*W6 THE EAST HAMPTON STAR, EAST HAMPTON, K. Y., i£>TEM*ER 1, 1IM THE Published Every Thursday Main Street 324-04T7 Mrs. Joannette E. Rattray, Owner , M Miss Blackburn and white sweetheart roses. The maid of hc.iM; Mia*. Susan E. Blackburn, sister of the brine, and the attendants, wore long empire styh dresses of pale yellow and carriec ellow sweetheart roses and Engusl Girvin-Martin N his home in R<u * ^ ^ J * Mr,, rrank z T ^ M 0< ! I a C Miss Arlene Martin, daughter of Bay* atteaded t h ^ entered at the Pott Office at East Subscription Rates Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Martin of v m R Hampton, New York, $» second-class * *•**• l"V«W« in Advance $s.or Bays. • wd, West Palm Beach, Fla., and the Six Months Months mmttrng Six uiti $4.0i granddaughter of the late Mr. and Single Copies Mrs. Ira Baker of Amagansett, was Miss Blackburn is a graduate o married Aug. 13 to Gerald Girvin, Hampton. Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen Bennett College in Miibrook, Nev son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Girvin uncle of the bride, and the Pastor 'ork. She made her debut in 196' the Rev. Stephen Stok, officiated t Pequee, P*. 't the Holly Ball tn Hartford. She A reception was held at the Maid The ceremony was perfanmJ in s the granddaughter of the late the Memorial Presbyterian Church, Ir. and Mrs. Nathaniel A. Campbell The bride wore a white silk liner f East Hampton and New York, and Vest Palm Beach, and the bride own with Alencon lace and j le late Mr. and Mrs. Witmuth E, vas attended by Mrs. Eaten May'.anUlla of Spanish lace. Her at lackburn of Summit, N. J. mond of Lakeland, Fla., and her£ " 7 * * o l f tournament at s. > ndants, the Misses Eileen an ister, Anne. Mr. Kinnicutt is a graduate of fork Country Cluh i eS** nne Sheen. Paula Minnick, Nanc hiilips Exeter and is now a stuMrs. Girvin recently received her Mr »- Betty Schellinger J * * * f Tuck and Lisa Eben, wore bh ent at Harvard. The couple will •aster's degree in physical edwea sett had the lo* nJT ° *"»•* nen gowns with picture hats an tve in Cambridge after Sept. 15 tion from Texas Women's Univerarried blue and white flower ity, Denton, Tex, Mr. Girvin is "effrey Minnick, brother of th Rationed at Cohimbus Air Force ridegroom, was the best maa. 'ase, Columbus, Miss., where the »ow-net runner-up. M» u. ^ Vm bride is a graduate of DOB ) pie will Jim. Kelly of S o u t h 4 t o n M ^ a ^ artoa College. Washington, p . C t»r drive clo^tt I***** !)d i s . employes* fey E. p. Duttor The kicker was div.dedl^ '«» Hew York. Mr. Mtonick, a grad Mrs. Mimi Diner, Mrs Phvii^* ate of Susquehanna University Gearge uec *?hoto *««nt, and Mrs. Cteavie &J!• 'i-liiMWgrove, Pa., is doing post Mr. and Mil. Colin CampUH of other Club events, J e h n J J * ^ raSuate work in the School of Edu * Los Altos, Cal., have announced the • hole-in-one on Au«. T ation, New York University. engagement af their daughter, The couple went to Bermuda on Miss Marie Claudettt Jonas of flag Sandra Elizabeth, to William Joseph heir wedding trip. They will reside Jay Te Winbum Jr. [arbor, daughter of Southampton Poate, son of Mr. and Mrs. William n Mew York alter their return. Miss Selena Campbell Blackburn ''own Clerk and Mrs. CUude Jones, Poate of Bay Street, Sag Harbor. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Miss Campbell attended high nd Robert John Harrington, son of flacfcburn of l a s t Hampton and Jlr. and Mrs. Daniel Harrington of school in Toronto, Canada, and spent *•*£• 113 W « (aft?) West Hartford, Conn., was married Jouthampton, were married Aug. 13 a year at Foothill Callage. She k • 212-BR 9-2545 ' William Boone Photo Saturday afternoon to Lincoln Kinn St. Andrew's Chureh, Sag Har- secretary for the Pacific Telephone WEHAV1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lenowsky nicutt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Miss Marie Fulton Sheen, daughCompany. 