April 5, 2015 Father Randall T. Mattox Pastor Father Salomón Garcia Parochial Vicar Deacons Fred Johns, Brian Kilkelly, Stuart Mead and Fernando Barrueta Congratulations and welcome to the newest members of the Catholic faith. May God's love be in your heart to strengthen you along life's way. Victor Vincent Alfaro Ashley Brown Dawn Cain Elizabeth Lopes Cazares Mirna Cielo Constantino Jordan Corning Jennifer French Jake French Luis Garcia Eva Ontiveros Gutierrez Jordan Kennedy Kevin Morrell Angela Mueller Jennifer Nguyen Huber Perez Miguel Angel Ramirez Ziga Inside this issue: • • Weekday Masses : 8:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. 6:30 p.m. Mon. 7:00 p.m. 2nd Thurs of the month En Espanol LITURGY SCHEDULE Weekend Masses Saturday: Vigil Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: Masses: 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.* 1:30 p.m.* (Spanish), 5:00 p.m. *Nursery available First Friday: Seniors’ Mass 11:30 a.m. (No 8:30 a.m. Mass) 8:30 a.m. Saturday following Have you been away? In the Spotlight... Sacrament of Penance: Saturday: 3:45-4:45 p.m. or call a priest for an appointment. Eucharistic Adoration: Monday: 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. First Friday: 12:00 noon Fri. - 8:15 a.m. Sat. Third Friday: 8:00 p.m. Fourth Thursday: 7:00 p.m. 2621 Highway 20, S.E. • Conyers, Georgia 30013-2424 Church Office 770.483.3660 • Youth & Education 770.929.1017 • Fax 770.483.7006 Website: www.spxconyers.com • E-mail: [email protected] EASTER SUNDAY - APRIL 5, 2015 Mon, Apr 6 8:30 a.m. Tues, Apr 7 8:30 a.m. Wed, Apr. 8 8:30 a.m. Thurs, Apr. 9 8:30 a.m.. Fri, Apr. 10 8:30 a..m. Sat, Apr. 11 5:00 p.m. Sun, Apr. 12 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Welcome Home Souls in Purgatory Richard Coyne† Jean Pierre † Pete Mire † Leo Scheurich † Mark Hanadel † Danny Leber † St. Pius X Parishioners In Thanksgiving Joseph Bamber, Jr. † LECTOR SCHEDULE Weekend of Apr 11-12 Saturday 5:00 p.m. Margie Schaetzly & Sharon Peden Sunday 8:30 a.m. Cecilia Nwogu & Laurie Ashmore 11:00 a.m. Judy Kilkelly & Joanne Cooper Socorro Esquivel & Hector 1:00 p.m. Martinez 3:00 p.m. Paul Holles Readings for the week of April 5, 2015 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118; Col 3:14 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16; Mt 28:8-15 Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33; Jn 20:11-18 Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105; Lk 24:13-35 Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8; Lk 24:35-48 Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118; Jn 21:1-14 Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday of Divine Mercy Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 We are inviting all who have been away to allow us to “Welcome You Home” starting Wednesday, April 8 in the Conference Room. We will have a small sharing group meeting from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. The goal is to provide up-to-date information and begin the reconnection and healing process with our loving God. Call the church office at 770-483-3660 or Deacon Brian at 678-525-3452. We want to save you a chair. Divine Mercy Sunday April 12, 2015 Please note the slight change in mass times on this Divine Mercy Sunday. Saturday Vigil - 5:00 p.m. Sunday - 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. Parish Offices Closed Monday, April 6 There will be no evening Mass or adoration on Monday, April 6. Continuing Adult Faith Enrichment 3:16 CAFÉ 3:16—Christ is alive and fully present in the Eucharist. Join us as we delve into the “source and summit” of our Faith with Fr. Robert Barron’s DVD-based program: Eucharist: Sacred Meal, Sacrifice and Real Presence. This spiritual study will give you a deeper understanding of the precious gift of Christ’s body, blood, soul and divinity that you can receive at each and every Mass. We will begin the Eucharist program on April 19 for 4 weeks. Sunday mornings 9:45-10:45 a.m. in the St. Benedict classroom off the Parish Hall. DOMINGO DE PASCUA Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Habrá un lijero cambio de horario en las siguientes Misas sólo por el domingo el 22 de abril. Vigilia del Sábado - 5:00 p.m. Domingo - 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m., 3:00p.m. Oficinas Parroquiales CERRADAS Jueves 2, viernes 3 y lunes 6 de abril No habra Misa por la tarde ni