SAINT LAWRENCE THE MARTYR CATHOLIC CHURCH 4325 Don Julio Boulevard North Highlands, CA 95660 31 May 2015 Parish Office 916.332.4777 ▪ Fax24916.332.8325 August 2014 MISSION STATEMENT The mission of our community is rooted in Jesus the Christ. This mission is to hear, respond to and proclaim the word of God as found in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. Through the Sunday Eucharist we are called to ongoing conversion and personal spiritual formation. As a community, we are challenged to provide mutual support for a Catholic Christian lifestyle and are empowered to use our gifts to minister to the needs of others. We commit ourselves to the beatitudes, to the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and to minister to the larger communities in which we live and work. We respect the dignity of every person, at all ages and stages of life. We hand on our Catholic heritage through catechesis, worship, service and witness. In carrying out this mission we further the kingdom of God in our midst. NUESTRA MISION La misión de nuestra comunidad tiene su raíz en Jesucristo. Esta misión es escuchar, responder y proclamar la palabra de Dios que se encuentra en las escrituras Hebreas y Cristianas. Por la Eucaristía del Domingo, estamos llamados a una conversión continua y a una formación espiritual personal. Como una comunidad, tenemos el reto de proporcionar apoyo mutuo para un estilo de vida Cristiana Católica y tenemos las facultades para utilizar nuestros dones en las necesidades de los demás. Nos comprometemos a vivir las Bienaventuranzas, las obras de misericordia corporales y espirituales y a servir a las comunidades más grandes en las que vivimos y trabajamos. Respetamos la dignidad de cada persona, en todas las edades y etapas de la vida. Entregamos nuestra herencia Católica a través de catequesis, adoración al culto divino, servicio y testimonio. Viviendo esta misión, nosotros vivimos el Reino de Dios en la tierra. PARISH STAFF/ EQUIPO PARROQUIAL Rev. Enrique Alvarez, Pastor [email protected] Deacon Donald Galli, Deacon [email protected] Mrs. Martha Haig, Parish Ministry Coordinator [email protected] Mr. Tony Neria, Music Director [email protected] Mrs. Cora Chanco, Music Coordinator Mrs. Yolanda Fletes-Villalba, Receptionist/Admininstrative Assistant [email protected] Ms. Elizabeth Peterson, Receptionist Mrs. Diana Jimenez, Bookkeeper SCHEDULE OF LITURGIES/HORARIO DE MISAS SUNDAY EUCHARIST (Mass) MISA DEL DOMINGO Saturday Vigil (English) 4:45 pm Sábado Vigilia (Español) 7:00 pm Sunday (English) 7:00, 8:30, 11:15 am Domingo (Español) 1:00 pm MORNING PRAYER DAILY EUCHARIST (MASS) Monday-Friday 8:00 am Monday-Friday 8:30 am RECONCILIATION/CONFESIONES Tuesday: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm PARISH OFFICE HOURS/HORAS DE OFICINA Monday through Friday / Lunes a Viernes 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm Infant Baptisms/Bautismos: This includes children up to 6 years. Parents and God-parents must complete a preparation class. Please call the Parish Office for information. Se llevan a cabo el primer Sábado del mes para niños menores de 6 años. Los papás y padrinos tienen que asistir a una clase. Llame a la Oficina Parroquial para más información. Christian Initiation: Children and adults seeking to become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church may call the Parish Office for information. Catholics Come Home: Catholics wishing to return to the church or to become more connected to the church may call the Parish Office for further information. Weddings/Bodas: Couples planning marriage at St. Lawrence are asked to call the Parish Office at least six months prior to anticipated wedding date. Couples are also required to complete a marriage preparation program. Las parejas que desean contraer matrimonio necesitan llamar a la oficina con seis meses de anticipación. Se require que completen el programa de preparación para el matrimonio. Parish Registration/Registración: We welcome new parishioners. