SAINT CANERA CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. Ruben Restrepo, C.M. [email protected] 504 S. WASHINGTON NEOSHO, MO 64850 (417) 451-3411 (417) 451-3432 (fax) [email protected] Third Sunday of Lent March 8, 2015 III Domingo de Cuaresma 8 de Marzo DE 2015 MASS/MISAS SATURDAY/SABADO: 5:00pm., 7:00pm (Spanish), SUNDAY/DOMINGO: 8:00am WEEKDAYS/DIARIAS: Tues. (martes)-Fri. (viernes) 8:30am RECONCILIATION: (Saturday) 4:30pm., (Sunday) 7:30am. Any time by appointment Communally during Advent, Lent, and as scheduled . Saint Canera, patroness of Irish Sailors, is sitting in a boat with an oil lamp, the symbol of wisdom and virginity, with a monastery on an island in the background where she sought spiritual rest. She was refused entrance to the island but was given Eucharist just before she died. The shamrock speaks to her Irish ancestry. Parish Office/Oficina Monday (lunes) - Friday (viernes) 9-12; 1-4:30 WELCOME: If you are new to our parish we welcome you and invite you to become a member of Saint Canera. Registration forms can be found in the church or in the office. BIENVENIDOS: Si usted es nuevo en nuestra parroquia le demos la bienvenida y lo invitamos a hacerse miembro de Santa Canera. Las formas de registro se puede encontrar en el templo o en la oficina. INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Please call the parish office and ask for information on the RCIA program or send an e-mail to [email protected] ¿Quisieras ser católico? Por favor, llamar a la oficina de la iglesia y pedir información del programa RICA o envia un e-mail a [email protected] Sacrament of Marriage—contact the church office six months in advance. Baptism — contact or come by the church office for information on classes. Hospital visitation — contact the church office with name, location, and room number. Sacramento de matrimonio –Contacta la oficina parroquial seis meses antes. Bautismo—contacta o visita la oficina parroquial y pedir información de las clases de preparación. Visita al hospital — Contacta la oficina de la iglesia con nombre, lugar, y número de cuarto. MISSION STATEMENT The parish family of St. Canera sees as its mission to work together and in the larger community to know, love, and serve God. Based on Scripture, the sacraments, and our Roman Catholic tradition, we seek to recognize our dependence on God, grow spiritually, become images of Christ, educate adults and assist in educating children, and as God’s instruments, share our faith with and welcome others. MISION DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA La Familia Parroquial de Santa Canera considera que su misión es trabajar unidos e integrarse a la comunidad cristiana más amplia para conocer, amar, y servir a Dios. Fundamentados en la Escritura y en la Tradición de nuestra Iglesia Católica Romana, procuramos reconocer nuestra dependencia de Dios, crecer espiritualmente, convertirnos en imagen de Cristo, educar a los adultos y acompañar la educación de los niños y jóvenes; y, como instrumentos de Cristo, compartir nuestra fe y acoger a los otros. LECTURAS DE ESTE DOMINGO Primera Lectura: Éxodo 20, 1-17 Salmo Responsorial: 18, 8. 9. 10. 11 Segunda Lectura: 1 Corintios 1, 22-25 Evangelio: Juan 2, 13-25 LECTURAS DEL PROXIMO DOMINGO Primera Lectura: 2 Crónicas 36, 14-16. 19-23 Salmo Responsorial: 136, 1-2. 3. 4-5. 6 Segunda Lectura: Efesios 2, 4-10 Evangelio: Juan 3, 14-21 Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas, Nuestra primera lectura de hoy nos habla de la Alianza, que ayuda a explicar la presencia de Moisés en la Transfiguración en el Evangelio del domingo pasado. Este Jesús, que fue transfigurado, es el nuevo templo de la Nueva Alianza. Dada esta información, el Evangelio de hoy nos habla mas allá de un Jesús que expulsa a los vendedores en el templo. Los vendedores en el templo realizan un servicio para los que vinieron al templo a dar ofrendas. El dinero que necesita ser cambiado de monedas romanas por las monedas apropiadas para el Templo. Recuerde que el dinero romano tenía imágenes del emperador. Los emperadores eran considerados dioses. Por lo tanto no sería apropiado para un judío usar este dinero como ofrenda para el Templo o para comprar un animal para ser sacrificado. Es difícil culparlos severamente por ofrecer un servicio de conveniencia, a pesar de que la gente tenía que pagar por este servicio. Este incidente da a Jesús la oportunidad de hablar del templo de su cuerpo y hacer una predicción de su muerte y resurrección. La presencia de Dios de la Nueva Alianza es el templo del cuerpo de Cristo. Esta presencia de Dios estará siempre presente con el pueblo de Dios. ¡Qué maravilloso regalo el cual nosotros podamos atesorar! Sin duda, este es un concepto digno para que reflexionemos durante este tiempo santo de Cuaresma. Con cariño, P. Hank Clase de Preparación Bautismal Padres & Padrinos Domingo, 22 de marzo, 1:00 PM Casa de Piedra. No Niños, por favor. Grupo de Oración Todos los domingos de 3:00-5:00 p.m. Venga y únase a nosotros para oír la Palabra de Dios, para rezar y cantarle las alabanzas al Señor. Las Comidas de Cuaresma y Via Crucis Por favor, acompáñenos