A Catholic Tradition of Academic Excellence Since 1853
Volume 6, Issue 7
March 2015
March Gospel
Value: Compassion
As individuals, we are
tempted by indifference.
Flooded with news reports
and troubling images of human suffering, we often feel
our complete inability to help.
What can we do to avoid
being caught up in this spiral
of distress and powerlessness?
First, we can pray in communion with the Church on
earth and in heaven. Let us
not underestimate the power
of so many voices united in
prayer! The 24 Hours for the
Lord initiative, which I hope
will be observed on 13-14
March throughout the
Church, also at the diocesan
level, is meant to be a sign of
this need for prayer.
Second, we can help by
acts of charity, reaching out
to both those near and far
through the Church’s many
charitable organizations. Lent
is a favorable time for showing this concern for others by
small yet concrete signs of
our belonging to the one
human family.
Third, the suffering of
others is a call to conversion,
since their need reminds me
of the uncertainty of my own
life and my dependence on
God and my brothers and
sisters. If we humbly implore
Taken from: www.vatican.va
God’s grace and accept our
own limitations, we will trust
in the infinite possibilities
which God’s love holds out to
us. We will also be able to
resist the diabolical temptation of thinking that by our
own efforts we can save the
world and ourselves.
As a way of overcoming
indifference and our pretensions to self-sufficiency, I
would invite everyone to live
this Lent as an opportunity
for engaging in what Benedict XVI called a formation of
the heart (cf. Deus Caritas
Est, 31). A merciful heart
does not mean a weak heart.
Anyone who wishes to be
merciful must have a strong
and steadfast heart, closed to
the tempter but open to God.
A heart which lets itself be
pierced by the Spirit so as to
bring love along the roads
that lead to our brothers and
sisters. And, ultimately, a
poor heart, one which realizes its own poverty and gives
itself freely for others.
During this Lent, then,
brothers and sisters, let us all
ask the Lord: “Fac cor nostrum secundum cor tuum”: Make our hearts like
yours (Litany of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus). In this way
we will receive a heart which
is firm and merciful, attentive
and generous, a heart which
is not closed, indifferent or
prey to the globalization of
Valor Evangélico de
Como individuos tenemos la
tentación de la indiferencia.
Estamos saturados de noticias
e imágenes tremendas que nos
narran el sufrimiento humano y,
al mismo tiempo, sentimos toda
nuestra incapacidad para intervenir. ¿Qué podemos hacer
para no dejarnos absorber por
esta espiral de horror y de
En primer lugar, podemos
orar en comunión con la Iglesia
terrenal y celestial. No olvidemos la fuerza de la oración de
tantas personas. La iniciativa 24
horas para el Señor, que deseo
que se celebre en toda la Iglesia —también a nivel diocesano—, en los días 13 y 14 de
marzo, es expresión de esta
necesidad de la oración.
En segundo lugar, podemos
ayudar con gestos de caridad,
llegando tanto a las personas
cercanas como a las lejanas,
gracias a los numerosos organismos de caridad de la Iglesia.
La Cuaresma es un tiempo
propicio para mostrar interés
por el otro, con un signo concreto, aunque sea pequeño, de
nuestra participación en la
misma humanidad.
Y, en tercer lugar, el sufrimiento del otro constituye un
llamado a la conversión, porque
la necesidad del hermano me
recuerda la fragilidad de mi
vida, mi dependencia de Dios y
de los hermanos. Si pedimos
Tomado de: www.vatican.va
humildemente la gracia de Dios
y aceptamos los límites de
nuestras posibilidades, confiaremos en las infinitas posibilidades que nos reserva el amor de
Dios. Y podremos resistir a la
tentación diabólica que nos
hace creer que nosotros solos
podemos salvar al mundo y a
nosotros mismos.
Para superar la indiferencia y
nuestras pretensiones de omnipotencia, quiero pedir a todos
que este tiempo de Cuaresma
se viva como un camino de
formación del corazón, como
dijo Benedicto XVI (Ct.
enc. Deus caritas est, 31). Tener un corazón misericordioso
no significa tener un corazón
débil. Quien desea ser misericordioso necesita un corazón
fuerte, firme, cerrado al tentador, pero abierto a Dios. Un
corazón que se deje impregnar
por el Espíritu y guiar por los
caminos del amor que nos llevan a los hermanos y hermanas. En definitiva, un corazón
pobre, que conoce sus propias
pobrezas y lo da todo por el
Por esto, queridos hermanos
y hermanas, deseo orar con
ustedes a Cristo en esta Cuaresma: “Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum”: “Haz nuestro
corazón semejante al tuyo” (Súplica de las Letanías al
Sagrado Corazón de Jesús). De
ese modo tendremos un corazón fuerte y misericordioso,
vigilante y generoso, que no se
deje encerrar en sí mismo y no
caiga en el vértigo de la globalización de la indiferencia.
Praised be the Incarnate Word. Now and forevermore, Amen.
Thank You!
Spelling Bee
Parent Meetings
We would like to take
this time to thank
teachers, staff, students and parents for
their hard work in making this year’s “A Little
Bit of Mexico” a great success. Special recognition goes to choreographer Eder Almanza Zaragoza and to
the parent volunteers.
IWA students participated in the BANSA
Spelling Bee held at
First Baptist on February 10th. Seventh
grader Eduardo Garza placed third. IWA Spelling Bee
Champ Roxanna Ortiz will compete in
the regional spelling bee this Saturday.
Important parent meetings
will be held this week for
those who have not registered your children for next
school year. A meeting in English will
be held on Thursday, March 5th at 6
p.m. in the gym. A meeting in Spanish
will be held Friday, March 6th at 9 a.m.
after the parent breakfast. Please
make plans to attend.
Hands Across the Border
Book Fair
School Buses
This year’s China Poblana
and Charro, Risa Ortiz
and Johan Paredes, represented IWA at the
“Hands Across the Border” ceremony. It is a celebration of
the friendship between the sister cities
of Brownsville and Matamoros. Local
dignitaries and Mr. Amigo 2014, Juan
Osorio, were present.
IWA now has
two 14-seater
buses from
our sister
school IWA in
Corpus Christi. Thanks to our alumni, friends of IWA and Incarnate
Word Sisters for their generous donations which made this possible.
The IWA library will
host its spring book
fair from April 27—
May 8th. The
theme is Book Fair Under the Sea:
Dive into Reading. Several activities
will be held in conjunction with the
book fair. Please encourage your
children to participate and support
our library!
March 2015
5 5th Grade
6 PTO Breakfast
9 a.m.
100 Day
9—11 a.m.
Science Fair
8th Grade only
Vocation Day
Parent Meeting
6 p.m.– Gym
Parent Meeting
(Spanish)- 9 a.m.
Early Dismissal
1 p.m.
Faculty Meeting
1:30 p.m.
Chalk Art—IWA
and Guadalupe
3:30—4:30 p.m