CATHOLIC CHURCH We are Catholic Christians striving to love beyond all boundaries and to continue the mission of Christ. 25511 Eshelman Avenue, Lomita (310) 326-3364 2 Ytà{xÜ ctâÄËá VÉÜÇxÜ Dear Families and Friends of St. Margaret Mary’s, In light of the goofier programs presented on the Discovery Channel— supposedly documenting the discovery of Jesus’ bones in a tomb—it is important that we continue to examine the truth of our Lord’s Resurrection from the dead. Contrary to modern media’s false invented claims we have the truthful witness of both Scripture and Tradition. A lthough, it is true none of the Gospels narrate the Resurrection itself, there is no question that Jesus’ rising was a real, historical event that took place at a particular time and a particular place in human history. St. Paul sums up what we Christians already knew: “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, that He was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:34) T Christ’s body, the eye-witness testimony of so many followers of Jesus? T he Risen Christ was encountered by many witnesses, including Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Salome, Peter and John and the apostles, Cleopas and another disciple at Emmaus, by more than 500 hundred disciples, as well as St. Paul on his way to Damascus. These encounters were not merely sightings. These witnesses spoke with Christ, dined with Him and touched Him. St. Paul had access to literally hundreds of witnesses who were still alive and so were able to verify his own experience. he fact that through the New Testament, the inspired writers always return to the Resurrection is powerful testimony that it can be studied for its historical value. o, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ was All the vain attempts by atheist historians to not a myth or a hallucination: it was a explain away or refute its reality through a real historical event, witnessed and docuvariety of fanciful theories (deceit, vision, mented. Its reality is the foundation for our symbolism, and apparent death) have proved unreliable. Responsible scholars Christian faith today. have abandoned such attempts as untenable. With prayers in the Risen Lord, How to explain the stone that had been Fr. Paul rolled away, the empty tomb, the absence of PASTOR: Fr. Paul O’Donnell ASSOCIATE PASTORS: Fr. Juan Silva and Fr. John Palmer PRIEST IN RESIDENCE: Fr. Sebastian Venni; SEMINARIAN: Simon Kim DEACONS: Cheto Mendoza, Craig Siegman, Richard Soria and Dan Wallace S SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday 5 PM (Vigil), Sunday 6:45, 8, 9:30, 11 AM, 5PM, Español 12:30, 7 PM DAILY MASSES: Monday—Friday 6:30, 8:15 AM, Saturday 8:15 AM only First Wednesday Mass (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) 7 PM First Friday Mass (Sacred Heart of Jesus) 7 PM Perpetual Help Novena Wednesdays, 7:30 PM (except 1st Wednesday) All-Night Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday 7:30 PM with benediction on Saturday 8 AM Rosary (in Chapel) Monday through Friday 7 and 8:45 AM; Wednesday 6:30 PM, Tuesday 7 PM (Español) Confessions Friday 5-5:30 PM; Saturday 3:30-4:30 PM; 7:30-8:30 PM `xÇát}x wx ctwÜx ctâÄ 3 Queridas Familias y amigos de Santa Margarita Maria, A la luz de los programas absurdos presentados en el Canal de Discovery supuestamente documentaron el descubrimiento de los huesos de Jesús en una tumba; es importante que continuemos examinando la verdad de la resurrección de nuestro Señor de los muertos. Contrariamente a las falsas afirmaciones de los medios de comunicación inventado moderna tenemos el testimonio veraz de tanto la Escritura y la Tradición. A Cristo, el testimonio de testigos presenciales de tantos seguidores de Jesús? E l Cristo Resucitado fue encontrado por muchos testigos, entre ellos María Magdalena, María la madre de Jacobo, Salomé, Pedro y Juan y los apóstoles, Cleofás y otro discípulo de Emaús, en más de 500 cientos de discípulos, así como St. Paul en su camino a Damasco. Estos encuentros no eran más que los avistamientos. Estos testigos hablaron con Cristo, cenaron con él y lo tocaron. St. Paul tenía acceso a literalmente cientos de testigos que todavía estaban vivos y así fueron capaces de verificar su propia experiencia. unque, bien es cierto que ninguno de los Evangelios narran la propia resurrección, no hay duda de que la subida de Jesús fue un verdadero acontecimiento, histórico que tuvo lugar