is; HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N.Y., TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1965 pnppilM Linda Budd Betrothed To Hopkins Alumnus For And About Women tmMmm* lEiHlMilllll ITmiirTiniHTn! Robert D. Budd of 300 South Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, formerly of Irvington, announced the engagement of his daughter, Miss Linda Budd to Neil Cronquist of New York City, formerly of Mamaroneck. A wedding is planned for Oct. 2. Miss Budd is the daughter of the late Felicitas D. Budd. Her fiance is the son of Mrs. Ralph Cronquist of Rye a n d the late Mr. Cronquist. A graduate of Lyons Township High School, LaGrange, 111. and Purdue University -Whaia- s h o was -a-jfrember-ofAlpha Delta Pi Sorority, Miss Budd is employed by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in New York. Mr. Cronquist, a graduate of Johns Hopkins University, is a member of Alpha Delta Phi and Tav Beta Pi fraternities. He is employed by the Kwasha Lipton Company, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. it--.^ t= :3i "SI TTTTT Jill iw Paula1} Greener Bride Of II. H. Haubold Jr. The Briaroliff Congregational Church was the setting yesterday afternoon for the marriage (if Miss Paula Dorothy Crooner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Kdgar J Croener of New York City, to Herbert Hans Haubold Jr., SO i of Mr. and Mis. Haubold Of 71 Hose Ave., Tuckahoe. The 1 p.m. ceremony was per- il by the Rcv7 : Stuart• K, K.ipp and a reception followed a! Hi ; -Sleepy Hollow Country Club. Crooner escorted The marriage of Miss Linda Susan Fpldman to Shppard Siegel, both doctoral candidates at Yale University, took place Sunday at the Tip Toe Inn in New York City. his da Miss Arlene Radlce of Briar-"' .Manor was maid of honor, nnd other attendants were Mrs. ]><u:;;!as Haubold of Briaroliff Minor and the Misses Ellen p-own of Fulton. N.Y.', and Judi Chamberlin of Pittsburgh. Pa. Dehra and Kathi Haubold of BriBivliff Manor, nieces of the b: iTTellroom, "were flowcu' - guis.' Douglas Haubold served as •best man for his brother. Ushr i s weie John \Y. Jackson of Salamanca, N.Y'.: John Weber of Relinar, N.J.. and E. John Broeliei Jr. of New York City, brother, of the bride. Rijigbearor was the bridegroom's nephew, Douglas, of Briaroliff M a n o r . Mi.s. Haubold was graduated f.nin Briaroliff High School and completed two years at William S:i Hi Collefe. Her husband is an fill nnus-of Stony Brook, L.I., Hi ii School and King's College, Bt ireliff Manor. He is with the f l ! ! of Young and Rubicam. In tin fall he plans to continue his studios toward" a master's riigieo in the graduate division of the New School for Social Research. Miss Marcia Harriet Joslyn, daughter of Mrs. Harriet Burnsin Joslyn of Los Angeles. Calif, and Mareellus Newell Joslyn of San Antonia, Tex., was married Sunday to Peter Lewis Sill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Sill of 22 Stonewall Lane, Mamaroneck Town. The 3 p.m. ceremony and r e ception were held at the Garden Terrace of the Tappan Hill restaurant, Tarryown. Judge Er« nest C. Allen officiated. — M r s . -1 jOttwi-L^^olfo-or-Bot+Tf?-er. Colo, was her sister's matron of honor. Miss Carol Rockhold of Bronxvilie was bridesmaid. Jack L. Lawing of Charlotte, N.C., the bridegroom's roomate at Harvard Law School, was the best man. Lawrence C. Levin, cousin of the bridegroom, was Uiher, (TarrvCrest Studio) MISS LINDA BUDD Yale Doctoral Candidates Wed foi :iK M P. L. SUL Harvard Alumnus Weds Miss Marcia Joslyn Rabbi J o s e p h Alder performed the 1 p.m. ceremony which was followed by a reception. MRS. HAUBOLD JR. —Yon Behr Parents of the couple a r e Mr. a n d - M r s . Sydney Feld-—TrraTTTTf-ElmlTUTsr, -Que?Trs-a~nd" Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Siegel of 29 Abeef St. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose her sister, Miss Martha Feldman of Queens as her maid of honor. Area Actress Set To Make 8-Week Tour P E T E R L. SILL pause for Stoff Photographer 36TH ANNIVERSARY of the Al Carlino. From left, Mr. and Westchester Country Club, Mrs. Douglas Burroughs of Harrison, was the occasion Bronxvilie. and Mr. and Mrs. Saturday night for one of the J.W. Seward of Harrison. The most festive balls of the year, ball, emceed by Howard Wolff for which 600 members and of Harrison, featured a huge guests turned out to enjoy the dinner and floor show. Near, birthday- cake presented at the bandstand, which was ^midnight by club president,. Victor J. Emmanuel of Harridecked with hundreds of tiny son/ lights, two dancing couples ogy. Her father is president of Sydney .Feldman Associates of New York City, consulting .statisticians. The bridegroom was graduated from New Yrork University in 1961 and received his master's degree from Yale. A member of the Yale Chapter of Sigma Xi, he will continue his studies there. The couple, will live - i n — Stoney Creek. Conn., after a wedding trip to Europe. Man-led Saturday at St. Peter's Church, were Miss Cecelia P. Toneske and Ronald G. Miller. The Rev. Joseph C. Connor performed the 5 o'clock ceremony which was followed by a reception at the Riverain Restaurant, Hastings-on-Hudson. FA- RUTH R. TAUB gg British Tattoo, Will Benefit VSP Projects Agnes Stack Is Affianced And one of them is Susan Logan Stirling, daughter of the S. Logan Stirlings of 53 Hillside Road, Larchmont. The blue-eyed, brown-haired young actress, who started as an apprentice last fall in Cleveland with the Cleveland Playhouse, will appear for eight weeks in "Uncle Vanya" and "Antigone." T vv e n t y-year-old Susan plays the role of an 80year old woman in "Uncle Vanya" and in "Antigone" she appears as" the queen. AGNES STACK The Oct. 6 performance of the Royal Marines Tattoo at Madison Square Garden, Manhattan, has been scheduled as a benefit by Volunteer Service Photographers. A buffet dinner at Gallagher's Steak House will yrecede the benefit. Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Agnes Margaret Stack to Arthur F. Westerfiekl J r . by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael J . Stack of 101 Yonkers Ave. The Royal Marines Tattoo, touring North America for the first time, features two Royal Her fiance's parents are Mr. Marines Bands, supported by The eight-week tour, which the massed pipes, dr-tims—and- _and Mrs. Westp-rfield—Sr,—ofwill go as lar west as Texas, dancers of both kilted regiments North Tarrytown. will cover the midwest, New of Scots Guards'and Royal Scots The bride-elect is an alumna England and New York State. It Greys. of Yonkers High School and starts the end of September. Additional features, will be the attended the Berkley SecreAt Chautauqua this summer tarial School. She is employed the' attractive, outgoing young. Band of the Fiji Military Forces by the Thomas Doran Comfeaturing 60 Fijian soldiers in Larchmonter, had roles in "Enpany in White Plains. ter Laughing" and "Midsummer native dances, and a "spin-chillMISS De IANNT ing" drill by the motorcycleNight's Dream." Being at ChauMr. Westerfield Jr., also a tauqua, she says, was almost mounted Commandos of the graduate of Yonkers High, is Royal Marines Display Squad like being on vacation since the who also will meet the " J a m e s employed b y j h e General Morepertory company did plays Bond 007 Aston Martin car in tors -Corporation in North Tgrthey had performed in Cleve- mock battle". _ , rvtown. land, in addition to "The Private E a r " and the two in which SusReservations are being taken an had acting roles, "The Physi- now by Mrs. Charles Banks Belt cists," "Mary, Mary" and of Southampton, benefit chairLeaving Y'onkers on Friday "Twelve Angry Men." m a n , at Volunteer Service Photo spend a J u n i o r year As an apprentice, Susah was tographers,-Hl W. 57th St., New abroad, is Miss •Margcurite involved in all phases of produc- York Cl_ty._ _ _ _ _ _ -De lanni; daughter-of-Mrv and- iionTTrom acting",'costumes"and The VSP also is taking reserMrs. Einilio De lanni of 67 props. *to* sweeping the stage. vations . now for Its annual Winifred Ave. The Cleveland Playhouse, which Christmas benefit at Radio City Miss Delanni. a student at comprises three fully equipped Music Hall the afternoon of Dec. Marymount College, Tarry- theaters, is the oldest resident 23. Mezzanine seats have been town, who Is majoring in repertory company in the Unit- reserved by VSP for this show. Miss Patricia A. O'Brien Spanish, Will study for a year ed States. and Lieut. Joseph M. Pastore Benefit proceeds will help supat the University of Madrid, Susan started her acting caSpain. She is an alumna of reer at Mamaroneck Junior port the VSP 37 rehabilitation Jr., U.S.A.. both graduates of programs which include those at St. Bonaventure University in Lincoln High