^^^^^ s - 7 •»•>,->.? j r " « — • The Knickerbocker News * * Albany, F r i , J u n e . 5 , 1964 •-• • f H A Girls Academy Alumnae to Welcome Class of "64 T HE ANNUAL luncheon of the Alumnae Association of Albany Academy for Girls will be held at 1230 p. m. Thursday at the school in Academy Road. The invocation will be given by Dr. Laman H. Bruner, rector of St. Peter's Episcopal (Church. The headmistress, Miss Rhoda E. Harris, will present the newly graduated class of 1964 to the Alumnae Association. The president of the association, Mrs. J. Albert Holbritter, will welcome them, and the president of the class, Miss Elizabeth R. Bennett, will respond. Mrs. J. Vanderbilt Straub, an alumna of the school who recently was elected president of the board of trustees, will bring the message from the trustees. Pupils >f classes 1 through 4 will give a presentation entitled "Academy in Review," which was prepared especially for the school's 150th anniversary. Among the guests who will attend are Miss Edna F. Lake of Washington, only living former principal of the school, and Miss Ada Blake, a former English teacher at the academy, who is coming from her home in California. Of the 131 graduates in this 150th anniversary class of 1964, two have an especially long family history in the school. Miss Eleanor Holbritter is the fourth generation in her family to be graduated from the academy, and has the unique distinction of having a grandmother of the centennial class, Mrs. Dale S. Baldwin, and her mother, Mrs. J. Albert Holbritter, a graduate of the 125th anniversary glass. Miss Elizabeth Bennett also is a fourth generation graduate^ Her great-grandmother, the late Mrs. Daniel C. Bennett, was graduated 101 years ago, in 1863. Three great-aunts also were graduates, as was her mother, Mrs. Noel S. Bennett Jr. Mrs. Duncan S. MacAffer is chairman of the luncheon committee. Assisting her are Mesdames Harry Albright Jr., Charles R. Callanan, William J. Gray, Albert Hessberg 2d, Ralph Keever, Alexander R. McKenzie 3d, Harold C. Williams, Harry G. McMahon, Lewis Muhlfelder, William F. Minnock Jr., David Rees, F. Conrad Suderley and John Underhill. Mrs. Holbritter is president of the Alumnae Association. Other officers are First "vice president, Mrs. Charles R. Callanan; second vice president, Mrs. MacAffer; recording secretary, Mrs. Daniel V. McNamee Jr.; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Minnock; treasurer, Mrs. Suderley, and historian, Mrs. Daniel H. Myers. Alumnae trustees are Mesdames Thomas W. Cantwcll, McKenzie, McMahon and Minnock. _ District Piano Recital Slated Sunday The Knickerbocker Newf Photo Chatting about the annual luncheon Thursday of the Alu mnae Association of Albany Academy for Girls are representatives of three anniversary classes, all members of the same family. At right is Miss Eleanor Holbritter, a member of the class of 1964, the 150th anniversary class, In the center is her grandmother, Mrs. Dale S. Baldwin, the former Eleanor B. Newton, was graduated in 1914, d uring the centennial celebration. At left is her mother, Mrs. J. Albert Holbritter, president of the Alumnae Assoc iation. and a 1939 graduate, year of the 125th anniversary, Eleanor's great-grandmother, the late Mrs. Walter M. Ne wton, was Anna M. Parson3 of the class of 1875. Other members of the family who were graduated from the aca demy include Miss Elsie A. Newton, Eleanor's great-aunt, and two cousins, Mrs. John T. Bender and Mrs. Mabel P. Houghton. Eleanor also has a sister, Margaret, now in first grade, who will be graduated in 1975, rounding out 100 years of family association with the school. The trio is seated under a picture of Betsy Foote, wife of the founder of the academy, Ebenezer Foot?. Married B. Shirt- A piano recital will be presented at 3 p. m. Sunday at the home of Mrs. T. David Cameron Jr., 27 Oxford Road. Participating will be Bernadette Bologna, Kathy McCullough, Ellen McCarville and Patricia McCarville. maker neckline buttoned from top to hem. Both Susan L. Zautner BPW Unit P cks F ur Wed to Ohio Man * ° Bridal Couple Returns Savage Photo MRS. VINCENT FOLEY . . . Ann M. O'Neil Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Fcley have returned from their wedding trip through the northern part of the state and are living at 22 Hampton Street. Mrs. Foley is the former- Ann Margaret O'Neil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ant-iony Ravida, 328 Mountain Street. Mr. Foley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Foley, 170 Franklin Street. The wedding" "took place in Our Lady Help of Christian Church with the Rev. Anthony Gulley officiating. The reception was held at Rafael's. Mrs. Foley, a graduate of St. Peter's Hospital School of Nursing, now is on the nursing staff at the hospital. Mr. Foley, a graduate of Hudson Valley Community College, lege, is an Albany policeman. Miss Susan Linda Zautner. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zautner, 15G0 New Scotland Avenue, Slingerlar.ds, was married to Dennis Charles McDaniels, son of Mrs. Maria McDaniels of Lorain, Ohio, and Louis McDaniels of Vermillion. Ohio Mcy 30. The ceremony tcck place in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, with the Rev. Stanton Yingling Jr. officiating. Given in marriage by her father, .the bride wore an Empire gown of silk taffeta and a pearl braid headbow with tulle veil. She carried sweetheart roses and stephanotis. Miss Gloria Hrivnak of Astoria was maid of honor and wore a rosp silk dress with matching tulle veil attached to a wide bow. Mary Louise Zautner, the bride's niece, was flower girl .and wore a short pink organdy dress with matching headCamrbsll P o o piece and carried pink and white daisies. MRS. DENNIS McDAiMELS Paul Mohrhardt of Coicago, , . . Susan Zautner 111. was best man. Joseph Novello of Lorain, Ohio; Edward Stammsl of Faram.ingdaie and Harry Roomer of New Ycrk City were ush» Add a cut clove of garlic to ir.i., _ • — _ dry white wi-.e or lemon juice The reception was held at and marinctt cicken in ths Stone Ends. After a trip mixture before broiling. through New England. Mr. and Mrs. McDaniels will leave for Kitzingen, Germany, where he is serving with the Army. ^ The bride i s a gradu&te of Valparaiso Un'ver;ity, which the bridegroom also attended. Add Garlic Open Thursday Til 9 P.M. An J Venetian Blinds • • 9 • • • • CUSTOM MADE SHADES t VENETIAN BUNDS DUPONT "TONTINE" WINDOW SHADfS OTHER MAKES, MADE, MEASURED, INSTALLED VENETIAN BLINDS IAUNCURTAIN I TRAVERSE RODS WOVEN WOOD SHADfS TABU PADS, RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL DIAL HO 5 1528 LAWLER'S SHADE prom Area Members of local Business and Professional Women's Clubs were named to state posts at the convention of the New York State Federation of Business and Professional Women's Club held at Whiteface Inn. Mrs. Carolyn DeLaMater of the Turnpike Club and psst director was elected stcte treasurer. Mrs Laura Shufelt of Albany was appointed chairman of the job and employment training service (JETS^ com. mittee and Mrs. Irene Rogers Wood of Troy, member of the Amsterdam Club, was named chairman of the study committee on civic participation. Miss Margaret RaLston of AVny \v:.3 nzmzd chairman of the legislative committee and also was named to represent the state federation at a .meeting of the national p'.atfcrm committee meeting July 15 in Detroit before the naOiastl convention. Miss Ralston a u o will be delegate frcm Albany- to the national convention. 70 CENTRAL AVINUI (ebove No. l!/d.) ALBANY, N T. | Mail orders MRS. Miss Sandra Joan Miller, daughter of Mrs. Herman Miller of Gloversville. and the late Mr. Miller, was married May 30 to Jc*in Albertine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paolo Albertine of Nassau. Th^ ceremony took place at noon ki St. Mary's Church, Church, dloversviUe, — — M i s s Judith Hatch of Canaan was maid of honor. Miss Linda Keller of Gloversville and Miss Christine Webb of Albany were bridesmaids. Paul Albertine of Castleton, the bridegroom's brother, was best man. Richard Broughton and Kenny Duryea were ushers. Mr. Albertine and his bride went to Washington on their wedding trip and now are living in Nassau. SANITIZING...inhibit*germ growth DEODORIZING . . . for odor resistance * MOLD PROOFING... no musty odor * Mil DfWPROOFING... prevents discoloration SHERRY COOL, M A N COOL! 23 NO. M A I L ST. Summer FUR STORAGE (on unesa premises) Cotton Knit Tee Shirts and Tops Here Is the cold uncrowded space that keeps a good fur lively and young . . . plus D'Jimas' 57 years experience. Albany HO 5-2331 1.98 Schen. EX 3.2151 Reg. 2.98 to 4.98 values From a famous maker. Large assortment of basic and novelty styles. Solid colors and stripes Small, medium, large. Sherry's main floor D'JIMAS Bros. 119 Ne. Peeri, Albany 4 4 4 State, Schenectady Wool Toppers Vaiue 24M CAMP SHELLEY 15.00 New Scotland, N. Y. Bring the children . . , see our 2 swimming pools. M0THHC M0TKTI0K it evidence of the quality dry cleaning everything entrusted to our care receives. (7 MILES OUT NEW SCOTLAND ROAD, RT. 86) For Information Phone R0 5-2025 In case of rain the open house will he held the following week. Untitled Document 595 Columbia Turnpike) Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com filled • JOHN ALBERTINE . . . Sandra Miller Sunday June 7th 2 to 4~P. M. * \2Vi Dresses, second floor * 1289 Central A v t . r t o 221/2. OPEN HOUSE tatT ^ plaid. and MOTHPROOF _A1_AJ ^ Sizes 12 t o 4 0 ASHI0N "A C O M M I T ! RENOVATION SfRVlCI" red or b l u e Park r>»« in O'Jimoi' Own lot Next to Store §/cfycpfrmrd dtcwjui fatuTfawtir- REHEW YOUR WINDOW SHADES in • All wool topper, [ust the right Coat".for the cool evenings; in pretty summer color, black and navy. Sizes 8 to 18; W/i to 22\l. Sherry's 3rd floor • • • Special l • • Purchase Seersucker Suits Vaiue s 98 3.98 - Striped seersucker, washes in a wink, drip dries, keeps its crisp cool look! Many colors. ,,..,— Sizes 12 to 2 0 ; 12Vi to 22V2. Downstairs Shop • % • • • Summer Dres 4 s *7"- 8- 9 Values J0.98 to 16.98 Wonderful seltction of summer dresses in cotton, jersey and cool sheer rayons. Junior, misses, half sizes. ..*__. * '«• Shfrry*^ second floaty
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