®lje IJott Chester SournaL THIS IB THE BKABOH F O R -:- ADVERTISING. THE JOURNAL EQUALS THE BEST IN THE STATE. —:o:— If our work does not suit ; yon we will make yon a present of it. " W I T H MA LICK T O W A B D N O N E : W I T H CHABITY F O R A L L . " — A . LINCOLN. Vol. XXXUl.-No 1696. Port Chester Business Directory. PORT CHESTER, N. Y., THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1901. REPORT LADIES' HOSPITAL ASSOC'N. THE NEW BRIDGE ACROSS THE 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSERY. JOB:-: PRINTING DEPARTMENT A Progressive Weekly Newspaper. Will Introduce YOU to every family In town. —:o:— I t will pay yon to h a r e the Introduction. •-. - , ) OUR (— Price:—Five Cents. ARE THERE FIREBl/Gg EBI/G; AT WORK BYRAM. fo tlie Board of Trustees and Member* of 'JOu Mondav evening, Mr. and Mrs The reoent fires in the Martin Block in the Ladiefl Hospital Aitociation and to Ther=» seems to be a great deal of anxi- James E. Rockwell celebrated their the PuMw: •ilver wedding, at their residence in South Main Street, attempt to fire the A U S T I N & MERRITT, H A N F O R D M. H E N D E R S O N , The rsourrenoe of the time for. present- ety about the new bridge which is to be Grace Church street. The artistic taste Kennedy block, the 'Office" and J. W Real Estate Brokers & General Auctioneers Law Offices, No. 16 North Main Street, ing onr annual report of the Ladies' Ilos- ereoted across the Bvraiu River at Mill displayed in the decoration of their home Dital Association reminds us that we are Street. Messrs. John Ryan, of the Port 'or the festal occasion was most attractive Davis' business places, would indioate R Y A N ' S BLOCK, L I B E R T Y SQRE. (2d Floor,) Port Chester, N . Y . entering upon the twelfth year of om Chester Mills, and J o h n F. Mills of the >nd flue, added to the pretty effect was 'hat a firebug is at work. Those who work. As we turn back to the, intervenfhe music by an orohestra which lent a were first to arrive at the Martin fire, F R E D . DOLD, J R . , AUCTlQNBBRring time, it is with cause alike for grat Abendroth Corporation have been very rare oharm to the evening. It was of discovered that kerosene oil had been STEAM. GAS PITTING and PLUMBING, W. F . W A K E F I E L D , itude and encouragement t h a t they have muoh alarmed over the proposition, as it course fitting on that evening that the been years of increasing usefulness and is understood, to place the iron beams at oopular Letter Carrier No. 1, and his plentifully used to burn down the block, 120 N . Main St., (Knapp Bnilding.) 188 SOUTH MAIN ST. prosperity. Not only has the Associa- the base of the bridge twenty-six inches companion should have received many and the remnants in a barrel near by was tion acquired valuable property by which lower than the old bridge, and instead favors from the numerous friends which still flowing and feeding the flames. F . S. ODELL, H. A. M E R R I T T , its effloienoy has been increased, but jx assembled to honor the twenty-fifth CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, ' has given aid to a greater extent thau of in a parallel position with tha river In anniversary of their marriage. The pres- The remnants of burnt paper and the North River Bine Stone and Planing destruction of a shade on a door of the Tarda B u t Fort Chester, Bee. 178 Highland St. ever before and we feel now, with our a transverse way, thus forming a com ents were numerous, and while some R Y A N BUILDING. present force and equipment, prepared fo plete dam at high water, it being held were ornamental others were very useful. Kennedy block showed that a dastardly, J O H N W . MoCARTY, meet any work which (with our present that at some period-) in the past the After the felicitations of the evening the attempt had been made to burn a house N E I L S E N BROTHERS, accommodations), may come to ns. We lining room was oleared and'%e large full of Bleeping tenants That the atStoves & Ranges, Plumbing, &c, Segars, Tobacco and Lunch Room, have passed the experimental stage and water rose to the foothpath of the old oar'y present joined in the merry whir) tempt was made was showed by the 110 N . MAIN ST. 180 N O R T H MAIN STREET. think that we oan justly assert that our bridge. This argument has OP used of the. dance. This most exhilerating hospital is a public benefaction and