Saint Joseph Parish 582 Hope Street Mountain View, California 94041 Phone: (650) 967-3831 ♦ Fax: (650) 691-1522 Website: Mission 1867 - Parish 1901 April 12, 2015 “A Catholic community of faith living in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, uniting people of many cultures in loving service to our brothers and sisters.” Parish Staff Mass Schedule Weekdays: 8:00amMonday-Friday(English) Rev.LuisVargas,Pastor(ext.13) Email:[email protected] Saturdays: 8:00am;5:30pm(VigilMass) Confessions:4:00pm-5:00pm Rev.JonathanCuarto,ParochialVicar(ext.14) Email:[email protected] Sundays: 7:00am;8:30am;10:00am,and11:30am 1:00pm(MassinSpanish) Tamil Mass: (secondSaturdayofthemonth) 7:00pm Holy Days of Obligation: 8:00am;12:10pm,and7:00pm(bilingual) Holy Hour: FirstFridayofthemonthat8:30am Hora Santa: Primerjuevesdelmesalas7:30pm Ofϐice Hours Monday-Friday1:30pm-7:30pm DianeWollants,ParishAdministrator Email:[email protected] Saint Joseph School StephanieMirenda-Knight,SchoolPrincipal Phone:(650)967-1839 Email:[email protected] ErikaUnderwood,CatecheticalCoordinator Phone:(650)691-1525 Email:[email protected] Saint Vincent de Paul Phone:(650)967-3831(ext.25) (Pleaseleaveamessage) Todonateacar:Call1(800)322-8284 Tamil Community Rev.ChrisArockiaraj,SpiritualDirectorforthe TamilCommunityandChaplainonweekends “OneachdayyouwillbringtoMyHeartadifferentgroupof souls,andyouwillimmersetheminthisoceanofMymercy, andIwillbringallthesesoulsintothehouseofMyFather. Youwilldothisinthislifeandinthenext.Iwilldenynothingto anysoulwhomyouwillbringtothefountofMymercy. OneachdayyouwillbegMyFather,onthestrengthofMybitter Passion,forgracesforthesesouls.”(Diary1207-St.Faustina) SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER (OR OF DIVINE MERCY) OF ONE HEART AND MIND Reading about the faith of the early Christian believers can be a real inspiration to those of us who have been Christians for a long time, as well as for those who are newly baptized. Can you imagine people of this world being “of one heart and mind” as was the first community of believers? Today’s First Letter of John seems to hold the key to how this can be accomplished. Keeping God’s commandments and loving all of God’s children seems to be the start of being “of one heart and mind.” We live in a world that stresses differences— differences among religions, among races, between genders, and among economic classes. Today we are summoned to focus on what we all share in common on this fragile planet of ours. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus (Acts 4:32-35). Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting (Psalm 118). Second Reading — The victory that conquers the world is our faith (1 John 5:1-6). Gospel — Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed (John 20:19-31). LET US PRAY We commend to your prayers our parishioners who are sick at this time and for those who have died, especially Leticia Ayala. Christ departed from our sight that we might return to our heart, and there find him. For he departed, and behold, he is here. —St. Augustine SAINT JOSEPH PARISH CATHOLIC SCHOOL Sunday, 04/12 Friday, 04/17 Saturday, 04/18 7:00 am 8:30 am 8:00 am 8:00am Ralph Brosi † Lawrence Frontella † Mary Belloni † George Karkas † If you would like to offer a Mass please contact the Office. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms (English) are held on the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 2:30pm. For information on the requirements; the preparation class for the parents/god parents, and to obtain a Registration Form please contact the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples preparing for Marriage should contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance to receive information about the requirements and to commence the preparation. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Communal Reconciliations are scheduled during Advent & Lent. Individual celebration is regularly scheduled on Saturdays from 4:00-5:00 PM or by appointment. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK AND ELDERLY If you know of parishioners who are ill or homebound and would appreciate receiving Communion from our Home Ministry Program, please contact the Parish Office. THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) This program is for those adults interested in learning about the Catholic faith, and for those wanting to complete the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation. For more information contact Tony Berrios (408) 917-0905. 1120 Miramonte Ave., Mountain View, CA 94040 Phone: (650) 967-1839 or visit A Diocesan Drexel School-Transforming Catholic Education—Saint Joseph Catholic School is a diverse community rooted in the Catholic Faith, fostering spiritual development, high student achievement, responsibility to self, and service to others. We offer: Grades–Transitional Kindergarten through 8th Grade. California Common Core Curriculum and offering Religion, Fine Arts, P.E., Band, Choir, Mandarin. Individualized learning by integrating technology into the classroom with differentiating instruction for each student: 1:1 iPads Grades 5 thru 8 3:1 iPads TK thru 4 Extended Day Care After School Sports 4th-8th Grade WCEA/WASC Accreditation Strong Sense of belonging Diverse faculty and student body led by an experienced principal. Saint Joseph School does not lawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and/or ethnic origin, age, sex or disability in administration of educational policies, scholarship, loan programs, athletic and other school-administered programs. National Crime Victims’ Rights Prayer Service Dear Parishioners, You are all invited to join us at the Church on Tuesday, April 21 at 7pm to see the drawings of the development. Let us keep praying for the development of the project and for the promises it holds for the future of our Parish. Your attendance will be truly appreciated. Please come pray with us and bring a picture or memento of your loved one who was lost to violence through homicide, suicide, war, armed conflict, accident or terrorism. Sponsored by Restorative Justice Office Diocese of San Jose. Reception follows. Thank You! Our thanks to Lilia Kurz for supplying us the palms for the altar for Palm Sunday, and to Vince Derilo for arranging and mounting the palms on the back wall. For more information, contact 408-983-0131, [email protected] God Bless, Lilies of the Valley STEWARDSHIP REPORT 30-MARCH-2015 OFFERTORYGOAL $9,000.00 OFFERTORYCOLLECTION $7,791.50 VARIANCE OTHERCOLLECTIONS: SAINTVINCENTDEPAUL BUILDINGANDMAINTENANCE <$1,208.50> $4,868.00 $73.00 SCHOOL $25.00 EASTERFLOWERS $50.00 SPANISHMASS(INCL.INOFFERTORY) $1,024.00 “A cheerful giver does not count the cost of what he gives. His heart is set on pleasing and cheering the one to whom the gift is given.” —St. Julian STEWARDSHIP REPORT OFFERTORYGOAL OFFERTORYCOLLECTION SATVIGIL8:30PM 7:00AM 8:30AM 10:00AM 11:30AM 1:00PM TROW-IN VARIANCE 6-APRIL-2015 $9,000.00 $16,005.50 7 24 50 50 39 3 31 $7,005.50 OTHERCOLLECTIONS:HOLYTHURSDAY $1,414.50 HOLYLAND—GOODFRIDAY $1,847.00 BUILDINGANDMAINTENANCE $180.00 SAINTVINCENTDEPAUL $1,058.00 SCHOOL $4,105.00 SPANISHMASS(INCL.INOFFERTORY) Our Diocesan Office of Restorative Justice will hold a prayer service to honor all persons affected by violence, especially family members, friends, law enforcement personnel, firefighters, neighborhoods and communities who have been impacted by violence. Sunday, April 19 3pm-4pm at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish (2020 E. San Antonio St. San Jose 95116) $883.00 Young Adult Circle invites you to Dinner at Pluto's, Tuesday, April 21st at 7:30pm (482 University Ave., Palo Alto) The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering. Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at [email protected] Become a Cathedral Tour Guide Are you interested in showing visitors our treasured Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph? Do you know that our Cathedral is a national historic landmark? Volunteer to become a Cathedral docent. A special orientation for prospective docents will be held on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 1pm (will last approximately one and a half hours). The address is: 80 South Market Street in San Jose, next door to the Cathedral. Follow the breezeway to entrance of Loyola Hall. Please R.S.V.P. to Nina Tranchina at 408-283-8100, ext. 2210 or email [email protected] by Monday, April 20th. Everyone is welcome and we encourage taking the Light Rail to downtown! Justice and Peace for Immigrants Following Pope Francis’ lead for the Church to preach the Gospels in public places, all are invited to join in a peace march and rally for the human rights of immigrants on Friday May 1st. March begins at 5pm, Rengstorff Park, ends at Rally. Rally begins at 7–7:45pm, St. Joseph’s Parking Lot. Please pick up a flyer at the back of the church. THANK YOU FROM ‘THE LILIES’ Our thanks to all of you for your continued support to the Flower Fund. Easter 2015—In Honor of: Josefina Abdul Charles Accurso Robbie Batista The Benetua Family Manfred Birwe Catherine Brosi Ralph Brosi Luz Calabria Jack & Norma Canata Al & Hilda Castelli The Castelli Family The Catli Family Jeannette Chabance Michelle Cordova Dad, RIP with God! The Del Fierro Family Margaret & Melvin Dias Anne Eachus, Our Mama Eleanor, Our Nona Na Na Espinoza Marivic Estrella The Giampaoli Family Carmelita M. Hain Ann & Bill Hall Lana Hernandez Kevin Kemp Rajna Ledoux The Mango Family Fr. Jack Le May, OSM The Menchavez Family Randy Pruett Mr. & Mrs. John K. Reinard William Rennison Mr. & Mrs. John Rezendes Alberto & Carlos San Jose The Severino Family Fr. Thomas Shea The Stagnaro Family Dr. & Mrs. Charles E Stewart Thelma, Dear Friend Armando “Tiktik” Trinidad Mr. & Mrs. William I. Walsh FAITH FORMATION Our community changed lives this Lent, and CRS Rice Bowl wants to say THANK YOU!! As your family gathers, take this opportunity to examine how your family resolves conflict. Recall a recent argument or disagreement and discuss how the conflict was resolved. Consider whether the conflict was resolved peacefully, in the spirit of Jesus. If not, discuss alternatives that might be tried in the future. Recall that we have each received Jesus' gift of the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit helps us to be people who forgive others and seek peace. By Loyola Press THIS WEEK AT SAINT JOSEPH: APRIL 12—18 SUN 10 AM—12 NOON MON TUE ANNOUNCEMENTS: WED UPCOMING: FRI THU Class resumes on Sunday April 19th 9:40am Regular Class at the school. CR#1 NIÑO’S LITURGY DOYLE HALL 2:30 PM ENGLISH BAPTISMS CHURCH 6:30 PM AA MEETING DOYLE HALL 4 PM—9 PM HISPANIC GUITAR CLASS DOYLE HALL 6:45—8 PM ENGLISH BAPTISM CLASS DOYLE HALL 7:30 PM ENGLISH PRAYER GROUP CR#1 7 PM—9 PM CLASES DE BIBLIA CR#1 7 PM—9 PM HISPANIC CHOIR CHURCH KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MTG DOYLE HALL PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL MTG CR#1 VOICES OF PRAISE CHURCH 7 PM—9 PM JOVENES PARA CRISTO DOYLE HALL 7 PM—9 PM HISPANIC CORE GROUP CR#2 12 NOON KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LUNCH SCHOOL 6—7 PM XV REHEARSAL—RSVD CHURCH MORNING GLORY CHOIR CR#2 HISPANIC PRAYER GROUP DOYLE HALL HISPANIC BAPTISMS CHURCH H. CONFIRMATION DOYLE HALL RSVD CHURCH 1 PM WEDDING -RSVD CHURCH 3 PM QUINCEAÑERA -RSVD CHURCH 7 PM—9 PM 7 PM 7 PM 9:30 AM 10 AM—12NOON For Students in High School Faith Development: Meets 5:30pm on Wednesdays for Sacramental preparedness & to learn about our Catholic faith. Youth Group: Meets from 7—9pm Wednesdays in Father Doyle Hall to learn how to live our faith. For more information please call Kathi Horn (650) 425-3560 CR#1 HISPANIC RICA CLASS 6 PM—7 PM SAT ENGLISH RCIA CLASS 1:15 PM 7:30 PM We completed the Safe Environment Training for Students in Sunday classes today. All student received a handout to take home and review with their families what they have learned. Erika Underwood Catechetical Coordinator Phone: (650) 691-1525 9 AM– 10 AM 11 AM