en un momento determinado y un lugar especial en la historia humana. St. Paul resume lo que los cristianos ya sabían: "Porque yo os entregué en primer lugar lo mismo que recibí: que Cristo murió por nuestros pecados, según las Escrituras; que fue sepultado, y que resucitó al tercer día de acuerdo con las Escrituras (1 Corintios 15:34). l hecho de que a través del Nuevo Testamento, los escritores inspirados siempre vuelven a la Resurrección es un testimonio poderoso que puede ser estudiado por su valor histórico. Todos los vanos intentos de los historiadores ateos de explicar o refutar su realidad a través de una variedad de teorías fantasiosas (engaño, la visión, el simbolismo y la aparente muerte) han demostrado ser poco fiable. Eruditos responsables han abandonado tales intentos como insostenible. ¿Cómo explicar la piedra que había sido removida, el sepulcro vacío, la ausencia del cuerpo de E A sí, la resurrección de Jesucristo no era un mito o una alucinación: era un acontecimiento histórico real, presenció y documentó. Su realidad es la base de nuestra fe cristiana hoy. Con oraciones en el Señor resucitado, Padre Paul 4 O U R AMERICA NEEDS FATIMA PUBLIC SQUARE ROSARY CRUSADE We gather to pray the Rosary, to show witness publicly and to counter the secularist attack trying to push God from the Public Square. SATURDAY, MAY 2nd Noon to 1 PM and every 1st Saturday Torrance Crossroads, Crenshaw and Lomita Blvds. (between Wells Fargo and Petco) Bring a chair and an American flag (optional) For more information or to help, call Linda Neal (310) 539-2211 —— —— MEN: SAVE THIS DATE Questions? Dante Pignotti (323) 240-8263 F A I T H I N A C T I O N EASTER REFLECTIONS For the next few Sundays during Easter season, we are sharing thoughts from some of the adults who received their sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. Lloyd Hello. My name is Lloyd. I came to the RCIA program seeking a better Spiritual balance in my life and I found that in the process. Over the last seven months The RCIA team and my fellow class candidates have tested my understanding of what the true meaning of beLloyd Edward Watkins ing Catholic is, not only is confirmed by Fr. Paul as in “Faith” but also in the Lloyd’s sponsor, Norm Spirit of service to our Reeder, shares his blessings. Lord. After receiving baptism and the holy sacraments I truly understand what it means to walk the journey with Faith and Spirit and to be a “Man for others in God’s Service”. Thank you. Strengthen your faith through sharing it with others. FAITH SHARING MEETING Thursday, April 30th, 7 to 9 PM St. Margaret Mary Parish Center In the Gospel reading for the Fifth Sunday of Easter (John 15:1-8), our Lord uses the word “remain” eight times. Further, Jesus explained to His disciples, “I am the vine, you are the branches” and “if you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you.” So, what does the word “remain” mean to you? To confirm your attendance, call or email Roy and Carole Hardinge (310) 539-6027 or [email protected]. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your faith journey with others! We’ll reflect upon the readings for the Fifth Sunday of Easter: Acts 9:26-31; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8 OUR FAITH IN ACTION WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS 5 On this 52nd World Day of Prayer for Vocations, the Pope reflects on the heart of vocation— our response to the vocation God gives us. Becoming a priest or a man or woman religious is not primarily our own decision.... Rather it is the response to a call and to a call of love.—Pope Francis The Fourth Sunday of Easter offers us the figure of the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep: he calls them, he feeds them and he guides them. For over fifty years the universal Church has celebrated this Sunday as the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. In this way she reminds us of our need to pray, as Jesus himself told his disciples, so that “the Lord of the harvest may send out laborers into his harvest” (Luke 10:2). Jesus’ command came in the context of his sending out missionaries. He called not only the twelve Apostles, but another seventy-two disciples whom he then sent out, two by two, for the mission (cf. Luke 10:1-6). Since the Church “is by her very nature missionary” (Ad Gentes, 2), the Christian vocation is necessarily born of the experience of mission. Hearing and