THE HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N. Y., THURSDAY,-JANUARY 21, 1954. TELEPHONE YONKERS 5-5000 The modification was posed by the City PJann Board as the builders appeared a public hearing before it seek final approval of the plans. The change accepted by the developers would eliminate a 900-foot-long dead-end street serving the new apartments. . Eager to start on an additionjficials of the building firm quick- The planning board then apbf over 300 apartments to thelly accepted a modification to proved the n e w subdivision, Crestwood Lake garden apart-j their plans yesterday which will which will be called Crcstwood ments in Northeast Yonkers, of- cost them about $50,000. Lnke Heights and-will be north and west of the present developmentN Extra expense to the builders, the Crestwood Lake Corporalion, is for additional fill and utilities on a new alignment to FREE extension of Shoreview Drive 127 NEW MAIN ST. Y0. 5-7100 an DELIVERY northward. The new alignment will cut off a long lyre-shaped SWIFT "PREMIUM" cul-de-sac street which the Planning Board would not accept. Leon Schwarzt>aum, planner for Crestwood Lake, told . the board that the corporation will now have to withdraw plans for Lean Skinned Backed l e n e y frtth Lean Skinned Backed Pound its first section of 108 new apartFRESH ments which have already received tentative approval from KILLED b the Federal Housing Administration for mortgage purposes. Shoulders - He added that the plans will H£\Neiv Styling*Engineering Advances In '54 Cadillac Developers Agree To 850,000 Outlay t! Change In Plans Accepted For Crestwood Lake Heights vnmiTwc FRESH HAMS 6 9 C FRYING CHICKENS SMOKED c TONGUES 49 lb. 29 ib. Jersev Fresh 59* l YOnkers MILK-FED FOWL 3-4977 ? BONELESS-- LEAN SPOT I ROAST 55 0 PORK BUTTS 59 59' .00 SIRLOIN CHOP 0 MEAT 3 ibs. 1 STEAKS 75 39 LB. LB. FRESH GROUND ib Fancy Top Grade LB. Ib. FISH STICKS - - - - pkg. 19ciCHUCK STEAKS - - pkg.49<!H0NEYC0MB TRIPE - FILET F10UNDER - - Ib. 65c!C0RNED SPARE RIBS PORK SAUSAGES - - Ib. 69tSM0KED CALAS - - - Ib. 39c RIB VEAL CHOPS CHOPPED MEAT _-_-_ NEW 49* CORNED BEEF BIRD'S EYE SPINACH GREENFIELDTfyfJCffl 200 CAPON ROASTERS All Rest Cuts No Blade Ends Ib. lb. Strictly Fresh Fancy ROASTS PORK BUTTS c Honed for Stuffing PRIME RIB BONELESS BRISKET 39 VEAL Cut from Grade 'A' Beef T H E N E W '54 CADILLAC, have to be completely redrawn introduced here by Robert to conform to the new align- Rotheim, general manager of ment of Shoreview Drive, with the Acme Cadillac Corp., 420 changes in location of virtually South Broadway, has new styling and major engineering adevery new apartment house. vances over its predecessors. Some of the big improvements are the Cadillac • high compression V-8 power plant, dual exhaust ports, headlamp visors, a completely revised chasM A I N STREET sis, tailored, interiors to match FREE,DELIVERY the exterior, sizable increases FRESH FRESH FRYERS Ib. 45c Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. 29c 49c 45c 59c PORK FEET - SNOUTS - EARS - TAILS - NECK BONES 35* LB. READY TO COOK s CORNED BEEF TURKEYS 59* i NABISCO PREMIUM \ S RUMP . CRACKERS LB. 23 49 iC LB. FRESH FOWL 35* LB. FAB _ _ 27c AJAX 2-21c P A L M O L I V E SOAP_ 3-29c SPECIAL SALE at R O Y A L JEWELE! They say President Ike weighs 176, just two pounds less than when he took office a year ago. Either his golf has'helped, or White House cookin' ain't what it's cracked up to be. . And, of. course, any President in these days of inflation and high taxes must always bo careful about figures. Just who was it last Fall said that we-don't have tough Winters any more? The drunkometer, which is a scientific gadget for measurin' Pk>ne Y O . 