an muoh anxiety to the two gentlemen pastime was indulged in to one of the broken glass and the charred remains of 8 T E I G E R & 8CHICK, MARSHALL & REMSEN, honor to the community. Quite a few named who contend that their respective 5mall hours of Tuesday. Of course no the shade and the paper on the floor Dry Goods, Carpets, Fancy Goods, Etc., Auctioneers, Real Estate and Insurance, changes have occurred in the workings places will be irreparably damaged by wedding anniversary ir-©omplete with The Deady & Harrington "Office" fire itv 42 North Main Street. Abendroth Block, 183 North Main St. of the different departments in the year the flood liable to ooonr at any time if out the elaborate trimmings of the chef, oelieved to have been due to the earless just closed*. A change in the staff of and those at the Rookwell festival were physicians was the result of the resigna- the bridge beams are trausverse to the regaled with all the good things in uess of tinners who had been working in MRS. S. E. CLARK, W I L L I A M HAMILTON. tion of Dr. J. C White, who had labored old bridge and at a depression of 26 inch market. Among others who were that vicinity that day There was noth Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Etc., CONTRACTOR AND MASON, with ns from the beginning of our hos- esTJelbw the old structure. nresent were Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Black- mg to bear out this surmise. We incline pital work, filling the position of Chief 46 NORTH MAIN ST. 110 WEST BROADWAY. mail, Miss Mabel Rockwell, Mr. William to the belief that if the tinners hud of Staff from April, 1896, to the early On Saturday the matter was fully Rockwell, Master Clarence Rockwell, dropped coals from their fire pot during C. HENRLKSEN, part of the present year. We acknowl- gone over bv the gentlemen named, Col. Miss Ida Cooney, Mr. and Mrs, Seaman SAM. MULWITZ, edge with gratitude the services so freely Heft, Supervisor Eldredgo, Seleotman X. Sniffen, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 8. Meafitt, the day and they had fallen into Manufacturer of Fine Segars, FURNITURE, CARPETS & STOVES, <?iven and the valuable time consumed Ritch and Knapp and Contractor Long, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. Logan, and son the rubbish between the two houses P A R K E R BUILDING, SO. MAIN ST. v Snnday Papers, 118 N . MAIN ST. urn we express our hearty thanks to him of the Bridge Company. There were Joseph, Mr Geo S. Studwell. Mrs. -W. the fire would have declared itself tor his kindly aid and many times ren- various suggestions made by which the C. Sniffen, Mrs. J. Efferin, Miss Tillie before late the following morning. P A T T E R S O N & G R A N D I S O N ^ S. WELLSTOOD. dered. The Association owes a debt to feared by Mesurs. Mills and and Gertrude Efferin, Mr. and Mrs It doesn't seem possible that any Oldest Meat and Vegetable Market, him which oan never be repaid for his conditions Stationery, Sunday and Daily Papers, Ryan could be overcome. In talking, James Wear, Mr. and Mrs John Flynn, tinsmith could be so careless as to faithful service in the early and forma of the objections raised, Contractor John Flynn, Jr., and Miss Mamie Flynn, Tel. Call 73, 18 & 15 N . MAIN ST. *105 WESTCHESTER AVE. tive days of its history. Dr. C. S. Mead Long was disposed to belittle them. It Vlrs. P. Pollard. Miss Florence Pollard, drop fire between the Moshier and who also entered the field of hospital ser- was his opinion that there could be no Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailie, Mr. and Mrs. kenbach buildings. A N D R E W CLARK. SAMUEL H. GRAHAM, vice at the outset, still remains constant serious objeotion there because the feed- Z»h, Mr and Mrs Frank CTaylor, Mrs DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, STORAGE, REMOVALS, VANS, &c, at his post of our staff of ph> sicians and er to the river whioh was through the till and Misses Ida, Cora and Amy Gill, The J. W. Davis store fire is still more 118 N . MAIN ST. surgeons which at the present timenum Railroad bridge was considerably small- \nd Fred. Gill, Mr. and Mrs. .1. C mysterious. The store property or stook RYE, N. Y. ber nine, v< ith Dr. N. J Sands as consultWright,Mr. W m . Reese and Miss Knapp, M. R KNIERIEM. ant. It is a great pleasure to note that er than the, outlet and there could be no