a copy of our Sunday Bulletin

March 8 , 2015
3rd Sunday of Lent – B -
In today’s gospel, Jesus cleanses the Temple by
expelling the money-changers and merchants,
reminding everyone that God’s House is meant to
be a house of prayer. In Lent, we are called to
look over our own lives, seeing how we are living
as temples of the Holy Spirit. May we use the
commandments and the teachings of Jesus to live
a good and holy life, cleansed of the corruption of
sin, and full of God’s love.
Confirmation Enrollment
Please pray for, encourage and support all the
young people of our parish who this weekend will
receive their confirmation crosses as a sign of the
commitment they are making to follow Christ more
closely as members of the Catholic Church.
ShareLife Update
Thank you to everyone for your great generosity
toward ShareLife so far this year. To date we have
raised over $22,275.00.
A Huge Success!!!!
Our annual dinner dance was an incredible
evening with fine food, dancing and community
building. Everyone had a great time and we were
able to raise over $11,000.00 which will go to help
our twin parish in India. Our thanks go out to
Domenick Lombardi, Phil Guida and Sam Raso
for organizing this great event.
Usher’s Meeting
There will be an important meeting for all of our
parish ushers on Monday, March 9 at 8:15 pm in
the Church in order to prepare for all the
upcoming liturgical celebrations. New ushers are
always needed and welcome!!!
Lenten Spiritual Study
Join the prayer group every Wednesday of Lent at
8:00 pm in the parish hall for a time of spiritual
growth using inspirational videos with Fr. Robert
Barron. This is a wonderful way to deepen your
faith during this season of Lent. Everyone is
Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross will be held every Friday
of Lent, usually at 7:30 pm in the church and will
be celebrated bilingually (English and Italian).
Come join us for this beautiful devotion.
We have officially launched the Archdiocesan
Capital Campaign for our parish and have already
raised $578,000 toward our goal of $835.000. We
need everyone’s participation in this historic
Please give some thought and
prayerful consideration to how much you can
contribute to this worthy cause that will greatly
benefit the people of St. David’s and of the whole
archdiocese. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Easter Food Drive
We are collecting non-perishable foods to help
people in our community who are in need. Please
drop off your donation in the bin located in the
hallway until March 24 . Thank you for helping
those in need.
Parish Council
The monthly meeting of our parish council will be
this Thursday, March 12 at 8:15 pm. All the
members are kindly reminded to be present.
On Thursday, March 19 , there will be a special
celebration in the church in honour of St. Joseph,
Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patron of the
Universal Church and Patron Saint of Canada. We
will begin at 7:30 pm with a procession in the
church, followed by a Solemn Mass with the
traditional blessing of St. Joseph’s bread, and
ending with a coffee hour in the parish hall. Please
bring some cookies and cakes to share with
everyone. If you would like to donate some St.
Joseph’s bread, you may drop off your donation at
the parish office.
Lenten Penance Service
We have invited numerous priests for confessions
on Monday March 23
at 7:30 p.m. Take
advantage of this opportunity to be reconciled with
God and to be prepared to celebrate with joy the
resurrection of Christ at Easter. We encourage
you to come back to the sacrament if it’s been a
long time since your last confession. Come and
experience God’s unconditional love and mercy!!!
Good Shepherd Casseroles
Please keep those casseroles coming!!! The
hungry and the homeless of the city need and
appreciate your help. You can pick up more pans
at the parish office during the week. Thanks!!!
Pre-Authorized Giving
This new way of supporting the Church is now
being offered in our parish and many of our
parishioners may find this method practical and
convenient. Please take a brochure home and see
if this new way of giving is right for you.
Terza Domenica di Quaresima – B –
Gesù scaccia dal tempio i venditori e i cambiavalute. Alla luce della pasqua, questo gesto
profetico manifesta il volto evangelico della religione che egli ha instaurato: il luogo
d’incontro fra Dio e gli uomini è ormai la persona stessa del risorto
Grazie della vostra grande generosità. Abbiamo già raccolto più di $ 22,275.00.
Sacra Sindone
Giovedì, 12 marzo alle 7:00 pm nella nostra chiesa.
Presentazione a cura del ricercatore Torinese, Walter Pezzo, in un’atmosfera di
meditazione e riflesssione sulla passione di Gesù Cristo. Non mancate!!!!!
