Troy NY Times Record 1966

Miss Wood worth, C. L Keado,
United In Marriage Today
Miss Marks, R. B. Voss Wed
In Emma Willdrd Chapel
The marriage of Miss Kluabeth Alltn Marks, daughter Of
The wedding of Miss Linda Sue Woodworth, daughter ol
Mr. and Mr*. John Marka of 190 7th Av«., to Richard Boon* Dr. and Mrs. Lemuel W. Woodworth of 98 Leversee Rd., and
Voss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Voss of Kayetteville, took Conrad L. Keado, aon of Mr. and Mra. Paul Keado of 26 2nd
plact today at Emma Willard
St., Waterford, took place to
Chapel with Rev. Everett A
day in St. Mark's Methodist All attendants wore gowns of
Sherwood of the First Baptist
Church, Troy. Rev. Robert A. aqua veniaa lace and crepe
Church, Troy, performing t h e P. Stephany escorted guests.
Klein performed the ceremony. with cabbage rosea making their
ceremony. George Cok, uncle
Given In marriage by her headpieces. They carried casTroy
of the bride, was organist.
father, the bride was attended cades of yellow dalaiea, carnaGiven in marriage by her !*• Mrs. Voss, a graduate of by Mra. Harry N. Haigh, ma- tions and ivy.
ther, the bride was attended by Emma Willard School, la a tron of honor. Mra. David G. A reception waa held at
Miss Linda Lloyd Jones of F a y recent graduate of Wheelock Woodworth, sister-in-law of the Mario's Theater Restaurant. To
etteville. Mrs. Wilbert Aldrich, College. She la a provisional bride; Miaa Susan Baachle, Mlsa receive guests, the bride's
the Misses Katherine Catlin, member of the Junior League of Sharon Duryea and Miss Sharon mother wore a pink lace and
Nancy Clay and Isota Tucker Troy and will be teaching la Woodworth, both cousins of the crepe dress and chose matching accessories. The brideEpes were bridesmaids.
Nas&ille, Tenn.
bride, were bridesmaids.
groom's mother choae a blue
The bride chose a gown of . . v
A ,•».«# n«r«
Henry A. Bessette Jr., was ensemble. Both had corsages of
chiffon with a fitted bodice and M r Wo*>; a « r * d u a t t ° ' D » r t
a veil of rosepoint lace. She » • « * College, was awarded a best man. Donald D. Woodworth roses.
carried.white roses, stephanotis j U.S. Public Health Service Fel- and David G. Woodworth, The brkJft was a librarian at
and babies' breath.
lowship and will be studying brothers of the bride, Lorin L. Tappan Zee High School,
The maid of honor and attend- for a doctorate in psychology at Goodrich and Charles E. Gero Orangeburg. The bridegroom la
ants were gowned alike in pink the George Peabody College for Jr., served as ushers.
associated with SOM Corp., Alcrepe and linen and carried Teachers In Nashville. Tenn.
similar bouquets of pink minU- After a wedding trip to St. The bride chose a gown of
ture carnations, babies' breath)Thomas, Virgin Islands, t h e peau de sole over taffeta with To travel lo Amagansett, L.I.,
and ivy.
couple will reside in Tennessee. a detachable train extending the bride chose an aqua and
John Paul Voss, brother of j The bride's grandparents are into chapel length, and wore brown linen outfit with matchthe bridegroom, attended as best Mr. and Mrs. Lester Filley Cole a lace pillbox headpiece trim- ing accessories and a corsage
man. George B. and Gregory W. of Troy. The bridegroom's med with seed pearls. She car- of white roses. Upon returning,
Voss, brothers of the bride- grandmother is Mrs. John M. ried a cascade of roses, ivy and4he couple will reside at 855
7th Ave.
groom, Stephen S. and Philip E. Voss of Yonkers.
—Jack Short Phot*
—Klchmomt Phot*
Karin Romp Becomes Bride
Of P. J. Harrigan At Lansingburgh
Miss Burdett, Gary K. Gulden
Married In Massachusetts
Trinity Episcopal Church, Lansingburgh, was the scene
today of the marriage of Miss Karin Bonnie Romp, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Romp of 538 3rd Ave., to Patrick J.
