~THE PARISH WEEK AHEAD~ FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 1 – February 8, 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Gus Adams (Cecilia & Bill Rothert) For the Parish No Mass Holy Souls (Anonymous) Mass Mass Mass Eddie White (Butto Family) Mass For the Parish 7:00AM 10:00AM 8:00AM 8:00AM 8:00AM 8:30AM 5:00PM 7:00AM 10:00AM LITURGICAL ROLES: February 7 – February 8 5:00 PM T. Voller J. Anhalt M. Fusaro D. Hoyt M. Hoyt Volunteer 7:00 AM J. Andrade C. Zarate M.Gonzalez M. Nunez 10:00 AM R. Meredith A. Streett A. Lee C. Hendron S. Streett Volunteer R.Harpenau G.Barborek N. Schmidt L. Lozeau S. Lozeau S. Warren D. Pina JR. Pina L. Pina A. Lee H. Cox E. Prince Ca. Lee Volunteer A. Arias K.Sierra C. Tovar Volunteer J. Eckart $8680.68 $1315.98 Offertory Jan 24th & 25th Black & Indian Missions CASA February 7th & 8th READINGS FOR THE WEEK: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 Heb 12:1-4; Mk 5:21-43 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Mk 6:1-6 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Mk 6:7-13 Heb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mk 6:30-34 Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 SAINTS OF THE WEEK: Tuesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Ss. Blaise and Ansgar St. Agatha St. Paul Miki BVM PRAYERFUL SILENCE: Let us renew our commitment to keep the nave of our church a true “house of prayer”. Let us all agree to maintain a “prayerful silence” once we pass through our processional doors and enter the church. SILENCIO ORANTE: Renovemos nuestro compromiso de mantener la nave de la iglesia una verdadera "casa de oración". Pongámonos de acuerdo todos mantener un silencio orante, una vez que pasan por nuestras puertas procesionales y entrar en el iglesia. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Friday, February 6th, and Saturday, February 7th. Please make one hour of time in your busy schedule to spend with the Lord praising Him and praying for His Grace and Mercy in this a New Year. Sign-up Binder is in the Narthex! ST. JOHN IS STILL SEEKING EXTRAORDINARY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS TO THE SICK AND SHUT-INS: If you are interested please contact the Parish Office! VISITATION MINISTRY: Please, take the time to visit our Parishioners who are in local nursing homes or are shut-ins. Your visitation means so much to those that miss the fellowship of Mass. LET US PRAY ~ for the restored good health of these members of our Parish Family: Daisy Anderson Kathy Buttanda Pam Cook Dorothy Figueroa Elda Floriani Ed France Heddie Fritz Paula Gallagher Eleanor Garrison Pat Glover Jim Graham Barbara Gray Frances Henderson Mary Hoffman John Hohmann Hilda Hoyt Donna Hurtt Helen Keim Jeanne Kinavy Eric Larson Tommy McMahon Laura Minahan Margaret Mobley Bheyleigh Nufer Richard Pozdol Carole Schwander Dudley Wells Billy Joe Wesley Sebrena Westcott Jim Zydzik LET US PRAY ~ for the needs of the following relatives and friends of our Parish Family: CALENDAR WEEK AHEAD: Feb Feb Feb Feb 02 03 04 05 RCIA Bingo KC Rosary in Chapel Choir Practice 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 7:00PM COMING EVENTS: Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb 11 14 16 17 18 School Board Meeting St. Valentine’s Day President’s Day Parish Council Meeting Ash Wednesday ST JOHN HARVEST HOUSE FOOD PANTRY: Please don’t forget our Food Pantry Needs! Our outreach to those in need continues to grow but we cannot do it without your help! We need just about any food items and toiletries that you can think of. Ralph Bunch (Friend of Mary Jo Jennen) April Marie Burnett (grddaughter of Catherine Hendron) Carl Butala (father of Sherry Fusaro) Mary Helen Campbell (sister-in-law of Mary Jo Jennen) Carol Capo (sister of Katherine Kluender) Betty Chaney (mother of Tamra Stahl) Loretta Durbin (stepmother of Mary Jo Jennen) Rhonda Moore France (friend of Kathy Smith) Lenela Fitzjurls (mother of Cindy Phonvilai) Mark Gilliam (son of Pam Gilliam) Melanie Gilbert (friend of Sarah Bolin) Mary Lea Harpenau (mother of Al Harpenau) Mike Hatch (friend of John David Jones) Marty Heidgen (nephew of Sue Streett) Alison Hoglund (sister of Christi Lynn Priore) R.Rev. Warren Heidgen (cousin of Sue Streett) Linda Jones (mother of John David Jones) Joyce Larkin (wife of Mike Larkin) John Eric Laurence (grandson of Mary Jo Jennen) Gavin Morgan (grandson of Celeste&DamienDurbin) Peyton Rohner (grddaughter of Tony&Kathy Buttanda) Fredric A. Spiras (friend of Carroll Suchy) Sister Barbara Schroeder, OSB Janet Sorrels (sister of Carole Schwander) Ron Sovereign (brother of Dan Sovereign) David Thompson Family (friends of John David Jones) THANK YOU SO MUCH! I would like to take this Please contact the Parish Office and let us know when our prayers have been answered. Sharing Appeal will begin. Your CASA pledge supports a multitude of projects around our Diocese such as: Catholic Schools, Youth Ministries, Seminarian Education, Disaster Relief, Adoption Services and much more. Please take a Pledge Card, you can either put it in the collection basket or use the pre-paid envelope to mail your pledge contribution. Come 0n and Play Bingo! Bingo! This Tuesday Night at 6:30 PM with the doors opening at 5:30 PM. If you haven’t yet, come and see how much fun it is to win! NOTICE: If you have dishes that were left in the Parish Hall Kitchen, please make a note to pick them up. Thank you for your attention to this request! opportunity to thank Father Chuma and all the St. John Parishioners for the flowers, well wishes and prayers on my 101st Birthday. God Bless and Keep You All! Heddie Fritz WORD OF LIFE: “It is not only a personal but a social concern which we must all foster: a concern to make unconditional respect for human life the foundation of a renewed society.” — Pope Saint John Paul II, The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae, no. 77) © 1995 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. PALABRA DE VIDA: "Es una exigencia no sólo personal sino también social, que todos debemos cultivar, poniendo el respeto incondicional de la vida humana como fundamento de una sociedad renovada". — San Juan Pablo II, El Evangelio de la vida, (Evangelium vitae, 77) © 1995 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Con la debida licencia. CASA: Next weekend the 2015 Catholic Arkansas NOTICE: The End of Year Donor Substantiation Statements for 2014 have been mailed. If your tithes were at or above the IRS Minimum for tax purposes, and for some reason, you did not receive yours, please contact the Parish Office. ST. JOHN CATHOLIC SCHOOL Christ is the reason for this school Rev. Chuma Ibebuike Pastor Mark A. Tyler Principal ANSAA Accredited NCEA Member January 31 & February 1, 2015 Deacon or Priest? Principal’s Message “A man who walks with God is always moving in the right direction.” – Roy Lessin Vocations Program Deacon Steve Mallett from Sacred Heart Church explained the difference between a priest and a deacon. Father Mauricio We held our annual vocations program on Monday, January 26. Deacon Steve Mallett, Sister Kimberly Prohaska, Brother Francis Kirchner, and Father Mauricio all shared their perspective on religious life. Father Mauricio explained the importance of prayer and answering God’s call. Calendar of Events February 2 - Registration open to other parishes February 5 - PTO Meeting, 5:30 February 6 - Interim Grades February 7 - Family Reading, 3:00-4:30 February 9 - Registration open to public February 10 - UCA Theatre, 9:00 am 1912 West Main Street Russellville, Arkansas 72801 PHONE: 479-967-4644 FAX: 479-967-4645 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Two times in today’s Gospel we hear these words “and followed him.” Simon, Andrew, James and John abandoned their work “and followed him.” I guess we could say that they said, “Yes.” This “yes” moment was spectacular. It changed their whole lives. They said “yes” following Jesus from town to village to countryside. They said “yes” to listening to Jesus teach and watching him perform miracles. They said “yes” to preaching the Good News that Jesus is the Messiah. They said “yes” to being Jesus’ disciples. Let