St. Bartholomew Church 4949 W. Patterson Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60641 773-286-7871 ST. BART’S PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St. Bartholomew Parish is a faith-filled people, guided by the Holy Spirit and the Gospel, striving to hear and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all… to CELEBRATE together because the Lord is in our midst and dwelling within us. to CARE about each other, sharing our joys and sorrows. to GROW in awareness of Jesus, alive and active in our lives. to INVITE everyone to share in one another’s goodness, talents, hopes and visions. The people of God at St. Bartholomew REACH OUT to all because we need each other. April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter Page 2 Fe, Esperanza y Amor; estas son las virtudes teológicas de la iglesia. Cada católico está llamado a vivir una vida que está llena de fe en el Señor, esperanza en la vida eterna, y amor por Dios y sus hijos. Cada lectura esta semana nos enseña sobre cómo ponemos en práctica estas virtudes y de esta manera, cómo podemos crecer en nuestra relación con nuestro Señor. La fe es importante porque nos da una base en Cristo y nos ayuda a perseverar en un mundo lleno de tentaciones y la ignorancia de la ley de Dios. La esperanza es importante para no caer en la desesperación durante tiempos de pruebas y dificultades. El amor es importante porque perfecciona nuestra naturaleza pecaminosa al cuidar a otros sin tener en cuenta intereses personales. La segunda lectura habla sobre la fe de una manera muy especial. Comienza estableciendo nuestra conexión a Dios el Padre y al Hijo. Hijos de Dios se identifican no sólo por su amor por otros y por Dios sino por su creencia en la filiación divina de Jesucristo. La fe es la aceptación de Jesús en su verdadero carácter y la obediencia en el amor a los mandamientos de Dios. Es la fuente del poder del cristiano en el mundo y la conquista del mundo del mal, incluso como Cristo venció el mundo. Esto se convierte en una importante declaración. Los que creen en Cristo y son los hijos adoptivos de Dios por medio del bautismo estamos llamados a ser conquistadores del mundo con nuestra fe. Dios nos está llamando a no tener miedo de un mundo que no lo amo pero para resistir y perseverar por nuestra fe en Jesús y en su sacrificio que nos salva. Sabemos que esta vida terrenal no es el destino final, entonces, conquistemos todo lo que nos sostiene de vivir vidas santas. Que nuestra fe crezca durante este tiempo de Pascua y nos dé valentía para denunciar la injusticia, la corrupción y la indiferencia a la dignidad de cada vida humana. El mensaje del Evangelio habla cerca de tener la esperanza de fortalecer su fe. Cuando murió Jesús y los discípulos se habían dispersado, el miedo les había superado. Este temor, se condujo a una sensación de abandono y desesperación. Estaban sin su pastor. A menudo también nos hemos sentido abandonados o desamparados si no sentimos la presencia de Dios en nuestras vidas. Sin embargo, siempre debemos tener esperanza. La esperanza nos permite soportar y continuar cuando todo parece sombrío y fracasado. Los discípulos estaban asombrados al ver a Jesús en medio de ellos y tuvieron la valentía para proclamar el mensaje del Evangelio por el Espíritu Santo. A menudo la gente cataloga a Tomás como el incrédulo que carecía de fe, pero tal vez no era fe lo que le faltaba, sino esperanza. Una vez que vio a Jesús con sus propios ojos, la esperanza volvió a su fe vacilante y la fortaleció tanto que proclamó una gran verdad. Jesús le dijo a Tomás que creyera y Tomás respondió: "¡Mi Señor y mi Dios!" De hecho, Jesús es nuestro Señor y nuestro Dios y ahora que hemos llegado a creer sin ver, también tengamos esperanza para que en tiempos de incredulidad podamos creer. Finalmente, la primera lectura habla sobre el amor y la caridad. Reúne a nuestra fe y nuestra esperanza en Cristo al mostrarnos cómo aplicar tangiblemente los mandamientos de Dios y el amor. San Pablo nos ha dicho que la fe sin obras está muerta. Podemos tener fe y esperanza en Dios, pero a menos que vivamos nuestra fe a través de acciones, no vivimos el mensaje del Evangelio. Podemos perfeccionar nuestro amor por Dios al renunciar a nuestro propio interés y ayudarnos el uno al otro. Estamos condicionados