Brutvan, Hawley Vows Said Binghamton,. N. Y., April 20,1958 4—B THE SUNDAY PRESS Mad Hatter PartyMakes Mockery Of Miss Milliner G SPRING BONNETS—Three members of the local chapter are amused at the hgts they made for the party. Mrs. Gerald Shea of New Ireland R o a d was hostess. Left to right, Miss Regina Bartlsh, Mrs. Ralph Pompeii and Mrs. Robert Levene. * * * * * • ' * • • Rev. R. D . E. S m i t h Officiates Dawn Harding, Stanley Houck Are Wed M f*~ —Sunday Press Photos. MAD HATTERS - Mrs. Raymond Pidlypchak, left, president of Xi Lambda Alpha chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, inteTnational cultural society, and Miss Ruth Bennett model "hats" they wore to a recent "Mad Hatters party." * * * * * * Miss Gladys Irene Fowler Engaged to John Andrews r E engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Gladys Irene Fowler to John David Andrews is announced by her mother, Mrs. Wesley Fowler of 131 East Frederick Street. The future bridegroom Is the son of Mrs. Albert J. Andrews of Crocker Hill Road and the late Mr. Andrews. The bride-elect, also the daughter of the late Mr. Fowler, attended North High School. Her fiance was graduated from North High School. The couple will be married July 27 in Trinity Memorial Episcopal Church. * * IVEN In marriage by her brother, Steven BTutvan, Miss Velma Theresa Brutvan yesterday became the bride of Robert Perry Hawley. The Rev. Bernard A. Garstka officiated at the 11 a. m. double-ring ceremony in St.. Ann's Church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Joseph Brutvan of 25 CFJ Boulevard, Johnson City and the late Mr. Brutvan. The bridegroom, who lived at 35 Grand Avenue, Johnson City, is the son of Mrs. Andrew P. Hawley of 11 Susquetfanna Street and Mr. Hawley of Ocala, Fla. The bride wore a floorlength gown of tulle and Chantilly lace styled with a fitted bodice. The illusion neckline featured a lace collar trimmed with iridescents. The bouffant skirt was styled with front end side panels of tulle and fell to a train. She wore a tiara with a fingertip veil and carried a white orchid on a prayer book. Miss Delores Smithka was maid of honor in a ballerinalength gown of white embroidered nylon sheer over mint green taffeta with mint green cummerbund and bow. She carried a colonial bouquet of yellow carnations. Edward Kocenko was best man. Andrew Joseph Solak, the bride's nephew, was ring bearer. A wedding reception took place from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Veterans of Foreign Wars Clubhouse, Johnson City. After a week's honeymoon In Washington, D. C. and Virginia, the bridal couple will live at 19 Morgan Street. The bride was graduated from Johnson City High School. Her husband was graduated from Cooperstown High School, and Delhi Agricultural and Technical Institute. ARRIAGE vows were exchanged yesterday by Miss Dawn Esther Harding and Stanley Robert Houck in the First Assembly of God Church. The Rev, R, D. E. Smith officiated at the 2 _ P t m. double-ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Harding of 102 Conklin Avenue. The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Houck of Vestal RD 1. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride wore a gown of Chantilly. lace over' satin. The lace fitted bodice was styled with a Sabrina neckline trimmed with sequins and seed pearls. The bouffant skirt featured lace over tulle and fell Into a chapel train. A crown of sequins and seed pearls held her Illusion veil edged in lace. She carried a white orchid and white roses on a Bible. Miss Lois Carey was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Linda Weaver, Miss Janice Hesse and Miss Kay Keiper. The attendants all wore floor-length gowns of mist taffeta styled with Sabrina necklines. The maid of honor was in pink and carried a colonial bouquet of pink carnatidns. The bridesmaids were in aqua with colonial bouquets of pink carnations. The flower girls. Bonnie Joy Stocks and Donna Lee White, wore floor - length gowns of pink nylon print with pink flowered bonnets. They carried baskets of spring flowers. Russell D. Hodgeman was best man. Ushers were Randall Grassley, Robert Gelatt, and James Harding. A wedding reception took place in the church parlors. The couple will live at 1 Mather Street. The bride attended Central High School and Lowell's