Harrigan, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Celestine Harrigan of Johns- Daniel Fedoruk of Somerville,
town, Pa. Rev. Robert L. See- N.J., and Mrs. Richard Anderkins Jr., performed the cere-" son of Pittsburgh, Pa., all carmony.
ried rainbow colored colonial
Prof. John A. Ma&sey was or- bouquets of pompons and roses.
ganist for the wedding.
Richard Holtz of Johnstown,
Mr. Romp gave his daughter Pa., was best man. Ushers were
in marriage. She chose a gown George Hilton of Woods Hole,
of silk faced peau de soie with Mass.; Howard Johnson of Ded*
a bodice of reembroidered Alen- ham, Mass., and James Reyncon lace and a chapel length olds of Troy.
train falling from the shoulders. The reception followed at the
With it she wore a floor length Romp home. Mrs. Romp wore a
mantilla of matching lace. Her nile green crepe dress with
bouquet was a cascade of white white accessories and Mrs. Harpompons, roses and orchids.
rigan wore azure blue peau de
The attendants all wore soie with white appointments.
gowns of pale blue crepe with Both had corsages of cymbidium
matching illusion veils. The orchids.
maid of honor, Miss Carol Lewis The couple left on a wedding
of Watervliet, carried a cascade trip to Canada, the bride travelbouquet of blue pompons and ing in a coral dress and white
Fuji mums. The bridesmaids, lace coat with white accessories.
Miss Cars Christensen of Troy
They will live at 73 Davis St.,
and the bride's sisters, Mrs Falmouth, Mass.
Miss Thordts Anne Burdett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Haxwood Chase Burdett of Worcester, Mass., became the bride
today of Gary Kermit Gulden of New Rochelle, son of Prof, and
Mrs. Kermit Ray Gulden of 89 j
Point View Dr. Rev. Vaughanj A reception was held at the
Dahoay, uncle of the bride from \ Franklin Manor, West Boylston,
BrioWine, Mass., officiated at Mass.
the^eeremony performed in the I The bride chose a gown of
Firai U n i t a r i a n Church, I silk organza appliqued w i t h
Worcester, Mass*
jChantilly lace, styled with a
Given in marriage by her fa- portrait neckline a n»d short
the?,1-fee bride Was attended by'sleeves. She wore a mantilla of
a sister, Miss Joan T. Burdett, matching lace and illusion,
maft of honor. The Misses Mrs. Gulden is a June gradJanet M. Cutler of Worcester " a t e * Wheelock College, BosT.m„
_. , , , , . ton, Mass. Mr. Gulden, a gradanCWendy
A. Stuck
Man- uRtPl,
a t e o fwas
T r Q ygraduated
H i g h Sehoolrecently
were ofbrides-1
from the Harvard Graduate
Richard Chollett of Cam-[School of Business Administrabridge, Mass., was best man. tion, Cambridge, Mass. He is
Har%ood C. Burdett Jr., brother affiliated with Humble Oil in
of Jjhe bride; Steven J. Dale of Pelham.
Wilmington, Del.; Ryine Hsieh After a wedding trip to the
anl W. Byrd LaPrade of Land- Adirondacks, the couple will reside in New Rochelle.
grove, Vt., escorted guests.
uitav* Lor*y Photo
—Bole* Photo
Averill Park Church Scene
Of Roberts-Whan Ceremony
—Murlfl H»yn*r Photo
Hayner-Brown Ceremony Held
In Lansingburgh Church Today
Miss Marilyn Jeanne Brown became the bride this afternoon
of Glenn Franklin Hayner in a ceremony in the First Presbyterian Church of Lansingburuh. The pastor, Rev. Seth N. Genung,
was assisted by Rev. Peter
Suam of the Gilead Lutheran the Spcigletown Fire Hall. The
Church, Center Brunswick
,bride's mother received her
The bride is the daughter of guests in a salmon colored
Ma?, and Mrs. Paul F. Brown sheath dress. The mother of the
of 24 Milky Way Rd. and h c r | b r i d c g r o o m w o r e t d r e „ ^
husband is the son of Mr. and'.. .. . . m m _ . . „ u ..
Mrs. Floyd E. Hayner of RD l.i"« h t p , n k crept a n d laCe ' B o t h
Mr*. John MacCochran, or- h a d c o r » « e « o f W™*™ or*
Mrs. chids.
