APRIL 5, 2015 - St. Anthony Church

2511 South C Street - Oxnard, CA 93033
Holy Father: Pope Francis
Archbishop of Los Angeles: Archbishop José H. Gómez
Episcopal Vicar: Msgr. Michael Jennett
Parish Founded 1959 by Msgr. Michael Condon (1915-2001)
Pastor: Fr. Doan T. Pham
Associate: Fr. Daniel M. Martinez
Fr. Porfirio Álvarez (Retired in residence), Fr. Anthony Berchmanz (In residence)
Senior Deacons: Jim Henry, Joe Kennedy, Jon McPheeters
Deacons: Andrew Cottam, George Garcia, Aurelio Macias
Donald Pinedo & Roy Sadowski
Administrative Asst. & Adult Faith Formation Dir: Cynthia Reyes
Director of Music: Daniel Delgado
Elementary & High School Religious Dir: Teresa Delgado- 486-0784
Wedding & 15era Coordinator: Jane Bell-483-4146
Youth Ministry Coordinator: Teresa Delgado
School Principal: Dn. Henry Barajas - 487-5317
Secretaries: Hope Cottam, Guadalupe Rangel, Maria Morado,
Custodians: Rosendo Ramos and Luis Ramos
8:30 am - 8:00 pm
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday/Domingo: Closed-Cerrado
Phone/Teléfono: (805) 486-7301
Website: www.stanthonyoxnard.org
Together in Mission: www.ourmissionla.org
APRIL 5, 2015
(English Vigil Mass)
Sunday…….7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am (English)
Domingo…..12:00pm, 1:30 pm
WEEKDAY MASSES (including Saturday) / MISAS DIARIAS:
8:00 am, 5:15 pm (No 5:15pm Mass on Tues. & Weds.)
(No hay 5:15 Misas el martes y miércoles)
Misa en español 7:00 pm (Misa de Sanación es el segundo martes del mes a las 7pm)
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES: Fridays / Viernes 6:00-6:30pm, Saturdays / Sábados 3:30-5:00 pm
DEVOTIONS / DEVOCIONES: Rosary after 8:00 am Mass. Rosario después de la misa de las 8:00 am / Rosario el martes
6:30 pm, antes de la misa de las 7:00 pm. Asamblea de oración después de la misa
Eucharistic Adoration First Fridays 8:30 am-5:15 pm / Adoración Eucarística cada Primer Viernes
INFANT BAPTISMS / BAUTISMOS INFANTILE: Contact the Parish Office at least 30 days in advance. Instruction classes
are required for parents and godparents. Informational packets may be found in the parish office or visit our website:
Comuníquese con la oficina parroquial con 30 días de anticipación. Se requieren clases de instrucción para los padres y
padrinos. Los folletos de información sobre bautismos se pueden encontrar en la oficina.
Children / Niños: Teresa Delgado 486-0784 (Religious Education Office)
High School Students / Jóvenes: Teresa Delgado, 486-0784 (Religious Education Office)
Adults / Adultos: Cynthia Reyes, 486-7301 (Parish Office)
SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY / MATRIMONIO: Contact one of the deacons at least 6 months in advance. Program of instruction is required. / Comuníquese con un diácono con 6 meses de anticipación. Se requieren clases de instrucción.
HOLY ORDERS AND RELIGIOUS LIFE / VIDA CONSAGRADA: If you are discerning God’s call to the religious life please
call the Archdiocesan Vocations Office at (213) 637-7248. / Si siente una llamada a la vida consagrada comuníquese a la oficina
vocacionales del Arquidiócesis al (213) 637-7248.
COMMUNION FOR THE SICK /COMUNION A LOS ENFERMOS: Contact the parish office. Llama la oficina de la parroquia.
CATHOLIC FUNERAL / FUNERAL CATÓLICO: Please call the Parish Office to speak with Cynthia Reyes or staff personnel
before completing funeral arrangements. / Favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia y hablar con un miembro del
personal antes de completar arreglos de funeral.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK/ UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: In case of a life and death emergency please call:
(805) 486-7301./ En caso de una emergencia de vida y muerte llame al (805) 486-7301.
April 5, 2015
Bringing Forth Life from Death~
Page 2
By Cynthia Reyes
When someone we love dies, our rituals may bring us to visit their graveside. Cleaning, hedging, and placing flowers surrounding their graves may become our link, as an unbroken chain to them. We may sit and converse our concerns,
our joys, and our deep felt absence of them. Intellectually we may come to reason that they are not there, yet something
sacred brings us to their graveside; the yearning, the need to connect, the need to express our love for them that carries us
beyond their grave.
