sunday bulletin newsletter - Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church

Iglesia San Vicente de Paúl
Reverend Jerome T. Karcher
Pastor—[email protected]
Magaly Bernal—Formación en la Fé
Ministerio Hispano
[email protected]
Reverend Sergio Ramos
Parochial Vicar—[email protected]
Emmy Sanchez—Faith Formation
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Deacon Gerard Wallace
[email protected]
Karen Srajer—Parish Manager
[email protected]
Brian Henritze—Youth and
Young Adult Ministries
[email protected]
Rose Clarke—Finance Manager
[email protected]
Elsa Lusk—Christian Initiation
Adult Confirmation
[email protected]
Maria Zamora—Parish Secretary
[email protected]
Grant Sevdayan—Choir Director
[email protected]
Rose Antognoli—Faith Formation
[email protected]
Patty Ledezma
Parish Life and Liturgy
[email protected]
8345 Talbert Avenue
Huntington Beach
California 92646
Phone: (714) 842-3000
Fax: (714) 842-6780
Monday—Friday: 9:00 AM-8:30 PM
Closed for Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Our Parish Mission
Following Jesus and centered in the Eucharist, we worship God and serve others.
Siguiendo a Jesús y enfocados en la Eucaristía, adoramos a Dios y servimos al prójimo.
Sunday Masses in English
Misas Dominicales en Español
Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 11:30 AM; 5:00 PM
Sábado: 6:30 PM; Domingo: 1:00 PM
Daily Masses
Misas Diarias en Inglés
7:00 AM: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
8:30 AM: Monday through Saturday
Holy Day Masses
6:30 PM Vigil: 7:00 AM; 8:30 AM: 6:30 PM Bilingual
Sacrament of Penance
Saturdays 3:30 PM
Sacrament of Baptism
Pre-baptismal classes for Parents & Godparents
Baptisms monthly. Call the Office for information and requirements.
Sacrament of Marriage
Please contact a Priest at least six months prior to anticipated Wedding.
Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Mondays after 8:30 AM Mass
Eucharistic Adoration and Exposition
Monday 9:00 AM through Thursday 7:00 PM
7:00 AM: Martes, Miércoles y Jueves
8:30 AM: Lunes a Sábado
Misas de Obligación en Español
6:30 PM Bilingüe
Sacramento de Penitencia
Sábados a las 3:30 PM
Sacramento de Bautismo
Clases pre-bautismales para padres y padrinos
Llame a la Oficina para requisitos e información.
Sacramento de Matrimonio
Favor de ponerse en contacto con un Sacerdote por lo menos
seis meses antes de la boda.
Quinceañeras en Grupo
Una vez por mes. Llame a la Oficina tres meses antes.
Exposición y Adoración al Santísimo
Lunes 9:00 AM a Jueves 7:00 PM
Page Two
April 19, 2015
Saint Vincent de
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Paul Music Ministries’
Spring Concert
Sounds of Divine Creation
Come and share the joy of heart-warming and
mind-clearing sounds of our rich common heritage
from Glenn Miller’s “Moonlight Serenade” played
on the organ by Grant to Josh Groben’s favorite
“You Raise Me Up” sing-along with Adult Choir.
SVDP Children’s Choir will present their new and
exciting program. Some surprises will be at hand in
addition to our featured soloists: Kathleen Moriarty
and Richard Kinsey. Join us in this inspirational
event and support our music ministry in making our
parish a vibrant place. Reception will follow.
Free will donations will be accepted.
When: Friday, April 24 at 7:30 PM
Where: St. Vincent de Paul Church
8345 Talbert Ave, HB 92646
For more info contact Grant Sevdayan:
[email protected]/310-200-7613
Tuesday, May 5 @ 7 PM
Rooms A & B
Starting this Fall, our church will offer the Alpha
Course which is a practical introduction to the
Christian faith….
• Who is Jesus and why did He die?
• How can I have faith?
• The purpose of life?
Come to the informational session to preview the
program and learn how you can be a part of alpha!