3-9183 Today Dewey Sees No Need To Cut Vote Age * ALBANY tAP — Governor Dewey'disagrees ^ith President Eisenhower's proposal that _ the voting age be reduced to eighteen. Mr. Dewey said at a ;ws conference late yesterday that he was "doubtful" New York State would lower the minimum voting age from twenty-one to eighteen President Eisenhower recommended the change in his State of the Union message to Congress. "We've always had voting at twenty-one," the Governor said. "It has always been the accepted date of maturity." Reporters got nowhere with tne in window area for safety, Governor in efforts to obtain the power steering, a new fresh answer to the big question: will air heating system incorpor- he seek a fourth term next Fall. Mr. Dewey rei'?rated that he ating air intake at the cowl and dual side-cowl heaters. would give the answer in t h e a new refinment in the air Spring. And he indicated it would conditioning system, a two- be late Spring. section radio and a new vertiAsked to comment on a pubcal front seat power adjust- lished report that he had decided ment mechanism. In addition to seek reelection, Mr. Dewey to a new Eldorado special con. • vertible, the 1954 Cadillac said: "I am amazed at the mindmodel line includes seven body reading capacities of the press, styles.—Staff Photo. particularly since they report the opposite on ' succeeding, days—on such subjects." Another reporter asked whether the Governor thought he could how drunk a guy is, Is now -defeat Representative Franklin bein' tested as to accuracy and D. Roosevelt Jr., if the Demolegality. We hear they'll need crats nominated the latter and a number of empty folks to if Mr. Dewey ran again. Mr. Dewey noted that it was a use in the demonstrations. Voldouble "iffy" question and reunteers line up to the right — plied: and no crowdin', please. "I never brag^. I leave that to others." Seems to us the big job now is to build up enough repression to Mr. Dewey told reporters he Some of our Westchester wanted legislative action at the present session on proposals for stop any depression. periodic inspection of motor ve? Some of our Westchester hides and compulsory automoyoung married couples have bile insurance. sent a petition to the legislaHe said he expected a succesture in Albany. They say what sor to J. Russel Sprague as a this state needs is a stork wi h member of the Republican Naa housing bill. tional Committee would be chosen soon. That fog was so thick yester- As for the Moreland Act Comday we got confused and tried mission investigating h a r n e s s to drop a parkin' nickel in a fire racing, Mr. Dewey said the alarm box. The fire, chief said group was doing "a superb job". it was his opinion we was as Miss Taylor's Post thick as the fog. FRIDAY • Showroom • Manufactui Lynns Se Lynn* Se Remains Unfilled M a n y a checkered career WHITE P L A I N 3 - ' • winds up in a striped suit! County Executive James D. Hopkins said today no appointment has yet been made to fill Halstead Appointed the post on the County Board of Health previously held by.Miss To Shopwell Post Ruth Taylor of Hartsdale, former Paul K. Halstead has been Public Welfare Commissioner. Miss Taylor declined reappointappointed personnel manager for Shopwell Foods Inc., president ment to the board, Mr. Hopkins Louis H. Taxin reports. He was said. formerly associated in various Mr. Hopkins has named Pelexecutive capacities with the ham Supervisor Gordon Miller as Welch Grape Juice Co. in New the Board of Supervisors' repreYork and with Weingarten's, a sentative on the Health Board, Texas supermarket chain. Shop- replacing former White