PAGBL2- w— ItV EDGEWOOD RESTURANT 6 S * C feE-PPININO_IHURSDAY-,- FEB. 11 Cocktails, Pinners, Banquets V( SILVER H O R N RESTAURANT MIIL8ROQK, N : Y, OR 7-9177 ROUTE U ei b A d" Saint Valcntin^slDgy Is S' ^Si^^v^^^rf^S^ n _F -a_ Thv Bound If you're looking for s o u thing appealing and tasty that doesn't cany the calorie threat of a box of Valentine candy, then why not-try this Valentine's-Day-trearfovyour" loved ones? S.weet B f l i r College to New York University to continue her college studies. •* ^— "•• .WOOulBJ—trip. tK *T" bride wor© a beige suit collared * with pastel mink caught wltha cluster of miniature brbnz orchids. ., •.'-• Table Women's World gowned alike In empire dresses made with slim skirts of white Silk crepe and bodices_of kellj gr*en chiffaTdesIgned with long sleeves and rounded necklines. A s a headdres^tlxiiyjwore f_lat i lilies of the valley In cascade design trimmed with French lace and velvet. The bride's mother wore aqua chlffoif. having two floating %W£hj bickj; lluf'if'ria!; inni uu& nv ir cascS at "was iTmafcWg^lubox is economical, appealing*to the quels were of green cymbediuni her corsage was of white o r eye, and jibove all healthy. She orchids tied with net. — .chlds. .___ is the mother of four children, The bride \vasT»iven in marThe groom's mother wore ' Christine, Louise, Stewart, and riage by her father. She wore green silk made with bracelet Alicia. Mrs: Anderson leads an a wedding ^gown of pearl^vhHe sleeves and a rounded neckline. I active life~as—a"~ homemakeT peau dtTsoIe fashioned in em- Her corsage was of bronze cym^ j and helping her husband, Gorpire lines with a high bodice of bedium orchids. don, with the bookkeeping in Venetian lace, rounded neckThe bride and groom are now their manufacturing business. line and short sleeves. The de- ^n-New-York, .wJiere Mr. Small She is a member of the Nine tachable train, given graduated Is enrolled in the graduate Partners Garden Club, the width by three gored panel In- school of Business AdministraMillbrook P.T.AT,'a troop orsets, Is defined with aflat bow tion, Columbia University. The OR 7.3245 ganizer with the Girl Scouts, and this trim is repeated on bride - Is transferring from '._ Thurj. Feb. 11 and a Sunday School Nursery the Venetian lace cap which held teacher at the. Federated her bouffant veil in place. Mrs. JEFFREY PHILLIPS SMALL M.I u l M l ' Church.^With all of. this ac-w Her_J?rldal bouquet was of _^ ""Wed In'Georgia . . *.: Melma Mercoun tivity Mrs. Anderson still finds ; I Photo by Dinnon) .'•'.;•• .-- -Tony PerUs time to-plan healthy and at- 4 tablespoons flour; stir and Evening! 7 - 9 : RIVC OVCB-TO DOVtt. tractive menus such as this, cook over low heat for a cou-Trlnlrf 7-995r one. Fri. — S a t . Feb; I 2 : i 3 ' pie of minutes; add-1*4 cups POVIR PLAINS/H. Y. milk; continue stirring over Tomato Juice low heat, until thickened and - W e d . thru Sat. ( Stave McQueen . . L e e I R ^ P'»ce. gla^S_oh white- hrnrt. .sraoot ity^add^^r^CTtp^eofli sgjy shaped paper doily) grated cheese (cheridarJ;. coiu_ James Steward Fabian -Wheal Thinstinue stirrinR over low heat un Sun.