Parishioner Joins Order in Paris
Mary Nguyen, a parish member for 11 years, has
discerned her vocation to religious life. She is entering
the cloistered Visitation Monastery in Paris, France.
Mary is Vietnamese and grew up in Paris but moved to
the United States in 1985. As she returns to Paris let us
accompany her with our prayers for many blessings and
perseverance in her vocation to the consecrated life.
Sunday Offering
Total in Cash Plate
Recordable Contributions:
Total in Sunday Envelopes/Checks
Online Giving
Total Sunday Offerings: April 12, 2015
Total Budgeted Sunday Offering
$ 8,611.00
┼ $
[Average Sunday Collection to Date: $24,001.00]
Society of SVDP Contributions - March
Building / Property Maintenance - March
$ 5,113.50
$ 3,121.00
Time & Talent
“Let him with two coats give to him who has none.” Luke 3:11
Page Three
April 19, 2015
Would you like to have a greater understanding of God’s
will for your life? Would you like to gain greater
meaning from Sunday’s Liturgy? “Lectio Divina” is the
process of reading, contemplating, praying, and
meditating on the Living Word. Join us for this
opportunity to improve your prayer life and gain greater
understanding of the inner message of the Scripture
delivered through the Holy Spirit on the 2nd and 4th
Saturdays of the month from 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM in
Room C.
Attention all Golfers!
21st Annual SVDP Golf Tournament
Thursday, May 21
Start your Memorial Day Holiday weekend
by enjoying a day of golf at beautiful Costa
Mesa Golf Course. All golfers participating in
the 21st Annual SVDP Golf Tournament will
enjoy a round of golf, lunch, dinner, straight
line contest and goodie bag for a $150 donation.
Additional contests are available as part of the $35
special contest package. Pick up a registration form in the
Parish Office and sign up today!
Not a golfer? You can still enjoy the golfer’s dinner and
gift basket opportunity drawings for only $25 or $150 for
a table of eight.
Questions about golf or dinner? Contact Mary Kay
Lamarre at 714.655.8984 or [email protected].
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Join other men in our parish to grow in faith and support
each other in their Christian lives!
Meetings are the second Saturday of the month from
7:00 AM to 8:30 AM! Bring a friend!
The Five Love Languages:
What Language Are You Speaking?
Saturday, May 9, 2015
7:00 AM – 8:30 AM  Parish Hall
Questions: contact Matt Dunne at:
[email protected]
Mother’s Day | May 10
Spiritual Bouquet Cards
Honor the women who are mothers in your life,
whether they are living or deceased, with a Spiritual
Bouquet Card for Mother’s Day. The cards can be
found outside the church after Mass or available in
the Parish Office. Please put the enrollment
envelopes with your donation in the collection
basket or bring them to the Parish Office.
2015 Family Album!!
Sign-Ups Next Weekend!
See you in the Courtyard after Mass!
We invite all parish members (families and
singles) to participate and receive a free
8"x10" photo and Family Album. Your
smiling faces are needed to make it
complete! Sign-ups will be after all Masses
on April 25-26 and May 2-3.
There are many opportunities and times scheduled for
your family to get an updated photo, with photo sessions
beginning on June 2nd.
Liturgy of the Word for children
April 26th
The children are dismissed after the Opening prayer
to hear the Word of the God proclaimed and then
explained in an age-appropriate way. The children
return to the church during the collection.
Thursday, April 23 @7 PM
Topic: 10 Myths About the Catholic Church:
And how to Respond to them.
Speaker: TBA
This event is open to all Young Adults between 18-39.
We meet on the patio at Claim Jumper Restaurant on the
corner of Talbert and Brookhurst for a night of food, fun
and fellowship.
Address: 18050 Brookhurst St. | Fountain Valley | CA
Thursday, May 7 @7pm
Topic: The Poor Among Us
All young adults are invited to join us for the first of five
sessions that will study Pope Francis Apostolic letter
Evangelii Gaudium, The Joy of the Gospel. We meet at
SVDP in Room A.
