Sollenberger) Sunday—May 31 8:00 AM Parish Family Monday—June 1 No Mass Tuesday—June 2 8:30 AM +Maurice Ambrose McAuliffe Wednesday—June 3 8:30 AM +Herman Schwartz (G. Schwartz) Thursday—June 4 8:30 AM Victor Kezele (S. Rigdon) Friday—June 5 8:30 AM +Thomas Edward Connell Saturday—June 6 5:00 PM +Terry Fox (E. Davis) 7:00 PM +Jenifer Youngblood (Sollenberger) Sunday—June 7 8:00 AM Parish Family SCRIPTURE FOR THIS SUNDAY 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40 Responsorial Psalm: 33:4-5, 6,9, 18-19, 20, 22 2nd Reading: Romans 8:14-17 Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20 SCRIPTURES FOR WEEKDAYS Mon: Tobit 1:3; 2:1b-8 Mark 12:1-12 Tues: Tobit 2:9-14 Mark 12:13-17 Wed: Tobit 3:1-11a, 16-17a Mark 12:18-27 Thu: Tobit 6:10-11;7:1, 9-17;8:4-9 Mark 12:28-34 Fri: Tobit 11:5-17 Mark 12:35-37 SCRIPTURE FOR NEXT SUNDAY 1st Reading: Exodus 24:3-8 Responsorial Psalm: 116:12-13, 15-16, 17-18 2nd Reading: Hebrews 9:11-15 Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 My dear sisters and brothers, The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is not so much about celebrating a doctrine as it is celebrating the mystery of the action and presence of God among us. The last line of the Gospel today hearkens us back to the beginning of Matthew’s gospel about Jesus being called Emmanuel which means “GodWith-Us.” Matthew concludes his Gospel with the great commission followed by the wonderful promise: “And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” What a wonderful assurance for us all as we continue on our pilgrim way to the kingdom—our Triune God accompanies us. It is no coincidence that the word “accompany” and “companion” derive from the Latin words for “bread” and “with”. Thus, a companion is one with whom we share bread. This gives a whole new depth of meaning for us with regard to our weekly celebration of the Eucharist. There is a wonderful icon that pictures the Trinity as three persons sitting around a table. In every Eucharist, our prayers are directed TO the Father WITH the Son and IN the Holy Spirit. May the Holy Trinity accompany us on our earthly pilgrimage until we reach the Kingdom where we will live with them forever. With fond affection, Fr. Hank WEB SITE Bulletins * Schedules * Information Remember when you are considering your will to think about including the parish among your beneficiaries. Planned giving involves leaving something for the next generation of Catholics at St. Canera. Your support will make the difference. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursday (9:00 AM to 12:00 noon & 1:00 PM to 4:30PM) In the chapel (Wilma Hahn Room in the basement of the rectory) Everyone is welcome to come for silent prayer and reflection. COMING EVENTS 6/3 Youth Group Meeting 6/4 Knights of Columbus Meeting 6/7 Spanish Marriage Preparation 6/12 Appreciation Party for Fr. Ruben 6/17 Parish Council YOUR GIFTS FOR THE PARISH TO FURTHER GOD’S WORK REGULAR COLLECTION OUR FISCAL YEAR TOTAL $ 1,771 $ 111,450
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