HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N.Y., WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1967 12 145 Receive Degrees From Elizabeth Seton 5! * * * • >•?«» The fifth annual Commencement Exercises of Elizabeth Seton College was held yesterday at 3:30 p.m. in the Academic • Center. The Rev. James McGinty S. J., pastor of St. Peter's Church, Jersey City, N. J. and former Provincial of the New York Province of the Society of Jesus delivered the commencement address. Television, Communications Center, Seminary' Ave., Yonkers presented the candidates for degrees. His Excellency the Most Rev. John J. Magulre D. D., V. G., Coadjutor Aichbishop of New York, presided and conferred the degrees on 145 graduates of the college. Commencement Day began with an 11 a.m. Mass celebrated by Msgr. O'Keefe for the graduates and jheir parents. A family luncheon followed at the Hilton Inn in Tarrytown, The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph T. O'Keefe M, S., Associate Superintendent of Schools, Archdiocese of New York and Coordinator of Instructional Miss Jayne Hanley Married At St. John's Episcopal Church •*-*" Miss Jayne Allyson Hanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hanley of 15 Locust Hill Ave., was the bride Saturday of John Joseph Homyak. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Homyak of 207 Edwards Place. i MRS. GEORGE D. MARION (H. Freilich) MRS. JOHN J. HOMYAK (Walker Color Studio) Janet Shepherd Wed To George D. Marion Miss Janet Shepherd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Shepherd. Sr. of 286 Rosedale Road, is the bride of George D. Marion. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Marion of 18 St. Jude Place. The Rev. Raymond Hyland officiated at the 12:30 p.m. Nuptial Mass Saturday-in the Annunciation Church. A reception followed at the Holiday Inn in Scarsdale. Escorted by her father, the bride had Miss Gisela Kupczyk as her maid of honor. Attendants were Mrs. Nicholas Titakis, a cousin of the bride, and Miss Elaine Goldberg. The bridegroom chose his brother-in-law, *Jay W. Shepherd Jr., as best man. Ushers were Jay Einhorn and Mr. Titakis. A graduate of Roosevelt High School and Berkeley Secretarial School, the bride is employed by The Travelers Insurance Company. Dr, Lemuel J. Winterbottorn officiated at the 4 p.m. ceremony at St. John's Episcopal Church, Getty Square. A reception followed at Schrafft's in Eastchester. is a secretary in the Sales Department of American Telephone and Telegraph-Company in White Plains. Her husband, who served four years in the Navy, is a graduate of Sacred Heart High School. A member of the Athletic and Social Club, he is employed by the Yonkers Post Office. After a wedding trip to Puerto Rico, the c o u p 1 e will live here. ron of honor. Bridesmaids were the Misses Cynthia Cianflone of Silver Lake and Mary Beth McGown. Francis Steadman was best man. Ushers were William West and Keith Hanley, brother of the bride. Marrianne and Michael Raccioppi, niece and nephew of the bridegroom, were flower girl and ring bearer. A graduate of the High School of Commerce, the bride Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose her sister, Mrs. John Wintje, as mat- Her husband, a graduate of Rutherford High School, Rutherford, N.J., is employed as a lineman for the New York Telephone Company. 2600 CfNTRAL AVE CONKERS After a wedding trip to Miami Beach, Fla., ,the couple will live in Yonkers. , Escorted in marriage by her grandfather, John Neumann, the bride had her sister, Patricia, as her maid of honor. Bridesmaids were the Misses , Georgeann Mastrocova, Linda Sheldon of New York City, Susan Watrus of Long Island", Susan Mann of Westwood, N.J. and Licia Maiaro. Robert Conicelli of the Bronx was his cousin's best man. Ushers were Tommy Romano of the Bronx, Neil Armida and William Luthen and Kenneth Conicelli, both cousins of the bridegroom. Susie Toppl the bridegroom's cousin, and John Neumann, the bride's brother, were junior bridesmaid and usher. A graduate of the High School of Commerce, the bride Is employed by Retailers Representatives Incorporated in New York City. Her husband, who Is a Gorton High School graduate, is a specialist fourth class in the in Following their weeding trip to the Pocono Mountains, the couple will live in Lawrenceville, N.J. Happy Birthday, Mrs. Peters None are quite so alone as the stranger in town, or the newcomers to the neighborhood. Remember your last