of Stamford, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Stud- has been in the hands of a Trustee for E. G. W A G N E R . serious gorge at am time. Ha said it AGBNTS, i Painters' Supplies and Artists' Materials >nr medical and surgical staff have not was his intention to please the people well, Miss Nellie M. Studwell, Mr. Fred, some months and the store has seldom PRACTICAL HARNESSMAKER. only performed faithful and willing serMiss Mand Doty. Miss Mat been opened. That the building could and to fill hi-i contract to the host satis btudwell, 141 N . MAIN ST. vice sinee their appoin ment, but haveSmith, Mr and Mrs. A. Lyon, Mr. and have caught, fire on the doprs leading to R Y E , N . Y. & G R E E N W I C H , CT. evidenced the tine spirit of harmony and faction of all. He suggested that in or- Mrs. Wm. Steager, Mr. and Mrs Wm. the cellar seems to be marvellous. There der to satisfy the persons objecting that D A N I E L M U R R A Y & gONS, 00 operation. Our earnest thanks are O.^terberg, Mr. and Mrs, William Weeks, T. H. BELL, J R . , bridge could be raised some twenty- Mrs. Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. A Marple, were no kerosene barrels nor anything Livery, Sale and Exchange Stables, due to the entire medical and surgical the Hardware, Lock and Gunsmith, WANTS TO GET QUTfour inches from the line of the Abenstaff and we freely accord them. In Mrs S Banks and daughter Miss Julia to burn. That the fire should have com8 GRACE CHURCH ST. LIBERTY SQUARE. August, 1900, M". Joseph Park, our kind droth Foundry and slope back some Banks, Messrs. Harrv and Wm. Law- menced midway one door and burn up to A short time ago a fellow who gave hia friend ^and benefactor, with wise fore- twelve or fifteen feet, which would not rence, Mr. and Mis. Snyder, Mr. Charles the UB#"T fftime of the cellar door would name as Martin Ryan, was brought beGEORGE GRANDISON, FREIGHT & PASSENGER LINE, thought, looking to our possible needs in interfere with any exits of the foundry. Nies, Mrs. E. L. Nies, Miss Edith r fore Justice Wakefield on the charge of Down Town Fish and Vegetable Market, the future, purchased and presented to It was further urged bv Mr. Mills that Sniffen, Miss A. Burns, Mrs. W. H. s ;em to show that kerosene had been vagrancy,drunk,disturbing THE PROPELLER GLENV1LLE. the peace and the bridge rise up to the second abutsprinkled on it and a matc'.i applied and our Association a portion of land adjoinSehaeffer, Mrs W. 8. Wetmore, Mr. 56 SOUTH MAIN ST. other similar offenses. The fellow i t SEE ADVERTISEMENT. ment which would give* still more ample ing* our hospital property a t a oost of Herbert Banks, Miss Eva Dietz, Miss the fire bad followed where the inflam• one thousand dollars. W<> have had room for the waters of the river to flow Florence Beyer, Miss Agnes Bever, Miss mable fuel was. Had the Deady & seems bad been about the villaga t o r WM. H. HYLER, some weeks, had got alittle money, t a k e n WM.RYAN&CO., the dividing fence removed, built a out in extreme seasons or when there is Hattie Stearns, Mrs. D. Deady, Miss DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY, retaining wall, leveled off, improved and very high tides. There seems to be Jenny Deady, Miss Bertha Merritt, Mr. Harrington fire had nothing of the same a room at a cheap lodging house and Floor, Feed, Wood, Coal & Groceries, nature preceding it we would be disposed then broken out, abused his landlord and ( fenced the new proper'y, Mr. Park con- every Indication thai as far as the build- A C. De Ved aud many others. Next to P. O. 80 N. MAIN ST., 101 & 108 WESTCHESTER AVE. dpne other things for which the officers tributing librr*lly toward these improve- ing of the bridge is concerned, it wilTHE JOI'HNAL (joins the many friends to think that it was an accident and swooped down on him and he . w a s ments. Others who donated to this pur- be to the satisfaction of all concern- of Mr. aud Mrs-rRockwell in congratula- that the tinsmiths might have been rebrought before Justice Wakefield. With, H. RINALDO, WESTCHESTER LIGHTING CO., pose are named in another portion of ed. The work of laying a concrete tions and the hope that they may live to Wines h Liquors for Family & Medical Use yearly reports. We are now in possess- bottom on which to build the two extra enjoy the return o f many an anniversary