In today’s readings, Mary and the disciples find themselves very much like us; missing Jesus whom they came to
love dearly. Mary of Magdala misses her loving friend and so she gets up early, even before the sun rises as the gospel writer tells us, and finds Jesus’ tomb empty. His body once wrapped in burial cloth was missing. Unlike our experience, she
finds an empty tomb. Her consolation had been stolen and her heart pierced once again of not finding her beloved Jesus.
Mary runs to tell the other disciples that Jesus’ body was not there. Upon hearing the news, the disciples come to see the
empty tomb, becoming witnesses themselves. Its not until they meet the risen Lord, did they remember Jesus’ promise that
he would be raised up after three days. They came to believe as do we.
Easter Sunday is more than celebrating the resurrection of Christ. It’s an invitation to each of us to preach the gospel and take our place in the long line of witnesses to Jesus’ life. This becomes our challenge as witnesses of Jesus as we
are also entrusted with the mission of evangelizing others, passing on the great, wonderful, joyful news of the risen Lord to
all we meet. Easter challenges us to encounter and witness to the divine promise, to bring forth life from death.
Florecerá La Muerte a La Vida~
Por Cynthia Reyes
Cuando un ser querido se nos muera, nuestros rituales pueden traernos a visitar su lapida en el cementerio. La
limpieza de su lapida y la colocación de algunas flores que rodean sus sepulcros pueden convertirse en nuestro enganche,
como una cadena intacta hacia ellos. Podemos sentarnos y conversar nuestras preocupaciones, nuestras alegrías, y nuestra ausencia profunda de no tenerlos cercanos. Podemos razonar intelectualmente que no están allí, pero hay algo sagrado
que nos trae a su sepulcro; el deseo, la necesidad de conectar, la necesidad de expresar nuestro amor para ellos que nos
lleva más allá de su sepulcro.
En las lecturas de hoy, María y los discípulos se encuentran como nosotros; extrañan a Jesús que vinieron a amar
como un ser querido. María de Magdala le falta a su amigo cariñoso y así que ella se levanta temprano, incluso antes de
que el sol se levanta como el escritor del evangelio nos dice, y se encuentra a la tumba de Jesús, vacía. Faltaba su cuerpo
envuelto en tela del entierro. Desemejante de nuestra experiencia, ella encuentra una tumba vacía. Su consolación había
sido robada y su corazón había sido perforado de nuevo de no encontrar a su amigo Jesús. María corre para decir a los de
más discípulos que el cuerpo de Jesús no estaba allí. Al oír las noticias, los discípulos vienen ver la tumba vacía, convirtiéndose como testigos. Hasta que no encuentran al Señor resucitado, recordaban la promesa de Jesús que resucitaría después de tres días. Vinieron a creer a igual como nosotros.
El Domingo de Pascua es más que una celebración de la resurrección de Cristo. Es una invitación a cada uno de
nosotros a predicar el evangelio y tomar nuestro lugar en la larga cadena de testigos de la vida de Jesús. Éste se convierte
en nuestro desafío como los testigos de Jesús, como también el nos confío con la misión de evangelizar a los de mas, pasando las noticias maravillosas, alegres y buenas del Señor resucitado a todos lo que nos encontramos. La Pascua nos
desafía a encontrar y a atestiguar al hecho a la promesa divina de producir vida de la muerte.
First Reading — Peter is an eyewitness: The Lord is risen (Acts 10:34a, 37-43).
Psalm — This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118).
(1) Second Reading — All who are baptized, set your hearts in heaven (Colossians 3:1
-4) or
(2) Second Reading — Christ our Passover is sacrificed; therefore let us celebrate (1
Corinthians 5:6b-8).
Gospel — Three witnesses, Mary, Peter, and John; each responds to the empty tomb
(John 20:1-9) or Mark 16:1-7 (or, at an afternoon or evening Mass, Luke 24:13-35).
Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15
Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18
Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35
Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48
Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a; Jn 21:1-14
Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21; Mk 16:9-15
Sunday: Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31
Primera lectura — Pedro es un testigo: el Señor ha resucitado (Hechos 10:34a, 37-43).
Salmo — Este es el día del triunfo del Señor. Aleluya (Salmo 118 (117)).
(1) Segunda lectura — Todos los bautizados, eleven su corazón al cielo (Colosenses 3:1-4).