following the voice of Christ the Good Shepherd, means letting ourselves be attracted and guided by him, in consecration to him; it means allowing the Holy Spirit to draw us into this missionary dynamism, awakening within us the desire, the joy and the courage to offer our own lives in the service of the Kingdom of God. To offer one’s life in mission is possible only if we are able to leave ourselves behind. To read the complete text, see Follow that to “beliefs-and-teachings,” then “vocations” and finally to “world day of prayer for vocations.” Prayer for Vocations: God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as priests, deacons, religious, and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS to the English Weekend Masses Your input is needed for the next schedule: May 30th through September 6th, 2015 Please let us know which of the Saturday and Sunday weekly Masses you prefer, any dates that you will not be available to serve and if your preferences have changed. Please advise Roy and Carole Hardinge no later than Friday May 8th: [email protected] or (310) 539-6027 Thank you—your timely input makes our scheduling job easier, and will ensure that the new schedule is sensitive to your needs. 6 E S P I R I T U A L EL BUEN PASTOR Por Humberto Beltrán No es fácil ser responsable cuidadoso del pueblo. Nuestras gentes esperan siempre la llegada de gobernantes justos, y los cristianos deseamos tener responsables en la iglesia que sean evangélicos. Pero en la iglesia no hay simplemente dirigentes y dirigidos; todos somos hermanos, y a todos nos incumbe la responsabilidad. Este domingo no es la fiesta del párroco o del obispo, sino el domingo del Buen Pastor, que es Jesús, y el Día del pueblo de Dios, en el que todos somos corresponsables, aunque de distinta manera. Cristo es Buen Pastor por tres razones: 1) Da la vida por todos, es decir, no es un simple asalariado que se preocupa de su sueldo y que huye cuando llega la dificultad. 2) Conoce a aquellos a los que sirve con un conocimiento que proviene del compromiso. 3) Reúne a la unidad a los que están dispersos, a quienes atrae y reconcilia. El juicio de Jesús es duro para con los responsables que no ejercen su ministerio o servicio o que se creen dueños de determinadas personas, Iglesias o ministerios. En realidad, en la iglesia los responsables son intendentes que deben imitar a Jesús en la donación de su vida. muertos, que evangeliza a los pobres, y otras muchas cosas más, no como asalariado, sino por amor. Quien ejerce una profesión solo por el mezquino interés material pronto muestra su impaciencia, su intolerancia, sus reservas, su desconfianza con las personas que trata. No se establece una corriente de comprensión, de unidad. Todo esto es lo que explica Jesús con la comparación del Buen Pastor. Por contraste, dice que el pastor asalariado ve venir al lobo y huye, abandonando sus ovejas, porque no le importan. Comprendido esto, El asegura: “Yo soy el Buen Pastor”. El está dispuesto a dar su vida por sus ovejas, y las ovejas lo conocen a El. Es que él es el dueño de las ovejas, y por lo tanto, las cuida y las defiende y las alimenta, poniéndolas en lugar seguro. Jesús es el Pastor ideal. Reflexión La celebración de la eucaristía es ante todo la manifestación del amor de Jesús, el Buen Pastor, que nos alimenta con el Pan de Vida. Por dinero o por amor No todo se compra con dinero. No todo se valora. Hay otros valores que pesan mucho en la vida de un ser humano. Los que se proponen una meta económica, cuando han llegado, ven que eso no es todo, y que están vacíos de algo más sólido y profundo y perdurable. Hay actividades de la vida que se hacen por dinero, y otras que se hacen por amor. A veces, unas mismas actividades, que distintas parecen entre sí si son hechas por paga material o por amor desinteresado. En seguida se distingue a la enfermera, al maestro, al bombero, al trabajador social, a la recepcionista que hace su oficio solamente como asalariados, por interés material, de los que lo ejercen por amor, por vocación. Jesús explica a los fariseos que El guía por el camino de la virtud, que exige un estilo de vida superior, que equilibra a los desajustados, que cura a los enfermos, que resucita a los ORIENTACION Y CONSEJERIAEN ESPAÑOL Recuerden que tenemos este servicio aquí, en nuestra parroquia los días lunes, martes, jueves y sábado con cita previamente acordada. Para solicitar este servicio, pueden pasar por