vs Binghamton, N. Y., March 13, i960 Miss Martha Ball Wed Ruth Cramer Is Engaged Guests Are Greeted At Reception &wvwvw& MR. and MRS. PAUL EDWARD NEZELEK * * To Live in Conklin Barbara A. Skellett, R. H. Tyler Are Wed M The bride wore a white brocade sheath with elbowlength white gloves, and a headband of white velvet bows. Mr. and Mrs. William Lloyd of Franklin Forks, Pa., attended the couple. Wedding dinner was served to the bridal party and families in LaMonica's Restaurant after the ceremony. The newlyweds, both graduates of North High School, will live in Conklin. riSS BARBARA ANN SKELLETT of Conklin became the bride of Richard Harold Tyler, also of Conklin, yesterday in the parsonage of Christian and Missionary Alliance Church. The Rev. H. T. Roe officiated at the double-ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Gladys Skellett of 1373 Conklin Road, Conklin. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tyler of 1324 Conklin Road, Conklin. * * * * * * Dwyers Living on Coast M R. AND MRS. RICHARD E. DWYER are living in San Jose, Cal„ following a wedding trip to San Francisco, Cal. The couple was married Feb. 13 in St. Ambrose Church, Endicott. Mrs. Dwyer is the former Carolyn J. Dooley of 493 Grand Avenue, Johnson City. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dooley of San Jose. Mr. Dwyer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus G. Dwyer of 309 East Main Street, Endicott. . Miss Marcia E. Dooley of San Jose was honor attendant for her sister. Miss Joyce Gaydos of Johnson City and Mrs. William Hughes of Johnson City were bridesmaids. Terry Dwyer served as best man for his brother. Douglas Barton of Endicott and William Hughes of Johnson City ushered. Coming WEDNESDAY A Career . . . With a Future . . . Become a Beautician IMPERIAL Couple ADDRESS rri T} _ ~WT ^ J XO £>C W CO. PHONE _ _ Tj~ I lvTAT*rl JLI1 V / A . A * J l v l * M" BIRTH ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn of Lake Worth, Fla., announce the birth of a son, March 9. Mrs. Quinn is the former Velma Davies of Windsor. INTERNATIONAL STERLING i ,.. loveliest,by desigi Basic Sets njfhrm tATTRNS MADE IN \IXK * * .AGE. !i Wonderful Savings with Ht. AND MRS. H? G. LaDOUCEUR of Oxford, Mich., announce the en-_ gagement of their daughter, Kay Jean, to Carmen S. Spadaro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spadaro of Norwich. MissJL^aDouceur was graduated from the University of Michigan school of music, and is a kindergarten teacher in Ypsihmti, Mich. Mr. Spadaro is a^ graduate student at the University of Michigan school of music, and will receive his master's degree in June. The couple will be married July 2 in Oxford. Girdles containing rubber wear longer if washed every time they're worn, a University of Illinois home economist advises. She cited recent tests indicating that rubber fibers need more frequent laundering than synthetics. The tests indicated that allowing body oils and perspiration to remain in rubber causes more damage than frequent laundering. ;l INFORMATION FILL OUT THE COUPON AND MAIL TODAYI CITY savings up to 530.00 on eight 5 piece place settings Frequent Laundering Best For Girdles * i depending on pattern "STAR FLOWER" THE BRA THAT SHAPES AND SUPPORTS YOU LIKE IT WAS CUSTOM-MADE! 2.50 selection Wonderful savings over single place setting, or open stock purchases! Choice of many lovely patterns to ertrlch your living forever. Basic Sets for 4 or 12 people also at wonderful savings. BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE New petal circular stitching shapes you beautifully . . . supports you firmly. Of machine washable cotton broadcloth, with separation insert for comfort and contour . . . 2-piece elastic band for flexible cup adjustment, custom fit. 32A to 40C. FOWLER'S FOUNDATIONS SALON, SECOND FLOOR It's Way Out!... on Front Street IPRESS WANT ADS Are TRADE PRODUCERS See Tomorrow's Press J E W E L E R S 269 Main Street, Johnson City, N. Y. ONLY PUTS A HAMMOND ORGAN IN YOUR HOME ^^V^W^M^W^A^^AA^*^ FOR *50 YOU GET March 16, I960 Binghamton's "FASHION WONDERLAND" 8:30-9:00 P. M. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Weeks Rental of Hammond Organ 5 Weeks Private Lessons Cartage Costs (Within Triple Cities) No obligation, but should you wish to purchase full credit of $50.00 will be applied. "FIVE FULL FLOORS OF MUSIC WEEKS & DICKINSOJ WINR-TV ^ * shop tuesday 9:30 to 5:20 A R. AND MRS. PAUL.x I D WARD NEZELEK received guests at a reception in the David Harum Room of the Sheraton Inn following their wedding at 1 p.m. yesterday in S t Patrick's Catholic Church. The former Miss Martha Elizabeth Ball exchanged wedding rings with Mr. Nezelek before the Rev. Lawrence Glblin. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Eugene Ball of 39 Bennett Avenue. The bridegroom is ,the son of Edward Louis Nezelek of 245 Riverside Drive, Johnson City, * and the late Mrs. Nezelek. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride wore a ballerina-length gown of embroidered Alencon lace over white peau de soie. The bride's triple-tiered veil of imported silk Illusion was attached to a Normandy cap of matching lace. She carried a colonial bouquet of white roses. Mrs. Earl Thomas Travis was matron of honor for her ; sister. Her gown of heirloom blue taffeta was designed with a scoop neckline and bustle back. Mrs. Travis wore a matching headband and carried a colonial bouquet of pink sweetheart roses. Mr. Travis was best man. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Ball chose a gown of pale orchid organza, and an orchid corsage. The former Miss Ball was graduated from Central High School where she was a member of Delta Kappa. Mr. Nezelek was graduated from Johnson City High School and attended the Cascadilla School, Ithaca. * CLOSED MONDAY NNOUNCEMENT Is made versity and Capital Radio En- ployed in the Publication Diof the engagement of gineering Institute. Washing- vision of General Electric Co., Miss Ruth Cramer of 144 ton, D. C. He, is presently em- Westover. North Hudson Street, Johnson City, to Richard J. Romich, by the bridcf-elect's parents, Mir. and Mrs. Marvin Cramer of Northville. Mr. Romich is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Romich of Forest City, Pa. Our school offers only advanced methods The couple will be married of training. W e we presently enrolling April 16. students. For full information—write toMiss Cramer was graduated I day. to. from Northville Central School and State University College of Education at Plattsburgh. She is a nurse-teacher In Maine-Endwell Central School SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE system. 30 ODELL A V L , ENDICOTT, N . V. Her fiance was graduated from Forest City High School and attended Scranton UniNAME FOR MORE M —Sunday Press Photo. THE SUNDAY PRESS 5—B HAMMOND ORGANS rrCINWAY Q STICK • SOHMIK • WURLITZIR CHICKIRINO • OULftRANSIN • HARDMAN DUO M CHINANOO ST., SINOMAMTON, N. Y. Channel 40 AN EXCITING COLLECTION MODELED FOR YOUl at DWYER'S NCf THtftt WAS A i m U BOY who hid « v#ry *-id* foot And hii f*t hurt, b**u»« J^Y^ hi* »ho*» wtn too nurrow. TVo, torn* or* «*id to hi* moth#r: "S\no» you can't And th« uiJOi h* n**d». m*V» it up in »itr« Unttk And «h»did »nd th« littl* boy'* f*t hurt, t*ctu»* hi* •>**• **t* too nurrow. Thtn, hi* moth*r hrouiht him to ui *h*rt w* fitted htm to Strld* Rito*. juu M , , . pWnty wid* •nough. yrt not too lon|. , . »nd h* «mfl*d * viry W| «mU«! i » o » U ' r * o w t o v c * e o v t M««C i «ieuT l«6NI TW1H4 TH| ItNCTM I k H O t H I * h V I ^ I M l x l H t v f < i" c « t i p * f n i «>*oti TMiwiom (•*< M H l M I N W N . t t ( M 4 H !>«*«« I 4 * » t flTTWJ rOOTiU 'tvt W»v* * f « l ««tVt» »>Tli»l«0 IJNtll » i «MC* i r t t>«Mt »><6 wtvt »<re m»\ o» » " i M tirr* n * » v t IN |TOC« . . H^b ro "»«(tun * t « nwn s TH« TRIDE RlTI t « l ftt SHOI t <Al ANYTHING in the P r ^ w IP. S. you can buy or sell An t«4t u»MMT>*Me><nM|ll DWYER'S JUNIOR SHOES 115 WATER VT. (Across From Hamlin's Parking L o » H N ENDICOTT AT 46 WASHINGTON AVE. CHARGE IT ON MIDLAND SHOPPER CREDIT Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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