Page Four
April 19, 2015
Meditacion ~ Cristo a Resucitado
Lucas 24, 35-48. 3o. Domingo Pascua B
El mismo Señor se aparece en la sala y les dice: “Paz a
ustedes”. Varios sentimientos irrumpen en el corazón de los
discípulos: miedo, sorpresa, duda y, por fin, alegría. Una
alegría tan grande que por esta alegría “no alcanzaban a
creer”. Estaban atónitos, pasmados, y Jesús, casi esbozando
una sonrisa, les pide algo de comer y comienza a explicarles,
despacio, la Escritura, abriendo su entendimiento para que
puedan comprenderla. Es el momento del estupor, del
encuentro con Jesucristo, donde tanta alegría nos parece
mentira; más aún, asumir el gozo y la alegría en ese
momento nos resulta arriesgado y sentimos la tentación de
refugiarnos en el escepticismo, “no es para tanto”. Es más
fácil creer en un fantasma que en Cristo vivo. Es más fácil ir
a un nigromante que te adivine el futuro, que te tire las
cartas, que fiarse de la esperanza de un Cristo triunfante, de
un Cristo que venció la muerte. Es más fácil una idea, una
imaginación, que la docilidad a ese Señor que surge de la
muerte y ¡vaya a saber a qué cosas te invita! Ese proceso de
relativizar tanto la fe que nos termina alejando del
encuentro, alejando de la caricia de Dios. Es como si
destiláramos” la realidad del encuentro con Jesucristo en el
alambique del miedo, en el alambique de la excesiva
seguridad, del querer controlar nosotros mismos el encuentro.
Los discípulos le tenían miedo a la alegría… Y nosotros
(Homilía de S.S. Francisco, 24 de abril de 2014).
Álbum Familiar 2015!!!
Inscripciones próximo fin de semana!
Le esperamos en el patio después de Misa!
Invitamos a todos los miembros de la
parroquia (familias y solteros) para participar
y recibir una foto gratis 8 "x 10" y álbum
familiar. Sus caras sonrientes son necesarias
para hacerlo completo! Las inscripciones serán después
de las Misas el 25-26 de abril y mayo 2-3. Hay muchas
oportunidades y horarios para que su familia se anote y
se tomen la foto familiar. Las sesiones fotográficas,
comienzan el 2 de junio.
Creando una Cultura de Proteccion
Sabia usted…..
La mejor manera de proteger a nuestros hijos y a nuestra
iglesia es que los adultos aprendan a reconocer
comportamientos preocupantes y denuncien asuntos de
cuidado a sus supervisores. Esto crea una cultura de
protección. Apúntese para recibir un entrenamiento de
ambiente seguro aunque no sea requisito. Curso en línea
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Ministerio Hispano
Les recordamos a los padres de familia que el ensayo de
los niños que van a recibir el sacramento de la primera
comunión, son en los siguientes horarios:
• Clases del día sábado la práctica será;
miércoles 22 de abril a las 5:00 PM
• Clases del día jueves la práctica será;
jueves 23 de abril a las 5:00 PM
Los niños deben presentarse 15 minutos antes de la
práctica en la iglesia. Se tomará lista de asistencia.
Para los niños que asisten a las clases en los días jueves y
sábados, y que van a recibir su Primera Comunión en este
año, está programado el retiro para el sábado 25 de abril
de 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. En el Centro de Retiros del
Sagrado Corazón en la ciudad de Santa Ana. La cuota debe
ser pagada antes del día del retiro.
El Grupo de Matrimonios en Cristo
De San Vicente de Paul….
...les hace una cordial invitación a todas las
“Madrecitas" a una celebración por el Día de Las
Madres el día sábado 2 de Mayo en el parque
Koledo de 5:00 PM a 7:00 PM.
Juntos celebremos por adelantado el día de las
Madres. Para más información comuníquese con Miguel y
Bertha Torrez (714)765-9442 Alfonzo y Zenaida León
Bodas Comunitarias / Convalidación:
Bendición del matrimonio en la Iglesia
Invitación al banquete del Señor!!