desde el nacimiento a amar. Sin embargo, debemos ampliar nuestro amor para que seamos buenos administradores de los dones de Dios. Primero empezamos a amar a nuestra familia inmediata, y luego, mientras que crecemos empezamos a amar a nuestros amigos. Dios nos invita a amar más allá de nuestros círculos interiores y amar al extranjero, a los encarcelados, los enfermos, los pobres y a los que la sociedad ha desechado. Al expandir nuestros corazones y hacer obras de caridad para restaurar la justicia a aquellos que no conocemos, podemos tener nuestra fe fortalecida porque nuestra esperanza está restaurada porque vemos a Jesucristo en todo el mundo. Dios está siempre con nosotros; respondamos siempre como Tomás, "Mi Señor y mi Dios”. Moisés Navarro, Seminarista Fe La creencia en Dios y en la verdad de Su revelación, así como la obediencia a l. Esperanza La expectativa de y el deseo de recibir; abstenerse de la desesperación y la capacidad de no darse por vencido. La creencia de que Dios estará eternamente presente en la vida de cada ser humano y nunca renunciar a su amor. Caridad/Amor Una virtud sobrenatural que nos ayuda a amar a Dios y nuestros vecinos, más que nosotros mismos. Page 3 Faith, Hope, and Love; these are the Theological Virtues of the Church. Every Catholic is called to live a life that is filled with Faith in the Lord, Hope in eternal life, and Love for God and His children. Each reading this week instructs us on how we should put into practice these virtues and by doing so, how we can grow in our relationship with our Lord. Faith is important because it grounds us in Christ and helps us persevere in a world that is full of temptation and ignorance of God’s law. Hope is important so that we do not fall into despair during times of trials and difficulties. Love is important because it perfects our fallen nature by caring for others without regard to personal gain. The second reading speaks about Faith in a very special way. It begins by establishing our connection to God the Father and to the Son. Children of God are identified not only by their love for others and for God but by their belief in the divine sonship of Jesus Christ. Faith is the acceptance of Jesus in his true character and the obedience in love to God’s commands. It is the source of the Christian’s power in the world and conquers the world of evil, even as Christ overcame the world. This becomes an important declaration. We who believe in Christ and are adopted children of God through baptism are called to be conquers of the world with our faith. God is calling us to not be afraid of a world that does not love him but to endure and persevere because of our faith in Jesus and in his saving sacrifice. We know that this earthly life is not the final destination, therefore let us conquer all that may keep us from living holy lives. Let our faith grow during this Easter season and give us courage to denounce injustice, corruption, and indifference to the dignity of every human life. The Gospel message speaks about having Hope to strengthen your Faith. When Jesus had died and the disciples had dispersed, fear had overtaken them. This fear, lead to a sense of abandonment and despair. They were without their Shepherd. Often we too have felt abandoned or helpless if we don’t feel God’s presence in our lives. However, we must always have Hope. Hope allows us to endure and continue when everything seems bleak and failing. The disciples were astonished to see Jesus in their midst and were given the courage to proclaim the Gospel message by the Holy Spirit. People often label Thomas as the doubter who lacked faith, but perhaps it wasn’t faith that he lacked, but hope. Once he saw Jesus with his own eyes, hope returned to his wavering faith and strengthened it such that he proclaimed a great truth. Jesus tells Thomas to believe and Thomas responds, “My Lord and my God!” Indeed Jesus is our Lord and our God and we who now have come to believe without seeing must also have Hope so that in times of disbelief we may believe. Finally, the first reading speaks about love and charity. It brings together our Faith and our Hope in Christ by showing us how to tangibly apply God’s Commandments and love. St. Paul has told us that Faith without works is dead. We can have faith and hope in God, but