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church and in the Parish Office. Please notify the Parish Office of moves or changes in address or telephone number. Nuevos feligreses son siempre bienvenidos. Las formas para registro se encuentran a la entrada de la Iglesia y en la Oficina. Por favor notifique a la Oficina de cualquier cambio de domicilio o número de teléfono. Page Two The Most Holy Trinity THE TRINITY IS LOVE Theologians throughout the Christian centuries have spilled much ink (and, on occasion, some blood) in describing and defining the mystery of the Holy Trinity. One of the earliest, most poetic, and beautiful descriptions comes from St. Augustine in De Trinitas, wherein he describes the Trinity as One (the Father) who loves, One (the Son) who is loved, and One (the Spirit) who is love. And these three Ones are also one Three. It might be wisest for us to leave the technical wranglings to the academic theologians, and focus on the fact that the three Persons of the Trinity are indeed persons; they are best known and understood in their love for each other and for us. We are made in the image of those loving persons, and our best relationships are lived out in the context of love. Truly loving relationships are inexhaustible mysteries to be lived in joy. If this is true of our human relationships, how much more so is it true of our relationship with the Trinity. And how much more does it call upon us to be joyful, loving witnesses of the holy mystery of the One‑in‑Three. This is the mystery to which we were called when we were chosen to be God’s own, baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co R EADINGS FOR THE WEEK May 31, 2015 LA TRINIDAD DE AMOR Una de las más antiguas, más poéticas y más hermosas descripciones de la Santísima Trinidad se halla en le libro De Trinitate, por san Agustín. Allí, el santo describe a la Trinidad como Uno que ama (el Padre), Uno que es amado (el Hijo) y Uno que es el amor (el Espíritu Santo). Y esos tres Unos suman Uno solo. Tal vez lo mejor para nosotros sea dejar las dificultades técnicas de este misterio a los teólogos profesionales, y enfocarnos en el hecho que las tres Personas de la Santísima Trinidad son precisamente personas; se les conoce y se les comprende en su amor mutuo y en su amor hacia nosotros. Hemos sido creados a imagen y semejanza de esas tres Personas amorosas, y nuestras mejores relaciones se viven en el contexto del amor. Las relaciones verdaderamente amorosas son misterios inagotables que se expresan en una profunda felicidad. Y si esto es así en nuestras relaciones humanas, ¡cuánto más lo será en nuestra relación con la Santísima Trinidad! Y, ¡cuánto más somos llamados a dar un testimonio alegre y amoroso de este sagrado misterio de los Tres que son Uno! Este es el misterio que fuimos llamados a vivir cuando fuimos escogidos como hijos de Dios, bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co Tb 1:3; 2:1b-8; Ps 112:1b-2, 3b-6; Mk 12:1-12 Tb 2:9-14; Ps 112:1-2, 7-9; Mk 12:13-17 Wednesday: Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a; Ps 25:2-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 12:28-34 Friday: Tb 11:5-17; Ps 146:1b-2, 6c-10; Mk 12:35-37 Saturday: Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20; Tb 13:2, 6efgh-8; Mk 12:38-44 Sunday: Ex 24:3-8; Ps 116:12-13, 15-18; Heb 9:11-15; Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 LITURGY OF THE HOURS II L ECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Tob 1:3; 2:1b-8; Sal 112 (111):1b-2, 3b-6; Mc 12:1-12 Tob 2:9-14; Sal 112 (111):1-2, 7-9; Mc 12:13-17 Miércoles: Tob 3:1-11a, 16-17a; Sal 25 (24):2-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mc 12:18-27 Jueves: Tob 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a; Sal 