SAINT CANERA CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. Ruben Restrepo, C.M. [email protected] 504 S. WASHINGTON NEOSHO, MO 64850 (417) 451-3411 (417) 451-3432 (fax) [email protected] 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 IV Domingo Tiempo Ordinario 1 de febrero DE 2015 MASS/MISAS SATURDAY/SABADO: 5:00pm., 7:00pm (Spanish), SUNDAY/DOMINGO: 8:00am WEEKDAYS/DIARIAS: Tues. (martes)-Fri. (viernes) 8:30am RECONCILIATION: (Saturday) 4:30pm., (Sunday) 7:30am. Any time by appointment Communally during Advent, Lent, and as scheduled. Saint Canera, patroness of Irish Sailors, is sitting in a boat with an oil lamp, the symbol of wisdom and virginity, with a monastery on an island in the background where she sought spiritual rest. She was refused entrance to the island but was given Eucharist just before she died. The shamrock speaks to her Irish ancestry. Parish Office/Oficina Monday (lunes) - Friday (viernes) 9-12; 1-4:30 WELCOME: If you are new to our parish we welcome you and invite you to become a member of Saint Canera. Registration forms can be found in the church or in the office. BIENVENIDOS: Si usted es nuevo en nuestra parroquia le demos la bienvenida y lo invitamos a hacerse miembro de Santa Canera. Las formas de registro se puede encontrar en el templo o en la oficina. INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Please call the parish office and ask for information on the RCIA program or send an e-mail to [email protected] ¿Quisieras ser católico? Por favor, llamar a la oficina de la iglesia y pedir información del programa RICA o envia un e-mail a [email protected] Sacrament of Marriage—contact the church office six months in advance. Baptism — contact or come by the church office for information on classes. Hospital visitation — contact the church office with name, location, and room number. Sacramento de matrimonio –Contacta la oficina parroquial seis meses antes. Bautismo—contacta o visita la oficina parroquial y pedir información de las clases de preparación. Visita al hospital — Contacta la oficina de la iglesia con nombre, lugar, y número de cuarto. MISSION STATEMENT The parish family of St. Canera sees as its mission to work together and in the larger community to know, love, and serve God. Based on Scripture, the sacraments, and our Roman Catholic tradition, we seek to recognize our dependence on God, grow spiritually, become images of Christ, educate adults and assist in educating children, and as God’s instruments, share our faith with and welcome others. MISION DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA La Familia Parroquial de Santa Canera considera que su misión es trabajar unidos e integrarse a la comunidad cristiana más amplia para conocer, amar, y servir a Dios. Fundamentados en la Escritura y en la Tradición de nuestra Iglesia Católica Romana, procuramos reconocer nuestra dependencia de Dios, crecer espiritualmente, convertirnos en imagen de Cristo, educar a los adultos y acompañar la educación de los niños y jóvenes; y, como instrumentos de Cristo, compartir nuestra fe y acoger a los otros. LECTURAS DE ESTE DOMINGO Primera Lectura: Deuteronomio 18, 15-20 Salmo: 94, 1-2. 6-7. 8-9 Segunda Lectura: 1 Corintios 7, 32-35 Evangelio: Marcos 1, 21-28 LECTURAS DEL PROXIMO DOMINGO Primera Lectura: Job 7, 1-4. 6-7 Salmo: 146, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6 Segunda Lectura: 1 Corintios 9, 16-19. 22-23 Evangelio: Marcos 1, 29-39 Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas, Este año hemos leído todo del Evangelio de Marcos en la mayoría de los domingos. Hoy nuestro Evangelio refleja bien el carácter del Evangelio de Marcos. Jesús es el "Santo de Dios". En cierto sentido, Marcos presenta a Jesús como una super estrella. Su Evangelio comienza con las palabras: ". Principio del evangelio de Jesucristo, el Hijo de Dios." Los apóstoles (que fueron llamados en el Evangelio de la semana pasada) sintieron el poder de Jesús y la autoridad de primera mano así como el nos enseña "con autoridad, "y luego tiene el poder de expulsar a los demonios. Antes de ser expulsado, el demonio anuncia que Jesús es el Santo de Dios. Veremos el asombro de la multitud muchas veces así como Marcos nos presenta a Jesús que enseñaba con autoridad y los poderosos milagros que hacía. El Evangelio de esta semana nos llama a ver a Jesús más que un profeta o un filósofo o simplemente un predicador itinerante. Él es el Santo, el Hijo de Dios. Marcos nos llama a la fe en el Hijo de Dios. ¿Vivimos nuestra vida en respuesta a la llamada de autoridad del Hijo de Dios en nuestras vidas? Una respuesta afirmativa a esta pregunta es lo que nos hace cristianos. Marcos, el evangelista nos llama a la fe en el Hijo de Dios. Respondemos al vivir una vida llena de fe en acción. Que podamos seguir sus pasos. Con cariño, P. Hank Rosario Guadalupano Cada Viernes 7:00 p.m. En el templo Parroquial Grupo