St. Bartholomew Church 4949 W. Patterson Ave.

St. Bartholomew Church
4949 W. Patterson Ave.  Chicago, Illinois 60641
773-286-7871 
St. Bartholomew Parish is a faith-filled people, guided by the Holy Spirit and the Gospel, striving to hear and
spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all…
to CELEBRATE together because the Lord is in our midst and dwelling within us.
to CARE about each other, sharing our joys and sorrows.
to GROW in awareness of Jesus, alive and active in our lives.
to INVITE everyone to share in one another’s goodness, talents, hopes and visions.
The people of God at St. Bartholomew REACH OUT to all because we need each other.
April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday
Page 2
¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! Ahora podemos decirlo en voz alta. “¡Aleluya!” La Pascua es la
mayor razón por la cual celebramos la vida misma. Tal como la Navidad, es el principio de toda
la vida en Cristo, la Pascua, para nosotros los cristianos, es el final del mismo de antes y la
nueva vida de vivirse en la persona de Cristo, o al menos así es como debería ser. Estamos para
ser Cristo nosotros mismos, a ser Cristo uno al otro y a los que están más allá de nuestro alcance
en nuestra fe. Como católicos, "no somos la expresión de una estructura o de una necesidad
organizacional: incluso con el servicio de nuestra autoridad estamos llamados a ser un símbolo
de la presencia y la acción del resucitado Señor y por lo tanto para construir la comunidad de
amor" ("Dar todo" título de la homilía que dio el Papa Francisco en la profesión de la fe con los
obispos de la Conferencia Italiana Episcopal el 23 de mayo 2013). Esta reflexión humilde de
nuestro muy amado Papa Francisco nos hace pensar una vez más sobre quiénes somos y que
estamos llamados a ser fieles discípulos de Cristo, nuestro Señor resucitado.
Sin duda, este año ha sido un invierno intenso, especialmente cómo experimentamos el frío duro al principio del año.
Pero ahora, al celebrar la Pascua estamos listos para incorporarnos a la suave brisa de la nueva vida que nos rodea con
clima primaveral oficialmente marcando la transición para un verano hermoso. Podemos decir que la Pascua es aquel
momento en que marchamos hacia la plena primavera que cada año nos libera de la esclavitud del frio y la hibernación
de actividades interiores. Finalmente, la vida parece surgir como los narcisos tempranos rompen el suelo, los tulipanes, y
jacintos hacen presencia así como con su belleza para colorear nuestros jardines. Sí, decimos nuestro último adiós al
invierno y le echamos un vistazo con nostalgia a los bruscos cambios en el ritmo de vida.
Hay una gran conmoción de la nueva vida inspirada en el espíritu que nos llevamos con nosotros mismos cuando hemos
de comprender y captar el mensaje de Nuestro Señor y Salvador. Por lo menos podemos decir que entendemos mejor, a
través de los ojos de la fe, lo que Jesús realmente se refirió al decir que "resucitaré de la muerte," a diferencia de los
discípulos de Jesús que no captaron en absoluto el significado de “resucitaré de la muerte”. ¡Sí, somos gente de Pascua!,
y en virtud de ello, muchas familias se reúnen en sus iglesias, los católicos y otras denominaciones, a orar y a vivir esta
gran alegría de haber sido redimido. Lo único que deberíamos luchar es contra el mal, y entender que lo que nos puede
separar de Cristo no es de Dios, pero viene de la fuerza negativa que corrompe el mundo que nos rodea. Pero aún
estamos completamente creados con la gracia redentora de Dios contra todo mal y el pecado ya no tiene poder sobre
nosotros. Tenemos que creerlo y aceptarlo en nuestros corazones que nosotros somos gente de Pascua que tiene nueva
vida en Cristo que nos eleva. En todo momento tendemos volver a los viejos hábitos y maneras de hacer las cosas,
reaccionando a situaciones, intercambiando mal humores del cónyuge, llegando a ser intolerante e impaciente con
nuestros hijos, siendo agresivo hacia los demás, faltando el respeto a los que pasamos por alto y muchas otras actitudes
que pueden atraer a nuestra naturaleza pecaminosa. Pero una vez más, en el umbral de todo, Jesús nos invita a
permanecer siendo "gente de Pascua". En el relato de la resurrección del Evangelio de Juan, María Magdalena se
preocupa sobre el cuerpo del Señor, temiendo que fue robada durante la noche por alguien, pero al ser informados por
Magdalena, Pedro y Juan corren, rápidamente para ver lo que ha ocurrido y Pedro entra en la sala mortuoria donde había
sido puesto el cuerpo del Señor.
