if'"H»!"'*"J* '" ' T ;;",T'" • « . • x'-V, ; . • >i , - • . .. - m* . . . . , . _ . i nil . . Engaged Miss Linacre Married to Ravena Sailor . fn tmt» hr*t Drop* Yk cup shorten tag V* t u p s u g a r ' 1 c u p c o r n syrup 1 e g g , w e l l bealci 114 t e a s p o o n s va 2 cups lifted flour 2 teaspoons slumlord Baking P o w d e r V« i n i j w o n salt Pecans Cream shortening, add sugar and syrup slowly, cream well. Sarin egg and flavor. Add sifted dry ingredients a little at a time, blending well after each addition. D r o p by teaspoonhiU o n greased c o o k i e s h e e t , press pecan halves into cookie tops. Bake i n h o t o v e n (425* F.) about 12 minute*. Makes 50 . • • ---. - The marriage of Miss Bernice y T . i n n n r » | ( i g u g h ^ r r>f N p r t w j n H. Linacre, 416 New Scotland, and Mrs. Arthur EichstaHt. to M. M, (3c) LelanA D. Osterhout, USNR. son of Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Osterhout, fSTveha", '•*(&*T« • | p. m. yesterday In the Temple n at D O N T TftlFUI WITH TASTE! Safeguasd the fine flavor of thsa r e c i p e - u s e Rumford no-alum Baking Powder. Baptist Church. T h e Rev. John R. Neubert officiated. —*— * The bride wore a navy blue n a suit with white accessories and n j-whtte roses. Her only attendant • was her sister, Miss Helen L. Linacre, who wore a gray pin-striped suit with navy accessories and pink roses. Lawrence Osterhout was best man for his brother and Jack P e r r y , E . M. ( 3 c ) R i c h a r d Butler and Royal Stanton were ushers. Following a reception at the Linacre home, the couple left on a wedding trip.. They willJill to Newport, R I., where the bridegroom la stationed. • • • nounced the engagement of their Mrs. Floyd E. Mellette has been daughter, Miss Anne Ricciardi to elected president ef the Tuesday Seaman (lc) Anthony J. Finkle Literary Club for the coming Jr.* sou uf Mr and Mrs Anthony J. Finkle, Castle-ton. year. Miss, Ricciardi attended St. JoOther officers include vicepresi- seph's Academy, and is now emdeht, Mrs. Howard Aberle; secre- ployed by the General. Electric tary, Mrs. Charles Trendell; treas- Company, Schenectady. urer, Mrs. Herbert C. Duffy; Seaman Pinkie, a veteran of a press correspondent, Mrs. Ray- year's service in .the Aleutian mond Hatch. and historian, Mrs. Islands, has reported to Seattle, Louis Albers. Wash., after aHtt-day leave. - H e Mrs. Charles Kosbob will be has7 been in service two years hostess at her home, 9 Sard Rd., / N o date for the meeting next Tiiesday.f wedding. There will be' a panel discussion on "Wt Who Built. America." Those participating will be Mis. Trendell Mrs Mallette, Mrs. Albers, Mrs, Charles Mot is her and Mrs. Roy Lounsour The City Club of Albany will celebrate its -•">th anniversary [with- a-luncheon aV vi'M p. Saturday, May Hi, in St. Peter Episcopal Church Guild House, J Id? State. The celebration, at I which a president and directors] ; will be elected, will feature the 1 'early history of this non-partisan organization. , The club was the outgrowth of ithe suffrage movement and was forme* by a group of those lead era who wished to keep fhemselves informed and to' use the vote' intelligently. -j***?