Saint Pauls Catholic Community - Catholic Printery

Saint Paul’s Catholic Community
Office: 1515 ~ 8th Street South, Nampa, Idaho 83651
Church: 510 W. Roosevelt, Nampa, ID 83686
Tel: 466-7031
Fax: 466-7203
Email: [email protected]
St. Paul’s WebPage:
November 16, 2014
33rd. Sunday of Ordinary Time / Domingo 33 del Tiempo Ordinario
Lunes a Viernes
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday / Sábado:
5:00 PM English, Nampa
7:30 PM Español, Melba
Sunday / Domingo:
8:00 AM English, Nampa
9:30 AM Englsih, Melba
10:00 AM English, Nampa
12:00 PM Español, Nampa
7:00 PM Español, Nampa
Monday / Lunes:
8:00 AM English
Tuesday / Martes:
8:00 AM English
Wednesday / Miercoles:
8:00 AM English, Hospital
6:00 PM Español, Iglesia
Thursday / Jueves:
8:00 AM English
Friday / Viernes:
8:15 AM English, Old Church
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
November 23, 2014
Reconciliation / Reconciliación
Wednesday/Miercoles 5-5:45pm; Saturday/sábado 3:30 - 4:30pm
( or by appointment / ó llame para hacer una cita )
Pastoral Staff
Father Jairo Restrepo, JCL, Administrator//Administrador
Father Javier Corral, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Michael Collins
Baptism / Bautismo
Parents and godparents should attend PreBaptism Classes. Please Deacon Jose Luis Granados
consult church bulletin boards or the parish bulletin (or the parish Marisela Linan, Religious EducaƟon Director
web page) for the dates of the next scheduled Pre-Baptism classes. Mari De Leon, Youth Ministry Director
Dan Jones, Business Manager
Los padres y padrinos deben asistir en las Clases
Gina Urquidi, Bookkeeper
Pre-Bautismales. Consulte, por favor, los tableros en la iglesia o el Carol Amador, AdministraƟve Secretary
boletin parroquial para las fechas de las próximas clases.
José Rodriguez, Maintenance
Marriage / Matrimonio
Four months preparation required. Contact Parish Priests.
Cuatro meses antes del matrimonio las parejas deben comunicarse
con los sacerdotes parroquiales.
Anointing of the Sick/Unción de Los Enfermos
Please contact Parish Office. / Por favor llame a la oficina
Faith Groups
Youth Groups JR SPY CORE
Hispanic Youth
Mari De Leon
Deacon Jose Luis Granados
Interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about your faith?
Contact Deacon Mike 466-7031
Contact the Parish Offices for further information 466-7031.
Para mas información llame al 466-7031.
St. Paul’s Pastoral Council
Nancy Harmon-Chairperson
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl
(208) 466-3400 Outreach/Asistencia
(208) 442-3089 Thri Store/Tienda
1403 2nd Street South, Nampa, Idaho 83651
Store Hours/Horas de la Tienda: Tue/martes 10:00-4:30pm
Thur./jueves 10:00-3:00pm Sat/sábado 10:00-3:00pm
Food Bank Hours/Horas del Banco de Comida:
2920 E. Railroad St. , Nampa, ID 83687
Tue/martes & Thur/Jueves 3-5 pm
St. Paul’s School/La Escuela de San Pablo
Randy McCormick, Principal
PLEASE REMEMBER St. Paul’s Church and School in
your will and memorial gifts. POR FAVOR ACUERDESE
de la Iglesia y la Escuela de San Pablo en su testamento y regalos memoriales.
St. Paul’s Catholic
School News
All are invited to a Healing Mass on
November 20 at 7pm in the Church.
Those that are having difficulties
physically, emotionally, mentally or
spiritually are especially invited.
St. Paul Students Host Shoe Cutting Party for SOLE
On Thursday, November 6th, students from St.
