10 THE TIMES RECORD, TROY, N. Y., Ellen Post, Thomas Moran Wed Miss Ellen Post, daughter of She carried a cascade bouquet Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Post of of white roses. 742 5th Ave., and Thomas -Mo- Miss Armao wore a ballerina ran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel length gown of yellow crepe Moran of 28 Eagle St., were mar- with a matching bow headpiece. She carried a cascade of yellow ried Aug. 19 in St. Augustine's flowers. Church. Rev. Eugene A. Del After the reception at the Conte, O.S.A., celebrated the Glass Lake House the couple Nuptial Mass. left on a northern wedding trip. The bride, escorted by her They will reside at 250 3rd Ave. father, had Miss Teresa Armao on their return. as her only attendant. A graduate of Catholic Centra) Francis Cline was best man High School, the bride is emand ushers were David Lord and ployed by the New York Telephone Co. Charles Wagar. The bride wore a ballerina The bridegroom graduated length gown of French lace and from Troy High School and is a shoulder length veil held by a employed by the John A. Mancluster of petals and seed pearls. ning Paper Co. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 1, 1967 Wanda Cwenar Recent Bride The marriage of Miss Wanda white rosea and pompons with a Cwenar, daughter of Mr and shower of spray carnations. Mrs. Wojcieoh Cwenar of Po- The maid of honor, Miss Norland, to Alfred Gerbers, son of ma Pascarella, wore a gown of John Gerbers of 28 Wilkins Ave,. blue chiffon over taffeta with Albany, and the late Alexan- a matching headpiece. She cardra Gerbers, took place Satur- ried a colonial bouquet of pink day at St. Patrick's Church, roses and white carnations. Troy, with Rev. Juris Pudaos Olgert A. Gerbers was his officiating. brother's best man. John PinThe bride was given in mar- kans and Marian Zaeharkieriage by her brother, Bernard wkz seated the guests. A reception at the Sunset Inn, Cwenar. She wore a gown of Chantilly lace over taffeta with Troy, followed the ceremony. a scalloped neckline trimmed The couple left on a wedding with sequins and seed pearls. trip to Canada. Her full skirt ended in a chapel Mrs. Gerbers was employed train. A queen's crown held by St. Mary's Hospital, Troy. her fingertip veil, and she car- Mr. Gerbers is employed by the ried a prayer book covered with State of New York. -Ken Perrj ..—Van Arnim Photo MRS. WILLIAM E. OLSZOWY MRS. PAUL AUSTIN CROTTY Jane Rea, Paul A. Crotty Wed Today In Cornell Chapel The marriage of Miss Jane Frances Rea to Paul Austin Crotty took place this morning in the Anabel Taylor Chapel on the campus of Cornell University. Rev. David N. Connor officiated. The bfide is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Rea of 401 Hoosick St., Troy, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrsf Peter J. Crotty of Buffalo. The bride, escorted by her father, wore a street length dress of white silk shantung with matching tulle veil and carried a bouquet of roses and gardenias- Miss Barbara Lee Stebbins df Troy was her maid or and Peter Crotty 'as his brother's best man. After the ceremony, a luncheon was held at the Statler Inn and from there the couple left for a wedding trip in Europe. Upon their return, they wiU reside in New York City, where Mr. Crotty will serve as a law clerk to„a United States District Court Judge. Mrs. Crotty is a graduate of —I>l ModiiRnn Photo Elmira College. Mr. Crotty VERONICA MARIE KANE graduated from the University of Notre Dame and with disfrom the Cornell Law Veronica Kane, tinction School, Edward AAartin Plan Wedding Miss Gregoire, W. E. Olszowy Wed In Cohoes -.--: .' . Record Pattern '•••"•iffiKSffi?*: *:•'•' Winners in Tuesday evening's Van Schaick duplicate bridge tourney at Panetta's were: North-south first, Mrs. Thomas Peterson and Alan Collins; sec ond, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Harvey; third, Mrs. Beatrice Hilt?, and Mrs. Lilliam McCoy; eastwest first, Miss Mary Hans and Miss Eleanor Reed; second, Mrs. Margaret Blossom and Mrs. Jant Hannaberry, and third, Mrs. Martin Rock and Mrs. John Guntner. DEVANE'S... NOW AT . . . 1 BROADWAY On W 1 ^^wlli --.">.: 1 i . j .: - •n j f \ * • w ; • , - : • Memorial WSCS Plans Meeting. m '"'• M $'••'- • -'$< •• • *' < $ 1 Troy Teacher Takes Courses Bridge Winners MRS. ALFRED GERBERS w A 3.. Mrs. John Burkhart, head of the English department at Troy High School, has returned from New York City where she took summer courses at Fordham University. Mrs. Burkhart worked with Marshall McLuhan and Rev. John Culkin, S.J., In courses on mass media in high schools and the use of film in secondary education. —Epner Phot* —Conklio Photo MRS. THOMAS MORAN :::.' Mrs. Kathryn Kane of 112 Hudson Ave., Green Island, has announced the engagement of her daughter, Veronica Marie, to Edward F. Martin Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Martin Sr., of 5 Orr St., Troy. Miss Kane is also the daughter of the late Walter J. Kane Jr. The couple plan to be married Oct. 28. Miss Kane graduated from Catholic Central High School and is employed by the directory department of the New York Telephone Co., Menands. Her fiance is a graduate' of Troy High School and served three years in 'ttii~Mtfff? "He is employed by the John A. Manning Paper Co., Green Island. 