WWW - tm"m^9' » '"'" ••" • • • LOCKPORT. N. Y.. UNION-SUN & JOURNAL MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1950 BSBgBSMMiitm -*«/**!*.» „ t in *d*)Bt> . iiSfttiUi^iijUiijiwimii Bride And Attendants Wear White, Leaf Green Bridal Couple To Make Home In Alabama White and leaf green formed en attractive color scheme for the wedding performed Saturday at 4 o'clock in Emmanuel Methodist Church, uniting in marriage Miss Adrienne Dawn Humann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis Humann. 74 Millar PL, and Jamet Ryland Bailies, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryland Baines of Suffolk. V. A hunter's green suit and beige hat with matching green veiling were chosen by Miss Mary Ruth Oliphant for her marriage to Howard G. Pletcher. Hunter's green and beige accessories and a corsage of yellow roses and Fall shades of pompons completed the bride's attire. 'cjmft AfflVlfig - - '• ""i1" »•"•'• I '•-•'•'"•• *<SB2 ST. r A T » I C * ' » UNIT The regular meeting of St- Patrick's Unit, Ladle* of Charity, will be held Wednesday evening at the home. 101 Ontario 8t. B L l l CROSS CIRCLE Blu eCross Circle. Ladle* of Charity of St. Mary* Church, will meet Wednesday evening Immediately following church service* in their rooms. 30 Walnut f t • .','jr* Sl*S«a»»»»»S»i»WSJS"»#»B)S»S>»»' • » * * • • » » • • §Wwm^ Ws» * • • ! • • • 25 Cycle CLOCKS Leo LeBar Jewelry Store 4 L o c u s t St. Lockportian Made Chairman For Mass The bride wore a gown of traditional satin with fitted bodice, long pointed sleeves and a portrait neckline. The full skirt extended to a cathedral-length train. Her veil of Imported French illusion was a t tached to a princes* bonnet of satin and she carried white fujlmums. The bride's four attendants were gowned alike i n leaf green faille. with tightly fitted bodices and full hoop skirt*. They wore bolero Jackets with matching satin lapel* and cuffs and halt b o n n e u of matching faille. They carried p o m pons In Fall shades Ued with matching ribbon CHILD CHAT FOR L M The first FaU moating of Child Mrs. Nelson ML Mason of OakChat Forum will bo hold Thurs- field, cousin of the bride, was m a t day evening in Sisley's Restaurant. ron of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Louise Allen of R a d Dinner will bo served a t 6:30. ford. Va.. Miss Katharine F SMITH BIBLE C L A M Schaeffer of Lockport and Miss AuSmith Bible C l a « Of First Pres- drey J. Oldach of Windsor. Conn. byterian Church will have a 1 O'clock FETAL PINK FROCK luncheon Thursday at the home of Mrs. George Hedden. Ridge Road. The bride's niece, Molly J o a n Each will take table service and Morey of Buffalo, was flower a dish of toon for the tatte. Mrs. girl, wearing petal pink net over bouffant Marshall is In charge Of transpor- matching faille with a skirt, deep collar of net and touchtation. es of velvet. She carried a noseNORTHERN CIRCLE T h e Northern Circle of Baptist gay of pink mum*. O. 8. Hobbs of Suffolk was best Church Women will m e e t tomorrow a t 2.30 with Mrs Walter Wright. m a n and ushers were Kenneth 87 1-2 Vine St. Members a n asked Blanchard of Buffalo, Hadorl Bar-' M. to note the change of meeting rett of Suffolk and Nelson Mason of Oakfield. place. Dr- Stephen Palmer, minister of MOTHERS' FORUM P i n t Presbyterian Church p e r T h e first Fall meeting of mothers' formed the ceremony and the bride Forum w ill be a luncheon Wednes- was given in marriage by her faday at 1 o'clock a t the Hackney ther. Harland W D . Smith w a s House. WllUamsvUle. organist and James Fletcher sang "At Dawning" and "Because." FAVORITE CRAFT U N I T T h e bride's mother w o n a floorT h e first Fall meeting or t h e Favorite Craft U n i t Of the Niag- length gown of wild grape w i t h ara County Home Bureau was held fuchsia side draping, and b l a c k The bridegroom's i n t h e NOW York State Electric accessories. mother