Paul’s Catholic School were reminded that they are
blessed with a nice home, food, and a few pairs of
shoes in their closets.
There is nothing wrong with that, except that they
were also reminded that somewhere in the world,
there are children beginning their day with barely
enough to wear, no clean water, and no shoes. The
children of Uganda walk, play, and work all day in
harsh conditions with no shoes. The feet are where
infections start.
Students met with Dru Collie, Director of SOLE
HOPE, and he shared his stories about the children
he works with in Uganda, Africa who are infected
with jiggers, which live in their feet. The infections
can be so severe that the children are unable to walk.
The students also got to watch a short video that
visually detailed the situation these children face
daily. SOLE HOPE provides education, medical
support, and shoes through shoe cutting parties
around the United States like the one that was held at
St. Paul’s.
School staff, students, and parents collected a huge
number of denim jeans for the project and spent
Thursday afternoon cutting the patterns for the shoe
uppers. In total, over sixty pairs of shoes were
assembled by the volunteers in a matter of
hours. Students also collected band-aids, surgical
gloves, stickers, cotton balls, and other needed items
to be used at the medical clinics in Uganda. The
assembled denim shoe uppers and medical supplies
will travel with Dru Collie back to Uganda in the
next few days.
The service project was an eye opening experience
for everyone who got to participate in the process.
“A Catholic education is an advantage for life.”
The Knights of Columbus Council
2014 is proud to announce the
Scholarship Awards to Bishop Kelly HS.
Congratulations to the following St.
Paul's students who will each receive $1000: Isabell
Boircourt, Tristan Boircourt, Mercedes Amador,
Fernando Amador , Theresa Reeping, James
Reeping, Jaycob Atencio & Emily Corisis.
Are you gluten intolerant? You will now be able to
receive our lord’s body through a host that has less
than 0.01% gluten. Please contact Father Jairo at the
parish office to receive more information.
Legion of Mary (English), meetings are being held
Tuesdays from 6:00 pm to
the Rectory piano room. Fr. Taylor has
agreed to be our Spiritual Adviser.
Please come and join us for an hour and
half of prayer and spiritual uplifting, for
more info call Debi 880-2146 or
Zulema 871-3892.
The parish office will be closed in
observance of Thanksgiving day at noon
on November 26 and closed all day on
November 27&28. Fathers Jairo and
Javier and the parish staff wish you a
blessed Thanksgiving.
The Foreign Exchange program that places
students from other countries in homes and
families. Is in need of some good families. We find
schools and homes with some qualified families who
want to have the cultural experience with a child
from another country. Please contact
208-440-4664 if you would like to be a host family to
one of our kids.
Hora de Adoración: Ven a
visitar a nuestro Señor. Horas
vacantes: Domingos a la 1:00 am
y 2:00am, Lunes a las 4:00am,
Martes a las 11:00am, Jueves a la
3:00am, Viernes a las 3:00am y
el Sábado a las 2:00am , 2:00am,
y 4:00am. Por favor, considere
una hora a la semana o si no, tal
vez ser un sustituto. Puede llamar
Chris Johnson 467-0332.
La Segunda Colectas sean
cancelado. Les pedimos que
continúen el uso de todos los
sobres, como los sobres para
Caridad, Escuela o Edificar en la
Fe. Sus contribuciones pueden ser
puestas en la canasta de la colecta
dominical. Si usted aun no esta
recibiendo sobres y le gustaría
favor de comunicarse con la oficia
El Banco de Comida de San
Vicente de Paul sirvió a 472
familias en Julio, 521 familias en
Agosto y 485 familias en Sept. .
Ofrendas de comida pueden ser
puestas en los contenedores que
están localizados en las entradas
de la Iglesia. El Segundo domingo
de cada mes es designados para la
colecta de comida. Se agradece su
generosidad, especialmente a Luis
Torres y su familia por su
donación de una res.