move ...how you felt as the moving van pulled away... how you more than half wished you'd never come? Spare your new neighbors feelings such as these. Let the Welcome Wagon Hostess bring greetings and gifts to - make them feel at home. Help stamp out strangers. Call Welcome Wagon today at DOBBS F6RRY O W 3-4863 HASTINGS YONKERS O W 3-4863 SC 3-1414 The engagement and fall wedding plans of Miss Mary Lou Albanese and Pasquale Ciambriello, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sabatino Ciambriello of 15 Hunt Place, White Plains, have.been announced by her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Raymond Albanese of 36 King St. Women's Group To Hear Folk Music Program The annual luncheon of the Women's Society of the Park Hill Church of "the Redeemer will be "held Thursday, June 8 at 12:30 p.m. at the Church. wmr "~ > f jM Ik *** MI +*" '-v^B HELP STAMP OUT STRANGERS Ardsley Girl To Marry In Fall m tm * sc sm \mM% <i t ft i [j m, ,i I'd 9. -3fs«a£*to.v*» y\ s5c»ii*5.i:j INTRODUCING YOU TO FRANKEL'S FABULOUS CURTAIN & DRAPERY DEPT. A graduate .of Ardsley High - School, Miss Albanese is employed . by Geigy Chemical She is the mother of Walter, Mrs. Edward' Casey and Mrs. Corp., Ardsley. Walsh; all of Yonkers and JoMr. Ciambriello, a native of seph of Reno, Nev. Italy, was educated there at Mrs. Peters has 13 grand . Benevento schools. He is emchildren and 11 great great ployed by Annette's Restaurgrand children. ant, White Plains. 1 mmm m MARY LOU ALBANESE DOBBS FERRY— Mrs. Peters was born Jn Yonkers and married the late Walter F. Peters in 1910. i^^ir^B 1 Ui " ~;fc\ Mrs. Charlotte Peters of 12 Western Ave., celebrated her 81st birthday at a dinner party at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charlotte Walsh of 102 Morris St. iff -x&Sti •S Army. A drummer in the 19th Army Band, he is a member of Local 402 musicians' union, and plans to play professionally in the future. # sM **&&£«&&. Diane Neumann, Bride Of Albert Buffone. Jr. The Rev. John Haggerty performed the ceremony which was followed by a reception at Holiday Inn, Scarsdale. CENTRAL PLAZA HOPING CENTE! W E S T C M ? STER BMTOP83^!^^^^^^m$OTS^^^^I^^^SS£3 Miss Diane Linda Neumann and Albert F. Buffone Jr. were married Saturday, May 13, in the Church of St. Anthony. She Is the daughter of Mrs. Marion A. Neumann of 411 Bronx River Road. His parents live at 11 Rider Ave. Coadjutor Archbishop of New She is one of 142 graduates of York, and Mother Eveline, the Class of '67. From left, SisMother General of the Sis« ter Dolores Mary, president of tors of Charity. — StafI Photo the College; Miss Lema, His Excellency The Most Rev. by Steve Gonda. John J. Maguire, D.D., V.G., ACCEPTING THE Cardinal Spellman Prize for Excellence at the Fifth A n n u a l Commencement Exercises at Elizabeth Seton College yesterday is Ligia Lema of Puerto Rico. In ordor le introduce you to Franktl's Westchester's fabulous Curtain I Drapery collection, we offer a 10H reduction on all curtains and draperies purchased before Juno 10th. y^~~^P f *% %»• mm .OFK/ WESTCHESTER f S * 3' X>F*& ]<$&*' -i >V:' r . i y i t l ' S WestcVester's ^ « » m* Helen Morris Wade of 34 Sutton Manor, New Rocholle, will present a program of folk music. Miss Wade, who has sung with the David Randolph Singers, has been soloist with the New Rochelle and Kansas City Symphonies, as well as with Men's Glee Clubs in Westchester and Long Island. A talk on "Flowers of the Bible"'will be given by Mrs. Margaret Braun. '* QUALITY CHEESE li ajw n**""- > The fewer and smaller the holes In Swiss cheese, the better HELEN WADE (Grace Rothstert) the cheese. According to cheese experts, small holes show that fermentation has been carefully r ADl.KRBl.UM FURRIERS i controlled. FUR STORAGE tort ( « M fMr fmt It Nrtfct • fetf • Htt * fWft FUR -CLOTH - MEN'S COATS Dnt Dr/ci? PHONF. NO*'! (W) TO MJtr f* fki* larrka C«M Vafet m4 factory h »tor« ADLERBLUM fill SffCIAilSTS 47 YUIS 5) itrtl Irttf vtj iitr tittr Mnri Haw;i TMIKI C<tr M u ^ m o U rCurt.!n«.Df.p«ryO. P Kt W tnt o« any purefctit from our^ ^ Ihht J-•>:.. fr CHAIRS ^RECOVERED *$550 L DINETTE CIRCLE OKI u-r> 1 mmmwt^M !} ilk* A k FRIE DCUVISY CHARGE IT A T FRANKEL'S setrmtk rOKC.0.6. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com 2600 CENTRAL AVENUE, YONKERS OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9:30 - CALL 914-793-6100 •: n /i :•'•;••-' <^J km Untitled Document -M
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