128 (127):1-5; Mc 12:28-34 Viernes: Tob 11:5-17; Sal 146 (145):1b-2, 6c-10; Mc 12:35-37 Sábado: Tob 12:1, 5-15, 20; Tob 13:2, 6efgh-8; Mc 12:38-44 Domingo: Ex 24:3-8; Sal 116 (115):12-13, 15-18; Heb 9:11-15; Mc 14:12-16, 22-26 LITURGIA DE LAS HORAS II PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR RECENTLY DECEASED OREMOS POR NUESTROS FALLECIDOS BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Monday: Tuesday: German Barajas, Anna Betz, Maria Guadalupe Dunbar, Guadalupe Jauregui, Dorothy Hinnenkamp, Alicia Lopez, Josephine Martens, Petronila Serrano, David Stowe, Pedro Torres PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS Theresa Aduba, Arturo Aguilar, Amirah Arabi, Blanca Arabi, Vero Arrezola, Chris Bereki, Patrick de Alva, Luisa Fletes, Esther Galli, Margarita Garcia, Joan Glaser, Alfredo Gonzalez, Diego Gonzalez, Mary Grajeda, Ron Helgeson, Rose Klug, Virginia La Chance, Jeannette Lopez, Lou Luna, Roberto Mariscal, Enrique Medina, Marco Martinez, Gina Murdock, Rick Norris Grace Otto, Anita Ortiz, Pasillas Family, Alex Peabody, Kevin Peterson, Tanya Pocaigue, Claudia Ramirez, Elias Reyes, Chrissy Stroh, Betty Schaeffer, Pablo Sanchez, Bridget Skillingtad, Stella Sledge, Encarnación Torres, Felicia Travor, Telma Valdez, Robert Vasquez Family & Friends, Michelle Lynn West, Rose Yapp, Emilia Zarco YOUTH GROUP/GRUPO DE JOVENES June 28 GH 3:00-5:00 pm All youth, grades 7-12 are welcome to attend! Invitamos a todos los jovenes de los grados del 7⁰ al 12⁰ a participar. ¡Ven a conocer chicos divertidos! . CLASES DE INGLES Las Martes & Los Jueves Tendremos clases de Inglés aquí en nuestra parroquia los días Martes y los Jueves a las 12:30 pm. ¡Ven y aprende Inglés! No tienes que registrarte, nada mas ven a la clase directamente. Para más información llamar a la oficina 916.332.4777. Lunes: Martes: Class in ENGLISH: BAPTISM DATE: May 22 June 13 Clase en ESPAÑOL: 21 de Mayo FECHA DEL BAUTISMO: 13 de Junio PCMR 7:00 pm CH 10:00 am GH 7:00 pm CH 12:00 pm BUS TRIP TO RENO June 20, 2015 (During Reno Blues, Brews & Ribs Festival) We had so much fun on our last trip that Saint Lawrence will be hosting a day trip to the Silver Legacy in Reno on Saturday, June 20, 2015. The bus will be boarding in the church parking lot at 7:00 am and will leave promptly at 7:30 am. There will be refreshments served, bingo played, and raffles drawn on the ride there. The cost is $35 per person with a $5 food coupon and $10 cash coupon given back. This will also be during the El Dorado’s Blues, Brews, and Ribs Festival. There will have stages outside for their blues event. Tickets will be sold after Masses. Door prize and food donations would be appreciated to make the trip more enjoyable. ROSARY, DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET (English & Spanish)and the NOVENA FOR OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP will be recited every Wednesday after 8:30 am Mass. ROSARY, LA CORONILLA DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA (Ingles y Español) y la NOVENA A NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL PERPETUO SOCORRO será recitada cada Miércoles después de la Misa de 8:30 am. Página Tres La Santísima Trinidad T HE P ASTOR’ S C OLUMN Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The readings for this day of The Most Holy Trinity provide us the image of the Family of God. . . Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. But what is most important for us to understand is that “we” are members of the Holy Family. God the Father desires that as a “family” we enter a true, honest, and faith filled bond with Him, which is only possible through our love directed at Him through His Son, Jesus. The essence of the formation of this Holy Family is only possible if we accept that we have one true God and that we keep His commandments given to us by Jesus, our Savior. Having journeyed through the seasons of Lent and Easter, we like the people led by Moses have been cleansed in our journey of faith. . . we have been tested, we have heard the words of God through the Son, we have repented, and we committed ourselves to His Family by our baptismal promises. We should therefore seek the loving ways of the Lord, Jesus and do everything to be led by the Spirit of God and not a spirit of slavery. As children of God and heirs to the Kingdom (or Promised Land) we are heirs and full members of the Body of Christ and faithful kin in the Holy Family of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Let us rejoice in the love of the Father through Jesus and keep our hearts joined as a loving community who observes His commandments and who go forth in love to make disciples of all nations. . . starting here in the St. Lawrence parish community. Be witnesses of Christ, be bold in your faith, be loving in your ways, and place Jesus first in all you undertake—so that The Most Holy Trinity is gifted to all who accept his love and words. Father Enrique RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES CLASES DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Registration for Religious Education classes are now being accepted for the 2015-2016 school year. This year registration will be taken from May 1 to May 31 ONLY. All paperwork (including birth certificate, baptism certificate, and First Communion Certificate [if applicable]) and all fees must be submitted at the time of Registration. We urge you to submit your registration early as classes fill up quickly! Estamos ya aceptamos las registraciones para las clases de Educación Religiosa para el año 2015-2016. Este año las registraciones serán solo del 1⁰ al 31 de Mayo. Necesitamos Certificados de Nacimiento, de Bautismo y de Primera Comunión asi como la cuota completa a la hora de la registración. ¡Por favor hazlo lo más pronto possible porque nuestras clases se llenan pronto! AT A GLANCE FUTURE ACTIVITIES Jun 3 Officers Meeting GH 7:30 pm. Jun 14 Monthly Pancake Breakfast STLH 7:30-10:30 am Everyone is invited to come and join your neighbor for a wonderful breakfast in community and love of Christ. Jun 17 Business Meeting GH 7:30 pm Brother Knights, please attend this meeting as it is the last business meeting of the current Columbian Year. Your input and comments are welcome. JOIN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus Council 4991 is open to all Catholic men 18 years or older who seek to answer the call of service to Jesus and the church through their time, talents, and treasure. To learn how you can become a Knight of Columbus, please call James Stroh, Grand Knight, (344-5430). 31 de Mayo de 2015 COLUMNA DEL P ASTOR Apreciados Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, Las lecturas de este día de la Santísima Trinidad nos proporcionan la imagen de la familia de Dios. . . Padre, Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. Pero, lo más importante para nosotros es comprender que "nosotros" somos miembros de la Sagrada Familia. Dios el Padre desea que como "familia" nos adentramos en un verdadero, honesto y lleno, vínculo lleno de fe con él, que sólo es posible a través de nuestro amor dirigidas a él a través de su Hijo, Jesús. La esencia de la formación de esta Sagrada Familia sólo es posible si se acepta que tenemos un Dios verdadero y se guarda sus mandamientos dados por Jesús, nuestro Salvador. Tras haber viajado a través de las estaciones de la Cuaresma y la Pascua, nosotros como la gente encabezada por Moisés hemos sido limpiados en el camino de la fe. . . Que se ha probado, hemos escuchado las palabras de Dios a través del Hijo, nos hemos arrepentido, y nos hemos comprometido a su familia por las promesas de nuestro bautismo. Por lo tanto, debemos buscar el comportamiento amoroso del Señor