wore Autumn gold w i t h a n d G a s Corporation room Thursblack accessories. Both wore orday, when the program for the chid corsages year w a s discussed e n d l e a d e n Altar baskets of white gladioli for t h e various projects chosen. The annual Fall membership luncheon with fern* and candelabra decoratw i s h o held Nov. % New m e m - ed the church for the ceremony which was followed by a reception h e n a n d renewal* will be acin the Park H o t e l cepted a t the October meeting and a t t h e lesson o n flower arrangeTRAVELING SI IT m e n t ; t h e first project of t h e year, The couple left for an eastern t o he held tomorrow at 7:10 in the wedding trip, the bride wearing a Electric and O a s Corporation room. suit of burgundy muted check with T h e following material will be tak- velvet trimming and a hat and bag e n to t i n lesson: Garden flowers, of matching velvet. Mr. and Mrs. flowering shrubs, berries, frames Baines will make their home or foliage of any kind for one bou- after Oct. 1 at 1204 Downey St.. nuet" ncedleDoint or hairpin hold- Bedford. Va. The bride attended Antioch Col<r or a piece of 1-inch mesh chicken vases or platters: newspap- lege and was graduated from the ers, paring knife and shears. Women'* Division of Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The bridegroom is attending VPL Prenuptlal entertainments included a bridge party given by t h e bride 1 ! college roommate, Miss Louise Allen of Radford; a personal shower by the Misses KatherAlarm and Kitchen lne e n d Virginia Shaeffer and Barb a n Schwab; a kitchen shower by Mrs. Nelson M. Mason and Mrs Harry Overend. A bathroom shower by Miss Audrey Oldach; a dinner party b y Mrs. K e n n e t h Blanchard of Buffalo, Still Available sister of the bride; a dinner by Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Henning and Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Dohring At Mrs. and Mrs. Baines. the bridegroom's parents, gave the rehears a l dinner Friday evening in the Park Hotel. V<MW*» • The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Mable T. Oliphant, 473 Hawley St. and tne late Clarence Oliphant. Mr Pletcher is a son of Mr. and Mrs 0 « r - - - Pletcher. Swings R o a d , Newfane. The ceremony was performed Saturday at 11 o'clock in the rectory of St. Patrick's Church, the Rev. John P. Kennedy, pastor officiating. Mrs. William J. McKenna Jr., Mrs. Florence Kennedy was her diocesan president oi the Ladles ol sister's only attendant, wearing a Charity, announces the appointment claret suit with matching accesso of Mrs Stephen V. Doherty oi ries and a corsage of pink rose* Lockport as general chairman oi and pink and fuchsia pompons the Holy Year Mass for the Ladies Oeorge Pletcher Jr.. was his brothof Charity on Thursday, Sept. 28, er's best man in St. Josephs New Cathedral. His The bride's mother wore t e a l Excellency, the Most. Rev. John F. blue with brown accessories and a pink glamella corsage. The brideO'Hara. CSC, will preside. The Rt Rev (Msgr.i Eugene A. groom 'a mother wore a plum dress Loftus will act as celebrant and, with gray accessories and a cor- CLUB ACTIVITIES Lockport Man Weds In Buffalo Ceremony matching accessories and tne bridegroom's mother wore caramelcolored crepe with a brown velvet hat and brown accessories. Both wore corsages of yellow rases. Highlights Shade. Your Completely I E U U B H I I )^S}I fWlii 1 (fou Wcuit ttlaie <7ha*i j$acuity Do you suffer from hot flushes, nervous tension, upset •motions— due to functional "change of life' (38 to 52 years)—that period when fertility ebbs away, when symptoms of this nature may often betray your age? Start taking Lydla E. Ptnkhama Vegetable. Compound to relieve euch symptoms. No other medicine of this type for women has auch a long record of success. Taken regularly, Ptnknam's Compound helps build up resistance against such middle-age