\ Several of the original board will assist with the arrangements, including Mrsi Edward S. Deevey. Miss Anne Grace Dplan, Mrs. John Hale McElroy, Miss Mary MRS. ALBERT E. KIRCHNER LT. GLADYS L. HARM V. Hun and Mrs. Percy B. Soott of New York City. Miss Elizabeth M. Smith, founder and first president, will be guest of- honor The McKownville Woman's and past" presidents who will asClub will resume its meetings at sist will be ^Mrs. Joseph Gavit, 8 p. m. today in the Fire Hall. Mrs. William T. Byrne, Mrs.. WilMrs/Byron Snowden will preside. liam D. Wade and Miss Mary M. v l J gatsSBSBSSSSSBSBSSSSBBSMBai Wasaon. . Several historical episodes will be presented under the direction Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Neit- of Miss Clara Van Burk Hagey Mr. and Mrs. Theodore/ J zel, Troy, have announced the en- and Miss Virginia C. Wallace. O'Donnell, 264 Ontario, have angagement and. approaching mar- Mrs. Thomas Boyd Wheeler and nounced the marriage of' their, riage of their niece, 1st Lt. Mist F. Henrietta Brett will have daughter, Miss Jeanne Lillian Gladys L.-Harm, ANC, now sta- charge of properties. O'Donnell, to Albert E. Kirchner, tioned in Italy, to 1st- Lt. David LIFE OF THE FABRIC Mrs. Francis P. Kimball is genL. O'Toole, Leominister, Mass. eral chairman for the anniver- G. M. 3/c, USNR, son of M L a n d | | w i t h Just Lieutenant Harm was graduat- sary and Dr. Ethel L. Cornell is Mrs. John Kirchner, 866 Madison. , The wedding was Apr. 18* at ed from the Albany Hospital club president T Miairrh-Beachr F4*VH*/hei»-the formerly lived at 36 Marion. She / bridegroom is stationed. Navy enlisted in the Army Nurse Chaplain Burke officiated. Corps in 1942 and after a year at u s e mmw The bride attended Albany Fort Eustis and Fort Jackson High School, and is on the staff sensational went overseas. Since July, 1948, of the State Laboratory. She is she has been on duty in Africa The McKownville Home Bumaking her home with her and Italy. reau will meet at lolSo-a. m. toparents 'for the duration. The Lieutenant O'Toole is a gradumorrow, at the home of Mrs. bridgegroom also attended Alate of Holy Cross College and August Lux Elmwood St. Mrs. bany High School and before enattended Boston College Law Richard Merrill will be cotering service was with the New School and before entering servYork Telephone Company. He, hostess. ice was with the Treasury DeMrs. ,Lux i,i.::Mrs.iiRoger;i,Briggs recently returned from overseas. partment in Boston. He is staand Mrs. Edward Hani ahan will tioned*with AMG in Italy. present the slate for the election of officers for the coming year. Mrs. Merrill will give the final V New officers of the Woman's Mrs. James E. Rooney, presi- lesson and demonstration in the Auxiliary of the Cathedral bi All dent of the Ladies' Auxiliary, nutrition series. a Saints have been announced. Christian Brother* Academy, has MpsTMartin Schou will arrange They are: President, Mrs. J. Spenn t risk costly, hard-so-replace called a special meeting for 8 p for lessons in glove making, and cer Gould; vicepresident, Mr* lea gD, oupholstery, rugs w i t h ineffective, Mrs. Albert Benson will report m. tomorrow at 43 Lodge. Re- On H i e c n a i r I W I K U U I I | n u j n u « < .John C. Hughson; treasurer, Miss makeshift mothballs, crystals, fumigama, on the chair stenciling projection porti will be given by the com- to take place in the Delmar Fire Helen Guardineer, and secretary, Wb*m pnptrly mpplUd. tm* appiicatioa Ot* O-Cedar Perms Moth protects tm Ik* mittee on plans