Al fin, ven las pruebas que corrige su comprensión borrosa de lo que "resucitar de la muerte" significaba. Ambos creen
y llevan la buena noticia a los otros discípulos. Siempre es una gran idea y se convierte en una realidad, cuando nos
situamos en la historia del Evangelio junto a Pedro y a Juan con el fin de ver por nosotros mismos, que Jesús ha
resucitado y no es sólo la tumba vacía que les ayuda a creer, pero también el paño enrollado que cubría la cabeza
(colocada aparte de la ropa que cubría el cuerpo), que les hace darse cuenta de que Jesús ha tomado vida nuevamente.
Cuando entramos en escrituras sagradas en nuestras propias historias, podemos decir que estábamos allí, con María
Magdalena, con Pedro y Juan cuando aceptan el triunfo final sobre la muerte y entienden el significado de lo que
"resucitar de la muerte" significa.
Que Dios nos ayude a mantener el espíritu de la Pascua por un tiempo muy largo. Feliz Pascua a todos y espero que
siempre mantengamos nuestra unidad en la fe, en amor y perdón.
Padre Ric
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Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Now we can say it out loud! “Hallelujah!!!” Easter is the
greatest reason why we celebrate life itself. Just as Christmas is the beginning of all life in
Christ, Easter is for all Christians the end of the old self and the beginning of the new life to
be lived in the person of Christ, or at least that’s what it should be. We are to become Christ
ourselves, to be Christ to one another and to those beyond the grasp of our faith. As
Catholics, “we are not the expression of a structure or of an organizational need: even with
the service of our authority we are called to be a sign of the presence and action of the risen
Lord, and thus to build up the community of love” (“Giving All” title of the Homily Pope
Francis gave at the Profession of Faith with the Bishops of the Italian Episcopal Conference
on May 23, 2013). This humble reflection of our much loved Pope Francis makes us think
once again about whom we really are and who we are called to be, faithful Disciples of
Christ, our Risen Lord.
It surely has been an intense winter season this year, especially how we experienced the tough cold at the beginning
of it. Now as we celebrate Easter we are ready to merge with the gentle breeze of new life around us. As Spring
weather officially approaches to stay, serving as a transitory moment to a beautiful Summer. We can say that Easter
is that time when we gear towards full springtime which every year liberates us from the bondage of cold and
indoor hibernating activities. Finally, life seems to spring up as the early daffodils break the ground, tulips, and
hyacinths make presence as well with their beauty to color our gardens. Yes, we say our final farewell to winter as
we turn around and nostalgically glance at the rapid change in the rhythm of life.