de Oración Todos los domingos de 3:00-5:00 p.m. Venga y únase a nosotros para oír la Palabra de Dios, para rezar y cantarle las alabanzas al Señor. Misa—La Presentatión del Señor 6:30 PM Lunes, 2 de febrero Después de la Misa, vamos a celebrar la fiesta de la Candelaria con una convivencia en el Centro Parroquial. Todos son bienvenidos. ¡Te esperamos! Camp Re-NEW-All es para jóvenes católico en la diócesis, o aquellos interesados en fe, que estén entrando a los grados 5, 6, 7, 8, o 9 después del tiempo de campamento. Campamento a Roaring River (Cassville) Session 1C 29 de junio – 3 de julio Session 2C 6 de julio – 10 de julio Session 3C 13 de julio – 17 de julio Session 4C 20 de julio – 24 de Julio Session 5C 27 de julio – 31 de julio La cuota es $85.00 por campista. Nadie sera rechazado debido a incapacidad de pago. Los miembros del personal son necesarios también: Personal adulto (21 años de edad y más); Personal adulto joven (18-20 años); Escuela secundaria personal (10, 11, 12 menores de 18 años de edad). Las aplicaciones y más información para campistas y personal son en el vestibule. por sus generosos contribuciones a la Colecta para la Iglesia en América Latina. Reflexiones en Cuaresma ¡NO HAGA PROMESAS DE DEJAR CHOCOLATES Y DULCES ESTA CUARESMA! Mejor decida unirse a una pequeña comunidad de compartir la fe durante las seis semanas de Cuaresma y participe de “Reflexiones en Cuaresma”, leyendo las Escrituras y compartiendo sus experiencias de fe. Los pequeños grupos se reunirán toda las semanas por 90 minutes. Las sesiones comienzan después de miércoles de ceniza. ¡ Inscríbete hoy! Platicas Matrimoniales 1 de febrero Casa de piedra de 5:00 PM a 7:00 PM Favor no traer niños a la clase. Balance de la Construcción del Centro Parroquial Total recibidos para construcción: $597,918 Total compromisos no recibido: $91,835 Pago al préstamo hecho cada mes: $ 9,918 Total compromisos recibido en enero: $6,686 ¡Por favor recuerde su compromiso con la construcción. Necesitamos de sus pagos! Parish Center Building Fund Summary Building Project Total Expenses Paid: Original Loan (excludes interest): Outstanding Loan (excludes interest): Total Pledges: $ 714,435 $ 805,900 $ 395,865 $ 248,675 Pledge Payments Received (as of 1/26/2015): $371,995 Additional Building Fund Donations: $225,923 Total Building Funds Received: $597,918 Total Pledges past due (as of 1/26/2015): $91,835 Loan principal & interest due each month: $ 9,918 January Pledge pymnts received (as of 1/26/15): $6,686 PRESENTATION OF OUR LORD Mass at 6:30 PM Monday, February 2 Following the Mass, the Hispanic community is hosting a celebration in the Parish Center. Everyone is invited. A Note from the Knights of Columbus . . . The Knights will conduct their annual Roses for Life Campaign this weekend. Roses will be in the pews, please fill out the tag on a rose, remove the tag and give it to a Knight after Mass as you leave Church. As a supporter of life, please keep the rose and take it home. Also please say a daily Hail Mary for an end to abortion. Any donations received will be forwarded to the K of C Meet Life Campaign to end abortions. DON’T GIVE UP CHOCOLATE OR DESSERT THIS LENT! Instead join a small community for six weeks during Lent to participate in Lenten Longings to read Scripture and share your faith. Small groups will be meeting once a week for 90 minutes starting the week of February 22. Sign up today! The Jr. High Youth Group is selling baked goods after Mass. Please support their efforts to raise money for a trip to Silver Dollar City Young Christians’ Weekend. THE MIRROR….. ….Next weekend (Feb. 7-8) the second collection is for The Mirror. Coffee and donuts will be served after the 8 AM Mass. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS RECUERDE LAS SIGUIENTES PERSONAS EN SU ORACIÓN: Don Wall, Loren Olson, Cherri Link, Dorothy Mulik, Josephine Nault, Janet Ducommun, Margaret Patton, David Garnett, John Barnes, Gail Powers, Betty Lambertson, Roy Herndon, Patrick Cline, Frank Evers, Dr. Richard Betz, Marisol Aviles, George and Jo Martin, Linda Hogan, Matt Kissel (Names stay on list for four weeks, unless renewed.) Remember your donations for CROSSLINES ! SAVE THE DATE! BISHOP'S WALK for CATHOLIC CHARITIES of SOUTHERN MISSOURI The Bishop's Walk for Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri - Families Helping Families - will be held Sat., Mar. 21, 2015. Catholics in parishes throughout the diocese will walk on the same day at each parish to show and give support to our neighbors in need. Cost to participate will be a $10 suggested donation ($30 per family), and Tshirts will be included. Funds raised will be used to support Catholic Charities programs in each region. Make plans to join in the fun! More details to come. DIOCESAN YOUTH CONFERENCE (DYC) WEST PLAINS All youth of the diocese are invited to the Diocesan Youth Conference Mar. 27-30 in the West