CLERGY Administrator Rev. Joe Kim, OFM Conv. Associate Rev. Carlos Morales OFM Conv. Deacon Rev. Mr. Scott Palmer Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Friars in Residence Rev. Peter Mallin, OFM Conv. Rev. Allen Ramirez, OFM Conv. PARISH INFORMATION 244 Prospect Avenue Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Phone: (310) 372-7077 Fax: (310) 798-4051 Offices Located on the Corner of Prospect Ave. and Massey St. Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8:00am—4:00pm Saturday 9am—1pm Sunday: 9am— 1pm SCHOOL INFORMATION Principal April Beuder 320 Massey Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Phone: (310) 372-7486 PARISH CONTACTS Coordinator of Religious Ed Ext 224 Theresa Avila Confirmation/Director Religious Ed Ext 226 Tom Baumann Hispanic Ministry Ext.222 Fr. Carlos Morales Spanish Baptisms (310) 349-9609 Bookkeeper Ext.227 Robin Bosmajian Ext.221 Parish Secretary Jodi Scully Music Director Ext.223 Bobbi Lynn Lambert [email protected] OLG Webmaster Raciel Diaz Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers [email protected] Mass Schedule Sunday: 7:00AM, 8:00AM (Spanish), 9:45AM, 11:30AM, 6:30PM Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM Weekdays: 8:00AM ~ Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday 4:00PM—7:00PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 9:00AM—10:00AM Sacrament of Baptism ~ Baptisms are celebrated in English and Spanish. Must be registered in the church for at least 3 months Please call the Parish Office for more Information Sacrament of Marriage Contact the Parish office for information six months prior to the ceremony Anointing of the Sick Please call the Parish Office early in the case of a serious illness or before OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH Fifth Sunday of Lent Reflection Lent is a season of reflection, re-evaluation, repentance and reconciliation. Lent is a time of profound grace and we are invited to let that grace sink in, take root and change us. Through our observance of these days by listening to the Scripture from the Lenten liturgies and by participating in the traditional practices of the Church, we are invited, in this holy season, to be stripped down and cleansed from all the obstacles that keep us from seeing our true selves clearly; stripped down so that we may come to understand more powerfully the Love of God who embraces all of who we are. There are many ways to enter into the spirit of the season and to "observe" these days. It is not so important what we do as it is important that we do something to make these days different from all the rest. One great way to enter into this season is by following the traditional practices of the Church which are: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. What is great about these practices is that they give us a way to enter into this season of healing with body and soul; physically and spiritually. RCIA Celebration of the Third Scrutiny During Lent, those preparing for full initiation into the Roman Catholic faith have entered into the Period of Purification and Enlightenment. This is a of intense introspection and prayer. As the Elect, Candidates, and our entire community , journey with them toward the joy of Easter, we take a long, careful look at where thirsting, blindness, and entombment are present in our life. Let us pray that these Elect and Candidates, that they may be given the faith to acknowledge Christ as the Resurrection and the life. Please keep our Elect and Candidates, Marvin Lopez, Ariasma Lopez, April Watts, Claudia Rosales, Sabrina Parenti, Mary Arnold, Judy Doukakis, Matthew Hill, Francesca Brooks and Tanya Gonzales, in your prayers HERMOSA BEACH, CALIFORNIA Divine Sunday Mercy Divine Mercy Sunday is on April 12, 2015. It is the first Sunday after Easter Sunday. The Divine Mercy Novena starts on Good Friday, April 3. The Novena leaflets will be on the table near the church entrance on Palm Sunday, March 29th. Jesus told St. Faustine “On Divine Mercy the very depths of My Tender Mercy are open. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall receive complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. “A simple act of abandonment is enough to overcome the barriers of darkness and sorrow, of doubt and desperation. The rays of Your Divine Mercy restore hope, in a special way, to those who feel overwhelmed by the burden of sin”. -Pope John Paul II Almsgiving At Our Lady of Guadalupe Church If you picked up a Lenten Folder for your Lenten Almsgiving, please remember to turn them in to the parish office or in the collection basket before Holy Week, so we can send your donations to the Missions by Easter. Thank you for your generosity to those less fortunate!! Holy Week Liturgies Please sign up for Lector, Eucharistic Minister Ushers and Altar Server in the sacristy for the liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. These are the holiest liturgies of the year so we seek to offer our Lord our best service. QUINTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA PAGE 2 MARZO 22, 2015 SERVIR COMO JESÚS NOS HA SERVIDO 1.- En este último domingo de la Cuaresma, antes de encarar la Semana Santa, se nos presenta la Palabra de Dios a modo de síntesis de todo lo que hemos ido escuchando y reflexionando en estos domingos. La gran alianza, la nueva alianza que Dios quiere hacer con las personas va a pasar por la muerte de Jesús en una cruz. Pero no por la cruz como tal, sino por la actitud de Jesús y la manera de afrontar esa muerte. 2.- Jeremías, en la primera lectura, insiste una vez más en que, a pesar de las muchas infidelidades del pueblo a la Alianza, Dios insiste y permanece fiel. No es la ley la que es mala y por eso no la cumplen las personas. Se trata, más bien, de cambiar a las personas. Y Dios va a hacer algo grande, algo que cambiará el corazón de las personas y les infundirá un espíritu nuevo, algo que ayude a las personas a crecer en confianza en Dios y en seguridad de que Él es fiel y no nos va a abandonar. Así también nosotros se lo hemos pedido a Dios en el Salmo respondiendo: “Oh Dios, crea en mí un corazón puro”. 3.- Ese “algo” grandioso de Dios a favor de las personas va a ser la entrega de su propio Hijo en la cruz. Jesús va a ser el que lleve a cumplimiento esa nueva alianza de Dios con las personas. “Ha llegado la hora”, dice Jesús, la hora de darle a su vida el verdadero sentido. La actitud de Jesús al afrontar la cruz es morir para dar fruto: “si el grano de trigo no cae en tierra y muere, queda infecundo; pero si muere, da mucho fruto”. 4.- Jesús va a ser “levantado de la tierra”, es decir, crucificado. Pero con esa muerte va a dar gloria a Dios. Por eso la voz del cielo habla de “glorificarle otra vez”. Jesús es ese grano de trigo que, muriendo, va a dar mucho fruto. Y los que queremos ser sus seguidores, hemos de vivir con la misma actitud de servicio, es decir, no pensando tanto en nosotros mismos, sino más en los demás. 5.- Jesús siente angustia por lo que va a pasar, pero también mucha esperanza y confianza en Dios, su Padre. Jesús siente que su muerte no va a ser en balde y quiere transmitir a sus discípulos que la actitud para vivir la vida a su estilo es el servicio. El triunfo de Jesús pasa por el silencio y por la muerte, como el grano de trigo. Aquí vemos el verdadero significado de “perder la vida” por los demás y por Dios, no mirando tanto el satisfacer nuestros caprichos, cuanto en servir como Jesús nos ha servido a todos. Este es el gran signo de identidad de los cristianos. Y cuando uno sirve, sirve a los demás, muere a sí mismo, y sirve sembrando perdón y amor, que es como Jesús muere, amando y perdonando. Eso es lo que hizo grande la cruz. 6.