la oficina de la parroquia para dejar el nombre y número de teléfono o dejar un mensaje en ele teléfono: (310) 326-3364. ext.40 STRENGTHENING OUR FAITH Readings For The Week Monday, April 27 Reading 1: Acts of the Apostles 11:1-18 Gospel: John 10:1-10 Tuesday, April 28 Saints Peter Chanel, Louis de Montfort Reading 1: Acts of the Apostles 11:19-26 Gospel: John 10:22-30 Wednesday, April 29 Saint Catherine of Siena Reading 1: Acts of the Apostles 12:24-13:5a Gospel: John 12:44-50 Thursday, April 30 Saint Pius V Reading 1: Acts of the Apostles 13:13-25 Gospel: John 13:16-20 Friday, May 1 Saint Joseph the Worker; First Friday Reading 1: Acts of the Apostles 13:26-33 Gospel: John 14:1-6 Saturday, May 2 Saint Athanasius Reading 1: Acts of the Apostles 13:44-52 Gospel: John 14:7-14 Sunday May 3 Reading 1: Acts of the Apostles 9:26-31 Reading 2: 1 John 3:18-24 Gospel: John 15:1-8 SPIRITUAL EXERCISE OF ST.IGNATIUS with Fr. Ed Broom, OMV Do you feel an interior call to grow in holiness? This 11 week course will greatly intensify your spiritual life and your desire to go to Heaven. You’ll learn the real purpose of your life, and how to achieve it through self-knowledge self-discipline, deep prayer, and discernment of spirits. Free. Materials will be provided. Classes start the first week in May at: St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church 12001 E. 214th St., Hawaiian Gardens To register online: Or call Veronica Ayson, (562) 924-7591 or email Mary Martorana, [email protected] 7 With the Grace of God JUST FOR TODAY I will accept that what is, is! I will not try to adjust the world to my own desires. I will accept what the day brings and adjust myself to it. JESUS BE MY STRENGTH bâÜ f|v~ Alice ACOSTA Sergio ALVAREZ Lorenza BAUTISTA Carmen CERINO Francisco CABRERA Brian GOEPPNER Maria Antonio GONZALEZ Chris JOYA Ken MEYERS Dragi ODAK Carol PECK Diana ROMAN Gregoria ROMERO bâÜ Wxvxtáxw Geraldine BLAKEMAN Regina DENMAN Jack HAZBOUN Fabiana KIM Jonathan LAMAR Juan PUENTES Margarita RIVAS Leonila Bautista SAPIN Doroteo VALENCIA Carlota VILLACORTA 8 N U E S T R A F E E N A C C I O N REFLEXION DE PASCUA Para los próximos domingo durante este tiempo de Pascua, vamos a compartir algunos pensamientos de los adultos que recibieron sus sacramentos de Iniciación en la Vigilia de Pascua. Lloyd Edward Watkins Fue confirmado por Padre Paul y su padrino Norm Reeder compartió sus bendiciones. Lloyd Hola. Mi nombre es Lloyd. Yo vine al programa RCIA en busca de un balance espiritual mejor en mi vida y lo encontré en el proceso. Durante los últimos siete meses del programa de RCIA los del equipo y mis compañeros candidatos de clase han puesto a prueba mi comprensión de lo que el verdadero significado de ser católico es, no solo en la “fe”, sino también en el espíritu de servicio a nuestro Señor. Después de recibir el bautismo y los santos sacramentos que realmente entendí lo que significa andar el camino con fe y del espíritu y ser un “hombre para los demás en servicio de Dios”. Gracias. PROTEGIENDO A NUESTROS NIÑOS Manual administrativo para la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles proveerá por primera vez un manual que reúne una amplia gama de recursos preexistentes, guías manuales y otras publicaciones para ofrecer una fuente completa de información sobre las políticas administrativas y procedimientos de la Arquidiócesis. Este nuevo recurso también incluye el capítulo 9, una sección especial que proporciona información detallada acerca de las políticas de la iniciativa, Safe Environment, los programas, procedimientos, formularios y otros recursos utilizados por la Arquidiócesis, para la protección de nuestros niños y jóvenes. Para más información, por favor visite: ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA “DESCUBRE A JESUS A TRAVES DE LAS ESCRITURAS” Los Días Martes de 7 a 9 de la noche Salón San José Para mas información favor de llamar a Minerva Sanchez (310) 530-9323 Teresa Carbajal (310) 326-3364 Ext. 16 N U E S T R A F E E N A C C I O N 9 DIA MUNDIAL DE ORACION POR LAS VOCACIONES En este Día Mundial de la 52a de Oración por las Vocaciones, el Papa reflexiona sobre el corazón de las vocaciones nuestra respuesta a la vocación que Dios nos da. Convertirse en un sacerdote o un hombre o una mujer religiosa no es principalmente nuestra propia decisión .... Más bien es la respuesta a una llamada y una llamada de amor.