unless we live out our faith through actions we do not live the Gospel message. If we forego our own interest and help one another we can perfect our love for God. We are conditioned from birth to love. However, we must continue to expand our love so that we may be good stewards of God’s gifts. We first start to love our immediate family, and then as we get older we begin to love our friends. God invites us to love beyond our inner circles and love the stranger, the imprisoned, the sick, the poor, and those that society has cast aside. By expanding our hearts and doing works of charity to restore justice to those who we do not know we can have our Faith strengthened because our Hope is restored because we can see Christ Jesus in everyone. God is always with us; let us always respond like Thomas, “My Lord and my God!” Moises Navarro, Seminarian Faith Belief in God, and in the truth of His revelation as well as obedience to Him. Hope Expectation of and desire of receiving; refraining from despair and capability of not giving up. The belief that God will be eternally present in every human's life and never giving up on His love. Charity/Love A supernatural virtue that helps us love God and our neighbors, more than ourselves. Page 4 You are invited to come fill the tables Taste of St. Bartholomew Saturday, April 18, 2015 5:00 PM - Mass 4:00-8:00 PM - Taste Krueger Hall, 4910 W. Addison St. Adults: $10.00 Children under 12: $5.00 Celebrate our heritage, our hospitality, and our great cooking skills! Don’t miss the fantastic array of foods from our wonderfully diverse community! An Invitation to Volunteer The Taste of St. Bartholomew is looking for a few willing volunteers. Do you love to cook? Do you love to celebrate & share your heritage? If you have no time to cook - would you donate a few 2 liters of Pop/Soda/Juice or water bottles? Would you be able to help Serve or Greet? Please contact Maria El Bekai 312-550-5148 Or the St. Bartholomew Rectory at 773-286-7871 if you can help out. Thank you for your generosity! Balance the Budget Raffle Drawing at the Taste of St. Bartholomew April 18 - Donation $5.00 per raffle ticket $1,000.00 1st Prize nd 2 Prize Restaurant Goer Basket 3rd Prize Movie Goer Basket th Prize Book Worm Basket 4 Winner need not be present. But why miss the fun! Tickets will be available after the Sunday Masses, at the Rectory, School & Religious Ed. Offices. Anote su calendario y venga a llenar las mesas El Sabor de San Bartolome Sabado, 18 de Abril, 2015 5:00 PM - Misa 4:00-8:00 PM - El Sabor Krueger Hall, 4910 W. Addison St. Adultos: $10.00 Niños menores de 12 años: $5.00 ¡Celebre nuestra herencia, nuestra hospitalidad y nuestras habilidades culinarias! ¡No se pierda la fantástica variedad de comidas de nuestra maravillosa y diversa comunidad! Una Invitación para Voluntarios Necesitamos voluntarios para El Sabor de San Bartolomé. ¿Le gusta cocinar? ¿Le gusta celebrar y compartir su cultura? ¿Si no tiene tiempo para cocinar podría donar unos 2 litros de gaseosas/ refrescos/jugo o botellas de agua? ¿Podría ayudar a servir o recibir a los asistentes? Por favor comuníquese con Maria El Bekai al 312-550-5148 o la Rectoría de San Bartolomé al 773-286-7871. ¡Gracias por su apoyo generoso! Rifa para Balancear el Presupuesto El Sabor de San Bartolomé 18 de abril, 2015 - Donación $5.00 1er premio $1,000.00 2do premio Canasta-Restaurante 3er premio Canasta-Película 4to premio Canasta-Libros El ganador no necesita estar presente. ¡Pero por qué perderse la diversión! Boletos están disponibles en la rectoría, la oficina de la escuela, la oficina de educación religiosa o después de todas las Misas del domingo. PARISH LIFE Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 3:00PM Prayer Service All are invited and encouraged to come and pray The Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00PM on Sunday, April 12 in the Chapel, (lower church). Woman of the Year Banquet The Catholic Women's Guild is happy to announce that Heidi Billingham is our 2015 Woman of the Year. The banquet hosted by Vicariate IV will be held on Saturday, May 16th at Elmcrest Banquets. The cost is $35.00 per person. For more information and to place your reservation, please call Bernadine Ruffing at 773-426-5804. The deadline for reservations is April 27th. Thank You