(2) Segunda lectura — Cristo, nuestra Pascua, fue sacrificado; por tanto celebremos (1 Corintios
Evangelio — Tres testigos, María, Pedro y Juan; cada uno responde a la tumba vacía (Juan 20:19) o Mc 16:1-7 o (en misas de la tarde o la noche) Lc 24:13-35.
Lunes: Hch 2:14, 22-33; Sal 16 (15):1-2a, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15
Martes: Hch 2:36-41; Sal 33 (32):4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18
Miércoles: Hch 3:1-10; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-9; Lc 24:13-35
Jueves: Hch 3:11-26; Sal 8:2ab, 5-9; Lc 24:35-48
Viernes: Hch 4:1-12; Sal 118 (117):1-2, 4, 22-27a; Jn 21:1-14
Sábado: Hch 4:13-21; Sal 118 (117):1, 14-15ab, 16-21; Mc 16:9-15
Domingo: Hch 4:32-35; Sal 118 (117):2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31
April 5, 2015
Horas de Oficina
Lunes —Viernes
7:30 am—4:00 pm
(805) 487-5317 (phone)
(805) 486-1537 (fax)
Page 3
Office Hours
Monday —Friday
7:30 am—4:00 pm
SAS email:
[email protected]
●Please contact Mrs. Duran in the school office to begin the registration
process for the 2015-2016 academic year. Financial aid information is
available upon request.
●Did you know you could still enroll your 3 or 4 year old in the St. Anthony School preschool program? We accept 3 and 4 year olds. All students
must be potty-trained. There are also a few spots available in other grades
as well. Please call the school office to inquire. We will be happy to help
you through the registration process.
Easter vacation has sprung! The school and school office are closed and
will re-open on Monday, April 13th.
You are cordially invited to St. Anthony School annual auction and dinner
dance, “Hawaiian Luau”. Join us for dinner, dancing, and silent and live
auctions. The event will be held at the Wyndham Garden Ventura Pierpont
Inn on Saturday, April 18th. Tickets for the event are available through the
school office. Tickets are: $40 per person or $75 per couple. Please contact
Mrs. Duran for information on purchasing your tickets for this fun-filled
Looking ahead:
4/6 – Easter vacation continues
4/13 – School resumes following Easter vacation
4/18 – “Hawaiian Luau”
4/22 – School Mass at 11:00
DID YOU KNOW? April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. It is most appropriate that Child Abuse Prevention Month is
held during the Easter season. There is no better time than Easter to celebrate the protection of our most
valuable gift from God – our children. For information on how you can become more informed and involved
in keeping our children safe, and to learn more about the 2015 pamphlet, “Working Together to Prevent
Child Sexual Abuse,” please go to: http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/protecting/safeguard/ For more information, visit:www.NetSmartz.org.or St. Anthony’s Safeguard the Children, chairperson, Julia Inouye at
(805) 487-4779. If you need Virtus Certification, contact Dn. Roy Sadowski at [email protected] or (805)
¿SABÍA USTED? Abril es el Mes Nacional para la Prevención del Abuso de Menores
Abril es el Mes Nacional para la Prevención del Abuso de Menores. Es adecuado que el mes de Prevención para el Abuso de Menores sea durante el tiempo de Pascua. No hay una mejor temporada que la
Pascua para celebrar la protección de nuestro más valioso regalo de Dios, nuestros niños. Para obtener
más información sobre cómo informarse y tomar acción en la protección de todos nuestros niños, solicitar
información sobre el folleto del 2015, “Trabajando Juntos para Prevenir el Abuso Sexual de Menores”, por
favor visite nuestra página Web:
http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/protecting/safeguard/Para más información, visite: www.NetSmartz.org
o Julia Inouye, de la Parroquia de San Antonio al (805) 48-4779. Si necesita el entrenamiento de Virtus, favor
de llamar al Diacono Roy Sadowski al [email protected] o (805)701-1667.
April 5, 2015
7:30 PM
Easter Vigil
7:30 AM
Ramon Bueno (†)
Demetrio Estacio (†)
9:00 AM
Bridie Duggan
Bill and Anne Woodrow (†)
10:30 AM
Michael Raelly Sr. (†)
12:00 PM
Beatriz Rivera (†)
Roberto and Ruby Ochas Tapia
1:30 PM
Jose Ruiz Aroyo (†)
8:00 AM
Benedicto Duénas (†)
5:15 PM
for all the souls in purgatory
8:00 AM
for an end to abortion
7:00 PM
para el libro de oraciones
8:00 AM
for an increase in vocations
8:00 AM
for peace through out the world
5:15 PM
for all those who suffer from hunger
8:00 AM
for all those who have answered the call to
5:15 PM
for all the unborn
8:00 AM
for all the youth of the parish
IN YOUR PRAYERS please remember all the
deceased of
St. Anthony’s Parish. May they Rest in
Benefit of St. Anthony Church, 2511 South “C” St., Oxnard, CA 93033”
Page 4
We are Easter people and Alleluia is our
—St. Augustine
¡Somos un pueblo pascual y el aleluya es
nuestra canción!
