• •**>• r j-; V - _ , - - -*• *" CORTLAND STANDARD, CORTLAND N. Y„ WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 12, 1966 PAGE TEN SOCIAL AND CLUB NEWS Barbara Jean Snyder Married Saturday to Bradley N. Lawrence cake. Miss Gail Olson and Miss Valerie Olson served. A graduate of Virgil Central j School, the new Mrs. Sawickey: is employed at the Crescent Cor-j set Company. Her husband, a graduate of Cortland High. School, is employed at Chris | Craft Co. Pre-Boptial events for the bride included a bridal shower 1 given by Mrs. Charles Stevens. and a party at Cort-Lanes by tbej ! A double ring ceremony per- honor, was attired in a baUeri- office staff at the Crescent Cnr-j "formed Saturday afternoon in na gown with chiffon skirt and set Company. The bridegroom the First Methodist Church, unit- chanuiiy lace bodice. The fitted was honored at a stag party at! «d m marriage Miss Joyce Ma- bodice was designed with scoop the Villa Restaurant, ne Vinnedge. daughter of Mr. neckline, and long sleeves. She Guests attended the wedding and Mrs. Arvin Vinnedge. Cort- bad a matching floral headpiece from Syracuse and Auburn • ^and. RD 2. and Michael John with veil and carried a bouquet- Mr. and Mrs. Sawickey will 'Sawickey. son of Mr. and Mrs. of pink carnations. reside at 19 Union St. John Sawickey, 24 Hamlin St. Jack Purcheli served as best • Tb« Rev Herbert Loomis, pas- man and Ronald Comerford -tor. performed the two o clock ushered. service. Baskets of white car- For her daughter's wedding. nations decorated the chart* Mrs. rs. Vinnedge vinnecge chose cnose aa black DJ*CK « J qr« and Mrs. William Stubbs served an* i* white knit suit with black | " l © Q r S IDS as organist. accessories and a corsage icessones and a corsage of Given in marriage by her fa- blue carnations. The mother of f \ ~ /** r^r, i py, lr%rm ther, the bride chose ior her the bridegroom wore a two-piece ^ • M \J7rOOrninQ wedding a ballerina gow.1i oi beige lace dress with mulberry chantiii} lace with fitted bodice, accessories and a corsage of scooped neckline and long yellow carnations. The Business and Professional sleeves, and a bouffant skiri. ' A reception was held at the Women's Chib (B&PW) held i s A teardrop crown held oer il- villa Restaurant, following the.monthly dinner meeting last lusion veil and her jewelry con- wedding. The Bride's table was evening at ?be home of Dr. Ruth sisted of a drop pea.-i ceci.-ce. cecorated with the bouquets of Scbaub. A spaghetti supper She carried a bouquet of »mie .j^ bride and her attendant and was served by the membersiup carnation^. committee, comprised of Miss Mrs. Sharon Parcel! s:ster of Mary Brevetti, Miss Maude | the bridegroom, the mairoa of W n m o n o f mA Aw n ar t cc o Healey and Miss Lucy DeSanta. T T U M I C " V A short business meeting fol- Miss Joyce Vinnedge, I Michael J. Sawickey J Joined in Marriage • F «.[ : > ' • ;« • 1*. • :•: i :;' :: I- i s : GORDONS DRUGS 13 Clinton Ave, Sage Home . . green carnation corsage. 'by Miss Neeca Wall A 1965 graduate of Cortland and by Mrs. Earl Porter, pi High School the bride U at- McLean, miscellaneous tending Syracuse School of Out of town guests Beauty. Her husband was grad- the wedding from Floj uated from Groton Central Jersey, Pennsylvania, School in 1962. He is a missile ton. Homer, McGraw r-« , n *,* i. (technician with the U. S. Army, Cincinnatus and Scott! : rirSt D O D T I ST ! stationed at Fort Edison, X. J. The bride changed*. • j?