Simon, Andrew, James, and John inspire you as a Catholic in the choices you make today. Then at the end of this day―at the end of every day of your life―you can look back and say, “Yes, I followed him.” Catechist, January 2015 CUARTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Dos veces en el Evangelio de hoy escuchamos estas palabras ", le siguieron." Simón, Andrés, Santiago y Juan abandonaron su trabajo ", le siguieron." Supongo que podríamos decir que, dijeron, "Sí." Este momento "sí" era espectacular. Cambió toda su vida. Ellos dijeron "sí" seguir a Jesús de pueblo en pueblo en el campo. Ellos dijeron "sí" a la escucha de enseñar Jesús y verlo hacer milagros. Ellos dijeron "sí" a la predicación de la Buena Nueva de que Jesús es el Mesías. Ellos dijeron "sí" a ser discípulos de Jesús. Deje Simón, Andrés, Santiago y Juan le inspiran como católico en las decisiones que toma en la actualidad. Luego, al final de este día, al final de cada día de tu vida, puedes mirar atrás y decir: "Sí, yo lo seguí." Catechist, January 2015 ARE YOU READY FOR MORE ENERGY IN 2015? Lent is around the corner? What are you doing for Lent this year? Lent is a time to focus on spiritual growth and renewal. Continue and grow deeper in this journey with Matthew Kelly at “Living Every Day with Passion and Purpose,” coming soon to Springdale. In this life-changing event, Matthew talks about practical ways to identify the voice of God and apply your Catholic faith to your everyday life. Find your game changer March 7, 2015. For information call 859-980-7900 or dynamiccatholic.com. ¿ESTÁ LISTO PARA MÁS ENERGÍA EN 2015? La Cuaresma es la vuelta de la esquina? ¿Qué estás haciendo para la Cuaresma de este año? La Cuaresma es un tiempo para centrarse en el crecimiento espiritual y la renovación. Continuar y crecer más profundamente en este viaje con Matthew Kelly en "Vivir cada día con pasión y propósito", próximamente en Springdale. En este evento que cambia la vida, Mateo habla de formas prácticas para identificar la voz de Dios y aplicar su fe católica a su vida cotidiana. Encuentre su cambio de juego 7 de marzo de 2015. Para obtener información, llame al 859.980.7900 o dynamiccatholic.com. A SPIRIT TO KNOW YOU Gracious and Holy Father, please bestow upon me an intellect to understand you, reason to discern you, diligence to seek you, wisdom to find you, a spirit to know you, a heart to meditate upon you, ears to hear you, eyes to see you, a tongue to proclaim you, a way of life pleasing to you, patience to wait for you and perseverance to look for you. Amen. GROWING FAITH ― choose your group to grow-in New this week: ADULT FAITH FORMATION A BIBLICAL WALK THROUGH THE MASS Do you understand the meaning behind the parts of the Mass? In his video-based study A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, Dr. Edward Sri explores the roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass and explains their profound significance. In this study, you will come to know and understand the Mass as never before, leading you to a richer, more fruitful worship experience. Join us for a A Biblical Walk Through the Mass with two sessions to choose from: Sunday, February 1 from 8:30-9:45 a.m. Monday, February 2 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. In the Beth Hoffman-Frazier Catechetical Center. For more information or to register for the study, call Christi Lynn at 970-8067. CULTIVAR LA FE - elija su grupo para crecer en Novedades de esta semana: La fe del adulto UN PASEO BIBLICA través de los medios ¿Entiende el significado detrás de las partes de la Misa? En su estudio basado en video Un paseo bíblica A través de la Misa, el Dr. Edward Sri explora las raíces de las palabras y los gestos que experimentamos en la Misa y explica su significado profundo. En este estudio, se llega a conocer y comprender la Misa, como nunca antes, que le conduce a una experiencia de adoración más fructífero rico. Únase a nosotros para un A Walk bíblica A través de la Misa con dos sesiones para elegir: • Domingo, 01 de febrero de 8: 30-9: 45 am • Lunes, 02 de febrero de 6: 30-8: 