Saint Joseph Parish 582 Hope Street Mountain View, California 94041 Phone: (650) 967-3831 ♦ Fax: (650) 691-1522 Website: Mission 1867 - Parish 1901 March 29, 2015 “A Catholic community of faith living in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, uniting people of many cultures in loving service to our brothers and sisters.” Parish Staff Mass Schedule Weekdays: 8:00amMonday-Friday(English) Rev.LuisVargas,Pastor(ext.13) Email:[email protected] Saturdays: 8:00am;5:30pm(VigilMass) Confessions:4:00pm-5:00pm Rev.JonathanCuarto,ParochialVicar(ext.14) Email:[email protected] Sundays: 7:00am;8:30am;10:00am,and11:30am 1:00pm(MassinSpanish) Tamil Mass: (secondSaturdayofthemonth) 7:00pm Holy Days of Obligation: 8:00am;12:10pm,and7:00pm(bilingual) Holy Hour: FirstFridayofthemonthat8:30am Hora Santa: Primerjuevesdelmesalas7:30pm Ofϐice Hours Monday-Friday1:30pm-7:30pm DianeWollants,ParishAdministrator Email:[email protected] Saint Joseph School StephanieMirenda-Knight,SchoolPrincipal Phone:(650)967-1839 Email:[email protected] ErikaUnderwood,CatecheticalCoordinator Phone:(650)691-1525 Email:[email protected] Saint Vincent de Paul Phone:(650)967-3831(ext.25) (Pleaseleaveamessage) Todonateacar:Call1(800)322-8284 Tamil Community Rev.ChrisArockiaraj,SpiritualDirectorforthe TamilCommunityandChaplainonweekends PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD’s PASSION It is the commemoration of Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem where he was welcomed by the people with palms. We too, have to welcome Jesus in our heart to live and experience his dying and rising. This is our faith rooted in Jesus Christ. PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD PROPHETIC ANOINTING The solemnity of today’s readings invites us into silent contemplation of the mystery of our redemption. There are so many levels on which to understand the events of the Passion. The woman who anoints Jesus acts prophetically in a way that the other disciples do not yet grasp. Anointing is for priests, prophets, and kings, and also for the preparation of the dead. It is for healing and for holiness. Her action acknowledges the imminent events of the passion and death of the Lord, and points towards his resurrection and triumph over evil and death. He is priest and victim, prophet and God, King and Lord. All these things are acknowledged in her prophetic anointing. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading—In spite of my sufferings I am not disgraced. I am not put to shame (Isaiah 50:4-7). Psalm—My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? (Psalm 22). Second Reading—Christ emptied himself, and God filled his emptiness with exaltation (Philippians 2:6-11). Gospel—The account of Christ’s passion according to Mark (Mark 14:1-15:47[15:1-39]). LET US PRAY We commend to your prayers our parishioners who are sick at this time and for those who have died. Wed. 04/01 8:00 am Luigi Corbelletta † Dominic Podesta † Offering Mass for a special intention is a long standing tradition in the Catholic Church. Masses are offered for many reasons, for the souls in purgatory, in remembrance for a loved one who is deceased, or in honor of a birthday. If you would like to offer a Mass please contact the Office. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms (English) are held on the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 2:30pm. For information on the requirements; the preparation class for the parents/god parents, and to obtain a Registration Form please contact the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples preparing for Marriage should contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance to receive information about the requirements and to commence the preparation. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Communal Reconciliations are scheduled during Advent & Lent. Individual celebration is regularly scheduled on Saturdays from 4:00-5:00 PM or by appointment. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK AND ELDERLY If you know of parishioners who are ill or homebound and would appreciate receiving Communion from our Home Ministry Program, please contact the Parish Office. SAINT JOSEPH PARISH CATHOLIC SCHOOL 1120 Miramonte Ave., Mountain View, CA 94040 (650) 967-1839 or visit A Diocesan Drexel School-Transforming Catholic Education—Saint Joseph Catholic School is a diverse community rooted in the Catholic Faith, fostering spiritual development, high student achievement, responsibility to self, and service to others. We offer: Grades–Transitional Kindergarten through 8th Grade. California Common Core Curriculum and offering Religion, Fine Arts, P.E., Band, Choir, Mandarin. Individualized learning by integrating technology into the classroom with differentiating instruction for each student: 1:1 iPads Grades 5 thru 8 3:1 iPads TK thru 4 Extended Day Care After School Sports 4th-8th Grade WCEA/WASC Accreditation Strong Sense of belonging Diverse faculty and student body led by an experienced principal. Saint Joseph School does not lawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and/or ethnic origin, age, sex or disability in administration of educational policies, scholarship, loan programs, athletic and other school-administered programs. Please note that the Parish Office will be closed on the following dates: Holy Thursday, April 2 / Jueves Santo, 2 de abril No8amMass 7pm-MassoftheLord’sSupper(English/Spanish) AdorationoftheBlessedSacramentuntil11pm Good Friday, April 3/ Viernes Santo, 3 de abril No8amMass 12noon—StationsoftheCross(English) 1pm—SevenLastWordsofJesus(English) 2pm—CommunionService&VenerationofCross 6:30pm—ViaCrucis(Spanish) 7:30pm—LiturgiadelaPasió ndelSeñ or(Spanish) Holy Saturday, April 4 / Sabado Santo, abril 4 No8amMass;NoConfessions; No5:30pmMass 8:30pm—EasterVigilLiturgy/VigiliaPascual (English/Spanish/Tamil) Easter Sunday, April 5 / Domingo de Pascua, abril 5 7am,8:30am,10am,11:30am(English) 1pm(Spanish) The Meaning of the Cross What has the Cross left in each one of us? You see, it gives us a treasure that no one else can give: the certainty of that faithful love which God has for us. A love so great that it enters into our sin and forgives it, enters into our suffering and gives us the strength to bear it. It is a love which enters into death to conquer it and to save us.— World Youth Day, 2013. Lord, you ask us to take up our cross and follow you. To do that, we must first understand what your cross means for us. Love is certain to involve suffering, and your suffering for us is the highest expression of love. As we begin Holy Week, may we keep our eyes on the cross and on your love for us. Amen GOOD FRIDAY COLLECTION Our parish, once a year on Good Friday, is called on to support Christians in the Holy Land. Many Christians in the Holy Land depend on the collection for their lives. The Good Friday Collection is requested by the Holy Father. Please be as generous as your abundance allows. Stewardship Report—due to early printing of this week’s bulletin the Stewardship Report is unavailable. Thursday, April 2—Cesar Chavez Day Observed Friday, April 3—Good Friday Monday, April 6—Easter Monday The Office will re-open on Tuesday, April 7 at 1:30pm. EASTER LILIES A reminder that forms for the purchase of Easter Lilies for your loved ones are available on the table in the rear of the Church. Don’t forget that tomorrow, March 30, is the deadline so please order today! Thank you for your support. God Bless The Lilies Committee. Welcome! Our doors are open and The Light is On for You This is an initiative in the Diocese of San Jose where all Catholic churches in Santa Clara County will be open for the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday evenings throughout Lent from 6pm – 8pm. Wednesday, April 1 is the last Wendesday of Lent. MARRIED COUPLES: Don't you and your spouse deserve a beautiful, romantic weekend away together? Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is: May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact Ken & Claranne at [email protected] or Catholic Professionals Thursday, April 9, 2015 TOPIC: Answer Your Call as a Catholic Business Professional in the 21st Century SPEAKERS: Dick Lyles, CEO, Origin Entertainment and Popular Radio Host of "The Catholic Business Hour on EWTN” Mass Time: 7:00am, Fr. John Sandersfeld presiding Speaker Program: 7:30am Location: Three Flames Restaurant Banquet Room 1547 Meridian Avenue, San Jose (just north of Hamilton Ave) Reservations required: $15 members, $20 Non-Members. RSVP: Don’t Miss out, only two sessions left Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers with Income lower than $53,000 in 2014 FAITH FORMATION We follow Jesus this week on our Lenten journey as he enters into Jerusalem, a community he knew well. CRS Rice Bowl asks us, too, to prayerfully enter into our own communities, to find those who are hungry and thirsty, who need our help. How does our Lenten journey motivate us to serve those we encounter in our daily lives? ANNOUNCEMENTS: All Rice Bowls to be turned in by Monday, April 6th. UPCOMING: Saturday Mornings—No appointment necessary—Two Locations: 1) St. Athanasius Parish Hall, 160 N. Rengstorff, Mountain View Saturday, April 11, 2015, between 9am and 11:30am. 2) San Antonio Place: 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View (across the street from Bruce Bauer Lumber and Franciscan Glass) Saturday, April 4, 2015, between 9am and 11:30am. Taxpayers need to bring: Photo ID; all W2s and 1099s (if any); Bank account number and routing number (a voided check); Social Security cards or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN) for each person claimed; Copy of 2013 tax return (if available); Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement mailed to you by your provider). Sunday April 5th (Easter) No Class Class resumes on Sunday April 12th. Erika Underwood Catechetical Coordinator Phone: (650) 691-1525 Email: [email protected] THIS WEEK AT SAINT JOSEPH: MAR. 29—APR. 4 SUN 9 AM—10 AM 10 AM—12 NOON 11:30 AM For Students in High School Faith Development: Meets 5:30pm on Wednesdays for Sacramental preparedness & to learn about our Catholic faith. Youth Group: Meets from 7—9pm Wednesdays in Father Doyle Hall to learn how to live our faith. For more information please call Kathi Horn (650) 425-3560 Annual Diocesan Appeal 2015 “Called to Do God’s Work, Together in Christ” Many thanks for your participation in the Appeal. If you have not yet made a gift, please reflect on what you can do to also make a difference. Every gift is valued and respectfully used. It is not too late, and we want your participation and need your support! Please consider a pledge, payable through December 2015, or a one-time gift. Gift envelopes are located at the back of the church for your convenience. May God continue to bless you and all the wonderful parishioners of our parish, and of our diocesan faith community, thank you for your continued care and support. MON WED CHURCH DOYLE HALL 6:30 PM AA MEETING DOYLE HALL HISPANIC GUITAR CLASS DOYLE HALL ENGLISH PRAYER GROUP CR#1 7 PM—9 PM HISPANIC CHOIR CHURCH 7 PM—9 PM CLASES DE BIBLIA DOYLE HALL 7 PM—9 PM JOVENES PARA CRISTO CR#2 ENGLISH YOUTH GROUP B/C HOLY THURSDAY REHEARSAL CHURCH 4 PM —9 PM 5:30 PM —9 PM HOLY THURSDAY— OFFICE CLOSED 9 AM 7 PM CHURCH SJS LIVING STATIONS SCHOOL BILINGUAL MASS CHURCH HOLY HOUR CHURCH ENVIRONMENT GROUP CHURCH STATIONS OF THE CROSS CHURCH 1 PM ENGLISH MASS CHURCH 2 PM COMMUNION SERVICE AND VENERATION OF THE CROSS CHURCH 6:30 PM VIA CRUCIS (SPANISH) CHURCH 7:30 PM MASS (SPANISH) CHURCH 10 AM—12NOON H. CONFIRMATION DOYLE HALL 10 AM—12 NOON ENVIRONMENT GROUP CHURCH VIGIL REHEARSAL CHURCH 9 AM 12 NOON 1 PM BULLETIN ARTICLES DROP OFF DATES For April 12 submit articles by Apr. 1 For April 19 submit articles by Apr. 8 For April 26 submit articles by Apr. 15 ENVIRONMENT GROUP GOOD FRIDAY—OFFICE CLOSED 8:30 AM SAT DOYLE HALL NIÑOS’ LITURGY 10:30 AM FRI HISPANIC RICA CLASS GOSPEL PRESENTATION—EYG 7 PM THU CR#1 1:15 PM 7:30 PM TUE RCIA 8:30 PM EASTER VIGIL LITURGY Jesus did not come to do away with suffering or remove it. He came to fill it with his presence.