-Papa Francisco El cuarto domingo de Pascua nos ofrece la figura del Buen Pastor que conoce a sus ovejas: él las llama, él los alimenta y los guía. Durante más de cincuenta años, la Iglesia universal se ha celebrado este domingo como el Día Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones. De esta forma nos recuerda nuestra necesidad de orar, como el mismo Jesús dijo a sus discípulos, para que "el Señor de la mies envíe obreros a su mies" (Lucas 10: 2). El mandato de Jesús llegó en el contexto de su envío de misioneros. Llamó no sólo los doce apóstoles, pero otro setenta y dos discípulos que luego de enviado, de dos en dos, para la misión (cf. Lucas 10: 1-6). Puesto que la Iglesia "es por su propia naturaleza, misionera" (Ad gentes, 2), la vocación cristiana es necesariamente nace de la experiencia de la misión. Audición y siguiendo la voz de Cristo, Buen Pastor, significa dejándonos atraídos y guiar por él, en la consagración a él; esto significa permitir que el Espíritu Santo para atraernos a este dinamismo misionero, despertando en nosotros el deseo, la alegría y el coraje de ofrecer nuestra propia vida al servicio del Reino de Dios. Para ofrecer la vida en la misión es posible sólo si somos capaces de dejarnos atrás. Para leer el texto completo, consulte Siga que a "creencias-y-enseñanzas" a continuación, "vocaciones" y finalmente a "día mundial de oración por las vocaciones." Oración por las vocaciones: Dios, Padre nuestro, te damos gracias por llamar a hombres y mujeres para servir en el Reino de tu Hijo como sacerdotes, diáconos, religiosos y personas consagradas. Envía tu Espíritu Santo que nos ayude a responder con generosidad y valentía a su llamada. Que nuestra comunidad de vocaciones apoyo fe del amor sacrificial de nuestra juventud. Te lo pedimos por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que vive y reina contigo y el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén Lecturas de la Semana Lunes 27 de Abril 1a Lectura: Hechos de los Apóstoles 11:1-18 Evangelio: Juan 10:1-10 Martes 28 de Abril 1a Lectura: Hechos de los Apóstoles 11:19-26 Evangelio: Juan 10:22-30 Miércoles 29 de Abril Santa Catarina de Siena 1a Lectura: Hechos de los Apóstoles 12:24-13:5 Evangelio: Juan 12:44-50 Jueves 30 de Abril 1a Lectura: Hechos de los Apóstoles 13:13-25 Góspel: John 13:16-20 Viernes 1 de Mayo Primer Viernes 1a Lectura: Hechos de los Apóstoles 13:26-33 Evangelio: Juan 14:1-6 Sábado 2 de Mayo 1a Lectura: Hechos de los Apóstoles 13:44-52 Evangelio: Juan 14:7-14 Domingo 3 de Mayo 1a Lectura: Hechos de los Apóstoles 9:26-31 2a Lectura: 1 Juan 3:18-24 Evangelio: Juan 15:1-8 10 O U R P A R I S H I N A C T I O N Council 7864 Monday, April 27 8:15 AM—Mass in honor of these deceased Holy Name men: Jim DANIHER, Art HAPONSKI and Ernie PURDUM. Monday, April 27 6:30 PM Dinner and Gathering, St. Joseph Center 7 PM Rosary in Church 7:30 PM General membership meeting— including adoption of Holy Name By-Laws and nominations for board members, St. Joseph Center Holy Name is open to all men of our parish and school. To find out more about Holy Name, visit First Friday, May 1 7 PM Mass followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 8 PM to Midnight Sunday, May 3 9 to 11 AM Traffic Control—Confirm with Norman Guerrero (310) 534-5582 Wednesday, May 6 SMMC 5th to 7th graders: the K of C Scholarship Speech Contest Ask your teacher for details. REMINDER: Saturday, June 27 Annual Fund Raising Golf Tournament Los Verdes Golf Course, RPV Contact Dr. Noni Baculi (310) 326-3687 or Phil Talavera (310) 530-3058 Membership: Sunny Quezon (310) 381-9931 Insurance: Ernie Literte (310) 781-3048 St. Margaret Mary Do you love to knit or crochet? All are welcome to join us as we create and share in prayer. Wednesday, May 6th, 7 to 9 PM (call for location) Thursday, May 7th, 1:30 to 3 PM, St. Margaret Mary Room We accept donations in the form of gift cards for Joann’s or Michael’s to provide yarn and supplies. Please drop off at the Parish Office marked “Prayer Shawl Ministry”. For in-kind donations of yarn, Contact Cindy. For afternoon meetings, Cindy Powell (310) 539-6929 or [email protected] For evening meetings, Jean Kimball (310) 539-9059 or [email protected] To hear our speaker, who is a survivor of HUMAN TRAFFICKING Wednesday, May 6th, 7 PM Hegarty Hall It happens in our area even in today’s world. It’s hard to believe this can happen in our own community, but it goes on more than we know. It could be on your