4 1.4 * .§ —V«r» Photo —Protkla Phot* MRS. RICHARD E. HOLMES MRS. DONALD F. HOURIGAN Mechanicville Residents Exchange Vows Miss Mamone, D. F. Hourigan Wed Sunday Miss Victoria M. Mamone and Donald F. Hourigan were marBed Sunday at Mario's Fanfare Ballroom, with Judge Matthew 9414 M. Dunne officiating. SIZES 36-50 The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Mamone of 276 North Greenbush Road, Troy, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Mabel D TO SIZE 50! Hourigan of 157 Maple Ave., This is the way flattery is and the late Frank D. Houri defined for fall . . . princess gan. lines rising to a softly draped Mr. Mamone gave his daughneck and pretty bow. Choose ter in marriage. She was attended by Mrs. Vito F. Mamone ottoman, wool, faille. as matron of honor. Alfred La« Printed Pattern 9414: Wom- Chapelle was the best man. en's Sises 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, The bride chose a silk organ48, 50. Size 36 requires 3% za gown with a molded bodice of Alelicon lace embroidered yards 39-inch fabric. with seed pearls. Her detachFifty tents la coins for able chapel length train was apeach pattern — add 15 cents pliqiied with lace and embroifor each pattern for first-class dered with see# pearls. Her mailing and special handling. bouffant silk illusion veal was atSend to Marian Martin. The tached to a double crystal Times Record Pattern Dept, 232 crown. She carried a cascade of West 18th St., New York, N.Y. stephanotu with a white orchid 10011. Print Name, Address center. with Zip, Siie and Style Nam- The matron of honor wore a ber. peacock blue sheath of silk orPlan your new fall wardrobe, ganza over taffeta trimmed with send now for our new Fall-Win- rosebuds. A matching bouffant ter Pattern Catalog. 100 fresh, veil was held by her feathered exciting shapes in all sizes. Get headpiece. Her bouquet was a one pattern free — clip coupon cascade of baby pink roses and ilk Catalog. Send 50 cents now. Ivy. A reception in the ballroom followed the ceremony. LISA After a trip to the Pocono CLIFFE Mountains the couple wiU make their home at 462 1st St., Troy. SHOPPE The bride graduated from • CARD* • HAND Troy High School and is em• • I FTS L CRAFTS '7 AND I M P O R T S ployed by Blue Cross of North eastern New York. An alumnus • ~ * T F JEWELRY of LaSalle Institute, the bride groom attended St. Michael's n / SALE! College in Vermont He is em — iLlZAiSTM CATLiN. now m The September meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of Memorial Methodist Church will be held Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Maple Room. Miss Nettie Woodruff, president will conduct the meeting and also the meeting of the executive committee at 7 p.m. in the all-purpose room. The devotional program will be led by Mrs. Arthur Airy and Mrs. Albert Fredericks, vice president, will have charge of the film presentation "Portrait of a Woman." Refreshments will be served by the Rose Circle with Mrs. Edward Long as chairman. Miss Linda Ana IacobeUi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. IacobeUi of 206 Saratoga Ave., Mechanicville, and Richard E. Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Holmes of 6 Home Auxiliary Columbus Ave., also of Mechanicville, were married Sat- Schedules Tea urday in the Church of the As- The board of the Auxiliary for sumption, Mechanicville, in a the Jewish Home for the Aged ceremony performed by Rev. met Monday at the home of Mrs. Harry Goldberg. Mrs. RayDante L. Girolami, O.S.A. mond Dratwa 'presided. The reception followed at the Final plans were made for the membership tea at the home Crossroads in Latham. -*VtT% PhOt» Wednesday, Sept. 13, beginning couple left on a wedding ANNE M. COLARUOTOLO tripThe at 1 p.m. Mrs. Abraham C. ROSEMARY ROBITAILLE to Virginia Beach, Va., after Goldstein and Mrs. Ely S. Kop which they will live in Plattalovitz are coehairmen. Mrs. burgh. Herman KraU beads the proCo hoes Girl Area Couple *Mr. IacobeUi escorted his gram committee and Mrs. Golddaughter who chose a gown of berg the invitations committee. To Be Wed * " Planning silk linen adorned with Venetian The nominating committee lace. The gown had a detach- will present the slate of officers October Nuptials In November able chapel train. A matching •t a short business meeting pillbox headpiece held ber boufMr. and Mrs. W i l l i a m E. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Colaru- fant veil and she carried a after the tea. Robitaille Sr. of 14 River St., otolo of 499 Saratoga St., Co* crescent bouquet of phelaenopWaterford, have announced the hoes, announce the engagement sis orchids and stephanotis with Plywood Bed engagement of their daughter, of their daughter, Anne Marie, ivy. A platform bed made of plyRosemary, to Garry LeRoy to Frank J. Castle, son of Mr. Miss Carol IacobeUi, who was wood can be built across the sister's maid of honor, wore Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don and Mrs. Frank A. Castle of aher yellow crepe gown. The brides width of a small room. This aid Shaw of 8 Mercer St., Wa- 914 24th St., Watervliet. maids, who were similarly serves for guests or a child. terford. The future bride is a graduate gowned in mint green, were Miss Robitaille attended Wa- of St. Agnes' School, Loudon- Miss Connie Zeppieri and Miss terford-Halfmoon School and is ville and is employed as a re* Diane boo. All carried cascade bouquets of purple mums and employed by Robert Reis Co ceptionist at the Albany County pompons with lemon leaves. in Waterford. Department of Social Services, Jeffrey Holmes was ok brother's best man. Guests were seatHer fiance, a graduate of Wa Cohoea. ed by Joseph Dechants and Jay terford-Halfmooh School, is em"Bradford ResaT ployed by Behr Manning Co. of Her fiance graduated from McMahon 4 Watervliet High School and has Mr. and Mrs. Holmes are Watervliet. OMN • A.M. fe I I P.M. The wedding will take place served four years in the Navy both graduates of MechanicviUe Bremktmtt Special* Oct 28. Mr. Castle is employed by Behr High School. The bride is em- M lee*. H O M Bfwwiied FotetMS ployed as a stenographer by Teest end Coffee Manning Co., Watervliet. New York State. The bride ployed as a sales represents A November wedding is groom is a senior at State Unitive at Blue Cross of Northeast 59 versity College at Plattsburgh. era New York. planned. Engaged To Wed Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Rock* well of 38 BeUe Ave. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Susan Patricia, to Ronald L. Lagasse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Lagasse ol 3 Miller Ave., Cohoes. A May 1968 wedding is planned. Miss Rockwell, a graduate of WeUsvUle High School, is employed in the Ubrary of the State University at Albany. Her fiance graduated from Siena College and received a master's degree in library sci* ence from the State University. He is administrative assistant te the director of the Ubrary of the State University of New York at Albany. Avoid Scratches Paper doiUies, placed between the plates and saucers ei your fine china when storing/ will prevent scratches. '•"••••••Trm FOP SAVINGS and HOME LOAN MORTGAGES Troy , and the Capital District for 78 yean i PIONEER '•MM km *mi tfttap A M S I M I M ef Tiey MAIN Of PlCis TROY •RANCH OWICI: LATHAM Untitled Document .• • v- Miss Claire M. Gregoire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Honore Gregoire, 1 Conboy Ave., Cohoes, and William, E. Olszowy, son of William M. Olszowy of Northline Drive, Melrose, and Mis. Doris Olszowy of 16 Front St, Waterford, were married Saturday in St. Marie's Church, Cohoes. Rev. Robert E. Cote celebrated the Nuptial Mass. Mr. Gregoire escorted his daughter who chose a short gown of peau de soie trimmed with seed pearls. A queen's crown of pearls and crystal held her bouffant veil. She carried a cascade bouquet of white glaNANCY M. FERGUSON melliai and miniature carnations. Mrs. Muriel Squadere, who Miss Ferguson, was her sister's matron of honor, wore a dress of mint green peau de soie. She carried a colonial T. H. McGrath III bouquet of yellow roses and Engaged To Wed white flowers. Richard LeMay was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ferguson A dinner for the immediate of Johnnycake Lane, AveriU families followed at the Scot- Park, announce the engagement Mar Restaurant on the Water- of their daughter, Nancy Marie, ford-MeehanicviUe Road. to Thomas. H. McGrath III, son For her daughter's wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Me* Mrs. Gregoire chose a beige lin- Grain Jr. of 14 Brookside Ave., en dress with matching acces- WynantskiU. sories. Mrs. Olszowy wore ice The bride-to-be is a graduate blue lace with appointments to of Averill Park High School match. Both had corsages of and is employed by RPI. roses. Her' fiance graduated from After a wedding trip to Maine, Columbia High School, E a s t the couple will live in Water- Greenbush, and is presently at- * ford. The bride traveled in a tending Hudson VaUey Comrose colored linen dress with munity CoUege. white appointments. A Dec. 16 wedding at S t A graduate of Keveny Memo- Henry's Church, AverUl Park, rial Academy, the bride is em- is planned. ployed by the Grand Union Co., Waterford. The bridegroom graduated from Waterford-Haifmoon High School and is em- Miss Rockwell, ployed by the General Electric Ronald Lagasse Co., Schenectady. » Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com • . -1 I •J.t'-I . ' . ' •
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