There is this great commotion of the new inspired life in the spirit that we take with ourselves when we fully
understand and grasp the message of our Savior and Lord. At least we can say for ourselves that we understand
better, through the eyes of faith, what Jesus really meant by saying that he “will rise from the dead,” unlike Jesus’
disciples who did not quite grasp the concept of what “rising from the dead” meant. Yes, we are Easter People! And
by virtue of it, many families gather in their churches, Catholics and other Denominations, to pray and to
experience this great joy of having been redeemed. The only thing we stand together against is evil, and we fully
understand that anything that may separate us from Christ is not from God, but comes from the negative force that
corrupts much of the world around us. But even against all evil we stand fully vested with the redeeming grace of
God and sin no longer has power over us. We need to believe that and embrace it in our hearts if we are Easter
People that have new life in Christ, who lifts us up. At every moment we tend to go along with the old habits and
ways of doing things, reacting to situations, reciprocating moods of the spouse, becoming intolerant and impatient
with our children, aggressiveness towards others, disrespectful with those we overlook, and many other attitudes
that may appeal to our sinful nature. But once again, at the threshold of all that, Jesus invites us to remain being
“Easter People”. In the Resurrection account of the Gospel of John, Mary Magdalene becomes concerned about the
body of the Lord, fearing that it was stolen during the night by someone; upon being informed by Mary Magdalene,
Peter and John run fast to see what has taken place and enter the burial chamber where the Lord’s body had been
laid. To their surprise, they only see the evidence that corrects their blurred-up understanding of what the “rising
from the dead” meant. They both believe and, in turn, bring the good news to the other disciples.
It is always a great thought and becomes a reality, when we place ourselves in the Gospel story-running along with
Peter and John so as to see for ourselves that in fact, Jesus is risen. It is not only the empty tomb that helps them
believe and become coherently sane, but it was also the rolled up cloth that covered the head (placed apart from the
larger linen that covered the body), that makes them realize that Jesus has taken life again. When we enter Sacred
Scriptures through our own story, we can say that we were there - with Mary from Magdala, with Peter and John when they accept the final triumph over death and fully grasp the meaning of what “rising from the dead” means.
May God help us to keep the spirit of Easter for a very long time. Happy Easter to all and may we always keep our
unity in faith and live in love and forgiveness.
Fr. Ric
Page 4
Mark your calendar and come fill the tables
Taste of St. Bartholomew
Saturday, April 18, 2015
5:00 PM - Mass
4:00-8:00 PM - Taste
Krueger Hall, 4910 W. Addison St.
Adults: $10.00
Children under 12: $5.00
Celebrate our heritage, our hospitality, and our great
cooking skills! Don’t miss the fantastic array of
foods from our wonderfully diverse community!
An Invitation to Volunteer
The Taste of St. Bartholomew is looking for a few
willing volunteers. Do you love to cook? Do you
love to celebrate & share your heritage? If you have
no time to cook - would you donate a few 2 liters of
Pop/Soda/Juice or water bottles? Would you be able
to help Serve or Greet? Please contact Maria El
Bekai 312-550-5148
Or the St. Bartholomew
Rectory at 773-286-7871 if you can help out.
Thank you for your generosity!
Balance the Budget Raffle
Drawing at the Taste of St. Bartholomew
April 18 - Donation $5.00 per raffle ticket
1st Prize
2 Prize
Restaurant Goer Basket
3rd Prize
Movie Goer Basket
Book Worm Basket
Winner need not be present.
But why miss the fun!
Tickets will be available after the Sunday Masses,
at the Rectory, School & Religious Ed. Offices.
Anote su calendario y venga a llenar las mesas
El Sabor de San Bartolome
Sabado, 18 de Abril, 2015
5:00 PM - Misa
4:00-8:00 PM - El Sabor
Krueger Hall, 4910 W. Addison St.
Adultos: $10.00
Niños menores de 12 años: $5.00
¡Celebre nuestra herencia, nuestra hospitalidad y
nuestras habilidades culinarias! ¡No se pierda la
fantástica variedad de comidas de nuestra
maravillosa y diversa comunidad!
Una Invitación para Voluntarios
Necesitamos voluntarios para El Sabor de San
Bartolomé. ¿Le gusta cocinar? ¿Le gusta celebrar y
compartir su cultura? ¿Si no tiene tiempo para
cocinar podría donar unos 2 litros de gaseosas/
refrescos/jugo o botellas de agua? ¿Podría ayudar a
servir o recibir a los asistentes? Por favor
comuníquese con Maria El Bekai al 312-550-5148 o
la Rectoría de San Bartolomé al 773-286-7871.