Adoración Eucarística ¡Ven a celebrar con nosotros! El obispo auxiliar Zarama con ser confiriendo el sacramento de la Confirmación el viernes 24 de abril a las 7:00pm. Esta es una celebración alegre para toda nuestra parroquia y su presencia mostrará gran apoyo para nuestros adolescentes! No clases 6 de abril y 8 de abril Clases 13 de abril y 15 de abril 20 de abril y 22 de abril 27 de abril y 29 de abril 5 DE ABRIL, 2015 Intensiones de Oración para el mes de abril del Papa Francisco Por la creación: Para que las personas puedan aprender a respetar la creación y cuidar de él como un regalo de Dios. Por los Cristianos Perseguidos: Para que los cristianos perseguidos puedan sentir la presencia consoladora del Señor Resucitado y la solidaridad de toda la Iglesia. U|xÇäxÇ|wÉá ÇâxäÉá Vtà™Ä|vÉá Victor Vincent Alfaro Ashley Brown Dawn Cain Elizabeth Lopes Cazares Mirna Cielo Constantino Jordan Corning Jennifer French Jake French No clase 8 de abril-Vacaciones de verano 15 de abril: el objetivo de esta noche es mostrar como somos todos invitados por Cristo a mostrar amor y misericordia visitando al enfermo y moribundo Adolescentes y Pades de familia - las registraciones de los retiros y eventos de verano están en marcha! Si usted o su hijo está interesado en asisitir a la Conferencia de la Juventud Franciscana de Steubenville, Retiro de Playa SONfest o nuestra Mision de Oración y Accion de Georgia. Por favor contacte la oficina de la juventud para detalles. 5 de Abril—NO hay Night Life, disfrute de la Pascua con su familia! Luis Garcia Eva Ontiveros Gutierrez Jordan Kennedy Kevin Morrell Angela Mueller Jennifer Nguyen Huber Perez Miguel Angel Ramirez Ziga Iglesia Católica San Pío X ¡Refresque su fe y descubra el panorama general de su fe católica. Symbolon está dando sus frutos en nuestra parroquia y también tocando muchas vidas en grupos de hombres y mujes, estudios de Biblia, Clases de RICA, y la fe de adultos en todo el país! ¡GRATIS! Iniciamos el 19 de abril 11:30 a 1:00pm Rosa Tapia 678-451-2626 Gloria Moreno 678-215-1534 ¡Proclame la Palabra! (en inglés y en español); 23 de abril de 2015 de 6:00 PM a 9:00 PM en la Cancillería. Este taller ayudará a los equipos de líderes del Ministerio de la Palabra a aprender las habilidades necesarias para capacitar y manejar sus comunidades de lectores más eficazmente. Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión (en inglés y en español); 5 de mayo de 2015 de 6:30 PM a 9:00 PM en la Cancillería. Este taller proporciona la certificación necesaria para capacitar a los Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión. El taller se enfoca en la teología detrás de su servicio y explica el Manual Arquidiocesano actual. Para registrarse en cualquiera de estos talleres envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] por favor. Stewardship of Treasure FY July 2014 - June 2015 Budgeted Offertory Over/(Under) 03/22 Offertory $12,550 $19,250 ($6,699) YTD Offertory: $696,571 $731,500 ($34,928) As Christian stewards, we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. 7th Annual JMS Family Bowling Tournament April 19, 1-5:00 p.m. • Hosted by The Knights of Columbus Council 10004. • Proceeds benefit the Jaclyn Michelle Saksefski memorial scholarship sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary. • American Bowling Center in Conyers. • $15.00 per person which includes 3 games, shoe rental, drinks and light refreshments. • Compete for team and individual trophies. • Bumpers will be available. According to the Gospel, Mary of Magdala arrived at the empty tomb first. Prompted by Mary, Peter and John arrived next and viewed the burial wrappings. Scripture tells us of St. John, “… he saw and believed.” This is the same John, the beloved disciple, positioned at Jesus’ side at the Last Supper, who stood at the foot of the cross, and, according to the Gospel, was one of the first to believe in the risen Christ. Like John, may the gift of Easter grace strengthen our faith and deepen our discipleship in the Lord so that we may proclaim, “Christ is risen. Alleluia!” Rake & Run is Back - Saturdays April 11 & 25- Do you need help raking, pulling weeds or putting out mulch? What about Closet Cleaning, Cabinet Cleaning? If you are interested in having a team of teens and adults come and help you do yard or housework please contact Al Smith at 404-281-2244. All funds raised are used to help students attend summer