sponsible for it, but the three other a view of driving such fellows out a n d Gas for Heating and Lighting, ion of a fine hospital property. The sur piers in the river is already underway, and the eventual celebration of their incidents makes us suspicious and w keeping them out, Justice Wakefield 40 N . MAIN S T R E E T . (No B A H . ) OFFICE, 101 NORffl. MAIN ST. fined him fifty dollars and aent bim to rounding grounds are ample for enlarge- i h e 1 ottom is a rather so't one and there 1golden wedding. It seems but yesterday are disposed to believe that some one is jail for fifty days. Martin's time will b a 1 ment at any time. These improvements is no rook whatever in the vicinity 0*4 \hat the wedding of Mr. and Mrs Rock- at work kindling these fires. There is up May 29th, but fearing that be m a y R. J . W E S T E R M A Y R , J O H N REID, have been made at considerable expense, new piers, but i r is expected that the well was celebrated, vet a quarter of a every indication that the ftrebuj; and have to serve fifty days longer to pay the DRUGGIST, FANCY & TOILET ARTICLES, Harness Manufacturer, Repairing, &c, but it is an expense of whioh there can. the work wilt be rapidly pushed. There century has rolled around. not accidents are responsible for all the fine, he has appealed to Judge Lent of the be no recurrence for many years. We seems to be a disposition 10 meet the Cor. Main and Adee Sts. 5 NO&TH MAIN S T R E E T . recent fires and the same earmark* seem County Court to remit the fine promising feel that it adds to the value and appear- Wisherof the parttermosfinterested and FIRE PATROi. WILL DO THE PRETTY te be on them all. We are satisfied that that if released he will never violate again ance o our property sufficiently to comJ O H N J. CONATY, [ the laws of thecownftry. Judge Lent v«*y * P O R T C H E S T E R F U R N I T U R E CO., pensate for the outlay. We have also the opinion is general that all objections will be overcome, so far as the bridge is finnae VViiriiilnf; on On. Formal Opening if the devil who is engaged in this work properly referred the letter to Justice TAILOR & GENT'S FURNISHINGS, Furniture, Carpets and Oil Cloths, found it obligatory to renovate the hos- ooncerned and the improvements hurof itkelr Keileeori^lvd Purlurs. pursues it further he will be arrested Wakefield. This is the exact condition pital building by painting outside of ried. Iu our talk with Mr. Long he 28 N . MAIN ST. 105 N O R T H MAIN ST. Some weeks ago we ranted the curtains aud punished. If he is not it will be an of affairs. When the justices here imbui ding, by the laying of hardwood showed a disposition to do that whioh floors, removing paper from walls, and will best please the people and fu fill his and let the publio have a j&ep at the exception to the general rule of patt pose extreme penaltiea to break n p t h e F R E D . D. AUSTIN, tramp nuisance the vagabonds find a way> rooms of the Port Chester Fire Patrol, painting walls and woodwork of the two F R E D . H. PONTY, contract with the parties in interest, which artist Fred H. Ponty had so years. to avoid doing pennance for their miaHardware.Painls.Electrician & Locksmith private rooms, viz.: Wina and Tilford Painting & Decorating, Upholstering, &c. deeds. If these fellows were permitted rooms, scraping and reflnishing wards, tie says that his firm is too largely inter- grandly beautified for Captain James S LIBERTY SQUARE. to enjoy all that is coming to them they 17 N. MAIN SI halls and lavatory floors, cutting extra ested in other contracts to do anything Merritt aud the "boys" of the patrol, and ANOTHER SUSPICIOUS FJRE. would not come back to Port Cheater as here which will not be to their credit. as there is a general invitation for every windo v in Tilford room for improved VICTOR P O R T E L A N G E . regularly as the tide ebbs and flow. Only While fully conviuoed that from their gentleman and ladv to visit the ijaaters ventilation, bnilding closet for clothing <1R / * — > About 1:30 o'clock, as Conductor E. this week Justice Wakefield committed a * J . C. W A G N E R PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER, of patients, and other minor repairs in- standpoint there can be no gorge from in the Johnson Building, Westchester Fine Drugs, Fancy and Toilet Articles, side of hospital. This has added to our •he construction