— Mon. Feb. 14- i5 •^. Ed Wynn King Crabmeat au gratin til cheese melts and sauce is The marriage vows of Miss Peas" Mixed green salad smooth. ,Pour over .crabmeat.EUeen Hodges and Jeffrey PhllFrench Dressing : Top with* wheat germ or bread' 1 'Pf Small-jvere_ spoken^ j a n - _ " J W « d . _ 4 Thurt. * f . r . - 4 5 ^ r n ; Crisp rolls or-French bread" crums. Bake in hot oven, 375Kt&A Sat.-7:00 < \-9".-00 g m , —r:;-. 'i.r"IlSuiannerPJeshel^ uary "Ip/JsnlaH;afternoon cere— Mixed fruit-cup Evening^ 7 . 9 400 degrees, fo'r 30 miftutesTor »ny performed by Dr. .Wll• > : Sun. Mon. Tuet. ".'"• X&diUiJrawberrics-or-raspbei'. -until bivnvil. Tikis- liiakes/tour »am L . McLeod at the.First V ~ — fb. 14-15.16 _ Matinee Sunday 2:30 large-scpvings. For variety"add -Presbyterian cnurcn, ^Mll ^r-jies for color) T u e s l ' — W e d . Feb-. 16-77 "To My Valentino" -bno-earv-oAi.maH edgeTille7t3a -Oairiiea.1 Cookies age^of^hnmp or lobster, or _.IWIII 1,-14^^•"•BeacnTBoys. ie~njria*e~Ts the* daughter Milk, tea or coffee h n m . both* to the crabmeat before of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Durward Albertr Finny ., The Barbarians pouring cheese-sauce. Susanna YorkP Hodges and the groom's parents " • Chuck Berry ( King Crabmeat an erntln __^___Eyening$-7->-9- —— ^ re-MrrandMrSvRlchardSma_ ~7~. TZSunday a t \- -.:'• Two packages frozen King "To My Valentine" of ^Mexico City, formerly of • Thur$- ; - F r i . ' — Sat. 4:00-6H)0 & 8:00 p.m. Crabmeat, thawedr—Place .in Oatmeal Cookies New York City. and.Millbrook. Feb. 18 — 20 Mon. & TUBS, at 7:45 p.m. heavy shallow baking dish .or -2Wr-cu|>5-5ifted flour; 3 teaAccented In the church decor.pan. Make cheese sauce as fol- spoons baking jniwder; *4 teaJCOMlNS_NEXTI—r„ "allons were mass arrangements^ l o w s ^ tablespoons butter or spoon salt; V cup butter or of roses and snapdragons- In „^TH|R_SQQSE!_ ire* "blcnd" margarine marganne (softened); % .cup pale yellow tones. The same . with « » . . i . • • • • i i , , , , . , . . Julie Andrews James Garner sugar; 2 tablespoonsTrhilkTT flowers were" In a large medal.j^CatyJSrant-^Leslie Caron— egg: 1 teaspoon-vanillAf-l^tip- •llonrspspended above-the-cholr —-—MelvyrTOouglas Evenings-7-- -9." <>a t meal—tqniclc-Tir^nldifash loft and wlthnTtfie - choliTstall, ioncd). . . . four 7-branch-candelabra held Sift flour, baking powder and white lighted tapers. Southern [ salt into a bowl. Add softened smllax formed a background of butter, sugar, milkv egg and greenery on the rostrum. vanilla. Beat until well blendEach pew down the center ed (approximately 2 minutes). aisle was marked "with a pale -Stir in rolled oats. Roll oh yellow satin bow. *~. lightly floured board to ^ Inch Raymond H, Seltz of-Dallas^ -thickness."Cut In heart hhap*Js. : Texas the gloom's besTman Bake on greased cookie sheet, and ushers were Anthony-M. ^ 375 degrees, about 15 minutes Small, brother of the bride. -Salf-Poinf, N.Y. until a delicate brown. Deco- groom; John L. _La'ughlIn jind Clinton Corners CO 6-6563. rate with_tinted confectioners Thomas T. Welntzj all of New Closed JTuesdoys frosting. Makes 3"» dozen York City; James~MrHawiev~ ~ Sat. Reservations Advised ~~--• of Washington, D. C., Mark" ' v.. . , . . . . . . > . . . cookies..-.