retreats including the Franciscan Steubenville Youth Conference, SONfest Beach Retreat and Prayer & Action, a new Catholic based Georgia Missions initiative to serve those most in need. The next monthly Ultreya Meeting will be held Saturday April 11th following the 5 PM Mass in the Parish Admin Hall. Please join us in socializing and welcoming many of our new Cursillistas! We will start with a potluck dinner followed by an exciting evening a Group Reunion has prepared for us. For more information about Ultreya or attending a Cursillo 3-day weekend at the Monastery, please call 770-483-5310 or email [email protected]. Family Dinner Wednesday, April 15 5:00-7:30 p.m. St. Pius X Seniors Friday, April 10 12:00 noon The Knit and Crochet Prayer Shawl Ministry Thursday, April 9 Join us at our Parish Family Dinner for good food and fellowship in the Parish Hall. Meeting in the Parish Hall. April hostesses are Gloria Leitch and Joan Collins. Please bring a covered dish to share as follows: We will meet at 10 AM in the Bethlehem Room. All levels of expertise, from beginner to advanced are welcome. For more information, contact Linda Depkin at 770-922-1298. Cost: Adults $6.00; Children (under 12) $3.50. Menu: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, squash casserole, cornbread muffins, drink, dessert Invite someone to join you! •A-G bring Vegetables •H-M bring Meat •N-R bring Bread or Dessert S-Z bring Salad Game Day - bring a game to play. Pope Francis Monthly Prayer Intentions Creation:That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Persecuted Christians: That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. Come Celebrate With Us! Auxiliary Bishop Zarama will be conferring the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday, April 24 at 7pm. This is a joyful celebration for our entire parish and your presence will show great support for our teens! Thank you from Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home OLPHH cares for terminally ill cancer patients who are unable to pay for adequate nursing care. The 2014 Auxiliary drive to support the home was a great success. Raffle tickets were sold throughout the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The proceeds along with silent auction proceeds made it possible for the Auxiliary to give the home a gift of $125,000. Thank you for your continued support. Baptism Preparation Class Ladies - please join us for a six-week book study of Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious: Celebrating the Gift of Catholic Womanhood by Pat Gohn, with study guide created by the author. Purchase your signed copy of the book in the PSR Office for $12. If you are in need of baptism for your child up to age 7, please note that Request Forms are located in the Gathering Area. A form must be completed and turned in before taking the pre-baptism class. The next class will be April 12 at 2:00 p.m. Baptisms are scheduled after completing prebaptism catechesis. Please be sure to return your Rice Bowl to the collection box in the gathering area. April 8-No Class-Spring Break PSR Schedule for April Apr 6 & 8 - No Class Apr 13 & 15 - Class Apr 20 & 22 - Class Apr 27 & 29 - Class April 15- Edge Night: A Door to My Heart The goal of this Edge Night is to show how we are all invited by Christ to show love and mercy through visiting the sick and dying. As one of the Corporal Works of Mercy, the act of visiting the sick is a call from God to show His love, compassion, understanding, patience, and hope to those who are struggling with their health. April 5- No Life Night! Enjoy Easter with your family! TEENS & PARENT’s- Summer Retreats & Events registration is well underway! If you or your teen is interested is attending the Franciscan Steubenville Youth Conference, SONfest Beach Retreat or our Georgia Mission Prayer & Action – please contact the youth office for details! April 12- Sacrament Sunday - ALL RCIT 1 & 2 for all high school students preparing for Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. - Confirmation Year 2 Make Up Class- only for those who missed a session! Haiti Mission Team Ministry head - Dr. Mike Manning This ministry assists our sister parish, Our Lady of the Presentation in Los Palis, Haiti. We focus on the medical and educational needs of the parish community, offering financial aid, and medical missions. Ministry meetings are the first Monday of every