24:00 En Beth Hoffman-Frazier Centro Catequético. Para obtener más información o para inscribirse en el estudio, llame Christi Lynn en 970-8067. WOMEN OF ST. JOHN PARISH You are invited to join a Moms circle to nurture your heart, mind, body, and Soul. This will help you to uphold the special place of women in the family, the Church, and the world. The Moms circles will begin the week of February 8, times and day to be determined; our Moms circles would be honored if you’d join us! This study will allow the opportunity for us to connect in faith and friendship with other women as we engage in discussion on the topic of nurturing your heart, mind, body, and soul. Please call 967-3699 to sign-up. MUJERES DE ST. JOHN PARISH Usted está invitado a unirse a las mamás círculo para nutrir su corazón, mente, cuerpo y alma. Esto le ayudará a defender el lugar especial de la mujer en la familia, la Iglesia y el mundo. Los círculos Moms comenzarán la semana del 8 de febrero de horarios y días que se determinen; nuestros círculos Moms sería un honor si te unes a nosotros! Este estudio permitirá la oportunidad para conectarnos en la fe y la amistad con otras mujeres como nos involucramos en la discusión sobre el tema de nutrir su corazón, mente, cuerpo y alma. Por favor llame a 967-3699 para inscribirse. ATTN: MARRIED COUPLES For Christmas did you get that asked for promise of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend? Then don’t delay to collect on that gift. If not, what a wonderful opportunity to ask for that Weekend for Valentines! Valentine Weekend going fast!! Next Weekend: February 13-15 at Subiaco. Apply now. Space is limited. For more information visit our website arkansaswwme.org or call Steve & Elaine Lienhart at 501312-1119 or email [email protected]. ¿PORQUE SE QUEDAN CONFORMES CON UN MATRIMONIO MAGNIFICO CUANDO PUEDEN TENER UN MATRIMONIO IDEAL? El Encuentro Matrimonial es un programa de 44 horas en donde las parejas pueden alejarse del trabajo, los niños, las tareas de la casa y el teléfono para enfocarse solo uno al otro. Si están buscando que su relación crezca, sea más profunda, y más enriquecida. Entonces les gustará la diferencia que puede hacer en ustedes un Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial. El próximo Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial estará en Centro de San Juan, Little Rock, AR, febrero 13-15, 2015. Para más información o para registrarse, llama a Fermín y Noemí Andrade 479-644-1152 o Adrián y Reyna Álvarez 773- 213-9593 o Arnulfo y Alicia Manjarrez 479-285-1100; 479-285-9087. Favor de registrarse antes de febrero 11, 2015. RETROUVAILE PROGRAM A lifeline for troubled marriages—Do you know of a marriage in trouble? Are better communication and conflict management skills needed? Retrouvaille is a program designed to help heal and renew troubled and hurting marriages. It is a relationship-building program with the main emphasis on communication between husband and wife. Separated and divorced couples are also encouraged to attend. The next Retrouvaille weekends are: Little Rock, AR,: February 20-22, call 501-834-1956 Contact www.HelpOurMarriage.org or the Diocesan Family Life Office at 501-664-0340, ext. 353. or register online at www.retrouvaille.org. PROGRAMA RETROUVAILE Un salvavidas para los matrimonios con problemas-Do usted sabe de un matrimonio en problemas? ¿Se necesitan mejores habilidades de gestión de la comunicación y el conflicto? Retrouvaille es un programa diseñado para ayudar a sanar y renovar matrimonios con problemas y sufren. Se trata de un programa de fomento de la relación con el mayor énfasis en la comunicación entre marido y mujer. Separados y también se les anima a asistir a las parejas divorciadas. Los próximos fines de semana Retrouvaille son: • Little Rock, AR: Febrero 20-22, llame 501-834-1956 Contacto www.HelpOurMarriage.org o la Oficina de Vida Diocesana Familia en 501-664-0340, ext. 353. o registrarse en línea en www.retrouvaille.org. UN EVENTO QUE CAMBIARÁ TU VIDA..... Pasión y Propósito en vivo es la experiencia ya la vez práctica inspiradora de enseñanza