of their bridge, they are avenue, ou the afternoon and evening of Hobart Weeks, was on his last trip in, he fellow,who had been before him a short SOUTH MAIN ST. expense for the year just dosed, bnt were yet prepared to yield and meet the inter- Wednesday, May 22d, we shall not discovered from the caboose of his car, a time ago and fined, and whose fine bad 47 S O U T H M A I N ST urgent necessities. During the year it ests tha fear indirect damages from the deprive them a pleasurable surprise by fire burning in the rear of the Soott been remitted after he had promised t e GEORGE W. SILTZ, do better. refreshing their memory as to what the became necessary to add one more per- construction of t lie bridge. deer rations consist of. It is the cordial building occupied by the Trustee of the S M I T H ' S B A R G A I N STORE, Practical Plumbing, Tinning & Heating, manent nurse to the force, and at one invitation of Capt. James S. Merritt and J. W. Davis busiuess. Hurrying back WILL GO UP THE RIVER. CROCKERY, HOUSE-FURNISHINGS, &c. time in early Fall of 1!X)0, the house was C O R N . MAIN & MILL STS. THE RYE NATIONAL BANK; his Patrol Police, that every lady and and into the Harry Howard Truck Honf e too limited to accommodate a'l those who 120 N . MAIN ST. The two fellows arrested here by applied for treatment. Eleven beds, our That the times are prosperous, money gentleman visit the parlors in, the John- of which he is 'foreman, Mr. Weeks seN E W YORK T E L E P H O N E CO.. entire number being occupied, wo were plentiful and builness on the increase in son buildingkm the afternoon and evening oured one of the fire extinguishers, but officer Thadeus H. Bell, Jr., for burglarRates to Suit All Users, obliged to hire two extra nfltses for day every channel of trade is sho.vn by the named, Indeed the whole bui ding will MEAD'S B A K E R Y / izing the several places in the the vilbe at the disposal of the patrol, and the fearing that the fire might get the best and night duty, respectively, making 32 N . MAIN ST. Bakery, Lunch Room; Milk by the Quart, four wonderful progress of the First National visitors will be entertained not only in of him, he turned in an alarm and went lage, and who were committed without in service, and later it became ne U% N . MAIN ST. oeasary to have male attendants at night. Bank of Rye, established J a n u a r y lfith, the parlors where a first class orchestra to fighting the flames. Before the fire bail by Justice Stephen A. Marshall, CHAS. H. E L L I S , At this time Mr. Will. Thomas donated )®01, but a few months ago in the Vil- will discourse music and the handsome lads responded, which was very prompt, were arraigned before the Grand J u r y on F R E D E R I C A. S E L F , DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY, five consecutive nights' service, and lage of Rye. Starting with a capital of patrol boys serve refreshments, but they Thursday and promptly indicted. -The Capt. R. H George, whom we employed, $50,010 the deposits of the bank have will have an opportunity to inspect the Mr. Weeks had the fire under control or evidence accumulated by officer Bell TEACHER OF SINGING AND PIANO, Ryan Bldg., WESTCHESTER AVE. Are aparatns and fire house, the business pretty nearly out. When the flames contributed ten dollars by reduction on steadily increased, until at the close of 51 L E I C E S T E R ST. bill to tha; amount. The number of pa business Saturday, May 4th, the deposits nvn's club room,and the Royal Arcanum, which were climbing up to the upper and Justice Marshall show conclusively Council Chamber. Souvenirs have teen F. M. BETTS&'CO., tlents have steadily increased, the part of the building were extinguished, that the alleged William Murray and T H E O . C. P A R K E R , records of the past twelve months show had reached the magnificent amount of abundantly "provided and it is believed Fine Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, &c. Frank Smith, burglars, were the antbora ing a gam of more than one hundred per $121,7811.