El Grupo de oración la Buena
Semilla: Se reúne todos los
Miércoles después de la misa de
las6:00p.m. . Todos están invitados
de participar en oración y
alabanzas al Señor. Se ofrece
cuidado de niños.
Se invita a todos
los coros y
exintegrantes de
los coros
parroquiales y el
pueblo general
que dese integrarse
a un coro único
para cantar en la
misa de Nuestra Señora de
Guadalupe el día 12 de Diciembre
a las 7pm. Los ensayos serán los
días 14, 21, y 28 de Noviembre y
día 4 de Diciembre a las 7pm en
la Iglesia. Para mas información
puede comunicarse con Elías
Vega al 208-515-5289.
Estudio Bíblico : El Padre Jairo
les invita a participar en un
Estudio Bíblico todos los
Miércoles . El estudio empezara el
día 15 de Octubre a las 7pm en la
Iglesia. Se estarán estudiando
diferentes libros y temas bíblicos.
Todos están invitados. Habrá
cuidado de niño.
Amigos de la Divina
Misericordia: Por favor únase a
los amigos de la Divina
Misericordia cada primer sábado
del mes después de la misa de
5pm, en la Capilla de Adoración
(de tras del altar). Leyéremos una
escritura del diario de Santa
Faustina, rezar la oración de la
Divina Misericordia, tomaremos
una colecta para una familia en
necesidad de la parroquia (cual es
decidido por el Padre Javier,
nuestro director spiritual), y
venerar la imagen de la Divina
Misericordia. Para mas
información favor de comunicarse
con Ian O’Connell at 250-5714.
Muchas gracias por sus
oraciones , por sus generosas
donaciones y por su apoyo
durante este pasado “Radiotón
de otoño ” de Sal y Luz Radio
Católica. Su continuo apoyo nos
permite mantener nuestra señal al
aire, para seguir aprendiendo
sobre nuestra Fe Católica
diariamente. Continúe
sintonizándonos en
el 1490AM en el Valle del
Tesoro, en el 1450AM en
el Valle mágico y escúchenos
en internet enwww.salyluzradio.c
om . Ponemos a sus
órdenes nuestra nueva línea
telefónica (208) 629.4869.
¿Quieres sacar tu GED y has
trabajado en el campo?
¡El programa de GED HEP de
Boise State University tal vez te
pueda ayudar! ¡GRATIS!
El programa tiene 3 requisitos:
Tener por lo menos 16 años de
edad, Estar a un nivel académico
del octavo grado en lectura y
matemática y Tener por lo menos
3 meses de trabajo en la
agricultura en los últimos dos
años, ya sea por el estudiante o un
familiar directo. Las clases se
ofrecen en inglés y en español, en
Nampa y en Boise. Llama al 208426-1080 para saber si calificas
La ofician parroquial estará
cerrada en observancia del día de
Acción de Gracias los días 26
(cerrara a medio día)
27 y 28 de Nov. Los
Padre Jairo y Javier y el
equipo parroquial, les
desea que se pasen un
feliz día de Acción de Gracias.
Adoration Open Hours: Come
in for a visit or sign up for an
hour. We can always use
substitutes. Open Hours for
Adoration: Sunday at 1:00 a.m.
and 2:00 a.m., Monday at 4:00
a.m., Tuesday at 11:00 a.m.,
Thursday at 3:00 a.m., Friday at
3:00 a.m. and Saturday at 2:00
a.m., 3:00 a.m. and 4:00
a.m. Call Chris Johnson at 4670332.
RCIA has begun but it is not too
late to join us. We meet at 7:00
pm on Wed. evenings in Old St.
Paul's. If you wish to learn more
about the Catholic faith,
please come! Also, Sponsors are
needed. You must be a Catholic
who attends Sunday mass,
participates in the Sacraments,
and is willing to share your faith
journey. See you on Wed.
evenings or call Deacon Mike
for more info at 466-7031.