dinámica y la aplicación del genio del catolicismo a todos los aspectos de tu vida. Sábado, 07 de marzo 2015, la Iglesia Católica St. Raphael, Springdale, de 9:00 am a 1:30p.m. Registrar, en línea en DynamicCatholic.com. TUESDAY BOOK STUDY GROUP The Tuesday Book study group will begin the The Discernment of Spirits: An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living, by Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.V. The Study group will meet: • Tuesday mornings from 9:00-10:30 a.m. • Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m. In the Beth Hoffman-Frazier Adult Catechetical Center. It is open to adults. Contact Christi Lynn Priore at 967-3699. Martes GRUPO DE ESTUDIO DEL LIBRO El grupo de estudio Martes libro comenzará el el discernimiento de espíritus: Una Guía ignaciana para la Vida Diaria, por Timothy M. Gallagher, OMV El grupo de estudio se reunirá. • martes por la mañana de 9:00-10:30 am • miércoles por la noche de 6: 30-8:00 pm En Beth Hoffman-Frazier Adulto Catequético Building. Está abierto a todos los adultos. Contacte Christi Lynn Priore en 967-3699. CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME We are asking each of you to make a special effort to invite your non-practicing friends, relatives, or acquaintances to attend this series. This program is held on Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. CATÓLICOS regresar a casa Estamos pidiendo a cada uno de ustedes a hacer un esfuerzo especial para invitar a sus amigos que no son practicantes, parientes o conocidos a asistir a esta serie. Este programa se llevó a cabo el miércoles por la noche a las 7:00 pm INTERESTED IN CATHOLIC CHURCH If you are interested in finding out more about how to become a Catholic, join us for the RCIA Sharing (Rite of Christian Initiation). The RCIA sessions are held on Monday evenings at 6:30 pm in Beth Hoffman-Frazier Catechetical Center. INTERESADO EN LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA Si usted está interesado en saber más acerca de cómo llegar a ser un católico, únase a nosotros para el Intercambio de RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana). Las sesiones de RICA se celebran el lunes por la noche a las 6:30 pm en Bet Hoffman-Frazier Centro Catequético. POST-ABORTION SUPPORT GROUP Do you feel alone, hurting or unforgiven from a past abortion? The Respect Life Office, through Project Rachel, is starting a support group, beginning February 16, 2015. The spiritual journey lasts 11 weeks, with small groups of 6-8. Groups will be formed in Little ‘Rock, Fayetteville/Rogers and Hot Springs areas. All names and meeting places are strictly confidential. For details call 501-664-0340.ext. 357. POST-ABORTO GRUPO DE APOYO ¿Se siente solo, herir o perdonados de un aborto pasado? La Oficina de Respeto a la Vida, a través del Proyecto Raquel, está comenzando un grupo de apoyo, que comienza el 16 de febrero de 2015. El viaje espiritual dura 11 semanas, con pequeños grupos de 6-8. Se formarán grupos en zonas poco "Rock, Fayetteville / Rogers y Hot Springs. Todos los nombres y lugares de reunión son estrictamente confidenciales. Para detalles llame 501-664-0340.ext. 357. Investigación plazo de 16 de febrero 2015. YOUTH NIGHT St. John Catholic Youth Ministry offers many and varied activities for the young people of our parish family. We first and foremost recognize the many blessings that we receive from our loving God and pledge to Him our respect for one another. Our Junior (6-8) and Senior (9-12) high parishioners learn from their CYM leaders that God must be first in all we do. Come join the fun at our Wednesday Night Activity. The night will start with meal followed with activity February 4 at 6:00-8:00 p.m. JUVENTUD NOCHE St. John pastoral juvenil católica ofrece muchas y variadas actividades para los jóvenes de nuestra familia parroquial. En primer lugar y ante todo reconocer las muchas bendiciones que recibimos de nuestro Dios amoroso y nos comprometemos a Él nuestro respeto por el otro. Nuestras Junior (6-8) y mayores (9-12) de altura feligreses aprenden de sus líderes CYM