La iglesia ofrecerá la convalidación y bendición de
matrimonios por la Iglesia Católica el día
27 de junio del 2015.
Si están interesados, les pedimos que se pongan en
contacto con los señores Sinue y Maria Aleman antes del
25 de abril llamando al numero de teléfono 714-8298835 para mas información.
Tarjetas de Ramillete Espirituales
El día 11 de mayo es un día especial. Es el día de las
“Madres” Considere la posibilidad de dar a su madre, si
es que está viva o que ya haya fallecido. Un ramillete
espiritual en tarjeta para este día. Las tarjetas las podrá
obtener en la oficina parroquial. Deposite sus sobres en
el canasto de la coleta o regréselos a la Oficina
Page Five
April 19, 2015
Faith Formation Class Schedule
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Youth Ministry & Teen Confirmation
This week’s Edge topic:
“Diving into His Word: Luke 24:35-48”
This week’s Club345 topic:
Sacraments—Seven Channels of Grace
Attention Second Year Eucharist Students
All children in 2nd year preparation for First Communion
are required to come April 29th for an additional session.
The additional session is held in the Parish Hall at
4:00 PM-6:00 PM. Please contact Emmy at 714 842-3000
x 24 if you have any questions.
Women’s Retreat Weekend
Sacred Heart Retreat House in Alhambra
May 29—31, 2015
For reservations, please call Cathryn Wallace at 714-9690934 or email her at [email protected] Be sure to sign
up in order to guarantee your participation. Need a ride?
Bus transportation available. Please pay $26 for
transportation at the Parish Office. Bus leaves at
1:30 PM. You may pick-up a registration in the Parish
Office and mail to Cathryn Wallace, 1726 Lake Street,
Huntington Beach, CA 92648.
Checks should be made payable to:
Sacred Heart Retreat House.
Substitute Receptionist
Parish Office Position Available
The Parish Office is accepting applications for the
position of Substitute Receptionist (available for
weekdays, evenings and weekends, as needed).
Responsibilities include answering phones, data entry,
supporting staff and assisting parishioners in the Parish
Office. Knowledge of computer programs such as MS
Word, Excel, Publisher or similar programs as well as
fluent in Spanish and English are required. High school
age and older may apply. Please e-mail your resume to
Karen Srajer, Parish Manager, at [email protected].
4/19/15  Life Night 
“Pathways & Providence”
Sunday 6-8 PM in Rooms A & B
This week we will look at the Beatitudes and see how
they effect every aspect of our lives.
4/22/15  Guys/Girls mini-series
Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM
True Strength: A group for teen guys
True Beauty: A group for teen girls
4/26/15  XLT – Worship | Message |Adoration
Sunday 6-8 PM in Parish Hall / Church
Join us for a night of worship and inspiration as we kick
off our parish mission. All members of the parish are
invited to join us for this event. It is required for all
confirmation candidates.
4/29/15  No Confirmation / Youth Ministry
There will be no class this week so that everyone can
attend our parish mission.
5/01/15  Rehearsal
Dress Check for Confirmation Mass
6:00 PM in the Parish Hall (Please arrive on Time)
2nd year candidates receiving the Sacrament of
Confirmation this year are required to attend this
rehearsal with their sponsor.
Both of you must dress as you plan to for the
Confirmation Mass to have your outfits approved.
Steubenville San Diego
Summer Retreat
July 24-26, 2015 – Cost: $165 (Paid over 4 months)
Sign up today to join us for a Summer retreat with
5,000 other Catholic teens from all over the state.
Contact Brian Henritze for more details at
714-842-3000 x29 or [email protected]
The Respect Life Committee would like to help needy
pregnant mothers who are members of our parish with a
package of baby items for their newborn babies. Please
come to the Parish Office and fill out a request form. We
will meet with you and see how we can best help you.
Page Six
April 19, 2015
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Honor Thy Mother
Sunday, May 3
Creating a Culture of Protection
Did you know…..