School. Hi^h School and continued at the Julia Dyckman Andrus Olean, N. Y., were married dishing Academy and at Cen- Home, Yonkers; Blythedale S a t u r d a y at St. Gabriel's tenary. Children's Hospital and Grass- Church in Riverdale. The She is very happy to be with a lands Hospital, Valhalla, and the Rev. Francis Boyle performed "good repertory company, with Pioneer Club of United Cerebral the ceremony. steady work and the opportunity Palsy Association of WestchesParents of the couple a r e to play a number of types of ter. Many Westchester residents roles." She no longer thinks are serving as volunteers in Mr. and Mrs. William C. Broadway is the ideal, at least these programs. Mrs. Edward O'Brien of 545 W. 236th St. Riverdale and Mr. and Mrs. not for her. A. Ix»Roy of Crass River and Pastore of-Mamaroneck, New During her Mamaroneck Jun- Mrs. M. William I/Ovy of Rye York. ior High School days, Susan at- are both members of the VSP The bride chose her sister, tended the American Academy board and of the benefit comMiss Mary Felice O'Brien as mittee. of Dramatic Arts. maid of honor and Robert Your Welcome Wagon S. Pastore, the bridegroom's Hostess will rail, with a brother was best man. basket of gifts . . . and A graduate of the Elizabeth friendly greetings from Seton School in Yonkers, the our religious, civic and bride plans to teach at St. business leaders. John's Grammar School in If Vein, or others you Olean. Her husband, deputy know, are moving, be commander of the Armed sure to phono Welcome Forces Induction Center, in Wagon. New York, is studying for a master's degree at Pace ColHE &C344 CREST WOOD lege. He plans to teach at St. ME 1-1473 DOBQS PERRY DECORATED CAKES AND PASTRIES FOR Bonaventure. ME 1-1473 HASTINGS De lanni (Joes To Spain 1SS Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Toneske of 24 Purser Place and Mr. and Mrs. William Miller of Wil.liamsvillo, New York. Escorted by her father, the bride chose her sister-in-law, Mrs. Richard P. Toneske of Y'onkers as her matron of honor. Other attendants were Mrs. Stanley Licovitch of Y'onkers, the bride's cousin by marriage, and Miss Dolores Licovitch, also a cousin of the bride. Best man was William Mill-" or. the bridegroom's brother, and ushers were Richard P. Toneske.' the bride's brother and William Dougherty, both of Yonkers: Bert Ernst of Wil-" li'amsville. New York and Patrick Vartuli of Johnson' City. New York. The bride, a graduate c Blessed Sacrament Academ; and the Barbizon School o' Modeling, was formerly a model for the firm of Joe J< shiva, Coat Manufacturer, i; New York. An alumnus of Williamsville. New York Schools, the bridegroom received a B.A. degree from Cortland State Teachers College and a masters degree from Syracuse University. He is a member of Beta Phi Epsilon fraternity and teaches physical education in Syracuse. After a wedding trip to upstate New York, the couple will live in Syracuse. Miss O'Brien — k WedIn Rivei dale YONKERS SC 3-1414 ALL OCCASIONS. WEDDING CAKES OUR SPECIALTY Caffe Pualie Remove the silk, but not the husks of corn on the cob; soak At 11 o'clock S a t u r d a y / M i s s Nancy Lufz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. Alfred Lutz of 11 King w TSJT 'J? hv l ll ° of •lames J. Slater. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Frank Slater of West Hartsdale Ave. in. ' S S 5r. r tJohn o h T TCaldwell - r a ^ ^ of tlie Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Scarsdale performed the ceremony at St. Barnabas Church in the Bronx and a reception followed at'Tardi's Restaurant. The bride was escorted in marriage by her father and had her sister, Miss Kathleen Lutz as maid of honor. The Misses Dorothy De Mieco and Maria Nardelli. both of Yonkers. were bridesmaids and the bride's .other sister. Karen Lutz, served as junior bridesmaid. Peter Slater of Hartsdale was best man for his brother and ushering was his other brother, Frank Slater of Clifton. N.J. and Robert Lutz of Yonkers, brother •of the bride-.