Commercial Portrait For A i>|mt»lMr*l • Hinr SHttoK F. E. CRUM STUDIO n MAIM rriwaisT TKL, IU7-W S I ' I I I M . VAI.LKV The next meeting of the Rockland County Fire Police will be held at the headquarter* of Knickerbocker Knglne Company, Rockbind Lake, Wedne«day evening, October 15, at 8 o'clock. NEW SERVICE CAST YOUR VOTE FOR at the PARKWAY NEWCITY Delicatessen & Restaurant 3 Main St. SPRING VALLEY Phone EVERY DAY A VARIETY KOSHER __..> corresponding secre- McGHI of Haverstmw, who la bemany other Improvement* were Brlnkman, ing married to Joseph Moffot in were made. A Brotherhood WBI tary; Alvln Tonjes, treasurer. Junior Young People group's of- the near future. There were about organised In 1927, and a young women's organisation, St. Paul's ficers are Robert Hungo, president; twenty-five guests present and Miss Quid, was formed lu 1B44. During Miss Eleanor Brettman, vice-presi- McGlll received n ny lovely gifts, the past two years two pieces of dent; Miss J a n e Meredith, secre- A delicious supper was served, Inproperty were purchased, the ceme- tary; Gene Meredith, treasurer. cluding salads, cold cuts, hometery Improved including a maca- Sunday school staff includes Wil- made cakes and beverages. Everysuperintendent; one attending had a wonderful dam road and other Improve- liam Meyerhoff, ments made to the church edifice. teachers, Miss Doris Prouty, Mrs. time. 1 Fred liunthln. Alvln Tonjes, Miss Many Pastoral Acta Judy Ann Knapp celebrated her Edna yuill, Mrs. Frank Hinckley, Since Its organization in 1907 the flrst birthday anniversary Saturfollowing number of pastoral nets Hev. Cornish; Miss Barbara Fuss, haw been performed for the con- pianist; Miss Barbara Prouty, secgregation: baptisms 205; confirma- retary; Mrs. H. J. Cornish, supertions, 153; marriages, 132; funerals, intendent of the Cradle Roll de2l)4. The congregation now num- partment. All church work Is capbers 254 baptized members, 183 ably supervised by Pastor Cornish. confirmed, 71 child members, and 141 communing members, I'nstora who have occupied the pulpit during the past 40 years InLinda Lee celebrated her flrst clude Rev. Charles Boehner of Pearl River, part-time, 1907-1922; birthday anniversary last WednesRev K. P. Steffens, 1923-1926; Pro- day. - -• fessor J. C. K r a m e r of Wagner Miss Frances Kurlsko is now an College, conducted services for employee of the Lederle Laboraabout a year; Rev. Paul R. Hasten, tories in Pearl River. 1927 until his death on May 10, 1945; Rev. Henry J. Cornish, AugMrs. Randolph Phillips desires ust 1945 through present date. articles for the white elephant taThe church council Is composed ble which will be one of the many of Robert Hyslip, president; Fred features of the Methodist fair. Stixrud, vice-president; John HenThe annual fair and supper ning, secretary; Peter Hofmann, m a s u r e r ; William Behling, Henry sponsored by the New City Meth: Kulle, John Lussen, Emll Hcnning, odist Church, will be held from OcJohn Fenner, Henry BorcherH, tober 30 through November 1. A Gustav Horn, Paul Kamphoefncr. turkey dinner is planned for the : I nliiH Aid officers Include Mrs. first night. There will be many at| Charles Knapp, president; Miss Al- tractive articles offered at the fair j ,ii i Martin, secretary; Mrs. Gustav and everyone la welcome. i Horn, treasurer. The New City fire department, Lutheran Brotherhood officers [ • e Peter Hofmann, president; under the leadership of Chief AnWilliam Meyerhoff, vice-president; drew Lawrence, was called out at Gustav Horn, secretary; John Fen- about 1:20 p. m. Saturday to exJACQUIE R I G A U D ner. treasurer. St. Paul's Guild of- tinguish a brush fire. About twenficers include Mrs. Fred Schmer- ty firemen responded to the call •;ahl, president; Mrs. Gerald Hut- and brought the lire under control In Spring Valley's Popularity and Talent Contest ton, vice-president; Mrs. Carl Gre- In a very short period of time. The The Nanuet Lutheran congregation w i l l celebrate the f o r t i e t h gor, Jr., recording secretary; Mrs. fire w a s in a field on Park avenue, anniversary of its founding on October 17. Church edifice was built Henry Borchero, corresponding but no damage was done. by Reformists 120 years ago. Many renovations and improvements to secretary; Mrs. William Meyerhoff, the building have been made during past 40 years. Photo by John The Chestnut Grove school will treasurer. L u t h e r a n Fellowship ofJ. Riley. BUSINESS SERVICE ficers are Mrs. F r a n k Hincley, feature Willam Paul Babcock of L 3 N. Main St. Spring Valley president; Fred Banthln, vice-pre- Nyack