Leona Sheffer and Harold' Music was provided by Joe
Brest, soloists.
jCamella and his orchestra.
The bride, who was given in j After a wedding trip to
marriage by her father, *ore 1 m e J | | d ^
a gown of Irench lace and il,
... ,.
lusion with a tiered skirt e n d \ ™ £ .1 wI'».
) r i v e ,n h
carried a cascade bouquet of IThe
* * * bride's
**]* costume
white orchids and roses.
was a yellow and beige print
Miss Laurel Brown, who was suit with beige accessories and
har sisters maid of honor, wore (
a mint green linen gown with i „ ,. ..
matching headpiece and ear-i B<1,h ,Mr; ™< Mrs. Hayner
rM « cascade bouquet of yel.;"• i j j j " Tn
1S a
low daisies. The flower girl, £«J
u *J£
* * y Brown, another a * t r >
* £ * £ ? * *™
a t o w o r e mint green.
J g ""« bridegroom, a grad"
. ...
uate also of Hudson Valley
Tha bridesmaids, the Misses C o m m u n i l y Co ||ege, is a senior
SMlley Brown, sister of the | construction engineer with the
bride. Nancy Cdates and Lynda S t > t e n e p , r t m e n t of P u b l i c
Peek, wore yellow linen 8 o w n s , W o r k s
with matching headpieces and
carried white daisies.
Norman Hayner was his H o s p i t a l P a t i e n t
best Dormandy,
man and ushers
eere David
Carl Mrs. Thomas J. Lumley of 12
Oeyer and Garry Ives. Ring Caroline Ave. it a patient at
Samaritan Hospital recovering
bearer waa Peter Suarez.
J t k e reception took place at from surgery.
Miss Alger, L. P. Sheremeta
Exchange Nuptial Vows
Nuptial yows were exchanged this morning in the Averill
Park Methodist Church by Miss Flora Maclnnes Whan, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whan of RD 1, Averill Park, and
Jeffrey Vaughn Roberts, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Roberts of ried a colonial bouquet of white
Schenectady. Rev. James I. roses, stephanotis and ivy.
Borden performed the cere- The honor attendant and the
flower girl wore gowns of white
over blue taffeta. The
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride was attended bridesmaids wore blue lace over
white taffeta. All carried basby Mrs. Joseph Gainer of Oneikets of blue and white flowers.
da as matron of honor and by
After the reception at the
Miss Sonya Clay of Defreest
.„ ,,. T ,„ w u „ „ „, n«i Glass
Lake House, the couple
mar, Miss
and Lynda
Mrs. Whan
neiin ofMerri-I
Del-j *" on « trip to the
field of Defreestville as brides- Adirondacks. Alter July 20
r» „ ii
of they* will , be., at home on
, ,Settles
Westmere was flower girl.
Bernard Wagner of Altamont
was best man and gueets were and white dress and a white
seated by Douglas Chapin of The former Miss Whan a
Chicopee Falls, .Mass.; Herman j g r a d u a t e o f Averill Park High
Van Buren of Altamont, and School and State University ColKeith Merrifield of Defreest- lege at Oneonta, will teach at
Draper School, Rotterdam, in
The bride chose a bouffant September.
gown of dotted silk organza The bridegroom graduated
trimmed with Alencon lace, from Guilderland Central High
sequins and seed pearls. Her School and attended Albany
fingertip tulle veil was edged Business College. He is emwith lace and held by a crown ployed by the Town of Guilderof iridescent crystal. She car- land.
Miss Mary Alger, daughter of Mrs. Mary A. Alger of 87-C
Weis Rd., Albany, became the bride today of Lynford Paul
Sheremeta, son of Peter Sheremeta Sr., Clearfield, Pa., and
Mrs. Harvey Provost of 131
Wildwood Dr., Loudonville, a t j * e l l o w a n d c a T r i « 1 s i m i l a r cas *
a double ring ceremony in St. j c a d e s - T h « flow€r * irl w a s •*•
Teresa of Avila Church, Al- j t i m l i n y e l I o w t a f f e t a a n d car "
bany. Rev. Eugene F. Willis' r i e d * ba5kt?t of d a i s i e s Thomas Evers was best man.
celebrated the Nuptial Mass.
