Catholic Parish of Warringah (D i oc es e o f B r ok en B a y, N .S .W .) St Ke vi n’s Churc h S t J o h n t h e Ap o s t l e C h u r c h 50 Oaks Ave, Dee Why, 2099 , N.S.W. 57 Waratah Pde, Narraweena, 2099, N.S.W. Office: 50 Oaks Avenue (P.O. Box 467) Dee Why, 2099, N.S.W. Tel. 9982 6536 - Fax 9972 2863 - E-mail: [email protected] 19th January 2014 Scalabrinian Fathers Parish Priest: Fr. Lauro Rufo, c.s. 0418 353 009 [email protected] 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time : Year A Assistant Priest: Fr. Roger Cortuna Manalo, c.s.(also Chaplain for the Filipinos in the Diocese of Broken Bay) [email protected] 0452 579 677 Fr. Tiziano Torresan 0437 316 877 [email protected] Fr Norberto Ochoa 0437 324 227 St Kevin’s Church Weekday Masses: Mon-Sat:8:30am (Holy Rosary 8am); Fri 12 Noon Parish Primary Schools ● St. John’s Catholic Primary School; Principal: Mr Mark Bateman; Ph: 9971 9297 ● St. Kevin’s Catholic Primary School; Principal: Mrs Lorraine Vincent; Ph: 9971 1644 REFLECTION Giver of the Holy Spirit Week-end Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 6pm Sunday: 8am; 9.15am ,10.30am (in Italian); 6pm Youth Mass Filipino Mass: Third Sunday of the Month 11.30am - Mass in Tagalog Every 4th Sunday: Chaplaincy Youth Mass at 6.00 pm Reconciliation: Saturday: 4pm - 5pm Mass/Anointing of the Sick First Fridays of the month at the 12 noon Mass Cenacle of Prayer: Wednesday after the 8.30am Mass Devotion to Sacred Heart of Jesus First Fridays of the month: 7pm Mass Eucharistic Adoration: Fridays after 8.30am Mass till 11.45am Legion of Mary: Every Wednesday at 2pm St John the Apostle Church Weekday Masses: Mon-Sat: 9.15am (Holy Rosary 8.55am) Week-end Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 5pm with Children’s Liturgy Sunday: 8am; 10am; 6pm Youth Mass Reconciliation: Sat: 9.45am-10.45am Cenacle of Prayer: 9am Wednesday Eucharistic Adoration: Monday 7pm –11pm Anointing of the Sick: 4th Sunday of the month after the 8 am & 10 am Masses Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: 1st Friday of the month at 9.45am and Anointing of the Sick th Indian Mass: 4 Saturday of the month: Mass for the Syro Malabar Catholic Rite at 7.00 pm. John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. He is the one of whom I said, ‘A man is coming after me who ranks ahead of me because he existed before me.’ ‘ I did not know him, but the reason why I came baptising with water was what he might be made known to Israel.” John testified further, saying, “ I saw the Spirit come down like a dove from the sky and remain upon him. I did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptise with water told me, ‘On whomever you see the Spirit come down and remain, he is the one who will baptise with the holy Spirit. Now I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God.” Today’s Gospel makes a distinction between the Baptism by John with water and the baptism of Jesus with the Holy Spirit. The first indicates cleansing of past sins, the second inaugurates a new life in the Holy Spirit. While Jesus was accepting the baptism of water, he inaugurated the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit descended upon him like a dove . ************************ What difference do I experience because I am a baptised Christian? What role am I called to play in today’s world as a temple of the Holy Spirit? PARISH NEWS/EVENTS Mass Intentions for the Week St. John’s, Narraweena Saturday 5pm Jan 18 Sunday 8.00am 19 10.00am 6.00pm Monday 9.15am 20 Special intentions Paul Maiolo Tuesday 9.15am 21 Wednesday 9.15am 22 Thursday 9.15am 23 Friday 9.15am 24 Saturday 9.15am 25 St. Kevin’s, Dee Why Jan 18 Private Special intentions Saturday 6.00pm Sunday 8.00am 19 9.15am 10.30am 6.00pm Monday 8.30am Tuesday 8.30am Wednesday 8.30am Thursday 8.30am Friday 8.30am Fri 12 Noon Saturday 8.30am 20 21 22 23 24 Private special intentions, Special intentions for the needs of the Church Dec Neville McGlone ( 13th Ann) , Rocco Simonetta, Giovanna Simonetta. Special intentions for the needs of the Church. Dec Giuseppe Maruca, Bruno Raso, Giuseppe Cuda, Maria Stella Sauro, Tomasi Cuda, Goivanna Cuda, Peitro Mendicino ( 11th Ann) Special intentions for the needs of the Church Dec Espirit Borg ( 4th Ann) Dec Elizabetha Polito Dec Rosa Gelonesi Spec intentions 25 Thanks from the Fund Raising Committee— Haiyan/ Yolanda victims. Many, many sincerest thanks to all parishioners who helped support the fundraising dinner dance last week and the recent coffee morning/ bake sale, to aid the victims of the Super Typhoon in the Philippines. We raised approximately $21,000.00. Below is a breakdown of the funds raised; Revenue Donations by cheque $ 1,225.00 Donations by cash $ 6,381.40 Sausage Sizzle $ 450.00 Garage Sales $ 400.00 Dinner/dance Tickets $ 7,640.00 Raffle Ticket sales $ 5,075.00 Auction $ 500.00 Total $ 21,671.40 