Mass Intentions:Nov.23–Nov.29
At St. Paul’s Church, Nampa
Sun 11/23: 8am–Vincent Galindo,
12pm–Cresensiano Hernandez†
7pm- Alfredo Lemus †
Mon 11/24: Edith Irigoyen †
Tue 11/25: Donald Behrendt †
Wed 11/26: Olivia Jolley
6pm–Ruben Merito †
Thur 11/27: Thanksgiving Day
Fri 11/28: Anna Stringer †
Sat 11/29: Catholic Women’s
At St. Joseph’s Church, Melba
Sun. 11/23: Karla Cruz
Sat. 11/29:
Fr. Bill Taylor wants to add a
Bible study to the menu of
excellent studies already going on
at St. Paul’s. The study involves a
search into the text and its message
for our lives. Each lesson ends with
prayer. The class will be at the
parish office at 10am and 12pm
noon (bring a sack lunch) . Some
topics to study are but not limited
-Option one: The Great Themes of
the Bible. Several great themes
unite the Bible story into the Story
of Salvation, weaving through the
pages of the Old and New
Testaments, and on into our
personal lives.
-Option two, in preparation for
Christmas. A study of the biblical
themes read during Advent, with
the historical background to the
notion of the Messiah and the
Kingdom of God.
-Option three: Praying with the
Bible, following the themes of
faith, hope, and love.
Please contact the parish office to
sign up, 466-7031.
Rachel’s Vineyard Post Abortion
Healing Weekend Retreat: If you
have been wounded by the act of
abortion…or someone dear to you
has struggled with the spiritual and
emotional aftermath of abortion,
experience the healing love of Jesus
Christ on a Rachel’s Vineyard
Retreat. Participation is strictly
confidential and offers a beautiful
opportunity to experience God’s
love, forgiveness, and compassion.
Retreats are held annually at
Nazareth Retreat Center (Boise,
Idaho). Specific dates, alternate
locations and registration details are
available by phone or online. For
more info, contact Gerry & Susan
Guzman (208) 938-9797
[email protected] or visit . Return
phone calls are handled with
Louie’s Famous Pasta Dinner
with salad & bread, Soft Drinks, Beer,
Wine, and Dessert for Purchase
Entertainment & Raffle
Win an iPad or a 5 ltr bottle of wine!
$35 for Family (up to 6)
$7 per Person
$6 for Seniors & Children 6-10
Free for Children Under 6
All Proceeds Benefit Bishop Kelly PA
Thank you for your prayers,
pledges, and support during the
recent Salt & Light Radio pledge
drive. Praise God! We surpassed
our goal and raised over $140,000
between our four stations. Your
continued support keeps us on the
air for all to learn more about our
Catholic faith, 24/7. The winner of
the Golden Spatula was St. Mark's
Knights. Interview podcasts will
be available in a couple of weeks
along with pictures from the drive
at Thanks
again for your support and
remember to tune in to 1140AM,
YOUR listener supported Catholic
Radio Station.
Advertiser of the Week
Andrea Torres, MA, LCSW
Please support these vendors who
make our bulletin possible.
Stewardship is giving thanks
For many Catholics, we think seriously
stewardship when our parish or diocese
raises money but real stewardship is about becoming
more fulfilled and having a greater sense of purpose.
It is giving back to God in gratitude for his gifts. And
while it’s not just about money, good stewards have
all the money they need.
God’s family comes first. All families come together
in love to care for each other, enjoy each other, and
support each other. In God’s family, we come together
in his love to care for each other, enjoy each other,
and support each other. As good stewards, we meet
the needs of God’s family first, before we spend time
or money on anything else.
Find your place. Ask God to help you discern and
learn your place in his family. What are you to do
with your gifts?
Take your seat at the table. Find out where you can
put your talents to work in your parish. Talk with your
pastor, with the rectory staff, and with parish leaders.