-14. This is a splendid exhibit that every visitor will carry away a it was found that there was no flre\ in- of the various jobs, property fonnd on Harness, Sadderly and Horse Goods, 103 NORTH MAIN ST. cent. This is encouraging evidence for a little more than three months of reminder of the auspicious occasion. side the building and that but the upper 81 S. MAIN ST. that the skillful and faithful work of the business Mr. G\orge R. Read, 5 the In- The evening will be devoted to a vaude- part of one of the cellar doors had been their persons showing that they were W. M. CRAFT. not only burglars, but highwaymen. institution is more and more rjcognized. defatigable ex President of tne Village of ville entertainment, artists of the flrpt E. A. ERICSSON, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, To maintain and improve its equipments, Port Cheste-, is Presideut of the B mk, order having been engaged for the oeca burned at all, and the lower part They garrotted a man in South Main to pay its attendants, to keep all of its Mr. J. Mayhew Walnwright, Vioe- sion. In fact nothing will be left undone of the other, on the former the fire street and relieved him of his money and GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, 149 N . MAIN S T R E E T . facilities in good working order require to make this one of the most brilliant' evidently started about two feet from 108 N. MAIN STREET. liberal expenditure, whioh must be large- President. The banking house work affairs under flremanic auspices ever held; i\aaainii- As there were no boxes all the trinkets he had in his pockets. has been in most able hands, Mr. Wil. M. E. YERICK, ,ne JI ly met by voluntary contributions. One in Port Chester. It is not improbable | W n B - A " t"* r e were uo boxes The stuff taken from the Railroad ABENDROTH BROS.. entertainment for the benefit of the hos- bur F . Hendrix being Cashier and Mr. that there will be somt surprises which n o r °**** n e a r , n e « 0 f ) r » n d the little NEWS 0FPICE, STATIONERY, ftc, avenue shoe store and the shoes fonnd in pital was given in late Summer on the John Leonard, Assistant Cashier. The have not yet been announced. We • area way was perfectly clean it seems a Wood and Coal of all Kinds, the Fox house in North Main street MkN. MAIN ST. grounds of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brown, Directors of the Bank are Messrs. Chas. FOUNDRY DOCK. (See Adv.) repeat th > statement, that j m i r a o l e tbat tho fire could have started brings the thefts direct home to the t w o Telephone "*-•*-• p * f Station. from which the sum of $105 28 was re- P. Cowles, Charles Eldredge, Charles therefore Captain "James S. Merritt, in b9half of I - _ . „ 1ttltltu f 4 .„j» There is litter of rascals. The chance seem unusually ceived, this in concurrence with the Greer, .Totoph F. Park, William H. Par- the Patrol, extend a cordial invitation to i f r o n l 8 n c h a n * 'le a er nd ra wishes of Miss Aimee Brown and her the'ladies and gentlemen to visit the P P » «t w in the yards adjoining favorable for these fellows to spend a few BROPHY'S SHOE EMPORIUM, PORT CHESTER DRUG CO., associates, has been principally devoted sons, 'George R. R.ad, William A. Patrol room* and the Johnson building j to have made a bon fire of the barn near Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Etc., FANCY ft TOILET ARTICLES, DRU(iS,Ac. to the purchase of appliances direotly Thomas, J. Mayhew Walnwright and on Wednesday afternoon ajfl evening, | b y i i u ( 1 „ e d the dropping of a match near years with Warden Johnson in Sing Sing prison. I 45 N. MAIN ST. COR. MAIN & ADEE STS. beneficial and for use for patients, which Riohard Tighe Wainwright. The last May 22d. AH Will he warmfyy iwelcomedJ the barn would have set the straw and include an electrio battery, wheeled exhibit of the Bank show that they had and entertained. We trns\ that every litter on fire and kindled the barn, but stretcher and other articles, all of which loans amounting to $26,861.51; bonds to one who can will except the invitation CHARITY'S MUSICALE. are desirable additions to onr needs and the anionnt of $128,951.81; furniture and and honor Port Chester's finest. the fire seemed to have started where tho are greatly appreciated. Throutfh the fixtures, $1,410.38; deposited with Banks conditions seemed to be the most difficult. The Musioale under the auspices of kindly interest of Mr. D. K. Cntnmings, The goods in the J. W. Divis store are the Ladies' Hospital Association to be TOO FLY FOR GOTF GROUNDS. $47,471.64; cash in vault $7,765.16; rnSupt. of P. C. Railway Company, in PRACTICAL now in the hands of Trustee Arthur It. held