¡Gracias por su apoyo generoso!
Rifa para Balancear el Presupuesto
El Sabor de San Bartolomé
18 de abril, 2015 - Donación $5.00
1er premio
2do premio Canasta-Restaurante
3er premio Canasta-Película
4to premio Canasta-Libros
El ganador no necesita estar presente.
¡Pero por qué perderse la diversión!
Boletos están disponibles en la rectoría, la oficina
de la escuela, la oficina de educación religiosa o
después de todas las Misas del domingo.
Divine Mercy Sunday
April 12, 2015
3:00PM Prayer Service
All are invited and encouraged to come and pray The
Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00PM on Sunday, April
12 in the Chapel, (lower church).
Movie Night!!
The Catholic Women’s Guild invites all parishioners,
men as well as women, to a Movie Night!
Title: The Way (PG 13)
Date: Friday, April 10
Where: Krueger Hall, 4910 W. Addison St.
When: Doors open at 6:30PM.
Movie starts at 7:00PM
Free and we provide the popcorn!
The movie was released in 2010. It stars Martin
Sheen and Emilio Estevez.
Please join us.
If you forgot your Rice Bowl today Please return your family’s Catholic Relief
Rice Bowl to the basket in the front of
church by next weekend. Thank you!
Sunday Mass Attendance Count /
Total de Misa Dominical
March 21-22, 2015
To get a better sense of Mass attendance we are
taking an informal Mass count all year long.
Estaremos tomando un conteo informal de la
asistencia a Misa para tener un mejor sentido de la
asistencia a lo largo del año.
Page 5
El Domingo de la
Divina Misericordia
12 de abril del 2015
Servicio de oración 3:00PM
Todos están invitados a venir y rezar la La Capilla de
la Divina Misericordia a las 3:00PM el domingo, 12
de abril. (Será en Ingles.)
Por favor devuelva su alcancía
“Operación Plato de Arroz” de Catholic
Relief a la canasta al frente de la iglesia
no más tardar del próximo fin de semana.
Renovación Carismática Católica
El Grupo de Servidores de la Renovación
Carismática Católica de San Bartolomé invita a todas
las personas a compartir juntos la palabra de Dios en
el círculo de oración. Todos los sábado en la capilla
comenzando a las 7:00PM con el Santo Rosario y a
las 7:30PM con el círculo de oración. Te esperamos
con AMOR.
Devotional Opportunities
Every Tuesday, the Rosary is recited and prayers are
prayed for World Peace at 6:00PM in the Rectory. All
parishioners and friends are invited to join us.
All are invited every Tuesday morning to the Novena of
Our Lady of Fatima after the 8:30AM Mass.
All are invited to the 48 Hour Exposition and Adoration
of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday, 9:00AM until
Saturday, 8:00AM in the Mater Dei Chapel.