for Your Support & Kindness! On behalf of the Missionary Girls and myself, we would like to thank everyone who donated food items, money and/or dinners during their stay. You are like Martha in the Bible. By caring for the girls' physical needs you made it possible for them to carry the message of Christ out onto the streets of Chicago, the homeless shelters and soup kitchens and our community as well. Thank you once again for your generosity. Kathy Ott 100th Anniversary Committee The 100th Anniversary Committee will meet on Tuesday, April14 at 7:00PM in the rectory. All future meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. St. Bart’s Fest Committee Meeting Members of the St. Bart’s Fest Committee will meet on Wednesday, April 15 at 7:00PM in the Rectory. New members are always welcomed to join! The music and food festival will be held June 5, 6, & 7. Celebrating 100 Years! The Statues of St. Bartholomew celebrating our 100th year have arrived. If you have already ordered a statue please stop by the rectory office to make your payment. If you would like to purchase a statue, the cost of this beautiful statue is $65.00 and payment can be made at the rectory office. A payment plan is available. Page 5 El Domingo de la Divina Misericordia 12 de abril del 2015 Servicio de oración 3:00PM Todos están invitados a venir y rezar la La Capilla de la Divina Misericordia a las 3:00PM el domingo, 12 de abril. (Será en Ingles.) Gracias por su apoyo & bondad! En nombre de las jóvenes misioneras y Yo misma, Nos gustaría agradecer a todos los que donaron alimentos, dinero y/o cenas durante su estancia. Ustedes son como Martha en la Biblia. Por cuidar de las necesidades físicas de las jóvenes hicieron posible que el mensaje de Cristo pudiese salir a las calles de Chicago, los refugios para des amparados, comedores comunitarios y nuestra comunidad. Una vez más gracias por su generosidad. Kathy Ott Comité del Centésimo Aniversario El comité del centésimo aniversario se reunirá el martes, 14 de abril a las 7:00PM en la rectoría. Todas las reuniones futuras se llevarán a cabo el segundo martes del mes. Junta de El Comité de El festival Los miembros de el Comité para el Festival de San Bartolomé se reunirán el Miércoles 15 de Abril a las 7:00pm en la rectoria. Nuevos miembros siempre son bienvenidos. El festival de música y comida será el 5, 6, y 7 de Junio. ¡Celebrando un centenario! Han llegado las estatuas de San Bartolomé, celebrando nuestro centenario. Si usted ya ha pedido una estatua por favor pase por la oficina de la rectoría para realizar su pago. Si desea comprar una estatua, el costo de esta hermosa estatua es $65.00 y pago puede ser efectuado en la oficina de la rectoría. Sunday Mass Attendance Count / Total de Misa Dominical April 4 - 5, 2015 8:00PM 7:00AM 9:00AM 145 242 387 11:00AM 1:00PM 1:20PM 553 750 480 To get a better sense of Mass attendance we are taking an informal Mass count all year long. SPIRITUAL LIFE Page 6 Remember to Pray… for all the sick, suffering, handicapped and lonely of St. Bartholomew, especially: Monday, April 13, 2015 St. Martin I 8:30 AM - Terese Scacia req by Melone Family Tuesday, April 14, 2015 8:30 AM - James Couty req by June Miller Wednesday, April 15, 2015 8:30 AM - Celso Castaneda, Celestino Najera, - Birthday Blessings - Luz Maria Castaneda req by Cristina Ramirez Thursday, April 16, 2015 8:30 AM - Health Intentions - Fr. Tom Lamping req by a friend Friday, April 17, 2015 8:30 AM - Birthday Blessings - Olga Bazzi req by Melone Family Saturday, April 18, 2015 8:30 AM - Parishioners of St. Bartholomew 5:00 PM - Stanley & Lorraine Gienko req by family - Ralph, Al & Yolanda Melone req by family - Ann Marie Engblom req by Giordano Family Sunday, April 19, 2015 - Third Sunday of Easter 7:00 AM - All Our Faithful Departed 9:00 AM - James Marchionne req by family - Gerry Kosinski req by Parish Pastoral Council - Diane Van Gundy req by Kelleher Family 11:00 AM - Gloria Andersen req by Ruffing & Traversa Family - Marina Santiago req by Arlene Corbin - Judy Ann Lajb req by husband & family 1:00 PM - Ruben Corral req by family - Victor Garcia req by Rich Ruhland & Kathy Ott - Health Intentions - Jose Llamas req by Maria Luisa Wyskiel Wedding Banns II - Doris M. Jimenez & William Hernandez Jr. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:3136 Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 Carmen Agosto Bryan Ayala Cindy Bialk Lillian Borrayo Bienvenido Bendicion Donald Bonnem David Brown Fr. George Cerny Francisca Chavez Patrick Collins Patrick Connors Lilia Corral Maria Corral Wilhelmina Donzella Janet Espinosa Minerva Fernandez Anne Foy Phillip Gagliano Diane Gazda James Gazda Cardinal Francis George Evelyn Gumler Ed Johns Pat Johns Barry E. Johnson Marge Jones Ellen Kelly Gerard Kurek Lorraine Kurek Florence Kuss Joe Lajb Rosa Lara Adeline Lewanski Consuelo Lopez Irene Maldonado Henry Marchionne Mary Marinoff Cleto Martinez John McNulty Alejandro Mendoza June Miller Jean Morris Pat Noonan Estrella Odulia Joseph Parisi Jeremy Poblete Greg Potrafka Laura Pyrzynski Tony Rivera Gloria Rizzi Therese Roberts Lorenza Rodriguez Lupita Rodriguez Angelica Rosalanda Luis Saltos Louis Samartino Mary Santiago Donna Schommer Joan Seidel Mike Shapiro Jean Spisak Carmen Torres Christ Trost Edita Tolentino Rich Van Durme Catherine Wolek Eric Wood Maria Luisa Wyskiel Mary Zgonina Ed Ziecina Rest in Peace... Please pray for all the deceased members of our parish. Remember to Pray… for the protection & safety of all our family and friends serving in the Armed Forces. Eric Baksin Hector Chahin Paul Cruz Rev. Chris Doering Robert Douglas Francisco Figueroa Jonathan Figueroa Antonio Flores America Galicia Christian Garicia Fernando Guzman Valerie Hague Rosalinda Jaime Jason Jantke James Jorgensen Tre La Diego Medina Lillian Morales Ivon Perez Jorge Perez De Jesus Kirk Perisin Mike Pretto Karla Rosas Jessica Salgado Andres Saltos Mirian Sarabia Scott Storr Anthony Urankar Marco Watkins Christopher Ryan Whiteman Andrew Wiener Zachary Wiener Emanuel Zambrano Matthew Zwolinski Mass Schedule Saturday English Anticipatory Mass: 5:00PM Sunday English Masses: 9:00 & 11:00AM Missas Dominical Español: 7:00AM y 1:00PM Mon.– Sat. Weekday Masses: 8:30AM Holy Day Masses: 8:30AM, l0:00AM (school year) and 7:00PM (Bilingual) HUMAN CONCERNS What can I do to build a safe neighborhood? 1. Make a phone tree for my block 2. Go to the CAPS Meeting on the 4th Thursday of all even months in Krueger Hall. 4/23/15 Page 7 ¿Cómo puedo construir un vecindario seguro? 1. Crear una lista de números telefónicos de vecinos cercanos 2. Asistir a las reuniones de CAPS cada cuarto jueves del mes en Krueger Hall. 4/23/15 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Turn a good marriage into a great marriage. Rediscover the “spark” that was there on your wedding day. Marriage Encounter Weekends have fostered growth in the married life of thousands of couples. How about your marriage? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends for the Chicago/Northwest Indiana area are June 12-14, or August 7-9, 2015, all at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us through For information in Spanish contact Javier y Gaby Vargas (630) 621-8984 [email protected], or Gerardo y Adriana Vargas (708) 484-9276. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Reconciliation : 4:00 to 5:00 PM every Saturday. Baptism: During pregnancy or after birth, parents are expected to attend a Baptismal Preparation meeting held on the first Sunday of the month at 12:30PM. Baptisms are celebrated on the fourth Sunday of every month at 2:30PM. For information and registration for class and Baptism times, please telephone the rectory 773-2867871. Marriage: For pre-marriage preparation and to assure the wedding date you prefer, please call the Rectory at least six months in advance before confirming a reception hall. Communion, Confirmation and Conversion for Adults: Please call the rectory for an appointment. Communion, Confirmation and Conversion for children: Please call the Coordinator of Religious Education. All children should be enrolled in R.E. 1st 8th grades. Communion to the homebound: Please call the parish office with information about those who are shut-ins or sick so that visits may be made. In an emergency situation, please call immediately at any hour. Anointing of the Sick and Funerals: Please call the rectory if your family member is sick and needs the Anointing of the Sick, or when a family member dies, so that the parish priests may minister to your needs and assist you in planning the Funeral Liturgy. This includes the Wake Service, the Eucharistic Liturgy and the final commitment at the Cemetery. HOMEBOUND? ILL? RECOVERING FROM A HOSPITAL STAY? THEN THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU!! There are people waiting to bring you Communion - - we just need to know you want us to come. Please call the rectory or drop a note (attention Ministers of Care) with your name, address, and phone number. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Spanish Ministers of Care are available, as well as English speaking ministers. For more information call: Sheila McNulty 773-283-7120 for English Jennifer Martinez 773-283-5514 for Spanish PREPARACION SACRAMENTAL Reconciliación: Cada Sabado a las 4:00PM. Bautismos: Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse y señalar la fecha de la clase de preparación y la fecha de Bautizo. Siempre celebramos el Bautismo el segundo domingo de cada mes, a las 2:30PM inmediatamente después de la Misa de la 1:00PM. La clase de preparación se lleva a cabo el primer sábado de cada mes a las 3:00 de la tarde, para padres y padrinos en la Rectoría. No traer niños, por favor. Los padrinos deben ser mayores de 16 años, católicos y haber recibido los sacramentos del bautizo, confesión, comunión y confirmación. Aquellos que viven en unión libre NO pueden ser padrinos. Matrimonios, Quinceañeras: Llamar a la Rectoría y preguntar por el Padre Castillo seis meses antes de la ceremonia y antes de contratar restaurante, debe reservar la fecha en la parroquia. Comunión, Confirmación o Conversión para Adultos: Llamar a la Rectoría. Comunión, Reconciliación o Confirmación para Niños: Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse en las clases de Educación Religiosa. Todos los niños deben asistir a clases desde el primer grado hasta el octavo grado. Entierros: Llamar a la Rectoría. Presentación: Se realizará el primer domingo de cada mes, cuando el niño cumpla los cuarenta días o tres años de edad Llamar a la Rectoría para registrarse una semana antes. CATHOLIC EDUCATION Page 8 BINGO - Sunday Nights Noche de Bingo! – Los Domingo Sponsored by St. Bartholomew School Sunday, April 12, 19, 726 Games - Fun - Prizes! Krueger Hall - 4910 W. Addison St. Doors open at 5:00PM Games begin at 7:00PM For information call Bob Ruffing 773-213-4310 Must be 18 years and over. Patrocinado por la escuela de San Bartolomé. Domingo, 12, 19 & 26 de Abril Juegos. Diversión. Premios. Krueger Hall, 4910 W. Addison Las puertas abren a las 5:00PM los juegos comienzan a las 7:00PM Para información llame a Bob Ruffing (773) 213-4310. Debe ser mayor de 18 años. Help St. Bartholomew School by collecting and saving General Mills Box Tops. Boxtops for Education are found on many products. Clip your Campbell Soup Label UPC’s (or provide entire label). Both Box Tops and Campbell Soup Labels can be dropped off at the school office or the Rectory. Instituto de Liderazgo Cristóforo 773-472-1515 / 773-481-0628 Clases de la Primavera 2015 Clase #505 San Nicolás, 806 Ridge Ave., Evanston, IL (En la Rectoría Salón St. Germain) Sesión informativa e Inscripción Sábado, Abril 18, de 10:00AM a 1:00PM Primera Sesion: Abril 25 de 10:00AM a 1:00PM Curso de 10 Semanas. Tres horas semanales, Costo total $100.00. ¡Enriquece tu vida! Actúa con iniciativa, responsabilidad y sentido de partencia. ¡Comunícate! ¡Aprende! ¡Crece! STEWARDSHIP PARISH SUPPORT OFFERTORY COLLECTION Page 9 Loans April 4 - 5, 2015 8:00pm Envelopes..............$220.00 11:00am Envelopes ......... $983.00 Loose ...................$320.89 Loose................. $780.94 7:00am Envelopes ............$217.00 1:00pm Envelopes .......... $735.00 Loose ...................$524.29 Loose.............. $1,040.90 9:00am Envelopes...........$1,816.00 1:20pm Envelopes ............. $90.00 Loose ...................$479.83 Loose................. $615.97 Mail In Envelopes ......................... $313.35 All Masses ................................. $8,137.17 GiveCentral................................... $890.67 TOTAL ...................................... $9,027.84 BUDGETED GOAL.................. $6,200.00 Difference .................................. $2,827.84 School Loan 06/07 .............. .$31,334.34 School Loan 10/11 .............. .$28,836.10 School Loan 11/12 .............. .$16,244.11 Parish Loan 11/12 ............... .