Given in marriage by h e r :
Sheremeta Jr.. brother of
uncle, Matthias Endres, t h e ' t h e »"d«8room, Albert Bell,
bride chose a gown of silk o r - | J o h n K ^ " 1 5 •** J a m e s Rob"
ganza with a cathedral length « e r t s «*ort«d guests,
train. A Priscilla Alden bonnet I A f t e r t h e ceremony, a recepheld an illusion veil. She car- i t i o n w a s n e l d in Hubert's Resried a cascade of white carna-, t a u r a n t - A l b a n >Mrs
tions with a white orchid.
- Sheremeta, a graduate
of C a r d i n a l
Miss Joanne Pellerin of Guild-1
MoCloehey High
erland, a cousin of the bride,! Scho°l i s ^ployed by the State
was maid of honor. The Misses | Education Department as a
Jane Pellerin, cousin of t h e' s l e n < >8 r a P n e r - Her husband, a
bride, Lorraine Abajian, Linda , « r a d u a t € o f Catholic Central
Carlascio, and Mrs. Louis Palla- H l 6 h School, served four years
dino were bridesmaids. Flower in the Marine Corps and attendgirl was Julia Sheremeta, niece ed the evening division of Rusof the bridegroom.
sell Sage College. In January, he
The maid of honor wore a { will enter Hudson Valley Corngown of nile green in silk shan-' munity College. He is employed
tung, a Dior bow and carried a I by Ryan Constriction Co.
cascade of yellow pompons and! After a motor trip to Canada,
baby roses. The bridesmaids! the couple will be at home in
were similarily gowned in pale | East Berne.
S n W I Lor»» Plot*
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York
Miss Bilas, Buffalo Man Wed
In Cohoes Ukrainian Church
The marriage <f Miss Roksolana Eugenia Bilas, daughter ol
Mr. and Mrs. Yaroslaw Bilas of 76 Pershing Ave., Cohoes, to
Hryhonj Pikas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pikas of Buffalo, took
place today at Sts. Peter and
Paul's U k r a i n i a n Catholic nial bouquets of daisies and
Church. The Nuptial Mass was gladioli centered with glamelcelebrated by Rev. Nicholas lias.
Wojakowsky, assisted by Rev.
Bohdan Volosin, S.T.D., pastor The flower girl was dressed
of St. Nicholaa' Church in Wa- in white and carried a basket
tervliet, and Rev. Vladimir of daisies.
Dowhovich, pastor of Protection A reception wa« held at the
of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian American Citizena
Club, Cohoes.
Church, Troy.
The bride »was attended by To receive guests, the mother
her sister, Miss Irene Y. Bila.s, of the bride wore a pink ormaid of honor. The Misses Mary ganza dress with orchid pink
Ann Kosck and Marjorie Urn- accessories. The mother of the
bach were bridesmaids. Chris- bridegroom chose a beige dress
tine Wintoniak, cousin of the with hone colored accessories.
bride, was flower girl.
The bride was graduated
George Pikas, brother of the from Catholic Central High
bridegroom, was best man. and School and did undergraduate
Rohdan Pikas, brother of the and graduate work in education
bridegroom, and Lubomyr Zob- at the College of Saint Rose.
niw escorted guests. Ihor Stad- She taught kindergarten at
nyck, godson of the bride, was Saddlcwood Elementary School
in the South Colonie School Disring bearer.
The bride an empire trict for three years. The
atyle gown of reembroidered bridegroom is attending the
AJe.ncon lace accented with seed State University of New York
pearls and crystal beads and at Buffalo and is employed by
made with • detachable chapel Hooker Chemical Corp., Grand
length train. She chose a pill- Island, in the research division.
box headpiece with an illusion Mr. Pikas aerved two years in
veil, and carried a fan of the Army, with overaeaa duty
miniature carnation* and ate- In Korea.
To travel to New York City
The attendants wore gowns and Bermuda, the bride otiose
of Tahiti-colored venise lace a h#jg# ensemble and wore a
and petal ice crepe, and wore corsage of vellow cymbidiuma.
cabbage rose headpiecea with Upon returning tha couple will
short veila. They carried colo- reside In Buffalo.