—Paul Claudel DOMINGO DE RAMOS “DE LA PASION DEL SEÑOR” UNCION PROFETICA La solemnidad de las lecturas de hoy nos invita a una contemplación silenciosa del misterio de nuestra redención. Hay tantas maneras de comprender los sucesos de la Pasión. La mujer que unge a Jesús se comporta proféticamente en un modo que los otros discípulos aun no comprenden. La unción es para los sacerdotes, los profetas y los reyes, y también para la preparación de los muertos. Es para la sanación y la santidad. Su acción reconoce los sucesos de la pasión y la muerte del Señor que se avecinan, y señala hacia la resurrección y el triunfo sobre el mal y la muerte. Jesús es un sacerdote y victima, profeta y Dios, Rey y Señor. Todas estas cosas se hacen explícitas en su unción profética. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera Lectura—No oculte el rostro a insultos y salivazos, porque sabia que no quedaría avergonzado (Isaías 50: 4-7). Salmo—Dios mío, Dios mío, por que me has abandonado? (Salmo 22 (21)). Segunda Lectura—Jesús se despojo totalmente y Dios lo lleno de exaltación (Filipenses 2:6-11). Evangelio—La versión de la Pasión y Muerte de Jesús que nos da Marcos (Marcos 14:1—15:47 [15: 1-39]). No olvide que durante la Cuaresma tenemos Confesiones los miércoles entre 6pm y 8pm en nuestra iglesia de St. Joseph y en todas las iglesias del Condado de Santa Clara. El ultimo miercoles de Cuaresma es el 1 de abril. COLECTA DEL VIERNES SANTO Una vez al año, el Viernes Santo, nuestra parroquia es llamada a apoyar a los cristianos de Tierra Santa. La vida de muchos cristianos que viven alli depende de nuestros donativos. La recaudación del Viernes Santo es solicitada por el Santo Padre. Por favor sea lo mas generoso que pueda. Ultimas DOS sesiones gratuitas para la preparación de impuestos para contribuyentes con ingresos menores a $53,000 en el 2014 - Iglesia San Atanasio (160 N Rengstorff, Mountain View) Sábado 11 de abril de 9am a 11:30am. - En San Antonio Place (210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View) Sábado 4 de abril, de 9am a 11:30am. Documentos que deberá presentar: 1. Identificación con foto 2. Todos los W2s y 1099s (si están disponible) 3. Número de cuenta bancaria y número de la encaminamiento (cheque anulado) 4. Tarjeta de Seguridad Social o números de identificación individuales del contribuyente (ITIN) 5. Copia de la declaración de impuestos 2013 (si está disponible) 6. Impreso 1095-A (Seguro de Salud declaración si está disponible). Por favor tome nota que la oficina estará cerrada los dias: Jueves 2 de abril—Dia de Cesar Chavez Viernes 3 de abril—Viernes Santo Lunes 6 de abril—Lunes de Pascua Asista a la Presentación de La Sábana de Turín El domingo 12 de abril, de 2pm a 4pm, en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (41933 Blacow Rd, Fremont) Presentada por un científico que se convirtió al catolicismo gracias a la sabiduría del Papa Juan Pablo II y los numerosos estudios de la Sábana de Turín, que confirmaron el sufrimiento, la muerte y la resurrección de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Esta presentacion está apoyada por Hombres Católicos y Mujeres de Fé. Para obtener más información comuníquese con John Martinez (510) 755-1921 o Diana Padilla (510) 304-1151 [Cristo] se humilló a si mismo, y por obediencia aceptó incluso la muerte, y una muerte de cruz. —Filipenses 2:8 LA VOZ EN ESPAÑOL CONFESIONES Sábados de 4-5 PM o mediante cita BAUTIZOS (en español) Todos los sábados del mes a las 9:30am Comuníquese con nuestra oficina con dos meses de anticipación para informarse sobre los requisitos. MATRIMONIOS Los contrayentes deberán comunicarse con nuestra oficina con seis meses de anticipación para comenzar el proceso. CATEQUESIS PRIMERA COMUNION, CONFIRMACIÓN Y RITO DE INICIACION CRISTIANA DE ADULTOS (RICA) Tony Berríos (408) 917-0905 UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS Rev. Luis Vargas (650) 967-3831 x13 SAN VICENTE DE PAUL (650) 967-3831 x25 GRUPO DE ORACIÓN Maria y Luis Guevara (650) 960-3716 Jorge y Sandra Hernández (408)836-1809 GRUPO JÓVENES PARA CRISTO Antonio Gutiérrez (408) 796-2820
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