street. Come and listen to our speaker and find out how we can stop this. Our speaker is a survivor of this horrible social problem and she will share her story with us. It’s important that we learn more about this issue and how we can do something about it. Refreshments will be served. Questions? Call Elaine (424) 263-5133 O U R P A BULLETIN DEADLINE: FRIDAY NOON, 9 DAYS BEFORE YOUR ARTICLE WILL APPEAR. [email protected] READ YOUR BULLETIN FRIDAYS ONLINE ON OUR WEBSITE St. Margaret Mary DIRECTORY Website: Email: [email protected] Telephones: (310) 326-3364 (310) 539-1570 (fax) PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri, 8 AM—8 PM Saturday, 8 AM—5PM (Monday—Saturday closed Noon to 1 PM; Friday closed Noon to 5 PM) Sunday, 9 AM—1 PM STAFF Parish Administrator Deacon Dan Wallace, ext 42 Religious Education Joe Voigt, ext 17 Teresa Carbajal, ext 16 Youth Ministry Cheyenne Vasquez, ext 13 Christian Service Laura Nieto, ext 35 Religious Vocations Contact Parish Office for: All Sacraments Quiceañeras Anointing of the Sick Funeral Arrangements Registrations Volunteer Opportunities and all other questions PARISH SCHOOL Elisa Fernandez-Zimmerman, Principal (310) 326-9494 R I S H I N A C T I O N 11 PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN Archdiocese continues helping survivors of sexual abuse and their families Because the month of April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles wants to reiterate that it remains committed to helping survivors and their families heal and find peace. If you believe you or someone you know is a victim of sexual abuse by a Church employee or volunteer, contact the archdiocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator (213) 637-7650. Suzanne Healy is available to help and support. L. A. Archdiocese Assistance Ministry (213) 637-7650. HELP WANTED The Mary and Joseph Retreat Center in Rancho Palos Verdes has the following part-time employment opportunities: Host/Hostess Receptionist: Provide hospitality and assist guests, evenings and weekends. Receptionist position: Sydne (310) 377-4867 x 258 Cook: cooking and kitchen responsibilities kitchen custodian: assist staff with cleaning duties kitchen helper: assist in food preparation and cleaning Kitchen help: Macha (310) 377-4867 x 227 Hospitality Coordinator/Bookstore Manager welcome retreatants and visitors; do registration for retreats; maintin inventory of bookstore and place orders Bi-lingual applicants preferred. Hospitality/Bookstore: Annette (310) 377-4867 x 223 All applicants must be: available all days of the week including weekends for varied hours must be mature and responsible must enjoy interacting with people in general and with all types of groups. Si tu crees que tu vida se ha visto afectada por la forma de beber de otra persona, esa junta es para ti. Te invitamos al aniversario del grupo Al-Anon “Aprendiendo a Vivir” “Con la ayuda de este programa y mi Poder Superior asumiré la tarea de diseñar, moldear y escoger la forma de vida que quiero” ...en todas nuestras acciones. Tendremos el compartimiento del compañero: Salvador Valades de la ciudad de Mexico Cuando: Sábado 9 de Mayo del 2015, de 4 a 8 de la tarde Refrigerio de 4 a 5 de la tarde Donde: Iglesia Santa Margarita María, Salón “Hegarty” 25511 Eshelman Avenue, Lomita, CA 90717 Para mas información comunicarse con: Josefina (562) 316-4953, Theresa (310) 326-2879, Lety (310) 365-3581 SMM Pro-Vida estara vendiendo TARJETAS DEL DIA DE LA MADRE Con la copia de la pintura de Padre Paul Las tarjetas pueden ser personalizadas A la venta en el patio después de las Misas Solamente los días 26 de abril y 3 de Mayo También a la venta: TICKETS DE LA RIFA por $1.00 cada uno El ganador recibirá una cobija con la pintura de Padre Paul UPDATE 13 TOGETHER IN MISSION Together in Mission is a wonderful way for each of us and our Parish Community to reach out to our Catholic family throughout the Los Angeles Archdiocese who need our help and share the many blessings that we have been given at St. Margaret Mary’s. ALL MONEY GIVEN MUST, BY LAW, BE USED TO SUPPORT THE GOALS OF THIS PROGRAM AND CANNOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. Our Parish goal for Together in Mission this year is $130,200. As of April 16, 377 families in our community have pledged $97,484. Just $32,718 more is needed to meet this year’s goal. All money that is paid that exceeds our goal is returned to the parish and we put