Mass Schedule
Saturday English Anticipatory Mass: 5:00PM
Sunday English Masses: 9:00 & 11:00AM
Missas Dominical Español: 7:00AM y 1:00PM
Mon.– Sat. Weekday Masses: 8:30AM
Holy Day Masses: 8:30AM, l0:00AM (school year) and
7:00PM (Bilingual)
Page 6
Remember to Pray…
for all the sick, suffering,
handicapped and lonely of St. Bartholomew, especially:
Monday, April 6, 2015
8:30 AM - Ferdinand Gonzalez req by Maria Ramirez
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
8:30 AM - Nicholas Jarding
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
8:30 AM - Helen Lanyi
Thursday, April 9, 2015
8:30 AM - Niven Beluso Jr. req by family
Friday, April 10, 2015
8:30 AM - Tomás Roman
Saturday, April 11, 2015
8:30 AM - Parishioners of St. Bartholomew
1:00 PM - Quince - Ayreli Soberanis
2:00 PM - Chapel - Memorial Mass - Carmen Vega
5:00 PM - Gerry Kosinski req by John & Linda Meilinger
- Ralph, Al & Yolanda Melone req by family
- Patricia Molotla req by family
Sunday, April 12, 2015 - Second Sunday of Easter
7:00 AM - Modesto Mora & Julia Barbecho req by family
- Ferdinand Garcia req by Maria Ramirez
- All Our Faithful Departed
9:00 AM - Lucille Figiel req by Carol & Rich Van Durme
- Clara Pawlicki req by daughter, Joan Zalesny
- Michael & Agnes Stiava
req by the Stiava & Fostiak Families
11:00 AM - Loretta Wagner req by Bob & Mary Ludtke
- Marjorie Doyle req by The Rohn Family
- Rubimar Monet req by Parents
1:00 PM - Ruben Corral req by family
- Ramon Martinez req by Fr. Ric & Parish Staff
- Health Intentions - Consuelo Ocampo
req by Mom
Wedding Banns
I - Doris M. Jimenez & William Hernandez Jr.
Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11;
Mt 28:8-15
Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22;
Jn 20:11-18
Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35
Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48
Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a;
Jn 21:1-14
Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21;
Mk 16:9-15
Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24;
1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31
Carmen Agosto
Bryan Ayala
Cindy Bialk
Lillian Borrayo
Bienvenido Bendicion
Donald Bonnem
David Brown
Fr. George Cerny
Francisca Chavez
Patrick Collins
Patrick Connors
Lilia Corral
Maria Corral
Wilhelmina Donzella
Janet Espinosa
Minerva Fernandez
Anne Foy
Phillip Gagliano
Diane Gazda
James Gazda
Cardinal Francis
Evelyn Gumler
Ed Johns
Pat Johns
Barry E. Johnson
Marge Jones
Ellen Kelly
Gerard Kurek
Lorraine Kurek
Florence Kuss
Joe Lajb
Rosa Lara
Adeline Lewanski
Consuelo Lopez
Irene Maldonado
Henry Marchionne
Mary Marinoff
Cleto Martinez
John McNulty
Alejandro Mendoza
June Miller
Jean Morris
Pat Noonan
Estrella Odulia
Joseph Parisi
Jeremy Poblete
Greg Potrafka
Laura Pyrzynski
Gloria Rizzi
Therese Roberts
Lorenza Rodriguez
Lupita Rodriguez
Angelica Rosalanda
Luis Saltos
Louis Samartino
Mary Santiago
Donna Schommer
Joan Seidel
Mike Shapiro
Jean Spisak
Carmen Torres
Christ Trost
Edita Tolentino
Rich Van Durme
Catherine Wolek
Maria Luisa Wyskiel
Mary Zgonina
Ed Ziecina
Rest in Peace... Tomás Roman
Please pray for all the deceased members of our parish.
Remember to Pray…
for the protection & safety
of all our family and friends serving in the Armed Forces.
Eric Baksin
Hector Chahin
Paul Cruz
Rev. Chris Doering
Robert Douglas
Francisco Figueroa
Jonathan Figueroa
Antonio Flores
America Galicia
Christian Garicia
Fernando Guzman
Valerie Hague
Rosalinda Jaime
Jason Jantke
James Jorgensen
Tre La
Diego Medina
Lillian Morales
Ivon Perez
Jorge Perez
De Jesus
Kirk Perisin
Mike Pretto
Karla Rosas
Jessica Salgado
Andres Saltos
Mirian Sarabia
Scott Storr
Anthony Urankar
Marco Watkins
Christopher Ryan
Andrew Wiener
Zachary Wiener
Emanuel Zambrano
Matthew Zwolinski
Turn a good marriage into a great marriage. Rediscover the
“spark” that was there on your wedding day. Marriage
Encounter Weekends have fostered growth in the married life
of thousands of couples. How about your marriage? The next
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend for the Chicago/
Northwest Indiana area is April 17-19, 2015, all at Elk Grove
Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For
reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or
contact us through
For information in Spanish contact Javier y Gaby Vargas (630)
621-8984 [email protected], or Gerardo y Adriana
Vargas (708) 484-9276.