for the annual Hall May 1». IMrs. George M. Peck. Uft *t Ik* Imkric* D o e s not wear or brush auxiliary party May 11. Miss, O'Donnell Married to ^ Navy Man s Harm, Army Nurse, Erigagd ^ Luncheon Meeting Cyrene Temple, Daughters of the Nile, will, have a luncheon at noon Monday at Huylers. Mrs. Vera Johnston will be hostess. That They Can Wear? T.,.,...,.,,„ •m ~» . j , — - m oratiANi g * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ gl •• • 1 ~M ^ ^ IgggMgl tkggggl s^pmits^smmsj m««ga e e v emgsgsg n V P r * sT"^sW» • * • C O M P L t T l HPTICAL StHV'.Ct T* SI OPELL—t^ * Samth take A». ARjaaw J. H T ' DISTINGUISHED ! PHOTOGRAPHY ' fVtlV OCCASION ' WEDDINGS LOCATION HOME PORTRAITS CHILDREN and PETS vw* Mprepvefn?frvtsn• r irMsssp 5-3O30 Meeting Tonight • What Can You Span • -y»r:.. Mrs. MaHette Anne Ricciardi Heads Tuesday Is Engaged Mr. and Mrs: Christopher RicLiterary Club ciardi, 281 Colonie, have an- City To Celebrate 25thYear B-5 N. Y., Wednesday, May 2, 1**§ ^The Knickrrbockrr News, NOW! MOTHPROOF One Application McKownville Bureau to Meet 0€d« PERMAMOTH \ .JpttuL^mL—^..' .L- 1—. |Na> ApessnHsisirt Musuary . ,-.J—:_- J. Qpeti I A. M. t» f t. M. NEW SMOOTHER POWDER BASE MAKES Y O U —, • -v -w s» • '-' " • ' '' •' " >' " * Easy to Sevy —^-»- ac. Odorless, stainless, non-inflanv cleaning mable. Economical iBtcstu. malbproofMf »y ,A#^«i«f COIO* IN THE CUP* It Mmt 1 U 4tt imm (i 1 rdmr gmmrmut* mppltn •n/y «/ Prrm* Wntk •< tp. pi ltd ky ipomgimt npnnt* art r«M»r D e a l e r s Pattern 0055 comes in sizes 32, M, 3«, 38, 40, 42, ,44, 4«, 48, 50. 52. Size 36 takes 3% yard* --.-inch Send 20 cents in coins for this pattern to The Knickerbocker News, Pattern Dept, P. Q. Box 162, Station 0 , New York 11, N. Y. Print plainly size and style number, your name, address, zone. Just out! The Marian Martin Summer Pattern Book, er^oiiec- '• MORI FLAVO*. ..AROMA... ".' By MARIAN MARTIN, Such a flattering style. Pattern 9055; slender princess panels, cool wing sleeves. And inch easy sewing: No collar to finish, no sleeves to set in; just long straight This rich, non greasy Skin Balm is actually a * moot her powder base. Powder and rouge spread over i t so evenly with an alluring natural effect Your maker up stays fresh and radiant for h o u r s longer' Ei quisitely perfumed, t o o . Get a jar of Mermen Skin Balm at your druggist's today. Only MS. Women are thronging to this soothing, mildly astringent cream because it's so beneficial to t h e akin... helps prevent chapping and roufhneaa. helps guard the ' otVre •apply only after washing For Midsummer!.' • I t s a joy to MM mere flattering your makeup looks whan y o u apply it • Auxiliary Officers Auxiliary Meeting CHARM BEAUTY SALON • OGJ lar PERMA-MOTH t i o n of all t h a t ' s n e w a n d s m a r t in Wearing apparel for the family. Free nightgown pattern printed in book. Send 15 cents for your copy. AT D Albany Girls On Committee ""'«»> uMrtm „.„d ska* paepte > * * 5 a Is as netsiiswr ^ ^ seesk-t.-r^.