iu the Congregational Church, on Sept,, 1900. the public, were invited to dem tion fund $2,000. A total of 1211,Tuesday afternoon. Constable Michael | W ) l o o x a n d t h e g t o r f i h a g o e e n c l o g e d f o r Thursday evening, May 23d, promise* so are guaranteed to ride over the line of the company, at a 46(144 A recapitulation shows: Caphold ;i full quart. cost of thirty cents to each individual, ital $49,680; deposits $121,789 44; circula- Hickey arrested three Italian lads in some weeks, so the fire could not have be an entertainment of very high order Dealers have larg- the entire proceeds to he given to the tion $40,000. Total $211,409.44, Should Dublin for stealing bal's from the grounds Hole Agents for the •iglnaterf from any one in that part of Tho Committee in ohargo have been very ely Increased their hospital. The popularity of the Hociety the Bank show a corresponding inorease Thatcher Furnace C a ' s Celebrated Steel trad'.e wherever and the object, needs no other assurance in business in the balance of the fl»c»! of the ApaWamis Golf grounds. The t.. i building. It has be< n said that per- successful in seonring the services of Oven Ranges, Tubular Hot boys were charged with entering the haps a cigarette or cigar stump dropped Mrs. Harriett Webb, the dramatio readthey am used, and than to state that the net proceeds Air Fnmaoes. c u s t o m e r s are amounted to $211 10. Through the year it will hav" a balance sheet not ex- ! grounds and carrying off nine of the from the windows above might have set er, of New York City, to fill a part of pleased and better thooghtfnl kindness of Mrs. I)wlght ceeded by any new B ink which has balls. When arraigned before Justice the programme while the remainder will Bt*t„,n and Hot Water Rollers. Crown Bay Htate the place on fire. This could not be, served. Ask your Smith a fine Christmas dinner was pro- started business in recent years. Cook Htoves. Repairs for t !ook Stores Marshall on Tuesday evening the boys beoanso the fire would have started from consist of fine instrumental and vocal Constantly on Hand. dealer to una them vid< d for the inmates of the hospital. pleaded not guilty to the charge and Jus- "bottom and not middle of the door. We music. We feel that Mrs. Webb needs Personal Attention Hiven to AH Work. We are also indebted to this genoronsIMPORTANT REAL ESTATE SALE. hearted lady fo* many delicacies from tice Marshall placed thom under twenty- are inclined to tho belief that kerosene little advertising, as her success as an Ketimatea Famished. time to time throughout the year. They The remainder of the historical hill at five Ajpllars each to appear for trial on was used and the doors purposely set on elocutionist is widespread and those w h o V WUITUlf AN M4 Chambers St. Cor. North Main & Mill Sts., Port Chester.1.11 H l l AH AH, New York City. have been much enjoyed by the sick and Mamaronock, known as "Heathcote," is Wednosday evening at eight o'clock. fire. The firemen responded so quickly have once heard her will be a n x i o u s ' t o oonvaleeoent. To the donor of'the Wina to be sold at public auction by Geo. R. do so again. The proceeds of the enterTelephone Call 75-A. room we again offer onr ottrepeated Read, auctioneer, on Decoration Da , The Golf Club has suffered severely at that even had Foreman Weeks not had thanks. The lasting interest of thin May !10Ji, b ginning at to o'clock. See the hands of boys who havo stolen the all his wits about him the fire could not tainment are to help defray the exphilantrhopio friend is demonstrated the largo advertisement on the third a o if 0 alls and sold them to some party in have gained mnch headway. Half past pense of improving the hospital grounds. The price of tickets is fifty cents, whioh yearly by the generous Easter offering one is an unusual hour for a fire but the may he had from members of the Assoof one hundred dollars. T h e furnishings of the Tilford room were kindly pro- neck, on splendid highways and vary I * " " " * * . ' f g " K T toll, w ^ e aSoUn boys responded as promptly as though j c i a t ( o n > D o o r 8 0 p e n a t 7 8 0 p . m Tiokthey were on inspection aud waiting for j e t g } flfty c e n t ^ vided bv Mrs Corrinne Tilford, and one handy to the trolley lines leading to New J o n ™^^J$^^™*& the tap of the bell. | hundred dollars contributed toward