3or, b y the Rev. John Drab. HELP FOB YOU the N. Kinnicutt of West Hartford. ter of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Newton of Lindenhurst .. _ .have . . announced , , . —J Responsible, ej^erieneed The bride, who wore a white orMr. Poate, a graduate of Stony **** ^" J f ^»«™., The Revs. Bruce Robinson Robinson and and Sheen l J " * tanza sheath with chapel train, was Brook School and the University of w« c c i i of ui Georgica ueurgica Road, aoaa, East £#st ^.,? V . ^ ~\ ****i M ^^^ B r u e e Eaglish Speaking Humpton, and New York, was mar- « 1 » » « * , to Arthur Jurkowich, son Junes c . Crosson performed the accompanied by her sister, Cynthia, Cincinnati, is a Shell Oil Company M r M r e L o u i s J u r k o w i c h rird tn Potor Wilson urnonn Minnick. u i . . ; . i . son of and Mrs. Louis °O. Jurkowich ceremony „^«„™„_.. at_»St. r... John's » , , Church, „. . West to Peter °* Mr. ^ i s maid of honor, and Sandra Bab- representative in San Francises, Cal. cock, Anne Geehreng, Rosemary They will be married Oct. 1 in the ham ton Street, East Hampton and New York P the Hartford Club, m Hartford, Mitchell, Marcia Harrington, and First Presbyterian Church, Moun. and Daniel C. Minnick of GreenMiss Lenowsky, a graduate of The bride wore a gown of Alencon Corinne Jones. Daniel Harrington tain View, CaX wich, Conn., Saturday afternoon in Lindenhurst High School, is a sen- lace fashioned in the empire style Jr. was his brother's best man. Awaiting your selection the Most Holy Trinity Chureh, East i o r a t State University College at with short sleeves and bateau neck. After a reception at Canoe Place Minimum saUry Fredonia, N. Y. She carried a bouquet of stephanotis Inn, the couple left for Lake George. No transportation cost mma j» f T|» i Mr. Jurkowich, a graduate of East Replacement guaranty Miss Diane Marie Field, stepThe bride is a graduate of the Muumunj fee daughter and daughter of Mr. and Academy of the Sacred Hearts, and Mrs. Sally Mae Hosa, of SquireLocal Sleep-Ins and Outs Mrs. Charles Wfialey, granddaughter attended Burdett College. She is town Road, Hampton Bays, daughAlso Available teaches at Westfield Academy and » of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Loper, form- employed by Security National Bank, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. erly of East Hampton and now of Mr. Harrington, a graduate of Whitaker of East Hampton, was Central School in Westfield, N. ¥ . proton. Conn., was married to Southampton High School, is an Air married to William H. Mann of The wedding will take place next Leonard Alfred St. Martin, stepson Force veteran. He is with the South- Hampton Bays, son of Mr. and Mrs. August. e d son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony ampton Town Police. W. H. Mann of Southampton, o n Jonneville of Worcester, Mass., Aug. Monday. :7, at the Chapel-on-the-Thames, - _ C* 1 1 1 Justice of the Peace Mercator C. »roton. Lieutenant Robert J. Usenza, J VWI fIl SWS SCIIGQUIP Kendrick performed the ceremony Catholic chaplain, officiated. " M w u v u m w Mrs. Edward R. Fuller of East The bride wore a floor length The winter schedule of masses Hampton and New York was martown of Chantilly lace designed will start at Most Holy Trinity ried Saturday to Stuart A. Prosser EASTERN L. L THEATRES vith a train. Miss Linda Boisjoly Church, East Hampton, on Sunday, of Southampton and Palm Beach .vas maid of honor. Michael Maron Sept. 11, with masses at 8:30, 8, 9, Fla. The ceremony was performed jf Worcester was best man. 10 and 11 a.m. and noon, in the by the Rt. Rev. Austin Pardue a' 4 p.m. in the garden of Mr. and After a h n i u f n o w i s New ¥<*% cntseh. l a St. Peter**, Awagsmsett, Mrs. Harry W. Watts, East Hampton the couple will live in Groton. there will be one mass only, at 9 a.m. Thursday-Friday Ssptembn 1-1 Mrs. Fuller is the widow of Colone' Edward R. Fuller and lived fo; RICHARD BtJRYO* many years at the Barclay Hotel ELIZABETH TAnO! Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Prosser wa"WHO'S AFRAID OF giarried to the late Alice Chamber: VIRGINIA WOOIT "if* Southampton HmdNeW York. •1 2- 7 and 8:1 $ Pit Mr. and Mm Prosser will be a / *" V home this fall at f25 Fifth Avenue to las 324-0448 Manhattan, and after Dec. 1 at 12' ealr Via del Lago, Palm Beach. Me one under It will be admitted rasa nri • • • » . ! i«i I . . Bradford Bachrach by hk psrwt THURSDAY iSATURDAY Miss Gloria M. Kaufman, daughSEPTEBER 1 ^ ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Kaufman of East Hampton and New Saturday-Tuesday tspteahtr U THE BEATLES ARE BACK York, was married last Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rutherford Target Photo DORIS DAY Sol Charles Klein, son of the late of Three Mile Harbor Road, East m Miss Elizabeth Ann Petersen, Mr. and Mrs. David Klein of New Hampton, have announced the en"THE GLASS BOTTOM ii daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad i" York. gagement of their daughter Donna W. Peterson, of Montauk and BOAT" 2. 