cada viernes de Cuaresma a la comida a las 6:00 PM y Via Crucis a las 7:00 PM. Se aceptan donaciones por la comida. Atención: Padres de Estudiantes de Primera Communion Hay una clase obligatoria el miércoles 11 de marzo a las 7:00 PM en el nuevo salón parroquial para los padres de los niños que se están preparando para recibir la primera communion (incluidos los de RCIC.) ¿Hambre de una temporada de esperanza? La próxima parada en nuestra jornada de Plato de Arroz de CRS es en el país africano, Níger, donde se nos recuerda que las alegrías y los desafiíos de la vida son a menudo estacionales. Esta semana oremos por las personas que luchan para alimentar a sus familias durante la temporada de hambre—cuando la comida es escasa—y nos comprometemos a actuar por el bien común. Los siete dones del Espíritu Santo Sabiduría: Nos hace comprender la maravilla insondable de Dios y nos impulsa a buscarle sobre todas las cosas, en medio de nuestro trabajo y de nuestras obligaciones. Inteligencia: Nos descubre con mayor claridad las riquezas de la fe Consejo: Nos señala los caminos de la santidad, el querer de Dios en nuestra vida diaria, nos anima a seguir la solución que más concuerda con la gloria de Dios y el bien de los demás. Fortaleza: Nos alienta continuamente y nos ayuda a superar las dificultades que sin duda encontramos en nuestro caminar hacia Dios. Ciencia: Nos lleva a juzgar con rectitud las cosas creadas y a mantener nuestro corazón en Dios y en lo creado en la medida en que nos lleve a Él. Piedad: Nos mueve a tratar a Dios con la confianza con la que un hijo trata a su Padre. Temor de Dios: Nos induce a huir de las ocasiones de pecar, a no ceder a la tentación, a evitar todo mal que pueda contristar al Espíritu Santo, a temer radicalmente separarnos de Aquel a quien amamos y constituye nuestra razón de ser y de vivir. “La luz está encendida para ti”. El sacramento de Reconciliación está disponible todos los miércoles durante la Cuaresma (6:30 PM a 7:30 PM). Si tú has estado considerando y dudando hacer uso de este sacramento, si has estado lejos por mucho tiempo o siempre se te ha hecho difícil llegar a las horas de confesión los días sábados, esta es una maravillosa oportunidad para reencontrarte y reconciliarte con Cristo y su Iglesia. Balance de la Construcción del Centro Parroquial Total recibidos para construcción: $605,485 Total compromisos no recibido: $102,552 Pago al préstamo hecho cada mes: $ 9,918 Total compromisos recibido en marzo: $ 1,090 ¡Por favor recuerde su compromiso con la construcción. Necesitamos de sus pagos! Parish Center Building Fund Summary Building Project Total Expenses Paid: Original Loan (excludes interest): Outstanding Loan (excludes interest): Total Pledges: $ 714,435 $ 805,900 $ 395,865 $ 239,431 Total Pledge Pymnts. Rcvd. (2/27 - 3/03): $377,455 Additional Building Fund Donations: $228,030 Total Building Funds Received: $605,485 Total Pledges past due (as of 03/03/15): $102,552 Loan principal & interest due each month: $ 9,918 Pledge pymnts received (2/27 - 3/03): $1,090 Lenten Dinner and Stations of the Cross Everyone is invited to the Lenten Dinner each Friday of Lent. On Mar 13, the dinner will be provided by the Grupo de Oracion (Hispanic Prayer Group. The dinner will start at 6:00 PM. Donations are accepted for the meal. The Grupo de Oracion will lead the Stations of the Cross starting at 7:00 PM. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS RECUERDE LAS SIGUIENTES PERSONAS EN SU ORACIÓN: Don Wall, Loren Olson, Cherri Link, Dorothy Mulik, Josephine Nault, Janet Ducommun, Margaret Patton, David Garnett, John Barnes, Gail Powers, Betty Lambertson, Roy Herndon, Patrick Cline, Frank Evers, Dr. Richard Betz, Marisol Aviles, George and Jo Martin, Linda Hogan, Matt Kissel, Jerrie Stone (Names stay on list for four weeks, unless renewed.) Remember your donations for CROSSLINES ! SECOND COLLECTIONS Today’s second collection is for the: CHURCH IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Next weekend’s second collection is for: CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES Please be as generous as you can. This is part of our alms giving for Lent. The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit ATTENTION: FIRST COMMUNION Class There is a mandatory training class on Wednesday, March 11 at 7:00 PM in the new Parish Hall for parents of children who are preparing to receive First Communion (including those in RCIC). Hungering Season of Hope? The next stop on our CRS Rice Bowl journey is the African nation, Niger, where we are reminded that life’s joys and challenges are often seasonal. This week we pray for people who struggle to feed their families during the hungry season—when food is in short supply— and we commit to acting for the common good. The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, invite all women to the 57th Annual DCCW Spring Assembly, April 17th & 18th, 2015 in Joplin Mo. Come enjoy visiting with women across our diocese while growing in faith and celebrating life! Our theme this year is: "In HIS Eyes, Through Mary's Footsteps". Registration sheets are available through your parish