distress. A great medicine made especially for woman. Th* woman s friend t NOTE: Or you may prefer Lydla K. WnkhanVsTABLBTS with added Iron. LYDIA E. PINKMM'S & ' £ * . familiar with just about every watch on the market. We can give your watches the specialised t r e a t mant they need. JEWELER Gray Natural Covers Hair MISS CLAIROL NEW AMAZING 12 Kaiser DeLuxe 2-Door Sedan* $3.50 BEAUTIFUL FASHIONABLE i ore NOT A RINSE . . . IN CJM We Sales up 324%! year it'sc NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME HAIR COLOR BATH ONLY I MR. AND MRS. HOWARD G. PLETCHER (Plummer Photo) will be assisted by the Rev. Harry!?**' o f w h l t e a n d f u c h 5 l a - , * m e | W. Osborne, deacon, and the Rev. I al' . , . , ,. ,. illiam L Wozmak subdeacon Baskets of mixed gladioli deoui am L. wo/niak. subdeacon. ^ ^ ^ ^ orat<Jd recU)ry f()r SCOUT TROOP IS All Ladles of Charity are invited mony, after which a wedding The first meeting of Girl Scout to attend the mass and will receive breakfast was served to 16 at the the Papal Blessing from Msgr. Lot- Park Hotel. A three-tiered wedding Troop II. of First Presbyterian Church, will be held tomorroie at tus. who recently returned f r o m cake centered the table. Rome. Following a short motor t r i p , 3:30 in Hamilton House. Mrs. Doherty has chosen as ner t h e couple will return to Lockport CHESTNUT RIDGE UNIT and l e a v e co-chairman, Mrs. Peter J. M u r - ,loosa. Ala., immediately where they for will Tuscamake rett of Kenmore and the commitChestnut Ridge Unit of Niagara tee assisting them will Include Mrs their home. _ r _ r i l l -. ( »J County Home Bureau will meet toPrancls C. Reynolds. Mrs. Louis The bridegroom was 1 morr W from Newfane High School MRS. JAMES R. BAINES 5 ? a n a i s |Raymond ° • ? Urtel. ? » * a t Chestnut * : " T \ Ridge. * i £ ' B Sonnenmeier, Mr« Bernard L. attending the School of Engineer• Majestic Photo) Ward, and Mrs. Joseph J. Colbey ing, University of Alabama. Tusca- for a membership tea. A lesson Jr.. of Lockport. be loosa. He served with the U. S. on flower arrangement will Army in Italy for three years. The given. bride is a graduate of Lockport UXORIS CLUB CHICKEN DINNER • High School. The Uxoris Club will have a By Wright's Corners Presbyterianj Prenuptlal events included: A Church at the Pire Hall. Wednes- kitchen shower given by Miss Jane social meeting tomorrow evening day. Sept. 20th at 5:30. Sale of Achramovltch of Kenmore; a bath- at the home of Mrs. Victor Cooper, aprons, baked goods and vegetables!room shower by Mrs. Rollln Orant; 239 Price St. There will be a celeAdults $1.00. 18. 19c a dinner t the Park Hotel by the bration of birthdays occurring in 1 W h i t e g l a d i o l i , p a l m s a n d candelabra d e c o r a t e d t h e C h u r c h Timekeeping Department of Har- the past three months. o f G o o d S h e p h e r d . J e w e t t P a r k w a y . B u f f a l o , for t h e w e d d i n g WILSON GOP MEETING < rison Radiator Division, General ROYALTON SOCIETY Motors Corporation. w h i c h u n i t e d in m a r r i a g e Miss E l i z a b e t h A n n e C a s s e t y , d a u g h t e r TO TAKE PLACE, FRIDAY The Ladies' Aid Society of RoyalA variety shower by Mrs. R. W. ton Baptist Church will meet ThursWILSON Sept. 18 - The second j Kennedy and Mrs. Peter Oliphant o f Mr. a n d Mrs. C. K e i l C a s s e t y , 1 5 1 S p r i n g v i l l e A v e . , E g g e r t s meeting of the Wilson Republican a t Mrs. Oliphant's home. Quaker day at 2 o'clock with Mrs. R a y v i l l e , a n d R o b e r t G e o r g e M c C a r t h y , s o n o f Mr. a n d Mrs. H o w a r d Club will be held at the Wilson Road. Barker; a linen shower by mond Ranney, Lincoln A v e n u e House, Friday evening, Sept. 22 Mrs. Prances Ryaa at the Park Extenstion. Refreshments will b e E. McCarthy, L o w e r M o u n t a i n R o a d , L o c k p o r t at 8 oclock. I Hotel. served by the hostess. The