Page 7
The Women’s Centers of Greater Chicagoland
5116 N. Cicero Ave., Chicago, IL
Dear Fr. Castillo,
St. Bartholomew parish collected a total of
$3,753.25 for The Women’s Center in the 2015 Baby
Bottle Project! The support and generosity of your
parish is a true blessing to The Women’s Center. It
is wonderful that you believe in our mission of
defending the lives of the unborn.
The money raised by the Baby Bottle Project
allows us to provide real, practical assistance to the
women and babies we serve. We have over 3,500
appointments every year and give away over
$1,000,000 in material goods.
We want to express to you, Sheila & John
McNulty , the staff, the parishioners, Principal
Martin Graham-McHugh. Mary Ellen O’Brien and
everyone involved our sincere appreciation.
Congratulations and thanks again!
Sincerely in Christ,
Mary A. Strom, Executive Director
Nicolette F. Larsen, Project Manager
Reconciliation : 4:00 to 5:00 PM every Saturday.
Baptism: During pregnancy or after birth, parents are
expected to attend a Baptismal Preparation meeting held on the
first Sunday of the month at 12:30PM. Baptisms are
celebrated on the fourth Sunday of every month at 2:30PM.
For information and registration for class and Baptism times,
please telephone the rectory 773-286-7871.
Marriage: For pre-marriage preparation and to assure the
wedding date you prefer, please call the Rectory at least six
months in advance before confirming a reception hall.
Communion, Confirmation and Conversion for Adults:
Please call the rectory for an appointment.
Communion, Confirmation and Conversion for
children: Please call the Coordinator of Religious Education.
All children should be enrolled in R.E. 1st - 8th grades.
Communion to the homebound: Please call the parish
office with information about those who are shut-ins or sick so
that visits may be made. In an emergency situation, please call
immediately at any hour.
Anointing of the Sick and Funerals: Please call the
rectory if your family member is sick and needs the Anointing
of the Sick, or when a family member dies, so that the parish
priests may minister to your needs and assist you in planning
the Funeral Liturgy. This includes the Wake Service, the
Eucharistic Liturgy and the final commitment at the Cemetery.
Estimado Padre Castillo,
¡La parroquia San Bartolomé recaudó un total
de $3,753.25 para el Centro de Mujeres a través de la
campaña de biberones 2015! El apoyo y la
generosidad de su parroquia es una verdadera
bendición para el Centro de Mujeres. Es maravilloso
que cree en nuestra misión de defender la vida del
El dinero recaudado de la campaña de
biberones nos permite proporcionar asistencia real y
práctica a las mujeres y los bebes que servimos.
Tenemos más de 3,500 citas cada año y damos más
de $1,000,000 en artículos.
Queremos expresar a usted, a Sheila y John
McNulty, a su personal, los feligreses, el director de
la escuela, a Mary Ellen O’Brien y todos los
involucrados, nuestro sincero agradecimiento.
¡Felicidades y muchas gracias!
Sinceramente en Cristo,
Mary A. Strom, Directora Ejecutiva
Nicolette F. Larsen, Gerente de proyecto
Reconciliación: Cada Sabado a las 4:00PM.
Bautismos: Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse y señalar la
fecha de la clase de preparación y la fecha de Bautizo.
Siempre celebramos el Bautismo el segundo domingo de cada
mes, a las 2:30PM inmediatamente después de la Misa de la
1:00PM. La clase de preparación se lleva a cabo el primer
sábado de cada mes a las 3:00 de la tarde, para padres y
padrinos en la Rectoría. No traer niños, por favor. Los
padrinos deben ser mayores de 16 años, católicos y haber
recibido los sacramentos del bautizo, confesión, comunión y
confirmación. Aquellos que viven en unión libre NO pueden
ser padrinos.
