BATHWICK BENEFICE WEEKLY NEXT SUNDAY FOR YOUR DIARY, PRAYER AND ACTION 15th February 2015 WELCOME TO OUR WORSHIP TODAY The charity at St Mary’s will be Aid to the Church in Need and at St John’s this month is The Melanesian Mission. th 8 February 2015 ST MARY’S The charity at St Mary’s will be Bathwick St Mary School and at St John’s this month is The Melanesian Mission. 10.30am ST MARY’S SUNG EUCHARIST Celebrant: Fr Peter Edwards Preacher: Mr Kevin Burnett Please join us for coffee in the Hall afterwards 6.00pm Evening Prayer ST JOHN’S Please join us for coffee in the Hall afterwards The sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9.00am ST JOHN’S The fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9.00am SUNG EUCHARIST Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Antony Claridge Education Sunday 10.30am Sunday before Lent SUNG MASS SUNG MASS Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Richard Warhurst Please join us for breakfast in the Hall afterwards Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Peter Edwards Please join us for breakfast in the Hall afterwards 4.45pm Walsingham Prayers followed by tea and 6.00pm Evensong and Benediction Lent Study Group: The first one will be on Thursday 19th February at 7.30pm at 4, Sion Place, Bathwick Hill. Please sign up on the lists in Church. If you plan to join the group, but haven’t yet picked up a copy of the book “The Nail”, there are a few copies left at St John’s, or speak to Julia in the Parish Office, or to Fr Peter and we will order some more. IN OUR PRAYERS Those who are sick: Anna Ledbury, Gloria Gibson, James Carson, Mike Moors, Adrian Grafham, Bryan Shelley, Julie Harrup, Janet Hardie, John Staniforth, Paul, Graham, Alan, Susan, Becci McCafferty, Julie Sims, Elizabeth Holloway, Colin, Lucy Stavri, Christine McGurk and family, Lily Harvey, Bob Munro, Joseph Breland, Ted Burnell, Roger Barlow, Ondrea North, Russell Wendover, Andrew Criddle, Wendy, James Earl, Sophie Spicer, Agnes Weedon, Eric Farrell, Fr Christopher, Marian Masters. Housebound: Shirley Moors, Daphne Portnall, Joan Wall, Brenda Hardick, Norman Wheatley, Michael Wheeler, Ann Cameron, Bob Grubb, Doris Hunt, Jean Kemmery, Recently departed: Jacqueline Vining, Doreen Gaunt, Michael Kennelly, Marilyn Spilsbury, Liana Sarina, Jim Chapman. SERVICES THIS WEEK ST. MARY’S Morning Prayer Tuesday 8.30am Wednesday 8.30am Thursday 8.30am Friday 8.30am Saturday ST JOHN’S Thursday Mass 6.00pm 10.30am Evening Prayer 6.00pm 7.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm LOOKING AHEAD St Mary’s Choir Pancake Party: Shrove Tuesday 17th February from 7pm in St John’s Church Hall. Pancakes ‘a’plenty and the opportunity to chat to the choir members, learn more about the choir and discover how you can support us during the coming months. Soft drinks will be provided; bring a bottle if you would like something stronger! Please sign the list at the back of church email [email protected] or telephone 01373 473669 if you would like to join us If you are unable to come along but would like to learn more about joining the choir – please contact me, using the details above Ash Wednesday 18th February. Mass with ashing: 10.30am at St Mary’s and 7.30pm at St John’s. Please now return last year’s palm crosses to church for making into ash. The first Stations of the Cross service will be at St John’s Roman Catholic Church, South Parade on Friday 20th February at 6pm. Bath Bachfest concert at St Mary’s Bathwick on Thursday 19th at 7.30pm. A programme of work by Vivaldi. See notice boards for more details. Travel Lecture Monday 23rd February at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church Hall. The Chatham Islands by Dr Marilyn Kirby. Raffle and retiring collection in aid of RAG. Genesis Trust are looking for teams of 6 from churches in Bath to take part in the Genesis Trust Quiz Night at St. Philips and St. James’s Church on Friday 27 February 2015, starting at 7pm. Cost per person is £7.50, including a wholesome one-course meal. If a captain from your church can put a team together, please contact Stephen Chesworth email [email protected] or ring 01225 463549 CLERGY 10.30am Holy Communion at Westcroft on Thursday 12th at 2.30pm EVENTS THIS WEEK Monday: St Mary’s RAG meeting at 7.30pm in the Choir Vestry. Wednesday & Friday: 10am-12noon Bathwick Parent and Toddler Group in St. Mary’s Church Hall. Thursday: St John’s Fabric Committee at 7.30pm in the Barley Mow pub. Parish Priest: The Rev’d Peter Edwards Tel: 460052 (Usual day off: Monday) Associate Priest: The Rev’d Richard Warhurst 01373 473669 Hon Asst Priests: The Rev’d Antony Claridge Tel: 427462 The Rev’d Tom Gibson Tel: 337903 The Rev’d Richard Hunt Tel: 938529 The Rev’d Robert Webb Tel: 484042 APPLICATIONS and ENQUIRIES The Parish Office is usually open Tuesday and Friday morning. Tel: 01225 447450 E:mail: [email protected] Web:
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