— •'• • •-••. -~~— Mrs. Slater, a graduate of St. Barnabas High School, will enter her senior year at the Dominican College of Blauvelt, N.Y. Her husband, graduated from Cardinal Hayes High School in the Bronx and Iona College in New Rochelle, is employed by International Busino Machines in Poughkecpsie as a programmer. After a wedding trip to Atlantic City, the couple will live In Hastings-on Hudson. Old Mare Hoofs Better Than New _^Have you saved .Grandmother's high •. buttoned shoes? the F l a p p e r searching! Age? Start "We're looking for ladies' shoes dating back before the 1940's." said J. G. Anthony, president of Nailhead Creations, Inc. of New York, "in order to create .a footwear museum." Swap now, and get three new pairs of shoes made to order in a new Anthonized tintable glitter fabrie developed by Nailhead. They will all bo white and can be dyed to any color you wish. Among 184 students on the Dean's List at the College of Wooster, Ohio, is Miss J a n e t Elizabeth Kern of 29 Abeel St. She is a junior majoring in philosophy. H\ M, m- * • Complete with Condition Rinse This Weeks DISCOUNT DEPT. SPECIAL ( ^7 ~rr\Mf DEAN'S LIST TOO MUST I t m C it THIS »0. MOHAIR Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 Mr. and Mrs". Edward V. -Rothmann— and—th-e-i£—son r Keith, of 55 Truman Ave. were recent visitors at" Flori*. da's Silver Springs, where they enjoyed the famous trip in - glass bottom boats. They are expected to return home August 30. Caryl Richards PERMANENT WAVE IMPORTED i Rothmanns Travel \ (Dolega Studio) MRS RONALD MILLER 55 MRS. GEORGE WISNOVSKY *-xi j Regular '15.50 Untitled Document CORN TREAT Slater Nuptials At St. Barnabas Thf pfrfm 'Bick-U CtlleHTGiU When yoii move to town...or to a new h o m e . . . Karin Olsen Married To Law Student Mr. Sill, whose father is the publisher of the Scarsdale Inquirer, received his bachelor of arts degree cum laude from Amherst College in 1962. He is a member of Psi Upsilon and was t h e editor of the Amherst Review while in college. Mr. Sill received his LL.B. degree from School, cum Miss Karin Ruth Olsen, daugh- Harvard Law ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd R. laude,-in June. He was a m e m Olsen Jr., of 217 Lincoln Place, ber of the Harvard Voluntary Eastchester, was married Satur- Defenders. Mr. Sill will be asso« d a y at 3 pVm. to George Ali&ew~tf ated ^ v i t h - * e ~ t a w " ' # r T n ~ C a * Wisnovsky.' He is the son of Mr. walder, Wickersham and Taftin and Mrs. Joseph Wisnovsky of ^Tew York City. Clifton. N.J. . After a wedding t q p to Ochos The bride was escorted by her father in the ceremony per- Rioc, Jamaica, the couple will formed by the Rev. William J . reside in Manhattan. Kenealy at St. Joseph's Church, Bronxvilie. A reception for .100 followed at Leewood Country Club. Mrs. J. Michael Feeks of Yonkers was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were the Misses Patricia Charde of Larchmont, and Marilyn Howcroft of White Plains. Francis Wisnovsky was best man for his brother. Ushers were also a brother, Steven Wisnovsky, also brothers; Jack Byran of Saddle Brook. N.J., and Alex Tanacellie of Clifton. Mrs. Wisnovsky was graduated from Dean Junior - Colleger Franklin, Mass. She is a member of Leewood Golf Club. Her husband received his B.A. degree in political science from Seton Hall University, South Or(Walker Studio) ange, N.J. He will attend MRS. JAMES SLATER George Washington University Law School, Washington, D.C., this fall. Following a trip to Jamaica, West Indies, the couple will reside in Arlington, Va. Syracuse Alumnus Takes Bride At St. Peters Best man was Laurence Siegel and ushering was Robert Siegel, both brothers of the bridegroom and of Yonkers. The bride was graduated magna cum laude from Queens College in 1963, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She holds a master's degree from Yale University, where she and her bridegroom are studying for doctoral degrees in experimental psychol- When the curtain comes down might on " The.Private Ear and "tile TaTbluT Public E v e r closing The Haubolds will reside in summer theater season1 at ChauNew York City after a wedding tauqua,- some of the^Cleveland trip to the Caribbean. . . . Playhouse Co. members will get readv for a fall tour. The bride is an alumna of Wellesley College, where she received a B.A. degree. She was a member of the Agora Society, Her grandfather, the late Mar. eellus L. Joslyn, was the-founder of Joslyn Manufacturing arid" Supply Co. {John* TOP NAME ATTACHE CASES AMI miCAx«tni Color Hair Spray Reg. $2.00 $ 1.14 tlhtt SCHEMEL'S ^ nnln-r* nl«W I titr»c<- Store 34 NORTH BROADWAY N D ;;n DIMn'QMSCOMT HOUSEl n i m U O of BEAUTY YO 9-3200 31 South BroadwM
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