the support of the hospital as a Christmas Roohelle or Rye A aplendid view of ?", „ n r r X n e d Tuesdav evouinn were RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. the Sound and country is obtained from £ * • £ ™ E £ | frtrttoaed trto we Z e r We desire to call your attention to the most desirable list of Properties offering Through the favor and influHeathcote Hill which is one of the turn- f^ nt * ^ ! , t ^ t m rt?. thev found the Mrs. Emily Underbill Burgess, widely ence of Hon Win. L. Ward, we have At a meeting of the Hummerfleld that we now have on our books FOR RENT and FOR SALE. Call and a l l -a o nThey t n o claim b n t they a t h e round o of nfiftw electrio lighting installed in our oper- on* tracts of land 1* this •ectlon of the K r o n n f , , , >that " y n a ( 1 n the '• known as an able speaker on various Workers, a committee was appointed to see our list of RENTS and if you want to PURCHASE A HOUSE we ating mom, he being lnstrnmental in oounfry. This Is athe propeafy whose r i « , h t t 0 e n ^ £ l «*\? ro " n , ( ! f '' , h r£L !l!l ( 3„i^! Hues of temperance work, and a favorite draft resolutions on the death of Mrs. known ,i««i^T de £ nB to^-«S&"i ^ _ ' * £ h y1 »i7Vi^f ----''; right to carry off the balls The parents securing the Interest of the Westchester well pn Molntosh, a former member, have some excellent places that we want to show you. history is so closely inlerwovenwith t h a t , "riKht / " » *to" carry ; " _j off ,the bells ,Tho j In this County . w i l l give an address in Charles r t h •l WHRKPAS. It IIIIH pliMaed our Heavenly Lighting Company in rnnning wires to of the town. Read * « » ^ i ~ n * . £ ^ «mh.T in HI-. wiMt PrOfManoe to remove from If you desire any FIRR INSURANCE lie sure and patronize us, as we the bnilding at quite an expense and as look over tihe ground, select snoH plots m miilut * beloved member of onr Hociety, .-. -ii--- i --- «ft 7 T y - . T ' — j , ~7 stolen the balls but "fonnd" t h e n as Chester on Friday evening, May 17th. onr personally the furnishing of all Mrs. rherles M.-Intosh. therefore b e l t , "HI HI I ' l l 1>»0 >•>»>"• « " conduct the LEADING anrf LARGEST AGENCY in this section, repre- twining n fixtures and appnrtenanons needed for yon deairr wrd oVlfaaartal g y . May « » j:ett>lvet). That we, the members of thjs Ho* ^ , ^ It is hoped that the evening will be left ^jj.'ty, have lost d ( ) n e oof f tha waR d l a faithfol worktr, a wlae leaoV senting FIFTEEN (15) of/he BEST COMPANIES. the perfect lighting of the operating )uu the »i»o m»™ ami uny 111 what WUB* " '\ J Wm*A ~**A *KA «**» , r a/wl n kind, loving friend. ,10th, attend sale and boy in ^ as free as possible, and that a large ftnd t h e o t h e r B ftQed | 5 p a c h mom and for light consumed t o r ' a n inHemtvtit. 'iimt wi. extend our sympathy to yon want. ' definite period. Words fall to convey Wesfermayrs KJmnlslon of Cod Liver nnmberof onr oitlzens will attend The the bereaved family in this the hoar of thetr Weitermayr's Veg. Cathartic Liver .Ml is withont a doubt the best flesh lecture will certainly be interesting and nffllctlon. our gratitude for inch hearty and geneRrittlvnl, Tii.'tt i copy of these reaolotloa* rous assistance. W e are indebted to Mr. Pills cores Billioasnew, Torpid Livor entertaining as well as useful. The W> wnt to the !•,< »l nepers for pabtteeMon »ml John logman for photographs of Interior Headache, Indigestion, Ac.; are easy to ormer and tisane builder on the market i.l., to the fiiinWy of oar deceased Mead. »nd commends itself to all that are tun teachers in onr schools and the scholars, of bnilding at shown in published reMe*. lixi.H. wnsaa. taste and free from t h e harsh effects com- town, t h i s and emaciated. 50c tffcotti e especially those of the High School, are i., VMI v B s n s i . M wii.Me r . u a a n . mon to other pills, l t e . a bottle a t R , 3 . I R . J , WsetermaTT's Pharmacies. * Invited and nrged to be present | fSnamlft**, tCMMaaad OB «Ufhth .1 Wesssrmayr's P b a n w e J n , » STE1QER & SCHICK, PORT CHESTER, N. Y. GEORGE W. SILTZ, WHITEMIN'S MILK JARS Plumbing, Tinning and Heating, A Real Estate.Insurance. V MARSHALL U REMSEN, Untitled Document S 133 North I b i s S t , Port Chester, H.7. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com i
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