-' -- HgdEP.s J r . , oi-MllledgevlUe brother of the bride; Jesse Newborn III of Atlanta, Jonhathan H. Rose of New Haven t ****«±«*c»e-w Conn., and Jon Zeder of Galnesvlile.Fla. Miss Hilda Hodges of Greenwich, Conn., was her sister's maid of honor. Bridesmaids "were" Misses Jeanne Hay and Jean Harrison of Macon; Miss plana Wllburn, Charlotte.N.C.'T-_ Shop For School Clothes r —tn-Vour-C-ioset-First Miss Mary Ann Slmms of Law OtNEMl CONTIUaO* rencevllle, Miss Margaret Nichols of Potomac, Aid., Miss Paints-Wallpaper-Supplies Mary Anna Baum and Miss Where Your Building Millbrook / Now York Cheryl Hodges, both, of M11Dollars Buy More. Franklin Avt. Millbrook 0« 79447 . ledgeville. OR 74413 < New Homes, Additions, Re modeling, Repairs. Catherine Roberts of St. Petersburg, Fla., was the Junior For Tomorrow's Plans bridesmaid. - Call Today The bride's attendants-were "Purchase your Whitman's 3 or Stephen Jeffrey Small, Eileen Hodges ^Wed-iii^eorgla Baby, The Rain Must Fall Fafe Is The Hunter ^ TIMF 'and receive r- Dover 'Dear Brlgltfe" COME IN T O D A Y . . " ^rVtittman Valentine H e a r t - i jEss=ct=a=tea=teu=sei MILLBROOK THEATIR e\ w m A Si_ Colorful... By CAROLYN COBB c- SJ JftUAR¥rlir-i9e5-^- A7v\eal For Valentine's pay m. fo y< d THE MILLBJROOK ROUNIV TABT.F MTT.T wqnfYKy FREE ENTRY B L A N K F O R ^—TomrJones N ThfLAmericanization — _ ! _ _ „ , — Of Emily The Conniry Tavern Restaurant 'BROWNIE STARMETER OUTFIT" retailvatue 5^28.^5 D R A W l ^ S U N D A Y FEB. 4, HWOON M O M E N T S ^ EDMGG/ACOMO W e offer the largest selection in town of VALENTINE GREETING CARDS' 5R0Sr= Better Homes Corner News Store n°Pen daily-7-a.m. : 9 p.m. Open Sunday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Millbroofc; N.Y.- * . « ; * . ; & ;-5 AL'S ^CLEANERS WE 5-2845-OR 7-9202 Youenjoythe ••••\ i ^OSEPtfYEUETRrS ulrtks . frankfln Avthut ? * . _ . 5 . : 'CHARUtk'STiU- OR 7 4 l l 5 i MUlbmk. N.Y ' Jxc ayailon : _" Roads - Bridges % Blacktop & Macadam Work {landscaping Equipment .Rental LOUIS DANIELE. Inc. _ nrtHEn BROS. Boice €L d^Mqrtine tAMVIEW DAIRY. MUK We Qrlnd and Servlc* Now Before Spring. Free Pick-up arid Delivery^ Millbrook, N.Y. Routt 44 OR 7-3902 N'I'UII^IH AT YOUR IT0RI Convtnltnt Horn* Otllvtry or Phona CI 4-3100 t •sXX- or would a n h W ' M l b l r i M t e with an Nobody likes washdays'even wheal IZX m i W - S o Instead of s S i ^ S r f f 5 n,ce '. , VinE0 V « th«r'ro sheet' SJRANAHAN^S ANSWERING SERVICE A^RICAN STANDARD wa^tlftg for a sunny-day, either. Any time 2 dy you can pop your laund ^ff^ 24 HOURS A DAY I JINTRALUUDSON • f d have it come out sun-sweet and n.SS •II In a matter of minutes. -• - nd f,uffy' . , . . - : %tS 8 , i c c,othes »™ *mj& __C.all:U« PIUMBING FIXTURIS" Today•-—• 677-3175 Pomttoopalo, N. y . «Ptrr Oil B J f n „ s«rvko ipnUUMMIK., rr Untitled Document AAowert Jocobten 4 & 6 h.p. Snow B^wert Wright 4 Poulan Chain Sawi W L l n winl iacobMn & Goodatl > HEAHH6. lug. ^^r*?*W^5 WHWHk7R.Yr^or?.H4T Arleni A &,<S h.p. Riding Mowers A 4 & 6 h.p. Snow Mowers Alio Portijfor H V 4 following Engines) t KOHtEP, &INTON, m»QQS 4 8TRATTOK UUSON-<TICUMSOi). tou»a«, Powtr'Product! W t Alio Rebuild : Rt A4t WQ,h,notoft I *" * "°"°ft: Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 ^^—Jl^l^z: *
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