office or through Joyce Luten 573-2644524 or [email protected] Coffee and donuts will be served after the 8 AM Mass. Wisdom: helps a person value the things of heaven Understanding: enables a person to grasp the truths of religion. Counsel: helps one see and correctly choose the best practical approach in serving God. Fortitude: steels a person’s resolve in overcoming obstacles to living the faith. Knowledge: Helps one see the path to follow and the dangers to one’s faith. Piety: fills a person with confidence in God and an eagerness to serve Him. Fear of the Lord: makes a person keenly aware of Gods’ sovereignty and the respect due to Him and his laws. PCCW Meeting Wednesday, March 11 at 6:30 PM Second Grade Classroom After the business portion of the meeting, Kathy Bartley will teach us how to do origami! “The Light Is On for You”. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available every Wednesday of Lent from 6:30 PM—7:30 PM. If you have been reluctant to come to the sacrament, have been away for some time, or just find it difficult to get to a Saturday afternoon confession time, this is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with Christ and his Church. PARISH STAFF PASTOR REV. RUBEN D. RESTREPO, C.M. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DEBBIE GORHAM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS JERRY MAHAN (451-7919) PCCW (WOMEN’S GROUP) DIANE STROUSS PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION (PSR) CASEY BURKHART HENSON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS RALPH FREDERICK BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Please bring written announcements to the church office or email to [email protected] by 9 AM Tuesday Saturday—March 7 5:00 PM +Jesse Robbins (J. Robbins) 7:00 PM Heaser Relatives (R. Heaser) Sunday—March 8 8:00 AM Parish Family Monday—March 9 No Mass Tuesday—March 10 8:30 AM +Eileen A. McAuliffe Wednesday—March 11 8:30 AM +Mary Rosella McAuliffe Thursday—March 12 8:30 AM +Rev. William John Connell Friday—March 13 8:30 AM +Maurice Ambrose McAuliffe Saturday—March 14 5:00 PM +Stella Montgomery (Butterfield) 7:00 PM Parish Family Sunday—March 15 8:00 AM +Terry Fox (Eva Davis) SCRIPTURE FOR THIS SUNDAY 1st Reading: Exodus 20:1-17 Responsorial Psalm: PS 19:8, 9, 10, 11 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 Gospel: John 2:13-25 SCRIPTURES FOR WEEKDAYS Luke 4:24-30 Matthew 18:21-35 Matthew 5:17-19 Luke 11:14-23 Mark 12:28-34 Mon: 2 Kings 5:1-15b Tue: Daniel 3:25, 34-43 Wed: Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9 Thu: Jeremiah 7:23-28 Fri: Hosea 14:2-10 SCRIPTURE FOR NEXT SUNDAY 1st Reading: 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 Responsorial Psalm: PS 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 2nd Reading: Ephesians 2:4-10 Gospel: John 3:14-21 My dear sisters and brothers, Our first reading today speaks of the Covenant, which helps explain Moses’ presence at the Transfiguration in last Sunday’s Gospel. This Jesus, who was transfigured, is the New Temple of the New Covenant. Given this information, the Gospel becomes more than Jesus driving out the money changers. The money changers performed a service for those who came to the temple to give offerings. Money needed to be changed from Roman coins to coins appropriate for the Temple. Remember that Roman money had images of the emperor on them. The emperors were considered gods. Thus it would be inappropriate for a Jew to use this money as a Temple offering or to buy an animal to be sacrificed. It’s difficult to severely blame them for offering a service of convenience, even though people had to pay for this convenience. This incident gives Jesus the opportunity to speak of the Temple of his body and to make a prediction of his death and resurrection. The presence of God of the New Covenant is the temple of Christ’s body. This presence of God will be forever present with God’s people. What a wonderful gift for us to treasure! Surely this is a worthy concept for us to ponder during this holy season of Lent. With fond affection, Fr. Hank WEB SITE Bulletins * Schedules * Information Remember when you are considering your will to think about including the parish among your beneficiaries. Planned giving involves leaving something for the next generation of Catholics at St. Canera. Your support will make the difference. Thursday daily Masses are in the chapel (Wilma Hahn Room). After the celebration of the Mass we have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (9:00 AM to 12:00 noon & 1:00 PM to 4:30PM). Everyone is welcome to come for silent prayer and reflection. COMING EVENTS 3/11 Youth Group Meeting 3/11 Confessions ”The Light is on For You” (6:30 PM –7:00 PM) 3/11 First Communion Class for parents 3/11 PCCW meeting 3/13 Lenten Meal and Stations of the Cross 3/19 Parish Council 3/20 Hispanic Committee Meeting 3/21 Bishop’s Walk for Catholic Charities 3/21-22 PCCW Bake Sale YOUR GIFTS FOR THE PARISH TO FURTHER GOD’S WORK Catholic Home Missions REGULAR COLLECTION $70 $ 1,394 The Mirror $20 OUR FISCAL YEAR TOTAL $ 82,577
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