Plains well has one supermaket in Supervisor Joseph G. Saile. Yonkers, at Central Park Avenue and Tuckahoe Road. WHAT YOU WANT to sell or buy can be listed easily and inexpensively in our Classified Pages, which thousands read Three Appointed carefully every day. Call YOnTo Library Committee kers 8-8500. RIVERDALE — Three new members appointed to the library committee of t h e Riverdale Neighborhood and Library Association were reported today by Mrs. Howard G. Bruenn, chairman. They are Mrs. David G. Carter, Mrs. Theodore W. Kheel and Mrs. Dominic N. Perta. O t h e r committee members serving this year are Mrs. Bartholomew A. Greene, Mrs. Lawrence W. Hall, Mrs. Boiling W. Haxall. Mrs. Edwin A. Kane, Mrs. Emanuel M. Papper, Mrs. John A. Randell and Mrs. Cornelius J. Walsh. HORTON'S KOW G! SALE • SHOWROO t MANUFAG CLOSEOUi OF OUTDOOR JACKETS • ONE-OF-A- CONTINUES! Agricultural Society Commends Benson ALBANY AP) — The New York State Agricultural Society has applauded the policies of Agriculture Secretary Benson and commended what it terms "his courageous adherence to sound principle." The society, gathered here for Its 122d annual meeting, last night adopted a resolution in which it stated Mr. Benson had, "for the long pull, steadfastly upheld the principles of production and markets as free as possible from government controls." SEMI-/ Jackets Quilted a n d Z i p Liners •$|2.75 I mm now Were $16.95 $1075 I * now Were $27.95 $07.75 *** now Were $35 LADIES 2pc 2nd Ward Democrats Plan Member Drive Not 2~-Not4-~8ut Thomas Lee a n d Michael Byrne were named cochairmen of a membership drive at last night's meeting of the Second Ward Democratic Club at party headquarters, 53 South Broadway. 6 SHEETS & 6 PILLOW CASES Every housewife dreams of extra sheets and pillow cases - and matching co'orful towels. Now you can own this famous 48 piece All-TIMER CANNON ensemble at o-friend-winning sale price - the lowest in years - and on pin-money credit termt. This 48 piece C A N N O N ensemble includes 6 snow-white, long wearing - soft smooth-to-the-slcin sheets and matching'pillow cases - not just 2 or .4, but 6 nationally advertised C A N N O N quality: Plus, soft, luscious thickly looped, qtK^drying bath towels, with matching face towels and wash cloths in 4 lovely decorator colors. Plus easily rinsed, colorful dish cloths and hand-protecting pot holders — everything you'll need, at a price that mokes it easy to stock-up now. Order your set today before the sell-out. You'll be glad we urged you. Remember, you get 6 sheets and 6 pillow cases. At »OYAl llttdi TODAY Ut CfcoJc* Q A p e U Qc*tfl Q Jnd CKofe* Q ApeU G>#»« Q Down »««• Q At»x» l l v * Q Oewn t o t e Q elue Q .2one_ T*l*okof>e N o . i f-unnt Sri M Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 ' * No- to KINSEY I I fMOW WMttEY DUET itsni^ mtwim Untitled Document •INT Y r f l o * Geld Yellow OoJd ~ 5*<s*e .Ae» I'lMNs 55 Mm QT. M*ot# f*4 ~ , »V. A U - T l M f t 4 1 p»««« C A N N O N S W t w v l Tow»l •«;»mhl» at v O W , . e l * p , * , « | M 9 . M . I w v l o . » SI 00 end w i l l pay »h. betooc* S) 00 « w . . k MHNT AdoV» t l _ CONS Sizes 34 to 40 Limit 1 to a Cu OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL NINE '4?? *2 ROYAL JEWELERS, 20 MAIN ST. MINT Nome N I W <IRSIY Exactly Aspjcl- by blend drinkers because of its smooth "whiskey richness"! YOnkers 3-9183 MORIS IN N(\V YORK 8 MAIN STREET STORE ONLY T 3<>ut of 4 fie clioasefe "ly|>e of whiskey 3 Ways To I N C O M E IN-TELEPH0NE Al WATS M O . R M O » V O U » M O N l t HORTON'S PAJA . uwaj, • Showroom S • Manufacture K ^ ™ ^ W i Rtfcfid — Ev«r
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