Matrimonios, Quinceañeras: Llamar a la Rectoría y
preguntar por el Padre Castillo seis meses antes de la
ceremonia y antes de contratar restaurante, debe reservar la
fecha en la parroquia.
Comunión, Confirmación o Conversión para Adultos:
Llamar a la Rectoría.
Comunión, Reconciliación o Confirmación para
Niños: Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse en las clases de
Educación Religiosa. Todos los niños deben asistir a clases
desde el primer grado hasta el octavo grado.
Entierros: Llamar a la Rectoría.
Presentación: Se realizará el primer domingo de cada mes,
cuando el niño cumpla los cuarenta días o tres años de edad
Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse una semana antes.
Page 8
School News Thank You!
Noticias de la Escuela ¡Gracias!
St. Bartholomew School Parent Club would like to
thank all the parishioners that have supported the
Parent Club fundraisers and generously contributed
to raising funds for our school.
The dining
fundraiser nights (Panera, Chipotle, Bakers Square,
and Gale Street Inn) have been a huge success and
have generated over $1,700 for the school! In
addition to these Parent Club fundraisers, your
continued efforts with the BoxTops for Education®,
Labels for Education®, TerraCycle (Caprisun),
Target Take Charge of Education®, Manna
Certificates, and Market Day are greatly appreciated.
El Club de Padres de la escuela San Bartolomé
quisiera dar las gracias a todos los feligreses que han
apoyado los eventos del Club de Padres y
generosamente contribuyeron a recaudar fondos para
nuestra escuela. ¡Las noches de restaurantes (Panera,
Chipotle, Bakers Square, and Gale Street Inn) han
sido un gran éxito y han generado más de $1,700
para la escuela! Además de estos eventos del Club de
Padres, sus continuos esfuerzos con los programas
Box Tops for Education®, Labels for Education®,
TerraCycle (Caprisun), Target Take Charge of
Education®, los certificados Manna (tarjetas de
regalo) y Market Day son muy apreciados.
May God bless and reward you abundantly for all
your goodness and support of our parish school!
Help St. Bartholomew School by
collecting and saving General Mills Box
Tops. Boxtops for Education are found
on many products.
Clip your Campbell Soup Label UPC’s
(or provide entire label). Both Box Tops
and Campbell Soup Labels can be
dropped off at the school office or the Rectory.
¡Que Dios los bendiga y les recompense
abundantemente por toda su bondad y apoyo de
nuestra escuela parroquial!
Don’t pay with cash / Pay with Manna gift certificates
and earn 2-5% for every gift card. No extra cost to you
and it’s an easy way to help support St. Bartholomew
School. Over 100 vendors available such as Jewel,
Walgreens, Macy’s, Kohl’s, Target, Kmart, Sears, Best
Buy, Wal-Mart, BP, Shell, Exxon, and many more of
your favorites.
For your convenience certificates are available for
purchase M-F from 9AM-2PM at the school office. For
more information go to
March 21 - 22, 2015
5:00pm Envelopes..............$553.00 11:00am Envelopes ...... $1,090.50
Loose .....................$63.00
Loose................. $214.01
7:00am Envelopes ............$259.00 1:00pm Envelopes .......... $597.00
Loose ...................$288.60
Loose................. $752.72
9:00am Envelopes...........$1,002.75 Mail In Envelopes ........... $180.00
Loose ...................$161.40
Loose..................... $0
All Masses ........................$5,161.98
GiveCentral................................... $890.67
TOTAL ...................................... $6,052.65
BUDGETED GOAL.................. $6,200.00
Difference .................................... ($147.35)
14-15 Budgeted Goal to Date ............... $235,600.00
14-15 Actual to Date............................. $225,019.33
Difference ............................................. ($10,580.67)
Thank you for your stewardship! Special thanks to those who used
collection envelopes and to those who recently increased their weekly
Offertory Collection contribution. If you did not remember to bring your
collection envelope today, please use the envelope available from the usher.
