Fayetteville NY Bulletin 1973

Collecting Coupons To Aid Blind
Eagle-Bulletin, DeWiH News-Times, July 5, I9»3
The Onondaga Braillist, a help may mail coupons to:
nonprofit organization that
provides a braille transcribing Organization Inc., P.O. Box
service to blind people in the 34, Liverpool, N.Y. 13088
Syracuse area, is collecting
Betty Crocker and Bonus Gift
coupons in order to purchase
Seventy eight percent of the
braille writers and paper sup- total United States orange
o r c r o p in 1971*1972 w a s
organizations t h a t -wish to processed in some form.
.,u V!f " e l l c n c - Spurr, d a u g h t e r o f Mrs.
P h y l l i s Spurr, 2 West Rd., Manlius, and
KQlph H. Spurr o f S y r a c u s e , w a s graduated
from S U N Y at O n e o n t a , May 2 6 . S h e
r e c e i v e d a B a c h e l o r o f Arts and is w o r k i n g
for Dr. Richard S h e r w o o d i n F a y e t t e v i l l e .
Robert C. Spurr, her brother, received a
B a c h e l o r of Arts w i t h d i s t i n c t i o n at the
U n i v e r s i t y of Michigan.
The advertisement for Fay's Drugs
which appeared in the June 28th issue
of the Eagle-Bulletin
News Times was incorrect.
The ad
should have read that the Northern
Lights Store would be open 24 hours
a day, instead of the DeWitt
We regret any inconvenience to the
customers and mangement of Fay's
'Page 7
Bruce Eric Matthews, son of
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Matthews, 100 Kessler
Fayetteville, was one of more
than 4 0 0 students who
received a degree from Gettysburg College June 3. Ho
was awarded the AB with a major in health and physical
education. He was active in
varsity soccer. Inter-fraternity
Council Athletic chairman; Phi
Sigma Kappa social fraternity,
dorm counselor, and intramural commissioner.
Among winners of the
-Powelson Business Award for
proficiency in business subjects
a r e : Miss
Sherwood of ES-M High
School, and Miss Sarah Steen
of F-M High School.
M i s s Susan Wilkinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard T. Wilkinson," Limestone Dr., Manlius
graduated from Findlay College, Findlay Ohio,
June 10. She received a Bachelor of Science degree
with majors in elementary and secondary health
and physical education. In her senior year she was
president of Delta Zeta sorority and received an
Ohio Outstanding Officer Award for her presidency.
Miss S u s a n K a t h r y n S n o o k , d a u g h t e r of
Mr. and Mrs. C a r l t o n V. S n o o k , 4 9 6 5
Highbridge St., F a y e t t e v i l l e , graduated on
the D e a n ' s List nnd w i t h merit from
Katharine Gibbs S c h o o l in B o s t o n w h e r e s h e
the t w o - y e a r
artssecretarial course. S h e is a g r a d u a t e of F-M
High S c h o o l .
William K. Short, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A.
Short, 109 Cammot Lane, Fayetteville, received
the SB dtjgree in electrical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Paul A. B a l i a n , s o n of Mr. and Mrs. E d w a r d
S. Balian, 101 E a s t e r l y Terr., DeWitt,
received the S B d e g r e e in m a n a g e m e n t .
Brian M. Rothstein, B.'JZ) Mcriden Rd., Jamesville, received a Bachelor of Arts from Northeastern University in Boston J u n e 17.
N o r m a n J. Lindsay, 4 0 0 Walnut St.,
F a y e t t e v i l l e , graduated from Ferris S t a t e
C o l l e g e in Big Rapids, Mich. J u n e 10. He
r e c e i v e d a B a c h e l o r of S c i e n c e in b u s i n e s s
David II. Kirkley received a Bachelor of Arts
degree June 18 at The College of Wooster's 103rd
Commencement exercise. He is the son of Dr. and
Mrs. George B. Kirkley, 10,1 Fairfield, Fayetteville,
and majored in chemistry.
Miss Eileen M. Twardzik, d a u g h t e r of Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. Twardzik, 48,'i8 Candy Lane,
Manlius, received a Bachelor of S c i e n c e in
A d v e r t i s i n g J u n e 9 at the U n i v e r s i t y of
Miss Madeline Tillotson, recent graduate of Boston University's College of Liberal Arts with a
dual major in history and English literature, has
been accepted hy New England College of I^iw, in
Boston. .She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Tillotson, 215 Hunt Dr., Fayetteville.
Miss Penny Kay Parker received a
Bachelor of Arts at Rice U n i v e r s i t y May 12.
She is the d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M.
Parker, Ui2 D o w n i n g Rd., DeWitt.
Fay's Drugs customers ARE y o u , tho public. And Fay's n o w
round-tho-clock policy at its N o r t h e r n Lights storo is a
community sorvico FOR tho p u b l i c . Post a noto bosido your
tolophono n o w . Fay's Drugs, N o r t h e r n Lights CircU....
Opon 2 4 - h o u r s - a - d a y .
P h o n e
4 5 5 - 5 6 4 1
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York 13069
Six area students received diplomas at Ohio
Wcsleyan University J u n e 10. They are:
Miss Barbara Janet Wheatley, 6915 Woodchuck
Hill ltd., Fayetteville, Magna Cum Laude,
Bachelor of Arts, and elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
Miss Carol Anne Kuppel, 12'J Buffington Rd.,
DeWitt, Cum Liude, Bachelor of Arts.
Miss Barbara Anne Cave, 17Thornwood Lane,
Fayetteville; Miss Diane I,ee Pierson, limestone
Dr., Manlius, and Andrew Macl'hcrson Stringer,
Eagle Village Rd., Manlius, Bachelor of Arts
A Bachelor of Music was awarded to Miss Laura
Elaine Nair, 4944 Cherry Lane, Manlius.
Aboard Carrier
In The Pacific
Poltenson On
Alumni Council
Navy Ueut. (J.G.) William
It. Vanoss, husband of the
former J a n e t Wood, lOfi
Dewitteshjre Kd.f DeWitt, has
left I>emoore, Calif, aboard an
aircraft carrier for an extended
xleployment to the Western
Pacific with Attack Squadron
Navy Seaman Apprentice
Edward J. Everett, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward 1^. Everett,
15 Grover St., East Syracuse, is
aboard the same carrier.
P o l t e n Ron,
Hcnneberry Kd,, Jamesville,
has l>een elected to membership on theexecutivecouncil of
the St. I>awrence University
Alumni Assn. He will serve a
three-year term. A I960 ('urn
L a u d e g r a d u a t e of St.
J^awrence, Mr. Poltenson is
secretary and treasurer of
Salina Press. He received a
Master's in history at the
University of Wisconsin in