*- J. piece boue knit suit witt'. As a bride • to - be, the new white and black acct-„ Bouquets of white gladiolus Mrs. Lawrence was honored at traveling. Following^T and carnations and candela - bridal showers given by Mrs. trip of undisclosed brum decorated the First Bap- Raymond Snyder, linen; by Miss the couple will be at ^ tist Church of Cortland, for the Dianne Tryon, miscellaneous; April 1 at Edison, H T wedding Saturday afternoon of iMiss Barbara Jean Snyder of Cen Cortland and Bradley Xorman Lawrence, U. S. Army, Fort Edison. X. J. The Rev. Gordon .Carter, pas- —The Voraateer Corps for r e - tor, performed the double ring ^ed Americans will meet Fri- O G W D r e S S I l [Ceremony. Douglas Fairbanks, <jay morning at 10 in Grace, •—...... i organist, accompanied the solo- Episcopal Church. list. Mrs. R. Dean Schick, who Thirty-five members b ^ ^ S t o r d ' f p r a v e r ^ " - " * • * * * Z > » » * * ™*t *"**«* Century Q * , \ T>J^*7^^JJIJ~VT Thursday evening at 6:30 for oa four dozen cancer, dinaer JH£ Robe^sSder !% - « * * * ^ » « . meetmg for the Friendly Red _ Double Ring Ceremony in Social Briefs *?* B&PW Meets, Enroli M e m b e r s Grown 2 5 c pkg. Bay Leaves for seasoning 10c pkg. Senna Leaves 10c oz. 3 oz. 25c Dr. Hinkle's Cascara Compound 100 for 39c Balsam of Pern . . . 45c Honey Pine and Tar a good old fashioned cough syrup 75c Hospital Hand Lotion our best for winter chaps 59c - ! I I U m e , n o e , i Gordon's Cold Capsules a good one to break up if a cold 69c - co**511***1 bv ^ &** • BEEF Angus & Glycerin Suppositories infant or adult .-. 29c Buchu Leaves . . 3 9 c oz. Hereford Federal Inspected lean Trim Absorbtne Veterinary $1.99 POT ROAST lb. 49c LEAN GROUND BEEF ....lb. 49c LEAN ARM CUT ROAST lb. 59c TRIM RIB STEAK fc 69c Morton's Smoked Salt and Sausage Seasoning Will Deliver hi the Cortland-Homer Area — Orders of $6.00 & up 15c PAUL R. SHELDON Gordon's Old Fashioned Vanilla Extract . . . ooi *>est 4 oz. 45c South Hill - Pendleton St. Ext. Phone 753-0896 Catnip Mice o'clock, at 17 Tompkins St noon at the clubhouse. $ house Park, — The Association of Unitar- \ f M r s - G e ? r « e A «ena ; ian - Universalis! Women wfi J ^ f y C . Sevens meet tomorrow evening 8 at the v j £ iLnv'~ ftSi^ iome of Mrs. Bess KovaL *• *** t ^ w ^ f * Levydale Park. Movies will be . ^ t e c h S * £ * * * » « * J f t J ? " * 1 B a r t o 5 ing S i T d ^ e X a V S & ^ i A g * with cascades of iace ruffles fcj , ... , , „- „ tnmmed with a lace tram. Her jwrist - length veil of silk illuision was caught to a pearl and 'crystal crown, and she carried :a bouquet of wmte roses and 2 2 . ^ S t S ^ % ff V ^ R ^ e e H a r i S | •., ' i + ~ , *-"•"*-" " • ™ vited to oattend. __ „_ .. _ „ . «. «. Grnr\Ci& Tn ~ » e S«fli Cortland Sub- o r a n g e IO < H ^ t e and Juyemle Granges C U D D ^ r ftn ™jj g^J*^^*11** «*[JtfiJlWW_0" 0*^^ Grng< S =€urper j Mrs. a "Pay Your Dues" GeraU ShennaD h ter e « ' Friday evening at 7:] planning to attend are i Mrs. Marvin Chase of Groton a t — Rural Neighbors Cmb met to take a <fi*h of food was'bridesmaid, with Miss Tina the home of Mrs. Alta Carr, and own table service. Miss Norma Jean Mowers and Lawrence of McLean as Jjunior ° & ? i r e s S t - • S«turttay. Ten: Members are reqaestt j William N. Mierke were mar- b n d e s m a : d M a r v ^iea D a v i s members and one guest were send in dues or to ataa( ned New Year's Day m the _ CoT^a^ 5 ^ - ^ . .te £!,„ present The next meeting will supper prepared to pay. hdd Federated Church, DeRuyter. X i ~ ^ ' *** M r s - A 8 D e s H a m ' A Mstorical program The Rev. Charies Swing per- **!,. , . „ _r wMK€ . _ _ mond. 64 Huntington St. on land County will be formed tfae double ring cere-. * ^ P T : - A ^ S " Saturday, Feb. 5. i by Ella Somers. uj on y length sheathngown of bright blue ' J ^^ t OT The bride is the daughter of *»**» ^ ^ y^» «^ er -' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mowers, s^ri a n d a SC0OP neckline. Mrs. She is a graduate of DeRuyter Chase was in bright pink tafCentral School and the Powel- f613^ styled like the honor at soa Business Institute of Syra- tendant and both had matching cuse. At present she is employed illusion veil headdress with as a secretary for the Women's large rose. Physical Education Department Miss Lawrence chose a light at State University College, pink empire - styled frock of Cortland. nylon brocaded taffeta with The son of Mr. and Mrs. Nel- matching veiled bow and Miss son Mierke. her husband is a Davis was in light -blue. All the graduate of DeRuyter Central attendants carried colonial bouSchool and served two years quets All of Our High Fashion Winter Hats m eers. r f At £ C present r ^ i ^ l Pbe0 aisr aemployed T < X 2 ; ^>M a_.