Jesús y hacer todo lo posible para ser guiados por el Espíritu de Dios y no un espíritu de esclavitud. Como hijos de Dios y herederos del Reino (Tierra Prometida) somos herederos y familiares fieles en el seno de la Sagrada Familia del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Alegrémonos en el amor del Padre a través de Jesús y que nuestros corazones se unan en en una comunidad amorosa que observa sus mandamientos y que va camina en el amor para hacer discípulos de todas las naciones. . . a partir de aquí de la comunidad parroquial de San Lorenzo . Ser testigos de Cristo, ser valientes en la fe, amor en tu manera de ser, y poner a Jesús en primer lugar en todo lo que emprendamos de forma que la Santísima Trinidad sea dada a todos los que aceptan su amor y sus palabras. Padre Enrique ST. VINCENT DE PAUL IN SERVICE (916.332.4779) MOST HOLY TRINITY As we celebrate the mystery of the Trinity we also realize the mystery of how much God loves and cares for each of us each day. Believing in this our lives can then overflow in thanksgiving and praise. This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul brought the love and care of Jesus to the poor by assisting families with food gift certificates, support for utilities, emergency rent and other basic necessities. Thank you for letting these families know that they are not forgotten and that the love of Christ is with them in their darkest hours of need. CONFERENCE MEETING DATES June 10 PCMR 7:00 pm June 24 PCMR 7:00 pm BECOME A MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL The St. Lawrence Conference of St. Vincent de Paul is seeking individuals who want to help people in need. If you can spare a few hours to share your time and talents doing the caring work of Jesus, please contact Jim Floyd (804.1731). REMINDER - Make-Up Day for Photos for Directory — Wednesday, June 17, 2015 Don’t be left out of the 60th Anniversary Directory! Call the Parish Office to reserve a time to take your photos. No purchase is necessary. Free 8’’ x 10 ’’ picture and directory. RECODATORIO – Toma tus fotos para el Directorio el Miércoles, 17 de Junio No te quedes fuera del Directorio del 60⁰ Aniversario de nuestra parroquia. Llama a la oficina para hacer tu cita. No se necesita comprar nada. Gratis una foto 8’’ x 10” y el directorio. Page Four M ASS I NTENTIONS SATURDAY, M AY 3 0 4:45 pm … Ann Betz† 7:00 pm … Francisco Rios† … Fernando Rios† … Julia Montaño† … Alejandro Ruiz† … Santiago Vera† … Animas del Purgatorio SUNDAY, MAY 31 11:15 am … 1:00 pm … Francisco Rios† … Fernando Rios † … Julia Montaño† … Alejandro Ruiz† … Juan & Gloria Barcena (35th Wedding Anniversary) … Veronica, Luis, Emmanuel y Isac Villa (sp. Int) … Luis Pizano (XV Años) … Yareli Ramirez (XV Años) M O ND A Y , J U N E 1 … T U E SD A Y , J U NE 2 … Souls in Purgatory W E D NE SD A Y , J U NE 3 … T H U R SD A Y , J U NE 4 … F R I D A Y , J U NE 5 … SATURDAY, J UNE 6 4:45 pm … Ann Betz† … Deacon Don Galli (Deacon Anniversary) 7:00 pm … Belgica Coronel (XV Años) S U N D A Y , J U NE 7 7:00 am … Patricio Mascarenas† … Ruben Romero† 1:00 pm … Juana Arredondo† … Maria Martinez † … Pedro Rios† LET US REMEMBER OUR DEAD Marie Reilly, Annette Fracolli-Rose, Fernando Barrera, Celia Barrera, Enrique Barro MAY 31 Harrison Franki, Sr., Margaret Thompson JUN 1 Mary Finnigan, Robert Chandler JUN 2 Josefa Schneider, Virginia Marenzi, Karen Brown, John Swanbery, Raymond Depotie, Jr., Jalal Addad JUN 3 Catherine Mohlsick, Marlys Leonard, Rose Brush, Ernest Slaton, Christopher Martinez, Eva Edwards, Lon Hammack JUN 4 Bessie Crowder, Julius Kish, Elizabeth Large, Robert Saulter, Mary Miller JUN 5 Elizabeth Booth, John Stuart, Robert Turner, Epifanio Alanis, Richard Brown, Robert Moore, Kevin Torris, Alice Gomes, Kenneth Hammack, Rizalina Carillo, Frances Cruz MAY 30 The Most Holy Trinity Congratulations to our Recipients of the