Business School. Her husband was graduated from Vestal Central High Sehool. * • * To Meet Monday —Pnoto by Buckley. MRS. S. R. HOVCK A jewelry demonstration will be presented Monday at a meeting of Endicott Lions Auxiliary. Mrs Robert Johnson and Mrs. Carlton E. Popple will be hostesses at the meeting, scheduled at 6:30 p. m. in Hotel Frederick, Endicott. ' The auxiliary has announced appointment of Mrs. Leon Simmonds as secretary. Mrs. Simmonds succeeds Mrs. Ernest E. Plomondon who has moved to White Plains. From Buffet to Banquet, We Cater to Your Every Wish — Experienced Personnel — —TB^-OUR PARTY SNACKS M R. AND MRS. JOSEPH F. SPRAGUE of 153 South Washington Street announce the engagement of their daughter, Gail Ann, to Francis Richard Gennarelli. The future bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.: Joseph P. Gennarelli of 14 Brookfield Road. The couple plans a fall wedWorld Famous ding. Miss Sprague is a graduate AIRWAY of Central High School where she was a member of Delta SANITIZOR Kappa. Her fiance is a graduate of North High School, VACUUM CLEANERS Keystone Junior College and SALES and SERVICE Harpur College. At Harpur he was president of Goliards. He recently was appointed a Lewis Mossed Broome County sales tax Lifelong Binghamton Resident auditor. * * * 28 SPRING FOREST AVE.| MEETING TODAY Phone 3-8042 ! Alpha chapter of Tau Phi Epsilon will meet at 2 o'clock today in the home of Miss Patricia Zeitz, 230 Oak Street Use PEESS Want Ads for an initiation party. —Berthold Studio. GLADYS FOWLER Mrs. LUCILLE DePERSIS Dial 4-2135 After 5 P.M. 'eauty4)iet by Tussy RED CROSS DRUG STORES BINGHAMTON isj.ift „i JOHNSON CITY ENDICOTT Beauty is a marriage of many things. And that marriage must hold together as we grow older— if beauty is to survive, That's why Beauty Diet by Tossy was cteated+JhatV why Beauty Diet is a marriage, too: Of tiSal ,'$. new Vitamin and Mineral Capsule^to^eid tesTwithin and ihe New Cream-*) aid from wlthouljf Why the New Caperde?AConsider d » n e # Vitamin and Mineral Capsule in Beauty Diet aire dietary supplement Ift an exclusive fortnnktknmQ& according to pharmaceutical standards, A eapsulej may help you overcome a deficiency you're not even aware of! And this deficiency may be due to an imbalance in your diet, or to your system's reduced ability to utilise vitamins from food. Taken once o day$ every day, the capsules can give you a new vitality, a new sense of well-being. OPEN MONDAY NITE TILL 9 P. M. Why the New Cream? The very air we breathe may rob the moisture from our skin. Age may strip away natural protective oik That's the reason for Beauty Diet's New Cream. It's a combination of acftet beautifiert including moisturizers, polyunsaturates for diet«dry skin, rich oil blends, hormones, and(T Royal Jelly, of course. When used nightly, the* lightly undeT make-up during the day, your skini never seems to dry out Even extra-dry patches loofc moist and supple. Flakiness all but disappears. Wrinkles and crow's feet become less conspicuous. Why not now? Beauty Diet by Tussy costs Illlili S mmm^'-^^^ - l . n $10.50* for full 30-day treatment • Federal Tax Included W 1/love I wATi*«'«?-•••"¥•• • : | g , , ,,,, Gail Ann Sprague Engaged To Francis R. Gennarelli • Private Parties •Weddings •Receptions * STOCK DISPOSAL ^ —Delmar Studio. Cotebinp <U you like it STORK SHOWER Mrs. Eugene Purtell of 28 Denn^son Avenue entertained 16 guests at a recent surprise stork shower honoring her sister-in-law, Mrs. Eugene McCarthy. Mrs. McCarthy recieved an orchid corsage. 1 *>!'*^ GAIL SPRAGUE . , ......r^Ti•im m»SV- .i|-.t. R»g. $139.50 vat. Mm SPECIAL PURCHASE OF ISO Utrg* 36" x 60T *&U fee staff** «tx (tecMs* 12" l««f) end * fo»hl<m«bJy modtm <ha\n «k»lflntd ••ptclolly to match tobls HAMLIN'S Red Cross Druf Stores tj Ple«« wild the following itemt •• Quantity ; .,, ,' ,f"iitM* ««t of Ntw Bouty * Diet by Tus»y.. • Thin it » $12.50* vklue for $10.50*. TRIPLE CITIES FURNITURE AND THE HOUSE OF MAPLE ™ A ^ f M TUS8Y Untitled Document - O W N E D AND OPERATED BY GEORGE COURY *A kAk\M CTDCCT U l . n . A . r*:u. fKU... A* A»+L\ Dl CMTY PADtflWC IM DCAD Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 i • .1 AnnwMti r.w* -in i„ii - -- -- 1 , • MVTATK* CHAKC1 ROC XODu •••••••••••••••••ft***********••*••TTVkft.
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