^ vv~» <**se of Groton serv_ 1 „ T eluding Furs Have Been Drastically Redi as a carpenter in Cazenovia * " b e S t m a n for ^ U w " rence. The ushers weer Earl to Offer You Top Values Now at the P while awaiting a Civil Service Porter Jr., of McLean, and Sp. appointment of the Winter Season! 4 Ronaid formal . Snyder of Fort Dix, The bride wore Mrs. William N. Mierke sheath gown of velvet band- N.A J fashioned by her mother, fearecepton was held at the Values to $23 turing long taoered sleeveV asd c f i a r c l 1 immediately following detachable chapel length tram. * e* ceremony. The flowers of A matching pillbox hat with ^ attendants decorated the seed pearls held her fingertip °ride's table, which featured a $ v eil. She carried a bouquet of ' ou r - *** wedding cake topped David McMahon, PGK, the white roses and carnations. with a miniature bride and eldest living member of the local Maid of honor was Miss Mar- bridegroom under a heart-shap• Knights of Columbus, will be jory Mowers, sister of the bride ed arch. Mrs. Raymond Sny honored at "Old Timers Night" She wore a green velvet formal Qer, Mrs. Earl Moore, Miss on Saturday evening. gown also hand fashioned by her Mary Ann Popuhlur and Miss A buffet supper will be served mother. She carried long stem- Dianne Tryon served at 6:30 p.m. until all are served, med red roses. tezghter's wedding. For ^ Tickets may be obtained from Wayne Coon served as best Mrs. Snyder selected a two Marion Rhodes of the Auxiliary: man and the ushers were Wayne piece dress of sky blue taffeta Dusty Rhodes, captain, and^erke and Robert Mierke, brocadl ^ t k boie a c c e s s e s Charles Bulger. Don Goddard brothers of the bridegroom t^V^^r^T^^t^ and Joe Osburn; fron?Tom Stap- For her daughter's wedding. ^ ^ X f S f h ^ " Millinery Dep't., Fashion Fkxr ieton. captain, and Paul Deegan. boa £ ? le- , * « « « c h o s e a U « n t b l u e SSn, m^L ^L ?JZ£H a D>k)n p n E t d l s s Bob Harkness and Bill Devine; ^ 8 <*™* with navy acces- S ^ w °L * k acecssone from Bob Donohue. captain and "IE* -m o t b s aQd * Th Jim HaskeD, Pat Lynch and Jim * er of the bridegroom — — Smith; Bin McLorn, Bowlers and J*,01* * tarnished gold suit with Homer members; and Haroid m°*** accessories, and bom Spinner, captain, and Tully o t656 e r s oa°- red carnation cor" THIS IS OUR members. ' f ' ^ A reception was held at the <sw Parish House. Following a bon.SL3 LTBRARIAN KILLED ;eymoon through the mid-eastern 'states, the couple win resiA> in ALBANY. N. Y. (AP) - Miss DeRuyter. ^ ^ " Rnth M. HaH of Troy, a 56-year, old librarian at Hudson Valley JAMES A. WOOD, IXC. Community College, was kilted Complete Insurance' Service Tuesday in a two-car collision 36 Main St Dial SK 3-114L at Route 155 and Airport Road.Advertisement 282-tf FURTHER REDUCTIONS -••V • Cod Liver Oil full pint $1.09 Mr. and Mrs. Bradley X. Lawreaee Frank Lawrence, 24 Stevens Re., McLean. Escorted bv her fadier the bride was attired in a chapel length gown of chantiliy lace and nyiontuik over taffeu. The bodice was fashioned with Sabrina neckline enhanced with Norma Mowers, W. N. Mierke K W ^Se0^" their ^^j^^^F^l own table service. " . matching earrings. M i s s S h e e r e ^ ' Lawyer of . » « Married in DeRuyter Church Homer was maid oi honor and Aspirin a good one 100 for 24c Beef Iron and Wine a good old fashioned building tonic . . . . 