Plains Civic Center. Registration material is available on the Youth Ministry page of the diocesan Website. If your parish is not sending a group, we can match you with one that is. For more information, contact Katie Newton at (417) 866-0841, [email protected]. THANK YOU for your generous donations to the collection for the Church in Latin America. Camp Re-NEW-All is for Catholic young people in the diocese faith, who are going into the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th grade following the camp season. Schedule of camp sessions at Roaring River (Cassville): Session 1C June 29– July 3 Session 2C July 6 – 10 Session 3C July 13 – 17 Session 4C July 20 – 24 Session 5C July 27 – 31 The fee is $85 per camper. No one will be turned away because of inability to pay. Staff members are also needed: Adult Staff (age 21 and over); Young Adult Staff (18-20 years old during your session at camp); High School Staff (10th, 11th, 12th grade under 18 yrs.) Application forms for campers and staff are in the vestibule, and starting Feb. 6 on the diocesan website at (go to the Youth Ministry Page and follow the link to Camp ReNEW-All.) PARISH STAFF PASTOR REV. RUBEN D. RESTREPO, C.M. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DEBBIE GORHAM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS JERRY MAHAN (451-7919) PCCW (WOMEN’S GROUP) DIANE STROUSS PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION (PSR) CASEY BURKHART HENSON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS RALPH FREDERICK BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Please bring written announcements to the church office or email to [email protected] by 9 AM Tuesday Saturday—January 31 5:00 PM +Bob Bradley (Butterfield) 7:00 PM Rose Heaser (80th birthday) Sunday—February 1 8:00 AM Fr. Hank Grodecki (S. Rigdon) Monday—February 2 6:30 PM Peace in the Mideast Tuesday—February 3 8:30 AM +Loretta Schweiger (R. O’Neill) Wednesday-February 4 8:30 AM Victor Kezele (S. Rigdon) Thursday—February 5 8:30 AM +Eileen A. McAuliffe Friday—February 6 8:30 AM +Henry Sumter (S. Rigdon) Saturday-February 7 5:00 PM Parish Family 7:00 PM +David Heaser (R. Heaser) Sunday—February 8 8:00 AM +Ruth Clark (S. Rigdon) SCRIPTURE FOR THIS SUNDAY 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm: 95:1-2, 6-7, 7-9 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Gospel: Mark 1:21-28 SCRIPTURES FOR WEEKDAYS Luke 2:22-40 Mark 5:21-43 Mark 6:1-6 Mark 6:7-13 Mark 6:7-13 Mon: Malachi 3:1-4; Heb.2:14-18 Tue: Hebrews 12:1-4 Wed: Hebrews 12:4-7, 11-15 Thu: Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24 Fri: Hebrews 13:1-8 SCRIPTURE FOR NEXT SUNDAY 1st Reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Psalm: 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 My dear sisters and brothers, This year we read primarily from the Gospel of Mark on most Sundays. Today our Gospel reflects well the character of Mark’s Gospel. Jesus is the “Holy One of God”. In a sense, Mark portrays Jesus as a Superstar. His Gospel starts with the words: “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” The apostles (who were called in the Gospel of last weekend) experience Jesus’ power and authority firsthand as he teaches “with authority,” and then has the power to cast out demons. Before being cast out, the demon announces that Jesus is the Holy One of God. We will see the amazement of the crowds many times as Mark depicts Jesus’ authoritative teaching and his powerful miracles. The Gospel this week calls us to see Jesus as more than a prophet or a philosopher or just an iterant preacher. He is the Holy One, the Son of God. Mark calls us to faith in the Son of God. Do we live our lives in response to the authoritative call of the Son of God in our lives? An affirmative answer to this question is what makes us Christian. Mark the evangelist calls us to belief in the Son of God. We respond by living a faith-filled life in action. May the help us to follow in his footsteps. With fond affection, Fr. Hank WEB SITE Bulletins * Schedules * Information Remember when you are considering your will to think about including the parish among your beneficiaries. Planned giving involves leaving something for the next generation of Catholics at St. Canera. Your support will make the difference. Thursday daily Masses are in the chapel (Wilma Hahn Room). After the celebration of the Mass we have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (9:00 AM to 12:00 noon & 1:00 PM to 4:30PM). Everyone is welcome to come for silent prayer and reflection. COMING EVENTS 1/31-2/1 Jr. High Youth Bake Sale 2/2 The Presentation of Our Lord 2/5 Knights of Columbus meeting 2/11 PCCW Eat-Out Night 2/18 Ash Wednesday YOUR GIFTS FOR THE PARISH TO FURTHER GOD’S WORK REGULAR COLLECTION CHURCH IN LATIN AMERICA OUR FISCAL YEAR TOTAL $ 2,327 $721 $ 71,893
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