^n-a S^^f> NEW... a CMAM DEODORANT uhich Sajely Mps P E R S P I R A T I O N OTttaaa %%m%mtmm Yi$-the makmrt of Boseol Coffea want you to By MRS. ANNE CABOT fund. '. There'* nothing brighter, cleanAn outdoor carnival is planned er and crisper-leoking'under the for the morning and after lunchsummer sun than.a spick-and- eon there will be the procession span white pique "hat and bag. of the1 May Queen and her court, Y4DUII like this accessory set! Do The Junior prom will take place <it in white to wea* with cotton at nighV af the Copley Plaza. street — T~.TV frocks r-:. . in pastel -,. - piques. ... .Miss Mark is charrrrfan for tite rayon taffeta, bengaline, fa.lle o r ^ a y D a y p r o c e s 4 o n a n d Mi!W surrah to wear with print afte"^rVlagg is a member of the penny noon frocks and aheer "date" arcade committee. dresses. To obtain complete cutting pattern for the button-trimmed hat and bag (Pattern No. 5sfco) finishMiss Anna jane Rockenstire ing directions, send IS cents in end Mis* Mary Louise Gould coin, plus one cent postage, your were members of the cast for name, address and the pattern "The Mikado" presented Saturnumber ,to Anne Cabot,. The day night by students at VerKnickerbocker News, 1150 Sixth mont Junior College. Ave , New York in. }$, Y. prove to yourself that thk ooffea rialiy toilag aa e better calces? rot dresses snd men's shirts. Prevents unner-arm o d o t . H e l p s atop perspiration sa(ely. I* A pure, white, antiseptic, srairueas vsnishtng cream. * 4* No waiting ro dry. Can be aMf right after shaving. A/%S} l» Arrtcl hat been awarded th« *,jr/nmTi? Approval Seal of the American • Institute of Laundering for being harm lets to fabric. Use Arrid e ^ jK tavaaaa I T * THI good as it tmelU. choice irK)iintain-grown coffees! Yottneed just one delicious s i p t o pPTTf* ftT o*Vi' » • * • HvOO* . • » * ,p ARRID LAROIST S I L L I N G DiOOOIANT •flsf si! SO hurry to your grocer with your coupon and prove to yourself — FOR FRK* —that Boecul i« •• • Tips Presto Cake FVoor marriage la a super mis** of just the right fteur. hairing powder and aah. It s done at the null so completely that if y e a * ^ ' S r e d tirneelreu;&** * - t » . l - — ^ i - OF RED POINTS ITatrtoUo theUo rubber, soapa and a h u n oa the front. K e e p saving unUl the last g a s ' s firadl moat any minute now! It's worth a pound of the best-tasting coffee you Bv*a ran And why ai that llliportant to yoe? a^aeae w Vmisiiw it om oT tl» meet aiiportant steps thorough mixmg » one °» ^ ^ ^^. in bake* W*h Preato Cake Fteor. your.»w• •urrted iov^rd fc-ther-Hfht a»cce« W * . 1<• avenobso^tWa! Presto ag**» U" 1 *;_ F f *f* ggvea woowa. * " * * hgitsitf a^terand feaortaaaare cena*. Saw what « dees far \^ r 7»n The Coffee »»* g*d esto your cakem, your, biscuits, dnropKnga, NORCROSS. I GBttTINC '..."•'. YOU win Gfi YOUR COUPON frrrrn the maflman HOUSEWIVES BONU: points f a r doing a c a n d o for thai 1 whowlah to bonus, here's what to Terr drop of your fata. Turn t h e m In t o promptly. For every pound. M i l give you 2 red potnta bonus . . . that's b o w * m RICHER, YOU KNOW-yes, Boecul is rich with every day art ! • Does not hritsre skin. Does DOC % -' HtvidunVu U. S. GIVES GOOD *»<ter.arm I In 'Mikado' __i_iU S T O P I Miss Jean Flagg, 481 New Scotland, and Miss Evelyn Mark, 32 S. Pine,, are members of the committee for the May Day celebration of Wheelock College, Boston, Saturday. Proceeds from the event will go to the building STMlOi OF QUALITY FOR OVE1 100 T i W - -uriii H Wgasy- n w ^ l snaLI I CAHOS BFD ' YOUR VH BUY WAR BO JOES BOOK SHOP 2 7 S t e u b e n Street » Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com AND STAIPS
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