month; activities are announced in the parish bulletin. which has now been cleared on which we plan to build the permanent We want to thank all clinic. of you who helped us Our team was made provide for our sister up of volunteers from parish in Los Palis, Haiti. Kansas, South Carolina Through your support we and Georgia. Each of us were able to treat about felt blessed to be a part of 1,200 patients and bringing Christ to our provide a bag of rice and sisters and brothers in beans for each of them. Haiti and in return we We had the opportunity found Christ in their to visit the High School. faces. Thank you for The addition of the allowing us to be your computer lab and hands and know that you additional classrooms are blessed because of were almost complete. your giving. We also visited the land Medical Mission Trip February 21-28, 2015 Relay For Life Supporting the American Cancer Society Friday, April 17th, 6pm – Midnight Maxell Corp of America Register or donate: www.relayforlife.org/rockdalega Team: St Pius X Relayers Contact: Amy Wayco 678-469-9113 Fortunate Families Atlanta, the archdiocesan approved ministry for families with LGBT members, will host a very special meeting on Sunday, April 26 following the 11:00am Mass at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 48 MLK Jr. Drive, Atlanta 30303. An ecumenical panel including representatives from the Evangelical, Protestant, Jewish, and Catholic communities will discuss efforts to welcome and value their LGBT members. Panel members include Msgr. Henry Gracz, author Chris Glaser, Amelia Markham from the Reformation Project and speakers from the Jewish Sojourners Ministry. This is an issue that is challenging all denominations and religions. How wonderful to join together to share and dialogue about our efforts to truly live out God’s call to embrace each person within our faith communities. Go to ffatl.org for additional information. bâÜ cÜtçxÜá &fçÅÑtà{ç gÉM Pete Schmidt and family on the death of his sister PHYLLIS DAVY Valerie Bing on the death of her husband HENRY BING, JR. The family of ANNIE WILLIAMS-MUHAMMAD Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. cÄxtáx exÅxÅuxÜ |Ç cÜtçxÜ Sheila Baker Frances Bissinnar Esther Bustillo Sharon Christ Father Anthony Delisi Lucy DeLuca Joseph Garcia-Carreras Lyndsey Gardner David Giordano Christy Hicks Peter Kaylor Ann Leonard June Nelson Jennifer Rhoads Deacon Joe Rhodes April Gentes Robert Charlene Rosenthal Christian Russell Ben Seawell Heidi Smith Gerald E. Sparks John Stolter Kristina Stuart Angel Stumbris Madeline Supple Ray Supple Rob Tate Mary Ann Thomas Larry Walker Micki Wescott Rev. William Weston Patti Wilson Carol Wood JT Wood Prayers for healing are available after the Saturday 5:00 p.m. & Sunday 8:30 a.m. mass. To add a loved one for one month, please call or stop by the Parish Office. In order to be aware of the needs of our sick and to protect their privacy, we ask that the requestor leave their own name and a contact number. We update the prayer list every month. Church Administration 770-483-3660 Faith Formation Office 770-929-1017 Pastor - Rev. Randall T. Mattox [email protected] Parochial Vicar – Rev. Salomón Garcia [email protected] Pastoral Associates - Deacons Brian Kilkelly Fred Johns, Stuart Mead, & Fernando Barrueta Director of Music– Andrew Leung [email protected] Parish Office – Barb Roberts [email protected] Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry –Jessica Garcia [email protected] Finance Administrator – Barbara Pepe [email protected] Facility Manager - Kevin Klein [email protected] Kitchen Director – Iris Grant Contemporary Band – Chris Smith [email protected] 770-385-3315 Director of Religious Ed. - Linda Koerner [email protected] Youth Minister – Christina Davis [email protected] Religious Ed Coordinator – Rita Salvador [email protected] Requests/submissions for website or monitors: [email protected] Ministry Heads Altar Servers – Brian Gowasack 770.929.0405 Annulment Case Sponsor-Kathy Pusch 770.918.9390 Consolation Ministry-Marcy Borkowski-Glass 404.202.3949 Cursillo/Ultreya – John Kowalczyk 770.483.5310 Eucharistic Adoration – B.J.Masters 770.861.4454 Family Promise-Kathy Pusch 770.918.9390 Greeters – Susan Kowalczyk 770.483.5310 Lectors – Everett Washburn 770.464.4277 Liturgical Commission – Dcn. Fred Johns 404.725.8421 Bulletin deadline: Items to be published in the Bulletin are due to the Parish