- La cruz, por sí misma, no tiene ningún sentido, pero Jesús le dio un sentido pleno y total por su forma de entregar la vida, aceptando el plan amoroso de Dios, esa nueva alianza grabada en los corazones. “Todos me conocerán – pone Jeremías en boca de Dios – cuando perdone sus crímenes y no recuerde sus pecados”. Y ahí está Jesús, perdonándonos a todos, crucificando con Él nuestros pecados. Y ahí está Dios, amándonos y perdonándonos. 7.- Por eso la cruz y la resurrección es el gran signo de la alianza nueva de Dios con las personas. El hombre entregado y sacrificado ha sido glorificado por Dios. Desde ese momento, en cada corazón Dios ha puesto su Espíritu Santo, para que, a pesar de nuestras fragilidades y de nuestros pecados, podamos contar con Dios y con su fuerza para superar cualquier adversidad y para vivir esta vida con el mismo estilo de confianza en Dios y de servicio a las personas que la vivió Jesús. 8.- Esto es lo que recordamos cada vez que nos acercamos a la Eucaristía. Esto es lo que vamos a vivir, de manera especial, en la Semana Santa, que comenzaremos el próximo domingo con la entrada triunfal de Jesús en Jerusalén y nuestra procesión con las palmas y los ramos. Es una semana grande, es una semana de fe, es una semana para no olvidar que, cada día, Dios está con nosotros, en la Eucaristía, en los pobres, en cada persona. A nosotros nos queda acogerles con nuestra actitud de servicio a los demás La SB 128 legalizaría el suicidio asistido por un El Servicio Penitencial medico en California. El papa Francisco nos recuerda: "El mandamiento bíblico es honrar a comienza a las 7:30PM nuestros padres esto nos recuerda un sentido más amplio de nuestro deber de honrar todas las perLunes, 23 de Marzo American Martyrs sonas de la tercera edad”. Es hora de tomar acMartes, 24 de Marzo St. James ción para proteger las personas de la tercera edad y Miércoles, 25 de Marzo OLG con discapacidades. Visita la página de web: arch(en nuestra parroquia) para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con su legislador, e Jueves, 26 de Marzo St. Lawrence involúcrese Viernes, 27 de Marzo St. Anthony FIFTH SUNDAYOF LENT PAGE 3 Fiesta Presale Tickets Save money by purchasing Fiesta Food & Game Tickets prior to the Event. All tickets have a .50 cent value. The more you purchase the more you save! Presale Food & Games Tickets At Fiesta $10 24 tickets $5 10 tickets $20 48 tickets $10 22 tickets $20 46 tickets Presale Ride tickets save you up to $8 over the cost of the ride tickets purchased at the Fiesta! A 40% savings!! Each ride requires 3-5 tickets. You can purchase your presale tickets online, at the back of the church or at the parish office Presale Ride Tickets $12 20 tickets At Fiesta $18 20 tickets EASTER PARISH OFFICE HOURS THURSDAY, APRIL 2 8AM-4PM FRIDAY, APRIL 3 8AM—NOON SATURDAY, APRIL 4 ~ —MONDAY, APRIL 6 CLOSED MARCH 22 2015 Guadalupe Fiesta 2015 We really need all of Our Lady of Guadalupe to participate in this fund raiser to make it successful. You do not have to be a parent of the school to volunteer to help. The dates for the Fiesta are April 17th, 18th and 19th. There are many ways to help. If you cannot volunteer physically to work at the Fiesta, perhaps you can help support the Fiesta through a Silent Auction donation. Some ideas are: Help create a travel weekend with credit card or frequent flier miles toward a resort hotel or airline tickets, access to a family cabin, condo or timeshare, sports car rental for the weekend, limo ride and dinner at a five-star restaurant, ski tickets, hotel stays. Or how about autographed sports stuff, wine or liquor baskets, handmade items or services, gas cards, theme park passes, spa gift certificates. The list is endless, and of course no donation is too small and we would appreciate any donation you can make. Please take a moment and see how you can contribute. If you cannot help with the Silent Auction there is always FIESTA RAF- FLE TICKETS, WHICH ARE NOW AVAILABLE!!! For