The best way to protect our children and our
church is for adults to learn red flag behaviors and
to report concerns to supervisors. This creates a
culture of protection. Sign up for a sage
environment training even if you are not required.
Online course at
Please come and celebrate with us as we
honor our Mothers. Bring the family for
Breakfast and/or have a FREE photo taken
of Mom and/or Mom and the family.
Join your fellow parishioners after morning Masses (7
AM, 8:30 AM, and 10 AM) for the best breakfast in
town. Come out and support the Knights as we raise
monies for Knight of Columbus Charities.
Rummage Sale * Help Needed
For more details please contact Cathy Faith at
714-531-3356 or [email protected]
Just before summer begins, why not make
a Marriage Encounter weekend to put that
spark and romance back in your marriage?
Our next scheduled weekend will be
May 29-31. For more information please
contact Jim or Cheryl at (949) 551-9156 or
John and Maggie Lee at 714 873-5136. Sign-up also
available at
Meetings are at St. Vincent de Paul Church,
Room 3, on Wednesdays 10:30 AM to 12 Noon.
For more information, contact Gigi at
714-987-0029 [email protected]
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
May 2015
These classes, offered at St. Peter Chanel in Hawaiian
Gardens and given over a 10-Week period, will greatly
intensify your spiritual life and your desire to go to
Heaven. Come and learn the real purpose of your life,
and how to achieve it through self-knowledge,
self-discipline, deep prayer, and discernment of spirits.
Donations are accepted. Each meeting lasts 2-2.5 hours.
To register online, go to For more
information, please contact Fr. Ed Broom, OMV at
St. Peter Chanel, Mary Martorana at
[email protected] or
Veronica Ayson at (562) 924-7591.
June 19-20
Childcare is available during the
10:00 AM, 11:30 AM, and 5:00 PM
Sunday Masses in Meeting Room #4. Care
and activities regarding the Sunday
readings are provided to children ages 2 to 6.
Please call the Faith Formation Office if you
are interested in volunteering.
Chapel Votive Candle Intentions
Bring your intentions to be prayed for in
our Blessed Sacrament Chapel. The four
perpetually burning VOTIVE CANDLES
will be lit for your intentions for two
weeks; your intentions will also be listed
in the Chapel. A donation of $20 is requested for each
candle you wish to have lit. Please stop by the Parish
Office to reserve your two week prayer intention.
Please visit our website:
Page Seven
April 19, 2015
Fasting Before Communion
Abstain from any food or drink, except water and medicine,
for at least one hour before Holy Communion. The elderly,
infirm and those who assist them are exempted. (Canon Law
Wedding Banns ~ Amonestaciones
Second Week
Robert J. Pereira & Amy Marie Montes
Ernest A. Pastor & Crystal Reyann Miller
Norman Suh & Thuy Hien Nguyen
Philip I. Husk & Nia E. Hunt
Readings For The Week
Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30;
Jn 6:22-29
Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a,
17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35
Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40
Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51
Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59
1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17;
Mk 16:15-20
Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29;
1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18
Weekly Mass Intentions
April 20 through April 26
8:30 AM Novena Intentions & Peter Chung
7:00 AM Cecil Schoeder †
8:30 AM Paul Son †
7:00 AM Thank God
8:30 AM Martin Covarrubias
7:00 AM Health for Mr. & Mrs. Vy Tran & Celia Manalansan †
8:30 AM Danny Longfellow †
8:30 AM Ramon B. Ramirez †
8:30 AM Jospeh Ngo †
5:00 PM Jeanette Meilak †
7:00 AM Maria Magdalena †
10:00 AM Louis Hy Tran †
1:00 PM Veronica Zamora
Weekend Mass Intentions
6:30 PM Fidel Gonzalez Samperio
8:30 AM Carolyn Damon
5:00 PM Victor Correa †
Pray for Those Who Are Ill
Mary Grace Aznar, Rudy Salinas, Peter John Concepcion, Briana
Lasko,Esther Neal, Refugio Rios, Saul Burgos, Regina Srajer, Maria
Mercado, Dale Rensing, Mariann Ursua, Richard Ursua, Robert
Tucker, Frank McGeoy, Quiniano Family, Juan Martinez, Scott Miller,
Maria Antonia Sanchez, Mary Wyn McElligott, Carl Morabito, Fely
Ocampo, Larry Quiniano, & Family, Bette Marinaro, Diana Valiquette,
Linda Anello, Melecio Clara, Tori Coats, Buck Family, Richard
Hammond, Howard & Carol Royston, Albin Arevalo, Frank & Viola
Chouler, Olus Stone, Lorenzo & Jeannie Sanchez, Irene & Gloria
Manaois, Ma. Elena Morales, Grace Lucido, Richard Enroth, Axel
Montiel, Jack Silagy, Elise & Marcelle Aube, Jeseca Aznar, Greg Cortez,
Margaret Goebel, James Wallace, Amari Milagros Nava, Amy, Mireille
Dedeaux, Jim Balogh, Deborah Morus, Douglas Fry, Jonathan Mendez,
Ken Jackson, Helen Brastoff.
