THE LONG ISLAND NEWS .nd THE OWL, PBIDAY, OCTOBER 15. »54 erdona t <rn^ <&„, l < j i^tfiv,tt <ffgfttfga Mr, and Mrs. Thomas W. Cohill, of 1S1 Dartmouth street, arrived home last week from a five weeks' tour of England, France, Switzerland and Italy. The Cohills sailed August 31 abroad the liner Mauretania, and made the home voyage on the Queen Mary. |^!--Lmt3 fZL-^^MmDail-V7reen Engagement Is Announced Ellen Dobson, John McGuire, Are Engaged PAGE FIVE fieffy Rugg ancf Stanley Dickson To Marry tn St. Mark's October 30th Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Dobson of (Rockville Centre have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ellen Patricia Dobson, to John Patrick McGuire, son of Mrs. Harry McGuire of Kew Gardens Mils, Queens, and the late Mr. McGuire. The wedding will take place im* April. Miss Dobson was graduated from Adelphi College School of Nursing. Mr. McGuire was graduated from the University of Notre Dame and the New York Law School. He is a , member of the Queens County Bar Association. During World War II he served with the Coast Guard. Mr. McGuire is with Burke, Green A Groh, law film in Jamaica, L. I. „, ». The engagement of Miss Roberta Arlene of 42 Seaman, aveMiss Anita Martin of Wright nue, to Kimball Harold Thomas eon road was feted at a pre-nuptial of Mr. and Mrs. FrankGreen, Green of bridal shower recently at the home 271 North Corona avenue,' Valley of Miss iFrances Costa, also of Stream, has been announced by her Wright road. The bride-elect and Mrs. Helene Kimball. Willard Smith of Lake view will ex** mother, The bride-elect, daughter ol the change marriage vows on Novem- late Carlos A. Kimball, is a South ber 13. Side High School graduate and is a student nurse*at the New Mr. and Mrs. Maurice B. Chez of senior or house X0 8 *1 ^ S i C ° l l e f% F l £ ? w e r x?iH guests rfVimdjfrs. Milton Spa- i ? ^ ' " School.of Nursing, New raga, 106 South Village avenue. York City. Her fiance is an alumMiss Doris Feder, daughter of Mrs. nus of Valley Stream High School Sparaga, is tine fiancee of Ronald and a Navy veteran of the Korean conflict. He is associated with the Chez, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chez. Williamsburg Savings Bank of Dr. Myron Scileppi of RockviUV Brooklyn. The announcement was The marriage of Miss Margaret Centre and Dr. Maxwell Mitchell of made last Sunday at a dinner party and open house at the Kimball resiMarie Folio, daughter of Mr. and Baldwin were winners in the Nasdence. • • > Mrs. Carmine Folio of 68 Oceanside sau -Suffolk B r i d g e Association road, to John Peter Gougoutris, son game played at the Terrace avenue of Thomas Gougoutris of New York Y.M.C.A* Second place was taken PIANIST PISTILLI PREMIERES City and the late Mrs. Gougoutris, by Mr. and Mrs. Griffith M. Jenkins AT ADELPHI OCTOBER 22 will take place at St. Agnes Church Angela Pistilli will give her first on Sunday, October 17, at 4 o'clock. professional public piano recital in The Rev. Michael O'Farrell will ofMiss Sue Mogul, of 865 DeMott Woodruff Hall College ficiate. The couple will make their avenue, has pledged Delta Phi iEp- Friday, Octoberat22.Adelphi Her performsilon at the University of Michigan. ance, scheduled for 8:30 p.m., is a home in Louisville, Ky. The bride-elect was graduated Eighteen sororities have pledged preview of her coming Town Hall from Oceanside High School. The 412 coeds who will be initiated this debut next month. Miss Pistilli, a prospective groom, a member of winter after attaining a scholastic native of Brooklyn, has studied the Armed Forces at Fort Knox, average and completing a training with Billie Cane of the New York * Ky., is a Columbia University period to learn the ideals and tradi- Schools of Music and Hedy Spietler. alumnus. tions of their own groups. At present she is under the excluguidance of maestro Paulo Stephen & Knafel, son of Mr. sive BUY IN ROCKVILLE CENTRE. Gallico. and Mrs. Julius C. Knafel of 110 South Village avenue, Rockville Centre, has registered for the fall semester at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. A sophomore this year. Stephen is enrolled as a major in liberal arts. He is a graduate of South Side High School. Margaret Folld John Gougo utris To Wed Sunday Mi** Betty Rugg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rugg of Bay er Junior College, Worcester, Mass., Shore, will become the bride of Miss Rugg is a secretary for JoStanley S. Dickson, son of Mrs. Edna Reichert of 35 Locust avenue seph Shapiro and Martin Buxbaum and the late Harry Dickson, on of Massapequa. An Army veteran, having served Saturday, October 80, in S t Mark's 18 months in Germany as a memMethodist Church. The ceremony ber of a tank division, Mr. Dickson will be performed at 8 o'clock by is an alumnus of Texas Technical the Rev. Harold Roy Brennan. College and is an engineer for the Mrs.* Arthur Koop of Sealord will United Parcel Service, New York. be matron of honor and the bridesA Florida wedding trip will folmaids will include Miss Barbara low a reception at the Wheatley Rugg, the bride-elect's sister, Mils Hills Tavern, Westbury. Roberta Sabia of Massapequa, Miss The couple will make their home Dolores Fedoryck of East Meadow, in Valley Stream. • and Miss Ellen Dickson, sister of the prospective groom. FRESHMAN FOOTBALL Anthony Orlando of Brooklyn Playing football for hk class will serve as best man, and usher- team at St, Michael's College, Wiing wiU be Gerald Rugg, brother of noosM, Vt., this year is Gerald T. ' the bride, Duncan McNair and Grady, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Frank Carlson of Rockville Centre, T. Grady of 105 Roxen road.' A and Charles Halley of Hicksville, graduate of Chaminade High School A graduate of Greenville Central he is playing for the Freshman School, Greenville, N. YVand Beck- class. . doht worry. • call now 2 CTOBER Board of -Regents in 1795, union prepares students for law, medicine, theology, engineering, the sciences and the liberal arts. Mr. and Mrs. William Boich of f aterview drive have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Joan Marie Bolch, to Thomas Edward Franko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Franko of 19 Hudson avenue, Freeport. • TOT a roil vocation, salty breezes. Beachfront sundecks and porches. Music and other evening entertainment. Excellent cuisine. Hot and cold ocean water in all baths. . ' " • • ' • • . • • ; - . > * • ' mmm ••^i mm ATLANTIC CITY .-• Concerned about loved ones many miles away? Then why not call them on the phone? An unhurried chat is so reassuring. It sets your mind-and your heart-at earn And it costs so little - at any time of day or night! Long Distance M w. £ *»;. nights after 6 and all day Sunday FROM ROCKVILLE CENTRE TO Providence Baltimore • Chicago . • . Miami. . . San Prancis#o New METROPOLITAN xiere s a sports-size car so economical, so easy to drive, so lively and solid on the road, it's a great family c a r . . . a perfect second c a r . . . a wonderful business car. Wherever you live, whatever you do, MS and drive the Metropolitan! toi wtttevt NOW AT YOUR H U D S O N DEALER S CALi »Y NUMBIR when you can. You'll save time. ' A O. AAL HAWKINS, Inc V f SUNRISl HIGHWAY and MERRICK ROAD . . . ; ' . . . • . 50sj . . ; 55* . . $L20 .• . $f#45 , . $2,00 * »oy or night, Lot* Dittance r o t . i art lew. The rates above are for Station-to-Station calls for the first three minutes, every night after six and all day Sunday (not including, federal excise tax). A FtODUCT OF AMIWCAN M O T O M Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 ' ' and be sure! iWarlborous^Plenfjetm • shoppers, salesmen cheer new 40-mile-to-the-gallon car •
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