Via Crucis
Questo venerdì alle 7:30 pm, ci sarà la Via Crucis (bilingue) nella chiesa. Venite tutti a
partecipare in questa bellissima devozione della Quaresima.
Missione Quaresimale
Dal 16 al 18 marzo, con don Francesco Armenti, nella nostra chiesa alle 7:30 pm. Non
Festa di San Giuseppe
Ci sarà una celebrazione speciale giovedì, 19 marzo, alle 7:30 pm in onore di S.
Giuseppe, sposo della Beata Vergine Maria, Patrono del Canada e della Chiesa
Universale. Faremo una processione in chiesa, seguita da una Messa Solenne con la
benedizione del pane di San Giuseppe, e concluderemo con un rinfresco in sala. Siete
invitati a portare qualche dolci per condividere. Chi vuole offrire il pane di S. Giuseppe
può portare la sua offerta all’ufficio parrocchiale. Non mancate!!!!!
Confessione in Tempo di Quaresima
Venite lunedì sera, 23 marzo alle 7:30 p.m. per fare una buona confessione prima della
Santa Pasqua. Ci saranno molti sacerdoti presenti. Non mancate questa bella
opportunità di essere riconciliati con Dio.
Comunità di Fede
Abbiamo iniziato la Campagna Diocesana per la nostra parrocchia e abbiamo già
raccolto $578,000.
Speriamo di arrivare alla nostra meta di $835.000 con la vostra generosità. Grazie.
Baptisms- March 8 , 2015
Amedeo Arista
Valentina Pagliaroli
Lia Calvi
Julianna Papa
Isabelle Conti
Christian Parravano
Milena Diodati
Matthew Simonetti
Mila Pacitto
Saturday – Sabato Mar. 7
5:30 p.m. †Nick Pulla
Sunday– Domenica March 8
7:30 a.m. †Maria Comezzi
9:00 a.m. Pro Populo
10:30 p.m †Nicola Mattacchione †Angelo Savoia
†Filippo Pace (1 Yr) †Rita Pantanella (1 Yr) †Francesco Giansante †Alberto De
Ciccio†Antonio Barile†Maria DiBlasio (1 Mo) †Franceso Di Blasio†Maria Didonato†Santa
Mancini†Intentions of Milena Trentadue†Peppino Carbone†Ermita e Luigi Della Rovere e
famiglia†Maria Martino†Gennaro Vespoli†Giacomo Delzotto
In Onore di S.Lucia e Madonna Della Serra
In Onore di S.Francesco Di Paola & S.Padre Pio
12:00 p.m. †Lou Baur (1 Yr.)
1:00 p.m. Baptisms
5:30 p.m. †Nunziatina (Nancy) Barranca
Monday – Lunedì March 9
7:30 a.m. †Giovanni & Flavio Facchini
6:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Vitina Carbone (1 Mo)
7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Gianni Di Battista (1 Yr)
Tuesday – Martedì March 10
7:30 a.m. †Alessandro Pannozzo
6:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Domenic Muia (1 Yr)
7:30 p.m. Rosary Group Mass
Wednesday – Mercoledì March 11
7:30 a.m. †Luigi Iosopo
8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30 p.m. †In Honour of St. Joseph
Thursday - Giovedì March 12
7:30 a.m. †Irma Pulla
†Antonietta & Liborio Ramolo
7:00 p.m. Shroud of Turin
Friday – Primo Venerdì March 13
7:30 a.m. †Giuseppe Guaragna
6:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Antonio Lombardi (1 Mo)
7:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross
8:15 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Carmela Teresa Gramano (1 Yr)
Saturday – Primo Sabato March 14
7:30 a.m. †Alberto De Ciccio
9:00 a.m. Mem.Mass:†Maria Marra (1 Mo)
12:30 p.m. Wedding- Joanna Sorgini & Nick Roselli
5:30 p.m. †Frank Ali
Pellegrinaggio al Divine Mercy Shrine
In osservanza della Festa della Divina Misericordia, organizziamo un
pellegrinaggio a Stockbridge, Mass. con partenza venerdi, 10 aprile e
retorno domenica 12 aprile. Chiamate Maria Borello al (905) 832-1288 per
prenotare il vostro posto. Grazie