Office by noon Monday of the week they are to be published. Ministers to the Altar– Lee Depkin 770.922.1298 Ministers to the Homebound– Bill Warner 404.780.3304 Order of St. Luke - Mary-Mead Mead 770.922.6362 Pastoral Council – Kathy Pusch 770.918.9390 Parish Council Catholic Women – Barbara Pepe 770.787.4290 Prayer Chain - Martha Hughey 770.656.5252 [email protected] Pro-Life Ministry – Caroline Smith 770.385.3315 - EMBRACE - Dcn Brian Kilkelly 678.525.3452 - Refuge Pregnancy Care - Mary Supple 770.483.5535 - Help & Healing after Abortion www.healingafterabortion. org RCIA – Anna Milam 770.929.8665 Secular Order of Franciscans—Joel Alessi 770.787.9524 St. Joseph’s Guild - Iris Grant 770.385.9367 St. Vincent DePaul – Katy Tiller 770.483.6730 Stewardship– Gary Whidby 770.483.1860 Ushers – Charlie Doyle 404.984.1702 Women’s Jail Ministry – Linda Jesky 770.388.0348 Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sacraments/Services Sacramentos/Servicios New Members: Parish Registration forms are available in the Gathering Area. Please fill out & return to the Office. Newcomers to the parish are welcomed quarterly by parish leaders at a reception after the 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Watch bulletin for date. Bautizar en San Pio X:La Iglesia Romana Católica require que cada niño que es bautizado tenga por lo menos un padrino (a) catolico (a) activo (a) el (la) cual pueda recibir comunión. La familia debe estar regristrada en la parroquia y proveer certificado de nacimiento del niño (a). El (los) padrino (s) fuera del Estado de Georgia ó registrados en otra parroquia debe (n) proveer constancia de clases y/ó permiso de su párroco. La preparación pre-bautismal es “obligatoria” primer y segundo domingo del mes después de Misa. Celebracion de bautismo cuarto sabado del mes a las 10:00am Baptism: Baptism Request Forms are located in the Gathering Area and must be turned in before taking the pre-baptism class. Baptisms are scheduled after completing pre-baptism catechesis. Weddings: Contact a priest or deacon six months before the wedding to begin preparation. Parish membership is required. Diocesan guidelines apply. Penance: Scheduled time is Saturday, 3:45-4:45 p.m. Seasonal Penance Services are held during Advent and Lent. Other special times are arranged by calling one of the priests. Anointing of the sick: A priest is on call at any hour for “EMERGENCY” sick calls. To contact a priest in an emergency, follow the directions on our phone system. Hospital/Homebound/Nursing Homes: Pastoral staff members visit Rockdale Hospital daily. Eucharistic Ministers bring communion to the homebound. Family members should call the Parish Office to inform us about those who are ill. Grief Support: Ministry of Consolation meets 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. Contact Marcy Borkowski-Glass for additional information-404.202.3949 Counseling: Catholic Charities Counseling Services, Atlanta offers affordable, professional mental health counseling for children, adolescents, parents, individuals, couples & families. For assistance please call 404-920-7745. Matrimonios: Contacte a un sacerdote seis meses antes del día de la boda para iniciar la preparación pre-matrimonial. Uno de los requisitos es ser miembro registrado de la parroquia y seguir todas las regulaciones de la Arquidiócesis. Confesiones: Hay confesiones los sábados de 3:45 a 4:45 p.m. Tambien tenemos servicios especiales durante el Adviento y la Cuaresma. Si desea confesarse en otro momento por favor llame a uno de los sacerdotes. Uncion de los Enfermos: Siempre hay un sacerdote listo a servirle si un enfermo necesita una visita de emergencia. Para comunicarse con él, por favor llame a la parroquia y siga las instrucciones del sistema telefónico. La unción de los enfermos se ofrece a todos los parroquianos que la necesiten. Para mayor información pregunte a uno de los sacerdotes. Hospitales/Visitas a Enfermos/Anciantos: Diariamente tenemos ministros visitando el hospital de Rockdale . Ministros Eucaristicos llevan a sus casas la comunión a los enfermos. Si tiene un familiar enfermo, llame a la oficina parroquial é infórmenos. Consejeria: para adultos, adolescents y niños, individual, de parejas y familias, evaluaciones para inmigracion, talleres, clases y grupos de apoyo Maria Olearczyk, M.A. 770-6270010 [email protected]
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