at an assembly program to sldent; Mrs. Arthur Hoffman, sec- be held this Friday morning. Fire retary; Mr.s Kiernan Lawler, prevention will be the theme of the treasure?. assembly and Mr. Babcock, having had much experience in the line of Additional l e a d e r s fire fighting and prevention, will OUR Senior Young People's organiza- speak on this subject. tion officers Include: Miss Claire Candidate for Mrs. F r a n k Hendrickson was worship on Sunday afternoons at Heinig, president; Richard Meyn, Church Edifice Was Built hostess Saturday night at a showvice-president; Mis? Doris Prouty, and Sunday school classes 120 Years Ago by the Local 3at o'clock "MISS wording secretary; Miss Ruth er given In honor of Miss Ruth 2 p. m. It was deemed advisable Reformists; Many Changes to hold school classes in English SPRING VALLEY 1947" at all times, and to conduct church services in German and English on The congregation of St. Paul s FUR or AGAINST Evangelical Lutheran Church, Nan- alternate Sundays. Lutherans Meet uet. will celebrate its fortieth anniWe w o n ' t enter the argument versary on October 17, in commemThe first service was held in the for over the relative necessity and oration of which anniversary ser- residence of Mr. Jac;rler on Nodesirability of buying a new fur vices are being presented at 4 vember 10, 1907. It was learned MISS KOCH coat. o'clock in the afternoon of the first that the church building known as three Sundays of the current the "Secoder Church", The True BEAUTY STUDIO We're neither f u r nor against. month. The church edifice, which Reformed Church of Nanuet, could was built by the Reformists, is 120 be rented. The building was obBut we do know t h a t if you do years old, having been erected in tained for a one dollar rental per YOU buy a f u r coat you can often 1826 and being completed the fol- Sunday. In the spring of 1908 the save real dough by paying cash. lowing year. Can Obtain Your church building, property and the decision is fur, and So In reviewing the history of the cemetery was purchased for $1,800. ANNOUNCING ANOTHER I '•« day afternoon. A party was held a t her home and many young guests were present. Various games were played and refreshments were served. Among the guests attending were Rene and Gordon Groland, Nora Pianka, Ada-mae Gerlack, Billy and fJordon Howell, Linda Lee, F r a n k Knssll, Gilbert, Joel and Bobby Knapp, Wayne Knapp, Midge Stauback, Mary Ann T u r n e r and Trudt Palestro, Nanuet Church Built in 1827 Fir* Police to Meet i nil F..r October 10,1947 Orangetown Telegram, Peari Elver, N. Y. PAGE 2 1282 Spring Valley Business Men's Luncheon Served f r o m 11 A. M. to 3 P. M. Weekdays Only Priced from 45c to 65c KILL RATS...DON'T FEED THEM! FARM BUREAU RECOMMENDS CONTROLLING RATS N O W BUT YOU DON'T NEED AN EXTERMINATOR! For RATS . . . Miss Kearsing We have the genuine A N T U in 35c and 50c packages. If children or pets (dogs, cats, etc.) are around, use R E D S Q U I L L KIL-RAT. I t is non-poisonous, available in 10c, 35c and Jumbo $1.00 packages. SIDNEY KEARSING For M I C E . . . Our Famous M I C E NOX at 25c a box. T w o boxes w i l l r i d your house of these troublemakers. Sold on a money-back guarantee. Valley Feed and Supply Co. Inc. Nanuet Lutherans Celebrate UNION ROAD & R. R. Their Fortieth Anniversary SPRING VALLEY 340 W IRING VOTE FOR Light, Heat and Power Industrial and Domestic ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION and FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE CALL KCfAlKJ -••» is fitting to first review briefly the gregation was incorporated under 120 -year history of the church the laws of the State of New York building. On August 25, 1825, a as "St. Paul's Evangelical Luthercertificate of incorporation was is- an Church of Nanuet." sued to the True Reformed Dutch The Ladies Aid was organized on Church of Nanuet, New York, of October 4, 1908. In April, 1912, a which John Hutton, Jacob Talman, Young People's Society was formAbram C, Debaun and Jacob P. ed. The flrst full-time pastor. Rev, Demarest were elders, and Nich- K. P . Stefftms, occupied the pulpit. olas Blauvelt, J a m e s DeClark, An- During his pastorate the bulletins drew SfacAndles, and Junta C. was renovated, a basement %<B» Blauvelt, the deacons. buiit for educational and organizaDuring the same month a parcel tional purposes, and a pipe organ of land of three-quarters of an was installed. In 1925 three acres acre was purchased from Mr. and of land to the south of the church Mrs. Joseph N. Blauvelt for the was acquired for cemetery pursum of $40 for