Prayer Line—Jill: 714-847-1759
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Weekly Calendar - Calendario Semanal
Monday, April 20:
3:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level II-Rooms 5-6
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level II Rooms 5-6
Faith Formation Program –Rooms 1-4
Rosary for Peace-Church
Evening Prayer & Benediction-Church
Pastoral Council-Room 2
RCIA-Room 7
Acts of the Apostles-Rooms A-B
Families of Nazareth-Room 8
Tuesday, April 21:
10:30 AM
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I Rooms 5-6
Life Story Writing-Room 4
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level II -Rooms 5-6
CLUB 345-Parish Hall
10 AM Choir –Church
Bible Lecture Series-Room 1-2
Neocatecumenado Grupo 2-Salones 7-8
Wednesday, April 22:
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 PM
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Men’s Bible Study-Parish Hall
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd-Rooms 5-6
Adult Catechism Group-Room 1
Vietnamese Prayer Group-Room 3
Korean Bible Study-Room 8
M.O.M.’s Group-Rooms 3-4
Ensayo de Primera Comunión
para los niños del sábado solamente-Iglesia
Youth Ministry-First Communion Prep-Room D
Childcare-Room 4
Teen Bible Study– Rooms –A-B
Confirmation Classes-Rooms A-B
RCIA-Adult Inquiry-Room 7
Neocatecumenado Grupo 3-Salones 1-2, 8
Thursday, April 23:
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Bible Lecture Series-Parish Hall
Rosary Prayer Group-Room 1
Legion of Mary-Rooms 3-4
Ensayo de Primera Comunión
para los niños del jueves solamente-Iglesia
NO Clases Formación en la Fe
Society of SVDP Meeting-Room 1
Social Action Group-Room 2
Contemporary Choir-Church
Friday, April 24:
3:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
9:00 PM
Divine Mercy Chaplet-Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Club de Niños-Salon 2
Clases de Alfabetización-Salones 7-8
Cenáculo de Oración-Salon 1
Spring Concert: Sounds of Divine Creation-Church
Reception will follow in the Parish Hall
Young Adults-Chapel
Saturday, April 25:
9:00 AM
Retiro de 1a Comunion 2do Año
Convento del Sagrado Corazón en la ciudad de Santa Ana
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:15 AM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
Retiro Pre Matrimonial –Salon Parroquial
NO Clases Formación en la Fe
Lectio Divina-Room C
Children’s Choir-Room 2
Matrimonios en Cristo-Salones 1-4
Neocatecumenado Grupos 1& 3-Salones 7, A-B
Neocatecumenado-Salon Parroquial
Sunday, April 26:
10:00 & 11:30 AM
5:00 PM
Childcare LAMBS-Room 3-4
Childcare LAMBS-Room 3-4
Fourth Sunday of Easter
See what love the Father has bestowed
on us that we may be called the
children of God.— 1 John 3:1