7. and 9:10 The ceremony was performed b y Marie to Robert Rogers, son of Mrs. Madiera Beach, Fla., was married Dr. Julius Mark in his study at Janet Rogers of Mam Street, Ama- to Ralph John Manginello, son of THHinHSTFttM Temple Emanuel, New York. A re- gansett Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Manginello of !•! ception followed at the Regency Miss Rutherford, w h o attended Levlttown, last Saturday in Our BOUT MISS IT AGAIN! ALL WALT DISNEY SHOW Hotel. East Hampton High School, is a Lady of Victories Church, Harringnurse's aide at the Huntting Rest ton Park, N. J. The bride wore a short pyramid"BAMBT SUNDAY - TUESDAY style white satin gown with jeweled Home, East Hampton. Mr. Rogers The bride wore an empire style SEPTEMBER 4 6 is employed by Peter Rana, Amaganbutton trim and a halo of matching sheath of white crepe with Alencon fabric with a flowing veil. She car- sett. A spring wedding is planned. lace and carried a bouquet of baby CAUOWAYS" THE MARX BROTHERS ried an heirloom prayer book with carnations and an orchid. The maid calla lilies and stephanotis. of honor, Miss JoAnne Kenny, West I* Mrs. Louis Ei I peri n was matron of Lake Drive, Montauk, wore a gown Saturday Stptcmbtr ••• honor, Edward Wolff was best man. of blue linen and carried a bouquet Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toscani of of daisies and baby's breath. James The bride is a graduate of PennELIZABETH TAYLOR A CLASSIC COMEDY sylvania State University and re-Old Howe Landing Estates Road, Sullivan w a s the beat man ticHABP limroi ceived her master's degree from East Hampton, have announced the jg|j WTTH A reception was held in the Closter Columbia University. She works engagement of their daughter Diane bin, Closter, N. J. The couple will GROUCHO * "WHiP« AF1AJJ 0/ HABPO with the Department of Political to James Thomas Prejsnar, son of spend their wedding trip at Lake - s s s " WOOLT and Security Council Affairs at the Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Prejsnar of George and Montauk. New Castle, Pa. United Nations. Miss Peterson te a graduate of % Shows Nightly From 7 P.M. Prices sUghtlr tociessed t* «* A wedding has been planned for East Hampton High School and te The bridegroom, who attended 1 n ,m ' *. onrf City College ef New York and New Oct 29. with Texaco Inc., New York, The At 46 Newiown Lane Eaai Hampton I t will be York Uaiversity, is president of bridegroom te a private in the 324-4811 | Paul Art Press, Inc. Marine Corps. STAR Wnl Tn H*rtfnrfl Mrs. Douceite Tourney Winner Minnick Sheen FUJ.iials Saturday S t Martin-Field "oaie- Campbell Harrington-Jones Troth Announced OVERSEAS DOMESTICS Mann-Hosa Miss Kaufman Wed s s ^ X S S Wed In New Jersey To Sol C. Klein Consult TheStar Prosser-Fuller Business Director; East Hampton OFFICE Rogers-Rutherford HARD Drive In Prejsnar-Toscani A DAY AT THE RACES" »>M»44M«»m44W4«4«Ht««»«tt4«Mt*»»»4)4t>HIMf ' ' • ' ' • " v ^ ^ S S S B J S S S S S S J ^ B K i M ( ^ a a a _ a | | | B a , _ Coming Up Sag Harbor Thealre A waakljr calendar ef social, dvio, fraternal, •nd governmental events. To have information listed, call 324-0902. Times give* for public meetings of local governing bodies o » J ? ° ? r e * t l a r l y * * * i u l e d . and" . r e sometimes changed with little or no notice. TUESDAY*SR^"f * * WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 7 Publk schools open S S S u k 8Harbor,it FRIDAY SEPT. 9 JSmg? " ,MI ^ **• « fact ^mtoMwm*., W w Y ^ M °nUuk C h IsssastJ ^OMXU, JOAA£—* varte** variance. « * - _ W * W l Me Montauk ^ CBS-TY f \ Lj^ J^i i ON MONT^K Hwy "wnpwn M llaSwstNL *P-M. | « P P^o.?hTc^,eF,SoS^rtnWnt i " * ^ *-***«». H K ^ a S S * » * * C h u n * sank* c*dr, tO . ^ ^ SUNDAY, SEVT, 4 P '^OHNFREE" VIRGINIA WOOLF THURSDAY, SEPT 1 Town Zoning Board of Appeals, hearings, Town Hallf ^ i l l l ? " "f HTL V* m R. T Vrana for frontaae 12th 13th and 14th Street, Springs, Zone B VM^S? Application of Mr. and Mrs Stanley Rosen for « M £ £ * K a i Manne Boulevard, Zone B 8 p m * f c r ^ * l « SATURDAY, SEPT S H,PPmtott Thursday-Saturday Sff*"**1'' V m o m i A MeKERRA « * « «" Commerce, from P i e r One, THE ARTIST'S EYE --"« Society, mmm* i M ^ M M M t J i Hall, Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Manor Playhouse under I t i r W t * ^ eccompenlea ay sw TAYLOR ^ RICHAJWW"10" "WHO'S AFRAJJ Of
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