church purposes. poses. In 1928 property on Church Work was begun on the edifice, the street was purchased by the Lacornerstone was laid in 1826, and dies Aid for a parsonage. Before the building was completed in 1827. work was started, the present parServices were conducted in the sonage was purchased and the church from t h a t time until about Church street property was sold. 1895, under the leadership of the In 1933, during Rev. Paul R. Kasfollowing pastors: Revs. John V. S. ten's pastorate, the interior of the Lansing, Jamea G. Brinkerhoff, church building was decorated, James D. Demarest, Abram Van memorial windows were installed, Houten. John R. Cooper and Haw- a hardwood floor was laid, and rey Iseman. Church Closed In 1868 a strip of land about 20 feet in width east of the church, was purchased from J. I*. Blauvelt for enmetery purposes, which exgiven by tended the property to Blauvelt avenue on the east side of the LADIES' AUXILARY church grounds. During 1895 the n4 „ congregation became too small to continue functioning, and the proFred Eiler Post No. 1447 perty was sold to the True Dutch Reformed Church Classis of Hackensack, N. J. The church was not used for several years. The first impulse for the founding of St. Paul's Lutheran Church sprang from the desire of a numROCO SALES AND ber of Lutheran families living In Nanuet and vicinity to have a conSERVICE STORE gregation which might conduct M A I N ST., M O N S E Y worship services in their faith. The first meeting of a Lutheran group Sale Starts at 10 A. M. was held in the home of John Jaeglcr en the evening of October 17, DOOR FR1ZE T A B L E LAMP 1907. A temporary organisation 8 U formad and officers elected included John Jaegler, chairman; Christian Bowenkamp, secretary; Fred Wilkens, treasurer; Martin Finken, Henry Tietjen and Ernst Bchren*, deacons. These men conINSTALLATIONS stituted the first board of trustees. Also present at the meeting was REPAIRS the Rev. Charles Boehner, pastor of the Pearl River Lutheran Church. To Mr. Boehner a call was extended to minister to the infant organization on a part time bojis and to conduct services of 266-J SAM LEIGHTON Residence—22 Union Road, Spring Valley Telephone 1132 PLUMBING EXPERTS F o r t h e p l u m b i n g or heating j o b t h a t must be j u s t so, people of Rockland county i n v a r i a b l y call on C r u m & O'Brien. Phone Spring Valley 134 For Service thr> full BALLOTS HERE rn«b Of course better than a credit union loan—if the old coat still has another year of satisfactory wear in i t — w o u l d be regular deposits in y o u r credit union share account, f o r next year's bargains. SPRING VALLEY CREDIT UNION Spring Volley. N. Y. In either c a s e — t h r i f t or loan— your credit union is here to Meets E v e r y Monday, 8 P. M., at serve you. ~ T h i s copy taken C o m m u n i t y Center B u i l d i n g from "Bridge." A D E L E GNAT - KOCH'S BEAUTY STUDIO Specialists i n HAIR DYEING AND BLEACHING CREME OIL PERMANENTS & HAIR STYLING 23 N. Main St. Phone S. V. 655 SPRING VALLEY, N. Y. BAKE SALE CRUM & O'BRIEN SPRING VALLEY m MAIN STREET hivo price handy, then we do advise you to consider a credit union loan. O u r f r i e n d l y , handy, confidential, low-cost loan service is here to serve you. JLlnguanti Saturday, Oct. 11 The Builder ANTHONY UKGUANT1 a CO. Telephone Spring Valley 1M1 ELECTRICAL SPRING V A L L E Y , N . Y . W e Are Happy to Announce Our Appointment as Exclusive Distributor of We lend two-thirdr of the purchase price . . . . Monthly payments (15 months) pay off the loan and also take care of lability, fire, theft and collision insurance premiums. Micro-Seal Telephones T H E ROCK-LIKE MINERAL WATERPROOFING SPRING VALLEY Colorful and lasting, it waterproofs a t well as beautifies. Free engineering service en difficult w^terprooofing problems. A l l w o r k guaranteed f o r t h r e * years when applied by us. BUY Your Car Locally FINANCE It Locally INSURE It Locally PIERMONT 9 3 4 - II Pound Jimmio Jingle Says: Crusty, flaky, So delicious, Our pi®-«ating*i Repetitious, APPLIED or SOLD BY —Tattoos Bakery j ! Anthony Linguanti & Co. Telephone Spring Volley 1041 SHtIN© V A L i f Y, N. Y. We will place the insurance with YOUR insurance agent. 1183 25c THE RAMAP0 TRUST CO. WILL FINANCE YOUR NEW CAR I UiOed Electrical Contractors Robert Rank Roger Bates RAIWAPO TRUST CO # Spring Vallsy Nanuet 2500 i P l i l t FUltAl t l l l l V i SYSTEM • Mi SPRIN© VALLEY Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 11? IMStttAMCi C 0 » .
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