Rev. J. J. Post performed the ceremony at 2 o'clock Satur- Williamsvllle. day. The bride 'was given In marFor traveling, the bridechose a i riage by her father. wine-colored suit with black velvet The bride's gown was fashioned accessories and a corsage of white i with a white satin skirt, lace bod- roses. The couple will make their Ice and sleeves and empire waist- home at 53 Maple St., Lockport. line. Her full-length veil of illusion, Out-of-town guests included Col edged with lace, fell from a Juliet and Mrs. R. W. Drury of Athol. cap and she carried a cascade oi Mass.. grandparents of the bride, white roses. and Miss Adelaide Elliott of Detroit, j SISTER ATTENDS BRIDE The bridegroom, a graduate of [ Mrs. Robert J. Edgcomb was her sister's matron of honor and brides- University of Buffalo, Is a m e m - j maids were Miss Patricia A. Cas- ber of B X E Fraternity. sety and Miss Janet Stapleton, cousins of the bride. They wore blue satin gowns with fitted bodIces and strapless tops and capes of matching satin. Blue satin Juliet caps and mitts completed their attire and they carried cascades of yellow chrysanthemums. Roy McCarthy of Lockport was A New, Amazing Hair Color best man and ushers were C. Keil Bath That Performs Like Cassety Jr.. brother of the bride, Magic Without Pre-Bleaching William Baker. Alan C. Lawrence To Give You Lovely. Lasting and Gordon Fay, of Lockport. Hair Color In Five To Twenty The bride's mother wore a mink Minutes. brown crepe afternoon dress with RECEPTION AT C LI B A reception to 150 guests was Until neighboring communities held at the Trap and Field Club, voted to Join it in May 1960 Annapolis. Md., was less than a square mile in area. sftjSlwAii i COLORS Kaiser's the car! Joanne and five other competent operators are ready to satisfy you. For Appointment ( a l l 1511 Today ! 1 ! ! Open Every Evening ! ! JOANNE'S HOUSE-: OK BEAUTY 23 W MAIN ST. Slenderizing — Beauty Salon TUNE - O Kauer DeLuxe 4-[)oor Sedan* When it comes to mottresses, beauty is only skin deep You need the buoyant, restful, inner construction found only in Serta "Perfect Sleeper". No bumps, no tufts, no hollows to disturb your sleeping comfort You sleep ON it . . . NOT IN it. "Perfect Sleeper" Box springs — raised edge construction gives mattress ideol support and protection. Come to Hamilton (j Clark and see this double investment for the "rest of your life". Hamilton & Clark INC. "Builders of QUALITY Furniture" Y. O p e * Sot. fveninfs IS BACK 1951 Kaiser ON WUSJ 10.11 Kai*rr sales havr smashed all previous records: Vt hy? Because with Kaiser's new Anatomic Design, every feature oi IKMJV and chassis i« engineered to suit the nerd* of human snstomy! Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday Csflsfsrt Sss-SsRttyt kaiser gives ><>u more windshield and window area than sny rar in America plua the protection of s Safety-Cushion Padded Instrument Panel' 7:30-8:00 P.M. CSMBSft ttit'SMWyl kai«r offer* room a plenty for .tit big people plus easy-to-enter DOOM! Csfafsri It-sMMty! Kaiser's great Supersonic engine gives you faster getaway, quieter performance! It's clear when you compare *ll that counts'... nothing comes close to the 1951 Kaiser!... Come in ... Today.., snd get your Anatomic demonstration ! 'On* of 6 rWy stylet and 12 models Hydm \tniie aifidabU st extra cast. CMSflrl RMt-sMtfI Anatomic Design soaks up road shocks, provides road-hugging lower center of gravity! THE MUSICAL RADIO GAME . .the only car with Anatomic Design! Bum to Bittir t H Bttt M tlM Riad I S M your ntarett Kaiser *Frizer dealer for an Anatomic demootfrition today I THAT'S FREE-THAT'S FUN OPEN 1 3 4 0 On Your Dial 130 WIST AVI. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com l)»|IIT'H FVININGV SANTANGELO Untitled Document • IMS I l l l l l . f l l l l l t * i t « MOTORS INC. LOCKPORT, N. Y.
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