que Dios debe ser primero en todo lo que hacemos. Ven y únete a la diversión en nuestra Noche de Actividad La noche comenzará con comida siguió con la actividad 4 de febrero a las 6: 00-8: 00 PM. SACRAMENTAL DATES FOR 2014-2015 Confirmation Retreat for the 9-10th graders ― Friday- Saturday, February 20-21st time and place to be announced. (required retreat) First Reconciliation Retreat for those preparing ― Saturday, February 28th at 9:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. First Reconciliation for those preparing ― Saturday, March 7th at 9:00 a.m. in the main church. (required retreat) Confirmation Mass for 10th graders ― Saturday, March 14th at the 5:00 p.m. Mass. First Holy Communion for those preparing ― Saturday, April 11th at 9:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. (required retreat) First Holy Communion Mass for those preparing Sunday, April 12th at the 10:00 a.m. Mass. FECHAS sacramental para la 2014-2015 Retiro de Confirmación para los grados 9-10 - viernessábado, febrero 20-21 tiempo y lugar que se anunciará. (retiro obligatorio) Primera Reconciliación Retreta para quienes se preparan Sábado, 28 de febrero a las 9:00 am en el Salón Parroquial. Primera Reconciliación para quienes se preparan - Sábado, 7 de marzo a las 9:00 am en la iglesia principal. (retiro obligatorio) Misa de confirmación para alumnos del grado 10 - sábado, 14 de Marzo a las 5:00 pm Misa. Primera Comunión para los que se preparan - Sábado, 11 de abril a las 9:00 am en el Salón Parroquial. (retiro obligatorio) Primera Comunión Misa por los que se preparan Domingo, 12 de abril a las 10:00 am Misa. WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRATED LIFE Will be celebrated in the Church on Monday, February 2, 2015. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation. Consecrated Life Prayer Intention That in this year dedicated to consecrated live, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal. - Pope Francis DÍA MUNDIAL DE LA VIDA CONSAGRADA Se celebrará en la Iglesia el lunes 2 de febrero de 2015. Por favor, oren por todos aquellos que se han comprometido en la vida consagrada, y asegúrese de darles las gracias en su día especial. Que puedan continuar siendo inspirada en Jesucristo y responder con generosidad al don de la vocación de Dios. Consagrado Oración Intención Vida Que en este año dedicado a la consagrada en vivo, religiosos y religiosas pueden redescubrir la alegría de seguir a Cristo y se esfuerzan por servir a los pobres con celo. - Pope Francisco ABBEY YOUTH FEST 2015 Join us for the Abbey Youth 2015 Fest, The Hour Has Come. Register by contacting Youth Office 970-8067. ABBEY JUVENTUD FEST Únase a nosotros para la Abadía de la Juventud 2015 Fest, la hora ha llegado. Registrar poniéndose en contacto con la Oficina de la Juventud 970-8067. YOUTH SAVE THE DATE What it is: The National Catholic Youth Conference is an exciting, biennial three-day experience of prayer, catechesis, community, and discipleship. Catholic teenagers (9-12 graders in the 2015-16 academic year) learn about the Catholic faith through keynote presentations and workshop sessions that address a wide variety of topics. The Eucharist is celebrated daily and the sacrament of reconciliation is offered in addition to recreation and special activities such as concerts, exhibits, and the interactive thematic park. Contact Christi Lynn Priore at 970-8067 for details. JUVENTUD GUARDAR LA FECHA Qué es: La Conferencia Nacional de la Juventud Católica es una emocionante experiencia bienal, de tres días de oración, la catequesis, la comunidad y el discipulado. Adolescentes católicos (9-12 grado en el curso académico 2015-16) aprenden sobre la fe católica a través de conferencias magistrales y talleres que abordan una amplia variedad de temas. La Eucaristía se celebra todos los días y el sacramento de la reconciliación se ofrece, además de la recreación y actividades especiales como conciertos, exposiciones y el parque temático interactivo. Contacte Christi Lynn Priore en 970-8067 para más detalles.
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