only $50 you have a chance to win $5000. Special offer: Purchase 5 tickets and get 1 free or buy 10 tickets and get 3 free. For more information on the raffle, please call the parish office. If you would like to volunteer to help at the Fiesta, please call the parish office and we will get you in touch with the correct person or you can sign up online. Just go to our webpage: click on event tab at the top of the page, then click Fiesta 2015. Signup links are near the bottom of the Fiesta Page. Also if you are purchasing raffle tickets using PayPal raffle tickets are under the heading of FIESTA CLUB TICKETS As one community of Our Lady of Guadalupe, lets make Fiesta 2015 a memorable one!!! And remember, the Fiesta benefits the entire parish!!! FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Stewardship at OLG ENVELOPE & PLATE TOTAL3/15/15 AVERAGE PARISH PAY TOTAL COLLECTION 3/15/15 PAGE 4 MARCH 22 2015 LiturgicalMinistersSchedule $9,489.77 $3,220.00 $12,709.00 We should strive to keep our hearts open to the sufferings and wretchedness of other people, and pray continually that God may grant us that spirit of compassion which is truly the gift of God Parish Pay (Automated Giving) We invite you and your family to include our parish in your monthly budget and to help in managing the fiscal responsibilities of our faith community through your enrollment in the ParishPay program. What is Parish Pay? It is an alternative means of support for Our Lady of Guadalupe. In lieu of weekly collections, the ParishPay program can collect monthly contributions from your checking, savings, or credit card account. There is NO cost to you . How do I sign up? z Sign up directly on the ParishPay website at z Sign up via the ParishPay link on the OLG website at (the Pay and eContributions links are on the left menu bar); or Call 1-866-PARISH-1 Which payment methods are accepted? Automated transfers from your checking or savings accounts or major credit cards (American Express, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover) may be used to make monthly contributions. Catholic Relief Services Collection. Thank you for your generous support of the Catholic Relief Services Collection. Through your generosity families will be reunited, valuable life skills will be taught to those seeking a better life, and many will have vital humanitarian needs met. Please visit search Catholic Relief Services Collection”) to learn how your donations make a difference and help Jesus in disguise. March 29, 2015 Eucharistic Minister Lectors AltarServers 5:00PM Tom Bruce CaitlynGarcia Richard Divinski Lori Fields Daniel Kelly Helen Rausch ConnerKelly Betty Hacker Nelson Rivera 7:00AM Marianne Mannes Ken Harrell Tommy Fraker Daniel Villa Tom Baumann Dan Olmstead 9:45 PhyllisSpearman AnnNolan GabriellaMori Joe Warwick KenKeller DustinNykaza John Parato NathanNykaza Monique Akker Jonathan Riddick Victoria Price Lily Lee 11:30AM Vicki Lee David Lee Eva Rivera Marie Jensen Paul Tenorio Brad Gusich NiaResonable Mike Sisson EmileeResonable MatteoResonable If you are not already an active member of this community, consider sharing in what we have to offer. Our parish is here to assist all who wish to know God more deeply. We serve the community through outreach, education, social activities, sacramental preparation, and comfort of the sick and those who mourn. Feel free to call on us if we may be of service to you in any way. Please consider registering in our OLG Parish and supporting the good work that is taking place. You can pick up a registration form at the parish office, or call and arrange to have one mailed to you. FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT PAGE 5 MARCH 22 2015 New Online Messages from Fr. Joe Fr. Joe will soon be sending weekly messages via email. If you’re interested in receiving these emails, simply go to and use the link to sign up, confirm your email address, and check your inbox every week for new content from our Parish Administrator. Be assured that we will never sell, rent, or distribute your email address. Ministry Fair Coming to Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Saturday & Sunday March 28 & 29 Representatives of over all of our ministries will be in the parish hall after all the Masses with information and Sign-up Sheets. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church has been blessed with the harvest of many ministries. Look into your heart and consider becoming one of the laborers of our harvest. For more information, please call theparishofficea(310)372-7077. Then he said to his disciples, “the harvest is abundant but the laborers are few: so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 Next weekend, March 28-29 is an excellent opportunity to learn, get more involved and to share what you do to serve God and OLG. Don't miss it! SB 128 would legalize physician-assisted suicide in CA. Pope Francis reminds us, "The biblical commandment to honor our parents reminds us in a broader sense of our duty to honor all elderly people." Take action now to protect the elderly and those with disabilities. Visit: to learn more, contact your legislator, and get involved. SATURDAY, March 21, 2015 5:00PM ThanksgivingtoOurLadyofGuadalupe(GuerreraFamily) SUNDAY, March 22, 2015 7:00AM Int of Our Parishioners 8:00AM =Carmen Rosillo & Antonio Tamayo 9:45AM =Steve Matusik (Janice & Paul Lipinski) 11:30AM Int. of Nicholas Brenes Pastel 6:30PM =Dora Schwartz (Rose & Rich Colarusso) MONDAY, March 23 2015 8:00AM TUESDAY, March 24, 2015 8:00AM WEDNESDAY, March 25, 2015 8:00AM =Shawn Sullivan (Rausch Family) THURSDAY, March 26, 2015 8:00AM =Luis Sobalvarro (Family) FRIDAY, March 27, 2015 8:00AM =Angelina & Constantino Mongili(Family) SATURDAY, March 28 2015 8:00AM PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT BE AT OUR CELEBRATIONS WITH US Carmen Santiyan, Vickie Lopez, Maria Enriquez, Dolores Molina, Marianne Kainz, Lorraine Kennedy, Ruby Bejarano, Jimmy Arena, Phillip Hameson, Vanessa Quinteros, Julian Zawlocki, Christian Nagasugi, Don Dosman, Arianna Carrione, Pat Kidwell, Ramon Ortiz, Kenneth Hahn, Matt West, Tony De Castro, Dolores Mansanto, Bobby Burt,, Anne Harris, Odilia Alvizures, Yvonne Dahle, George Anderson, Barbara Malina, Marie HoơmanDemarse, Christopher Cruz, Gail Romero, Jerry Fox, Steven Gonzales, Ruth & Hector Minera, Joe D’Agostino, Shirley Erickson, Madeline Arnold, Hank Arnold, Donna English, Angie Hegedus, Martha Zavala, Blaine Price, John Gannon, Carlotta Carrillo, Andre Farias, Rosario Ruiz, Del & Christine Orozco, George Tumanjon, Bob Park Sr., Phyllis Spearman, Mary Ann Hayden, Mary Cueto, Bernardo Rosero, Carlos Huante, Cathy Omatsu, Miguel Salazar, Cal & Nieves Gonzales, Francis Fernando, Armando Byrne, Paige Garnica, Jenny Garnica, Elvira Orellana, Vicky Dunigan, Bill Hallett, Michael Villatoro, Juanita Wilmarth, Rose Reyes,Victor Tsuha For those who have died: =Justin Toyosato Holy Week Schedule HOLY THURSDAY, JUEVES SANTO APRIL 2, 2015 Liturgy of the Last Supper/Liturgia de la Última Cena 7:30PM Adoration in the hall GOOD FRIDAY, VIERNES SANTO APRIL 3, 2015 Liturgy of Good Friday Liturgia del Viernes Santo 3:00PM Live Stations in the Church by our Youth( Estacionesde la Cruz en vivo con el Grupo de Jóvenes ) 4:30PM Liturgy of Good Friday Liturgia del Viernes Santo 7:30PM Passion Play/el drama de la pasión HOLY SATURDAY, SÁB BADO SANTO APRIL 4 2015 Easter Vigil/Vigilia Pascual 8:00PM EASTER SUNDAY, DOMINGO DE PASCUA APRIL 5, 2015 6:00AM Beach Sunrise Liturgy (English) Bishop Alexander Salazar Celebrant 11th Street and Strand in Hermosa Beach Please bring your own chair 7:00AM 8:00AM (Spanish) 11:30AM PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL NOT BE A 6:30PM MASS ON EASTER SUNDAY
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