Think before spending. Before you commit your
time or money to any purpose, make sure you have
taken care of the
needs of God’s family first. Everything we have and
everything we are comes from God. He deserves the
best we
have to give in return.
La buena administración es dar gracias
Muchos católicos piensan seriamente sobre
La administración cuando nuestra parroquia
o nuestra diócesis recaudan fondos, pero la auténtica
Buena administración tiene que ver con sentirnos más
plenos y con entender mejor nuestra misión. Consiste en
restituir a Dios lo debido en agradecimiento por sus
dones. Y aunque no se trata sólo de dinero, los Buenos
administradores tienen todo el dinero que necesitan.
Lo primero es la familia de Dios. Todas las familias se
unen con amor para cuidarse, para disfrutar y para
apoyarse. En la familia de Dios nos unimos en su amor
para cuidarnos, para disfrutar y para apoyarnos. Como
buenos administradores atendemos primero a las
necesidades de la familia de Dios antes de gastar tiempo
o dinero en otra cosa.
Encuentre su lugar. Pida ayuda a Dios para descubrir
cuál es su lugar en su familia. ¿Qué va a hacer con sus
Siéntese a la mesa. Averigüe en qué puede serle más
útil a su parroquia. Hable con el párroco, con el personal
de la rectoría y con los líderes parroquiales.
Piense antes de gastar. Antes de comprometer su
tiempo o su dinero con algo en particular, cerciórese de
que ya se ha ocupado de las necesidades de la familia de
Dios. Todo lo que tenemos y todo lo que somos viene de
Dios. Se merece que le restituyamos lo mejor que
Why Do Catholics Do That?
Why do Catholics offer Masses for the dead? Judas
Maccabee ordered prayers and sacrifices for Jewish
soldiers who died in sin (2Maccabees 12:38-46). St.
Paul’ prayed for Onesiphorus after his death (2Tm
1:18). Catholics believe that prayers and sacrifices
benefit the dead. When we die in God’s friendship we
eventually go to Heave, but if we haven’t properly
atoned for certain sins we have to be purified in
Purgatory first. We pray for the souls in Purgatory to
help them pass through faster than they would
¿Porque hacen eso los Católicos?
¿Por qué ofrecen misas los católicos por los difuntos?
Judas Macabeo ordenó que se rezara y se ofrecieran
sacrificios por los soldados judíos que murieron en
pecado (2 Macabeos 12:38-46). San Pablo rezó por
Onesíforo después de su muerte (2 Timoteo 1:18). Los
católicos creen que las oraciones y los sacrificios benefician a los difuntos. Cuando morimos en la Amistad de
Dios vamos al cielo, pero si no nos hemos purificado
adecuadamente de ciertos pecados tenemos que ser purificados primero en el Purgatorio. Rezamos por las almas
del Purgatorio para ayudarlas a que pasen por él más
The Lord redeems the life of his servants;
none of those who take refuge in him will
be condemned. Psalm 34:22
Pero el Señor salva la vida a sus siervos;
no serán castigados los que en el
confían. Salmo 34:22
Youth Ministry News
ICYC information is here! Dates are March 6-8 of 2015 mark your calendars NOW
Our Confirmation retreat was a success please keep those preparing for Confirmation in your prayers.
Youth ministries will sponsor a Holy Hour and Thanksgiving meal on November 23rd. It will be
held at 2 p.m. at the Old St. Paul's.
There will be no Youth Ministry on November 30th we wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.
Who loves music?
We are working on starting a Jr. Choir if you are interested please contact the
parish office so we can add you to our list we hope to start soon.
News from the Religious Education Program
First Communion parent and child, mandatory meeting,
Monday, December 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the New St
Paul’s Church!!! At least one parent must be present!!
junta obligatoria de padres y niños de Primera
Comunión será domingo 7, de diciembre, después de la
misa 12:00 p.m. en la Iglesia. ¡Por lo menos uno de los
padres y el niño (a) debe estar presente en dicha