BULLETIN ARTICLES DROP OFF DATES For May 3 submit articles by April 22 For May 10 submit articles by April 29 For May 17 submit articles by May 6 SEGUNDO DOMINGO DE PASCUA (DOMINGO DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA) UN SOLO CORAZÓN Y UNA SOLA ALMA Al leer sobre la fe de las primeras comunidades de creyentes puede ser fuente de gran inspiración para los que han sido cristianos por largo tiempo, como también para los que acaban de ser bautizados. ¿Te puedes imaginar a gente de hoy que “tiene un solo corazón y una sola alma” igual que la primera comunidad de creyentes? La primera carta de san Juan que leemos hoy es la clave que nos dice cómo podemos lograrlo. Si guardamos los mandamientos de Dios y si amamos a todos los hijos de Dios parece ser la base de poder tener un “un solo corazón y una sola alma”. Vivimos en un mundo que recalca las diferencias –ya sean entre religiones, razas, géneros y clases. Hoy se nos pide que nos enfoquemos en lo que tenemos en común en este frágil planeta que ocupamos. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — La communidad de los creyentes compartía todo con el mismo amor (Hechos 4:32-35). Salmo — La misericordia del Señor es eterna. Aleluya (Salmo 118 [117]). Segunda lectura — Si alguien cree que Jesús es el Enviado, ése ha nacido de Dios (1 Juan 5:1-6). Evangelio — Felices los que creen sin haber visto (Juan 20:19 -31). RIFA DEL DIA DE LAS MADRES El Grupo de Jóvenes para Cristo te invita a participar en la rifa del Dia de las Madres que se llevará a cabo el domingo 10 de mayo en la misa de 1pm. El primer premio es una TV LED de 48” marca Element. El valor de los boletos es de $5 y estarán a la venta afuera de la iglesia todos los domingos después de misa. Esta rifa es parte de las actividades de recaudación de fondos para el Retiro de Crecimiento de Jóvenes para Cristo. Marcha Pacífica—Reforma Migratoria Venga y participe en la marcha pacífica en Mountain View por una reforma migratoria justa y humana el dia 1 de mayo a las 5pm en el Parque Rengstorff localizado en el 201 S. Rengstorff Avenue, Mountain View. La marcha comenzará en el parque y terminará en el estacionamiento de la Parroquia de San José, Mountain View. Las Clases de Biblia los martes a las 7pm. Para mas información comuníquese con Tony Berrios al (408)917-0905. Los esperamos! Semana Nacional de Derechos de las Victimas de Crimen (19-25 abril, 2015) Venga al servicio de oración en honor a todos aquellas personas que han sido afectadas por la violencia, especialmente familiares, amigos, vecinos, miembros de los cuerpos de seguridad, bomberos y comunidades que han sufrido a causa de homicidios, suicidios, guerras, conflictos armados, accidentes o actos de terrorismo. El servicio se llevará a cabo el domingo 19 de abril de 3pm a 4pm en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (2020 E. San Antonio Street, San Jose) y es patrocinado por la Diocesis de San Jose. Para más información comuniquese al (408)983-0131 o [email protected] La generosidad no consiste en dar mucho, sino en dar a tiempo. —Anónimo Clases de Guitarra para adultos (18+) Los lunes de 4 a 9 pm en el Sótano de la Iglesia. Para mas información llame a Aldo Rodríguez al (650)308-5896. LA VOZ EN ESPAÑOL CONFESIONES Sábados de 4-5 PM o mediante cita BAUTIZOS (en español) Todos los sábados del mes a las 9:30am Comuníquese con nuestra oficina con dos meses de anticipación para informarse sobre los requisitos. MATRIMONIOS Los contrayentes deberán comunicarse con nuestra oficina con seis meses de anticipación para comenzar el proceso. CATEQUESIS PRIMERA COMUNION, CONFIRMACIÓN Y RITO DE INICIACION CRISTIANA DE ADULTOS (RICA) Tony Berríos (408) 917-0905 UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS Rev. Luis Vargas (650) 967-3831 x13 SAN VICENTE DE PAUL (650) 967-3831 x25 GRUPO DE ORACIÓN Maria y Luis Guevara (650) 960-3716 Jorge y Sandra Hernández (408)836-1809 GRUPO JÓVENES PARA CRISTO Antonio Gutiérrez (408) 796-2820
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