—San Agustín
La rifa de la canasta Espiritual de los Guadalupanos a sido sorteada, y l afortunada ganadora a
sido Lucy Hernandez. El numero ganador es el
138065. Gracias a todos los que apoyaron y
ayudaron a los Guadalupanos, mediante la compra de boletas.
The California Catholic Conference, along with a
broad coalition of physicians, nurses, disability
rights, and health care advocates is opposing
SB 128, a bill in the California Senate that would
legalize physician assisted suicide in California.
Pope Francis reminds us, “The biblical commandment to horror our parents reminds us in a
broader sense of our duty to honor all elderly
people”. Take action now to protect the elderly
and those with disabilities. Join us in visiting our
CA Senators to urge a NO vote on SB 128.
Training for legislative visits will take place at Sacred Heart Parish located at 10800 Henderson
Rd. Ventura 93004 on Saturday April 18th in
Biederman Hall, Senior Center, at 10:00 AM to
12:00 Noon. No Fee for the training. Come to
hear Archdiocesan Trainers speak about the
Physician Assisted Suicide bill SB 128.
April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday
I shall not die, but live,
and declare the works of the
— Psalm 118:17
Page 5
Domingo de Pascua
No moriré, continuaré viviendo
para contar lo que el Señor ha hecho.
— Salmo 118 (117):17
GRUPO DE ORACIÓN, “EL BUEN PASTOR”: Viernes a las 7:00pm en el Salón Mil Usos de
la Escuela.
A SAMBLEA DE O RACIÓN : martes a las 7:00pm en la Iglesia.
M ISA DE S ANACIÓN : el segundo martes del mes a las 7:00pm.
“I.M.P.A.C.T.” Y OUTH M INISTRY : Gatherings are every Tuesday
at 6:30pm. All youths ages 8 thru 18 years are welcomed!
Stop by and bring a friend. For more information, please call
the parish office at (805) 486-7301.
L EGION OF M ARY "Mystical Rose": What does the Legion of Mary do? We ev an g el i ze, v i s i t
the sick, the elderly, the disable in homes or hospitals. We teach Religious Education and feed
the homeless and needy. And of course, we pray the Holy Rosary together for our Church and
the whole world. Join us! We meet every Monday at 6:30pm in the All Purpose Room. For more
information contact Armando Salinas at (805) 432-0350. If you would like to request a home visit
from the Pilgrim Virgin Mary Statue please call Frank Nava at (805) 485-8457.
L EGIÓN DE M ARÍA “M ARÍA M EDIANERA D E T ODAS L AS G RACIAS ”: Les invitamos hacer parte de su
apostolado. “La forma mas fácil de llegar a Jesús es conociendo a su Madre Santísima, la Virgen María” No s j u n t am o s l o s m i ér c o l es a l as 9: 30am en l a o f i c i n a p ar r o q u i al . Mas i n f o r mación, favor de llamar a Angélica Rodríguez at 754-1222.
“B ELLATORIS C HRISTI ” (W ARRIORS FOR C HRIST ): St. Anthony’s Men’s Ministry:
All men are invited to deepen your spirituality and become a Warrior for Christ.
We meet every Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Community Room.
RCIA 2014 ADULT FAITH FORMATION: This process is for those who wish to receive
the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Our next class will meet on
April 14, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Community Room. For more information
please contact Cynthia Reyes at 486-7301, ext.120.
RICA 2014 FORMACIÓN DE LA FE PARA ADULTOS: Hay unos adultos que fueron bautizados en la infancia y que no han completado sus sacramentos de Confirmación y de Eucaristía. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está interesado en completar sus sacramentos de iniciación o si desea
saber más acerca de la Iglesia Católica, favor de hablar con Cynthia Reyes, Directora de Iniciación, al 486-7301, X120. El próximo clase es el 21 de Abril 2015 a las 7:00 pm en el Cuarto de la
SVDP: S T . V INCENT DE P AUL S OCIETY ’ S F OOD P ANTRY is available on Tuesdays & Fridays from 9:30am to 11:45am and s er v e t ho s e f ro m ou r p ar i s h b o u nd ar i es . Fo r
more information or if you would like to become a Vincentian, please call 486-7302.