Welcome New Parishioners! Please register at the Rectory as soon as
possible. You may register either in person or by phone (773-286-7871)
Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
Easter Collection
As is the custom at St. Bartholomew, the
first collection will be our regular Sunday
collection and the second collection will
be our Annual Easter Collection. Thank
you for your generosity.
Colecta de Pascua
Como es costumbre en San Bartolomé,
este fin de semana la primera colecta será
nuestra colecta dominical regular y la
segunda colecta será nuestra colecta anual
de la Pascua. Gracias por su generosidad.
School Loan 06/07 .............. .$31,669.34
School Loan 10/11 .............. .$28,836.10
School Loan 11/12 .............. .$16,244.11
Parish Loan 11/12 ............... .$21,654.74
Parish Unpaid 12/13Rev. .... .$69,813.89
Parish Unpaid 13/14Rev. .. .$102,668.55
School Unpaid 13/14Rev. . .$136,223.98
Interest owed Arch Asmnt.
Unpaid Bills as of 2/22........ .$34,560.00
CTC Loan.......................... .$155,861.49
2013/14 Total Loans &
Unpaid Arch. Bills ............ .$597,532.20
Welcome Visitors! We welcome you to our Parish Family. We hope that
you will worship with us weekly.
Please remember St. Bartholomew when planning your will.
Thank You for your continued support!
Page 9
Building Fund
July 1, 2014 Balance ............. .$3,817.63
Collected 14/15 ..................... .$7,748.65
Interest 14/15...........................$
Otis Annual Elv. Maint ........($3,031.41)
Murphy & Miller..................($5,969.00)
Balance.................................. .$2,565.87
Participate in Electronic Giving.. was created with input from Parishes in Chicago as a customized online giving program. is a secure online system where Parishioners can create individual giving profiles with
payment options ranging from direct debit (ACH) to credit cards.
Benefits For You:
Increased options and accessibility for giving - Review your giving history in real time 24/7
Keep your gifts secure
Benefits For Your Parish:
Saves money on envelopes and postage - Helps predict cash flow for budgeting
Cost-effective solution for online payments - Better Collection of payment history for tax purpose
How to get set-up:
1. Go to and create your own giving profile. Select how & when
you will make your contribution.
2. Contact Rose Rutherford in the Parish Office, 773-286-7871.
Rev. Ricardo Castillo, Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. George Cerny, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Thomas E. Lamping, Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Hippolytus Njoku, Resident
Rev. Mr. Faustino Santiago, Deacon
Mr. Jesus Flores, Lay Minister
Ms. Joyce Vice, Lay Minister
Mr. Charles A. Kessell, Music Director
Mr. James Phillips, Director of Buildings & Grounds
Mrs. Wanda Fleming, Athletic Director
Ms. Rosaura Lopez Business Manager
[email protected]
Mrs. Rose Rutherford, Parish Manager
[email protected]
Mr. Joseph Angelastri, Finance Council Chairman
4949 W. Patterson Telephone: 773-286-7871
FAX: 773–286-4808
4941 W. Patterson
Telephone: 773-282-9373
FAX: 773-282-4757
Mr. Martin Graham-McHugh, Principal
[email protected]
4941 W. Patterson
Telephone: 773–286-7871
FAX: 773-286-4808
Mrs. Maria Arrez, Coordinator of Religious Education
[email protected]
St. Bartholomew Website Addresses
St. Bartholomew Church
4949 W. Patterson
Chicago, IL 60641
Save these dates:
Saturday, April 18: The Taste of St. Bartholomew
Friday - Sunday, June 5 - 7: St. Bart’s Fest, Music & Food
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