$21,654.74 Parish Unpaid 12/13Rev. .... .$69,813.89 Parish Unpaid 13/14Rev. .. .$102,668.55 School Unpaid 13/14Rev. . .$136,223.98 Interest owed Arch Asmnt. .... $6,399.00 Unpaid Bills as of 2/22........ .$22,599.00 CTC Loan.......................... .$155,861.49 2013/14 Total Loans & Unpaid Arch. Bills ............ .$591,635.20 Building Fund 14-15 Budgeted Goal to Date ............... $241,800.00 14-15 Actual to Date............................. $235,681.22 Difference ............................................. ($6,118.78) Thank you for your stewardship! Special thanks to those who used collection envelopes and to those who recently increased their weekly Offertory Collection contribution. If you did not remember to bring your collection envelope today, please use the envelope available from the usher. July 1, 2014 Balance ............. .$3,817.63 Collected 14/15 ..................... .$8,162.65 Interest 14/15...........................$ Otis Annual Elv. Maint ........($3,031.41) Murphy & Miller..................($5,969.00) Balance.................................. .$2,979.87 Thank you for your continued support! Welcome New Parishioners! Please register at the Rectory as soon as possible. You may register either in person or by phone (773-286-7871) Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM. Welcome Visitors! We welcome you to our Parish Family. We hope that you will worship with us weekly. Please remember St. Bartholomew when planning your will. Easter Flower Memorials Listed below are the Easter Memorials & Gifts of Thanksgiving requested by our parishioners. The flowers and decorations beautify our church during this Easter Season. Please remember all our family & friends in your prayers during this Easter Season. In Memory of... Miguel, Clarissa & Alvin Ed & Angela Bychowski Ronald H. Cairns Sr. Jose Carreon & Maria Mombela Anna Chisek Frank & Loretta Forgue Danny Gillespie Helen, Virginia & Lorraine Greinke Joseph & Helen Gumler John & Diane Herzog Ana Hower Dolly Hudgins Kosinski & Grenke Families Johann Lendino Vicente Lucas Deceased Members of Marc & Schwab Families Michael & Bill Mark Gerald Marubio May & John McCarthy Flores de Pascua Líneas abajo están los nombres de las personas a ser recordadas por Pascua de Resurrección y por Acción de Gracias, a solicitud de nuestros feligreses. Las flores y las decoraciones embellecen nuestra Iglesia durante esta Estación de Resurrección. Por favor recordar a todos nuestros familiares y amigos en nuestras oraciones en esta temporada de Pascua de Resurrección. John & Teresa Melone Edward Mitoraj Edward Mitoraj James & Antonette Neri Jean Pitzen O’Brien & Richard Families Joseph R. Pacholski Mary Parchem & Allan Kriston Quagliano & Van Durme Families Rutherford & McGuire Families Scalzitti & Raszeja Families Thomas R. Schroedl Jaime Suarez Michael & Agnes Stiava Stocchero & Weber Families ST. BARTHOLOMEW PARISH STAFF Rev. Ricardo Castillo, Pastor [email protected] Rev. George Cerny, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Thomas E. Lamping, Associate Pastor [email protected] Rev. Hippolytus Njoku, Resident Rev. Mr. Faustino Santiago, Deacon Ms. Joyce Vice, Lay Minister Mr. Charles A. Kessell, Music Director Mr. James Phillips, Director of Buildings & Grounds Mrs. Wanda Fleming, Athletic Director Ms. Rosaura Lopez Business Manager [email protected] Mrs. Rose Rutherford, Parish Manager [email protected] Mr. Joseph Angelastri, Finance Council Chairman Ms Joan Billingham, Parish Pastoral Council Mrs. Susana Ortega, School Board PARISH OFFICE AND RECTORY 4949 W. Patterson Telephone: 773-286-7871 FAX: 773–286-4808 PARISH SCHOOL OFFICE 4941 W. Patterson Telephone: 773-282-9373 FAX: 773-282-4757 Mr. Martin Graham-McHugh, Principal [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 4941 W. Patterson Telephone: 773–286-7871 FAX: 773-286-4808 Mrs. Maria Arrez, Coordinator of Religious Education [email protected] St. Bartholomew Website Addresses St. Bartholomew Church 4949 W. Patterson Chicago, IL 60641 Save these dates: Saturday, April 18: Taste of St. Bartholomew Friday, Saturday & Sunday, June 5-7: St. Bart’s Fest After you read the bulletin, fold, stamp and mail it to a friend! Share good news! Visit Our Website:
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