Y OUTH M ASS : St. Anthony’s Music Ministry has a Youth Mass every first & third
Sunday o f eac h m o n t h at t h e 10: 30 am Mas s . Wan t t o s er v e? L o v e t o
sing? Please contact Daniel Delgado, Music Director at (805) 469-6293.
Page 6
April 5, 2015
TUES.-THURS.: 2:00-7:00PM
SAT.: 9:00AM-1:00PM
SUN.: 9-10:15 & 11:45-1:00PM
(805) 486-0784
[email protected]
MART. – JUEV.: 2:00-7:00PM
SAB.: 9:00AM-1:00PM
DOM.: 9-10:15 Y 11:45—1:00PM
St. Anthony Religious Education Program
Reminder: child and parents must be in Church and sitting in pew at start time.
Recordatorio: Los niños y padres tienen que estar en la iglesia sentados en sus bancas a la hora de
Confirmation Mass Saturday May 2, 2015 7:00pm Rehearsal Friday May 1st at 7pm
in the church
1st Communion Dates and Times / Fechas y Horario de 1ra Comunión
Mayo 9 del 2015 a las 12:00pm
May 9th 2015 2:00pm
Jorge Aguilera
Graciela Cobián
María Martínez
Tonja Delgado
Robert Cruz
Lupe Owen
May 16th 2015 12:00 noon
Mayo 16 del 2015 a las 2:00pm
Julia Inouye
Silvia Lerma
Elizabeth Esqueda
Rosa Lazos
Ma. de Jesús Romo
Cristina Jiménez
Martha Reyes
Mayo 23 del 2015 a las 12:00pm
May 23rd 2015 2:00pm
Ernestina Ramírez
Fidel Ramírez
Irma Rabelo
Silvia Esquivel
Mike Frieri
Alejandra Zeferino
Lupita Montelongo-Z
Isabel Valdivieso
Anne Marie Stein
Hope Cottam
Page 7
April 5, 2015
JOURNEYS ~ GREECE, TURKEY & ITALY ~ Departure Date: November 7th—19th
2015. Starting price $2,998.00 (*all inclusive) plus $398.00 (air fare). Pre -Tour to
ROME $598.00 on Nov. 5 - 8, 2015. Register before 12/31/14 and save $150.00.
Brochure packets available at the parish office or for more information, please contact Dn. Donald Pinedo at (805) 443-5713.
Women’s Council: St. Anthony Women's Council will not have a monthly meeting in April due to
Holy Week. Our next meeting will be in May.
deabrildel2015enelCentro deConvenciones (losterrenos delaferia). EI
Worldwide Marriage Encounter: Your love as husband and wife is a gift to one another as well as a
gift from God. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to receive the tools
needed to make the most of this precious gift. Deepen your communication,
strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance -and renew your sacrament by
attending the next WWME weekend April 17-19 in Thousand Oaks or June 2728 at St. Jude In Westlake Village. Contact Jeanine and Russ Walker at 805-6484244 or go online at www.twocanlove.org. We help make good marriages better.
THERE IS A SOLUTION: AA meetings every Friday at 8:00pm in Room #10 of the School.
HOME NURSING SERVICE: Offered by Sister Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick ~ For more information, please call (805) 486-5502.
HERMANAS SIERVAS DE MARÍA, MINISTROS A LOS ENFERMOS: Para obtener más información, por favor llame al (805) 486-5502.
TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND: Is someone you love unable to get to church? TV Mass on
Every Sunday gives spiritual comfort to the homebound. Tune in at 9:00 a.m. on KDOC
channel 56 or 29. For cable/satellite listings, or to view the Mass online, visit
Gphomestay is currently looking for warm and welcoming host families in the Ventura County area for the 2015-2016
school year for international students attending La Reina, Santa Clara and Saint Bonaventure high schools. Gphomestay
provides all of our host families with ongoing guidance, cultural resources, local support and a generous monthly stipend
to ensure a successful hosting experience. For further information or to sign up today, please visit our website
at www.gphomestay.com!
Not interested but know someone else who might be? Refer them to us and, if approved, we will send you or your parish a
$300 referral bonus! There is no limit to how many families you can refer. We work with over 200 schools across the country, so feel free to refer families anywhere in the U.S.
When you join the Gphomestay family, you open your home to a new family member and a new culture. Other bene its of
hosting include guiding a young student who is new to the United States as well as representing and introducing an international student to American ideals and philosophy. This is your chance to embrace a new culture without leaving home!
Call 781-996-0429 or email [email protected] to learn more.