99c *"y Club Members ngs :oTed " idem, Mrs. Virginia Colton. A program "Personal New members were enrolled Grooming for theonBasinesswomin last evening's meeting of the an" was presented by Mrs. Rob-! Women of the Moose (WOTM) cert Biviano. who explained the"! conducted by senior regent a r « *nd personal makeup of j Mary McBermott. hairstyles which w21 meet the! Ruth Stabler, child care chair- needs of tfae businesswoman man. was hostess for the eve- who has little time for special nmg. care. ^ Plans were discussed for the Mrs. Biviano also presented mid-winter conference to be the nex wigs that are now held us Sidney. N. Y.. on Sun- available at more reasonable day. Jan. 30. Cortland Chapter prices than previously and an has been invited to participate swered many questions for the in the Ritual work. A bus wffl group. be provided for the members. The program was plannedfayj leaving Cortland at 11 aja. AQ the personal development com Co-workers are invited to attend, mittee — Mrs. Geraldine Rus There w3l.be a p:tcS"tartnsa- seS, Mrs. Katherine O'Sbea.i ment at the Knights of Columbus Mrs. Rena Lee and Mrs. Gladys Home on Tuesday, Jan. IS, at Hartranft. 8 p.m. between toe Women of The next meeting has been! the Moose and the K of C Aux- planned for Feb. 8 at he YMCA \ iiiary. with the legislative committee; featured a .three-tier wedding in charge. ?AG8' Millinery K of C To Fete David McMahon $ 3- 5-7 TWELFTH HARVESTING HEALTH Health towtiaUw !5aw at last the verdict can be'certain diseases of the lungs calied finaL Not only final, but a and other organs. matter of history. And not only Then why get excited? Don't history, but law. they ^j repeat what most of On Jan. 1 the federal statute us already know? Answer: they , known as the Cigarette Labeling do a lot more. Act went into effect. Every Those nine little words of package of cigarettes must now warning on every pack of cigarbear a printed message: ettes. placed there by order of "Caution: Cigarette Smoking the nation's highest legislative May Be Hazardous To Your and executive authority, are a Heaith." Thi$ law. passed by risible symbol of the cigarette ;both Houses «t Congress and threat and its seriousness. Prosigned by the President, obvi- tectkm of the public against ously expresses their combined specific products that mav be opinion that the smoking of harmful is die normal job of excigaretts can harm the smoker, ecutive departments of the Does anybody else *&**? Government, not Congress. Practically everybody: die VS. When Congress takes it on as a Public Heakh Service, the Na-'special C*M. you can be sore rional Tuberculosis Association, it's important. jtbe American Thoracic Society,; Whether you are a confirmed hhe American Heart Association smoker, a beginner, «r some the American Cancer Society, one who's thinking about startthe America! Public Heaith ing. your Christmas Seal organi• Association, the Americtu ration suggests: Next time that School Health Association, and "Harardous-to-Your-Heakh'' ]aaboot a down other public and bei meet* your eye, think of private health agencies have the things suffered by all the p«e on record emphatically as people whose case histories -beirring that there i, a lis*-finally helped bring about the Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com A Special Thank You to all our customers for making it possible for as to celebrate oar Twelfth Anniversary. We hope that you have enjoyed shopping here. It's a pleasure for us to express our thanks for your *™* patronage- *me« 29MWe wiB strive to continue to bring you the very newest fashions. 't&aatffoute We Are Now Featuring Our Annual Winter Clearance Sale DRESSES SKIRTS SWEATERS COATS AT REDUCED PRICES Skf* $ * * * * , ; Clinton A1^»
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