Sacrament of Confirmation Wednesday, May 27, 2015 By the Most Reverend William Weigand Hector Aguila Tiffany Alatorre Stephanie Albarran Milana Ambegia Lizbeth Avila Sofia Ayala Nancy Botello Maria Elena Brenes Alejandro Cabrera Yuritzy Castro Christian Chavez Estefania Chavez Karla Cisneros Angel Correa Fausto Diaz Michelle Dinis Eric Derreza Giovanny Derreza Emely Espinoza Rosa Fajardo Erik Gayle Austin Hicks Grecia Jimenez Matthew Jimenez Leslie Lesso Ivan Loreto Jonathan Loya Jasmine Martinez Alejandro Morones Angela Navas Irery Nogales Stephanie Nunez Martha Pantoja Nancy Panuco David Perez Wendy Quintero Fatima Ramirez Monserrat Ramirez Jose Ramos Nayla Rivera Alex Rivera Lisa Rodriguez Ricardo Rosales Carillo Alejandra Sanchez Darlene Sarmiento Stephanie Sierra Lizbeth Silva Mario Silva Jacqueline Torres Jose Torres Verenice Torres Cesar Vidal Andrew Villarreal Craig Young May 31, 2015 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION There are plenty of “treasures” in our tradition that if resurrected today would cause anxious moments for bishops! Many concern marriage. There was a time when the church “consecrated” both virgins dedicated to prayer and charity, and brides dedicated to husband and family. Virgins were blessed in the sanctuary of the church, and brides in the sanctuary of the home. The custom of blessing the bride in the marriage chamber was standard in England, Ireland, Spain, and France until the eleventh century. If the groom (the groom’s side planned the wedding) chose from the full menu of liturgy, there would be a blessing of the bridal room, solemn evening prayer on the eve and morning prayer on the day of the wedding, a blessing at the church door of the spouses, and then in the church for the wife alone during Mass, and Communion. After the feast, a priest would represent the bride’s father in presiding over the legal process by which the bride transferred from her father’s clan to her husband’s. Some enduring customs hearken back to these days when marriage was seen as a contract between men (the bride’s father and the groom) and was not so much about living out one’s baptismal call, and certainly not about the equality of the spouses in Christ. Happily, this baptismal focus has been restored and unhelpful customs set aside by today’s marriage rite. Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Marcos, Mateo y Lucas nos relatan los eventos de la Ascensión de Cristo al cielo. En estas narraciones Jesús envía a “los Once y los que estaban con ellos” (Lucas 24:33), es decir, a todos los discípulos. La misión que Jesús nos confía es de ser sus testigos y llevar la Buena Nueva del perdón de los pecados desde Jerusalén a todas las naciones y a toda la creación. Esta predicación debe ir acompañada del Bautismo, para que así, las personas que escuchen el mensaje tengan la oportunidad de aceptar en su vida al Señor Jesús. Por su parte, Jesús envía a los discípulos a bautizar a todas las personas en el nombre de la Santísima Trinidad. Es Dios entero, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo actuando en la vida de toda persona bautizada, así como en la persona misionera. Hoy día estos misioneros son los papás y mamás que traen sus niños para ser bautizados. A ellos Jesús les exige: “Enseñen [a sus hijos e hijas] a cumplir todo lo que yo les he mandado” (Mateo 28:19). También les promete su ayuda diciendo: “Y yo estoy con ustedes hasta el fin del mundo” (Mateo 28:20). Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co Página Cinco La Santísima Trinidad ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT/ ADORACIÓN DEL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is scheduled for Monday, June 1 all day beginning after the 8:30 am Mass. Spend some time with the Lord! La próxima Adoración del Santisimo Sacramento será el 1 de Junio todo el día empezando despues de la Misa de 8:30 am. ¡Pasa una hora con el Señor! STEWARDSHIP REPORT 2014-2015 2014-2015 REPORTE DE LAS COLECTAS Fiscal Year Jul 1—Jun 30 Año fiscal 1° de Jul al 30 de Jun 1ST COLLECTION Wk Ending May 17 —- $ 8,229.81 2ND COLLECTION Facility Fund —-- $ 4,451.62 Fondo de Mantenimiento. The 2nd. collection on June 7 will benefit Wellspring Woman’s Center. T H E Sunday MAY 31 W E E K A T A 31 de Mayo de 2015 G L A N C E RE All Areas 10-11:00 am Monday JUNE 1 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament CH All Day after 8:30 am Mass Lectors PCMR 7:00 pm Tuesday JUNE 2 English Classes Confessions RE Rm 2 CH All areas Wednesday JUNE 3 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Knights of Columbus Grupo de Oración CH GH STLH Thursday JUNE 4 Catholic Daughters English Classes PCMR Rm 2 Friday JUNE 5 Spanish Choir CH 5:30 pm Saturday JUNE 6 First Communions CH 10:30 am & 1:30 pm Sunday JUNE 7 First Communions CH All Masses CH Church GH Gabrielli Hall STLH St Lawrence Hall GRUPO DE ORACIÓN PARROQUIAL "The Eucharist had so powerful an attraction for the Blessed Virgin that she could not live away from it. She lived in it and by it. She passed her days and her nights at the feet of her divine Son…. Her love for her hidden God shone in her countenance and communicated its ardour to all about her." (after 8:30 am Mass) 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 am 12:00-2:00 pm Rm(s) Classrooms CAPITAL CAMPAIGN CAMPAÑA CAPITAL NEW DONORS DONADORES NUEVAS Se reune todos los Miércoles de las 7:00 a las 8:30 pm para alabar al Señor y compartir su palabra. Ven a fortalecer tu fe. El fruto del Espíritu es amor, gozo, paz, paciencia, bondad, generosidad, fidelidad, gentileza, control propio Gal 5:22 PCMR Parish Center Meeting Room 12:00-2:00 pm 5:00-6:30 pm 7:00-8:00 pm Javier y Claudia Fragoso Jose Martinez Guzman In memory of Josefina Martinez by Patricia Villalba Fletes In memory of Margaret Wintermute by Rosalina Cobian In memory of Delores Kester & Margaret Wintermute by Martin Santillan - St. Peter Julian Eymard Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) Open House—June 4—10:00 am Ladies. . You are all invited to the Open House on June 4 at 10:00 am in the Parish Center Meeting Room. Join us first for Mass, if possible, then for a Continental Breakfast and information about the Catholic Daughters. For more information, please call Lynn 916.200.9078. DIOCESAN VOCATIONS ACTIVITIES June 6: Ordination to Priesthood of Deacon Victor Gutierrez & Deacon Michael Ritter. Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament—-10:30 am. All are invited. Pray for our Seminarian Iván Franco-Martín College I Mount Angel Seminary One Abbey Drive St. Benedict, OR 97373 Thanks again to all who have pledged and are paying on their pledges as promised. We are pleased to inform you that four parishioners have stepped up to help pay on pledges in memory of two of our deceased parishioners. If you are able and interested in this great act of kindness, please speak to a campaign member after Mass or call the Parish Office. Muchísimas gracias a todos los que han hecho su compromiso a la campaña y gracias también a los que han hecho sus pagos como lo prometieron. Estamos contentos de informarles que dos feligreses han ayudado a hacer pagos de las promesas de los feligreses que murieron sin haber completado su promesa. Si te gustaría ayudar o estas interesado en este gran acto de misericordia, de pagar la promesa pendiente de un difunto de nuestra parroquia, habla por favor con algún miembro del comité de la campaña después de Misa o llama a la oficina. BULLETIN: St Lawrence the Martyr Church Editor: Yolanda Fletes-Villalba Phone: 916-332-4777 If you have any questions, please give me a call (M-F) between the following hours: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
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