it into our Christian Service Program so, all donations to this program go directly to those who have a real need. If you have not made a pledge yet, please prayerfully consider doing so, envelopes are available in the pews or in the parish office. If you prefer to make a one-time donation, simply make a check (checks only please) payable to “Together In Mission” and put it in the collection basket. Thank you, Deacon Dan Wallace SMM Pro-Life is selling MOTHER’S DAY CARDS featuring Fr. Paul’s painting For sale in the patio after Masses only this weekend and the weekend of May 3rd Cards may be personalized. Also for sale: RAFFLE TICKETS $1 each Winner will receive a Beautiful blanket with Fr. Paul’s artwork. Proceeds from all sales benefit Pro-Life charities. Rosacruz Falla Parishioner BRE: 01707997 310-951-6181 Propiedades de Cementerio en desarrollo [email protected] Pre-developed Cemetery Property Ahorre 40% Discount “For all Your Real Estate Needs and Dreams” 10% of my commission donated to S.M.M. Church or your charity Hablo Español y será un honor poder ayudarlo 10% de mi comisión donado a Santa Margarita en su nombre Sal Correa Pre-Arrangement Counselor Llame Ahora-Call Today Una Cadena Con Tradicion y Buen Sabor [email protected] BUYYOUR YOURTAMALES, TAMALES. MENUDO BUY MENUDO CARNITAS DAILY CARNITAS&&MASA MASA FRESH FRESH DAILY Cell (310) 987-1104 Free Help with Your Enrollment Medical, Medicare and Medi-Cal Insurance Special Enrollment Ends April 30, 2015 2040 Lomita Blvd Lomita CA 90717 (310) 698-2311 Cristina Feingold Parishioner 310-533-9474 Mon - Fri 9am-9pm Sat 9am-6pm / Sun 10am-6pm Eat In or Take Out 300 E. Sepulveda, Carson La Bonita, Open 24 Hours (310) 834-4886 6035 Pacific BI., H.P. (323) 582-9222 16330 Pioneer Bl., Norwalk (562) 926-5802 2905 N. Durfee, El Monte (626) 444-0555 Diana’s Market 16529 S. Normandie Ave., Gardena (310) 329-7594 mention this ad and get $5 off any hair services FLORES WINDOWS &Best DOORS Best Replacement Price (310) 650-2815 FELIPE FLORES CSL#933382 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... • VINYL DUAL GLAZED • CALL FOR FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATES Saint Margaret Sunday Missal al nion Persoyner Compa r u o through 2030 Y Pra Designed to be 24/7 HELP Readings • Reflections • Prayers ........... In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • $39.95 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH • Dedicated to Providing Your Loved One Care & Comfort • Personal Care & Hygiene • Household Duties & Maintenance • Meal Preparation • Light Housekeeping • Se Habla Español ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Courses Offered: ACLS, PALS, BLS (Healthcare Provider), BASIC EKG/PHARMACOLOGY, NRP FREE CONSULTATION TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Cell Phone # 310-658-6825 888-340-1646 x103 Angelo Villanueva, RN *First Three Months Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Tel: 310.427.0883 Mobile: 310.989.3222 Low Stress Class, Cards/Certificates Given Same Day... Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. 309 East Carson Street Carson, CA 90745 (Corner of Dolores St./Carson St.) Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 513128 St Margaret Mary Church (B) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 stine’s Infant Car IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY e Chri ABOGADA DE Esta Planeando? • UNA BODA • UNA QUINCEAÑERA INMIGRACION CROWNE PLAZA - L.A. Harbor Hotel Le Ofrece: • Elegante Salones para su Banquete/Recepcion Para 50-350 invitados • Menus Apetitosos a Precios Rasonables • Meseros y Cantineros profesionales Ages 4 weeks to 21/2 Years License # 197419423 • Parishioner Para mas informacion llamenos (310) 521-8022 601 S. Palos Verdes Street, San Pedro ASSOCIATES DEGREE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT Infant care provided by a qualified, former infant teacher in South Torrance area. 310-891-0173 TRAIGA ESTE CUPON Y RECIBA $50 DE DESCUENTO EN SU BANQUETE MIKE BOTELLO Attorney At Law Wills • Probate Trusts • Real Estate B E N BAUTI STA* & AS S O C IATE S TAXES - IRS PROBLEMS - ACCOUNTING - PAYROLL *Licensed to practice before the IRS in all states $15 = 1040 EZ 316-6244 Torrance MEMBER: American Institute of CPAsNational Association of Enrolled Agents-Broker California Dept. of Real Estate-Philippine Bar. LOMITA PURE WATER & HAWAIIAN SHAVED ICE PARISHIONERS Always Hydrating, Always Delicious Harbor City, CA 90710 (310) 707-6312 (310) 987-7172 Harbor City Se Habla Español Consulta Gratis Benz ‘N Beamers Benz N Beamers is your one stop auto repair shop for any kind of car. FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR REPAIRS 21514 Main Street, Carson, CA 90745 Tel. 310-549-3242 Fax 310-549-5632 Purified • Ozone • Alkaline Ice • Accessories 1234 Lomita Blvd. Suite J FREE Consultation FREE Electronic Filing Law Office of Alena Ray Conrad, P.C. 6 MONTHS SAME AS CASH!!! ON APPROVED CREDIT Closed Monday Tue-Fri 10am-7pm Sat 10am-6pm Sun 10am-2pm We honor extended warranties! [email protected] Plumbing • Heating • Air Conditioning Senior Discounts • Free Estimates • Hablamos Español Moran Dental 310-539-9300 Green Hills Mortuary RICK SORIA, E.A. FD#1175 and Memorial Chapel 27501 S. Western Ave Rancho Palos Verdes (310) 831-0311 10% OFF ($25 Service or More) Enrolled Agent/Tax Services Parishioner Offices of S. B. Guzman If We Can’t Clean Your Drain For This Price... Frank León, Agent 727 W. Pacific Coast Hwy. Wilmington, CA 90744 Bus 310.518.8700 Parishioners 25322 Narbonne Ave. Lomita, CA 90717 A. M. Gamby Funeral Home Professional Drain Cleaning Tel: (310) 530-6290 (310) 325-1742 (310) 326-6343 • FD 716 • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL 1960 1/2 Pacific Coast Hwy. Lomita • 310.326.2343 Conveniently Located Within Green Hills Memorial Park 25001 Narbonne Ave. Lomita, CA 90717 License # 990504 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE • Excellent Workmanship • Expert Alterations • All Kinds of Tailoring Custom Tailoring for Men & Women 49 PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC. Lomita Tailors Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, $ Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening EXAM Kids Under 12 Braces, Gum Problems $39 & CLEANING 3600 Lomita Blvd. Suite 201-A • Torrance, CA 90505 • Advanced Funeral Planning • Serving All Faiths • Available 24 Hours • Service Discounts Clean Any Drain Clean Sewer FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Service the right way...right away. AUTO LOANS 2355 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 100, Torrance, CA 90501 310.320.4588 $59.00 $79.00 It’s FREE (Call For Details) License # 925060 Specializing in All Plumbing Services • Repipe • Tankless Water Heaters • Drain Repairs • Faucets, etc. • All Work Guaranteed • Senior Discounts • Lowest Prices MPD PLUMBING 310.489.7508 Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 • FRANK SCOTTO TOWING Se Habla Español Providing Insurance & Financial Services Auto • Home • Life • Business • Workers’ Comp “We care for your car as much as you do.” Health Ins. • Auto Loans Retirement Planning • College Savings 513128 St Margaret Mary Church (A) 310-326-1034 26122 Western Ave. Lomita, CA 90717 1750 W. 223rd Street Torrance, CA 90501 310-787-0208 Fax: 310-212-5714 Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 WORLD YOUTH DAY TO POLAND INFORMATION SESSION TODAY NEW HOURS: PARISH OFFICE The Parish Office is closed Fridays between Noon and 5 PM NEW FRIDAY HOURS ARE: Noon to 1 PM, Parish Center YOUTH, PARENTS AND CHAPERONES SHOULD ALL ATTEND. 8 AM to NOON and 5 to 8 PM THE BULLETIN IS AVAILABLE ONLINE EVERY FRIDAY, at You’ll find us under the “parish information” listing. While you’re there, why not check out all of the other interesting pages of St. Margaret Mary church information. We now include the weekly ads with our online bulletin so that you can easily find one of our local businesses. Please support these advertisers. Without them, there would be no bulletin. “Can you not watch one hour with Me?” We are reading... NO MAN IS AN ISLAND by Thomas Merton THIS Thursday, April 30th—7 PM Parish Center Lounge JOIN THE DISCUSSION! EVERYONE IS WELCOME whether or not you have read or finished the book. Questions? Call Flo (310) 328-8915 email: [email protected] In May: Sacred Threshold-Crossing the Inner Barrier to a Deeper Love by Paula D’Arcy For a Complete Schedule and Reading List: Click on ‘Community Life’ and then ‘Book Club’ All parishioners are welcome to spend an hour in adoration and prayer with Jesus. It will be the best time you will spend on this earth. Scott (310) 831-5093 or Gary (310) 991-2948 or email: [email protected] FIRST FRIDAY following the 7 PM Mass May to Saturday, May 2nd, 7 AM 1st,
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