Donation from Dee Why Express Coffee/morning tea/ Bake Sale $ 488.60 Total Revenue $ 22,160.00 Less Expenses Food/drinks $ 1,110.00 Total Net Revenue $ 21,050.00 Collectibles 1. For Auction - $810 Prepared by The Committee on Fund Raising—Haiyan /Yolanda victims. Fr Norberto Z.Ochoa Acting Chairperson. RIFLESSIONE Il Dio che viene ad incontrarci nella Bibbia non regna, indifferente alla sofferenza umana, in una lontananza beata. E' un Dio che, al contrario, si prende a cuore tutta questa sofferenza. Lui la conosce (Es 3,7). La notizia di Dio che si fa uomo in Gesù non ci lascia di sasso: Dio viene nel cuore della nostra vita, si lascia toccare dalla nostra sofferenza umana, si pone con noi le nostre domande, si compenetra della nostra disperazione: “Mio Dio, perché mi hai abbandonato?” (Mc 15,34). Giovanni Battista dice di Gesù: “Ecco l’Agnello di Dio, che toglie il peccato del mondo”. Ecco questo Dio che si lascia ferire dalla cattiveria dell’uomo, che si lascia commuovere dalla sofferenza di questa terra. Egli ha voluto avvicinarsi il più possibile a noi, è nel seno della nostra vita, con i suoi dolori e le sue contraddizioni, le sue falle e i suoi abissi. È in questo che la nostra fede cristiana si distingue da qualsiasi altra religione. Gesù sulla croce - Dio nel mezzo della sofferenza umana: questa notizia è per noi un’incredibile consolazione. È vicino al mio dolore, egli mi capisce, sa come mi sento. Questa notizia implica allo stesso tempo un’esistenza scomoda: impegnati per coloro che, nel nostro mondo, stanno affondando, che naufragano nell’anonimato, che sono torturati, che vengono assassinati, che muoiono di fame o deperiscono... Sono tutti tuoi fratelli e tue sorelle! Parking in St John’s Church Narraweena. Would parishioners please note that parking is available in St John’s school during the weekend Masses. Please access the Church driveway from Waratah Parade and park in St Johns school exiting into Alfred Street after Mass. The grass area immediately behind the Church has recently had a sprinkler system installed and no parking is available in that area. Thank you. Rosters Next week —3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time St Kevin’s Cleaning Team D St John’s Counting Team 5 Confessions: St. Kevin’s: Saturday 4:00– 5:00pm St. John’s: Saturday 9:45 to 10:45 am PARISH NEWS/EVENTS Baptisms this weekend FEDERAZIONE CATTOLICA ITALIANA This weekend we welcome the Whitaker and Raso families for Baptism. Congratulations. EVENTO DI RACCOLTA FONDI PER AIUTARE LE VITTIME DEL RECENTE TYPHOON YOLANDA NELLE FILIPPINE Vogliamo ringraziare tutti coloro che hanno partecipato in alcun modo alla cena di ballo di Sabato scorso. Sia con donazioni, Parish Baptism Workshops. l'acquisto di biglietti della lotteria o la loro presenza. This month’s workshops will take place Un ringraziamento speciale deve andare a tutti i volontari che on Tuesday 21st and 28th January at 7pm in St Kevin’s oltre a lavorare molto duro, hanno anche pagati per essere lì .. Lower Hall . Please make your booking through the parish La notte è stata un grande successo e l'importo totali percepiti era vicino a $ 21.000-00. office . Thank you. Questa somma sarà distribuita dai padri Scalabriniani a circa 300 famiglie per mettere tetti sulle loro case. Parish Office During the Christmas and January period, the office will be oper- MILLE GRAZIE ating reduced hours . Please either leave a message on the anWarringah Parish 2014 Calswer machine ( 9982 6536) or email us on [email protected] and we will get back to endar of Activities. If the following groups wish to you when we return. For any emergencies, the Priests can be contacted on their mobiles. Thank you for your understanding. have their schedule for 2014 included within the Parish CalFr Roger. Sacramental Programme 2014. The Sacramental dates for 2014 are listed below and we ask that Parents please make a Diary note. endar, can you please let the office know as soon as possible. LOTWEM, RCIA, FCI, Fatima, Filcos, SHOJMOA Travelling Novena and any other group who use the church or meeting rooms. Below is a notes of various meetings, dates and functions that will be held over the next few weeks: January Monday 27th January—meeting of the Sacramental Team for 2014 Sacraments. Thursday 30th January– Finance Committee Meeting. February Reconciliation Information night ( For those children who received Wednesday 5th February– Friday 7th February Triduo Confirmation in 2013) will take place on Thursday 13th February 2014, at 7pm in St John’s Church, for Parents Mamma Nostra 7pm, in St Kevin’s Church. and families of both St Kevins and St John’s. Sunday 9th February at 10.30am in St Kevin’s Church – Festa Mamma Nostra. Monday 10th February 7pm– RCIA Planning Meeting at St Kevin’s . Thursday 13th February at 7pm– St John’s Church- Reconciliation Information night for Parents. Monday 17th February 7pm– Warringah Parish Liturgy Committee meeting ( planning for Lent & Holy Week ) venue to be confirmed. Sunday 23rd—at both churches– Altar Servers Recruitment Drive commences. First Holy Communion Information night ( for those children who have received the Sacraments of ConfirmaThursday 27th at 7pm Finance Committee Meeting ( venue tion and Reconciliation) will take place in St Kevin’s Church to be confirmed) Confirmation Information night will take place in St Kevin’s church ( for both St Kevin’s and St John’s families) on Tuesday 8th April 2014 at 7pm and is compulsory for parents to attend. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday 25th May 2014. There will be 3 sessions, two sessions at St John’s Narraweena at 11.30am and 1pm and one session at 2.30pm in St Kevin’s Dee Why. Parents may choose any session that is convenient. on Thursday 7th August 2014 at 7pm for parents of both St Johns and St Kevin’s .Please mark these dates in your World Day of Prayer Service 2014 Diary now! Thank you. Warringah Parish Pastoral Council The Diocese will be holding two information seminars in February 2014 (dates to be advised) on the role, duties & responsibilities of a pastoral member . Any parishioner interested in attending is most welcome . Thank you in advance. Fr Roger. Will be held this year on Friday 7th March at 10.30am in St John’s Anglican Church Dee Why ( corner of Oaks Avenue & Avon Road). The theme this year is “Streams in the desert” prepared by WDP Committee Egypt. To prepare for this special day, there will be a planning meeting in the St John’s Parish Centre on Friday 21st February at 10.30am. Please advise Rev. Sandra Salmon on 9971 8694 or email [email protected] if you are able to attend. SCRIPTURE READINGS Entrance Antiphon All the earth shall bow down before you, O God, and shall sing to you, shall sing to your name, O Most High! In the scroll of the book it stands written that I should do your will. My God, I delight in your law in the depth of my heart. R First Reading Isaiah 49:3, 5-6 Your justice I have proclaimed in the great assembly. My lips I have not sealed; you know it, O Lord. R A reading from the prophet Isaiah The Lord said to me, ‘You are my servant, Israel, in whom I shall be glorified’; Second Reading: Corinthians 1:1-3 A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians I, Paul, appointed by God to be an apostle, together with brother Sosthenes, send greetings to the church of God in Corinth, to the holy people of Jesus Christ, who are called to take their place among all the saints everywhere who pray to our Lord Jesus ‘It is not enough for you to be my ser- Christ, who called to take their place vant, to restore the tribes of Jacob and among all the saints everywhere who bring back the survivors of Israel; pray to our Lord Jesus Christ; for he is I will make you the light of the nations their Lord no less than ours. May God so that my salvation may reach to the our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ send you grace and peace. ends of the earth.’ I was honoured in the eyes of the Lord, my God was my strength. And now the Lord has spoken, he who formed me in the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob back to him, to gather Israel to him: said: A man is coming after me, I did not know him myself, and yet it was to reveal him to Israel that I came baptising with water.’ John also declared, ‘ I saw the Spirit coming down on him myself, but he who sent me to baptise with water had said to me, “ The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and rest is the one who is going to baptise with the Holy Spirit.” Yes, I have seen and I am the witness that he is the Chosen One of God.” Communion Antiphon You have prepared a table before me, and how precious is the chalice that quenches my thirst. Responsorial Psalm r. Here I am, Lord; I come to do your Gospel Acclamation will. Alleluia, alleluia! The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. He enables those I waited, I waited for the Lord and he stooped down to me; he heard my cry. who accepted him to become the children of God. Alleluia! He put a new song into my mouth, praise of our God. R Gospel: John 1:29-34 Seeing Jesus coming towards him, You do not ask for sacrifice and offerJohn said, ‘Look, there is the lamb of ings, but an open ear. You do not ask God that takes away the sin of the for holocaust and victim. Instead, here world. This is the one I spoke of when I I am. R Available to advertise. Chapel and Office: Cnr Barrenjoey Rd & Darley St, Mona Vale Office: 844 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why 9979 5978 9971 4224 Australian owned Catholic Books & Gifts Opening Hours: Tues-Friday 10am-3pm Ph: 9984 8988 World Apostolate of Fatima (Public Association of the Faithful) TOD ROWBOTHAM Handyman and Carpenter Frameless Glass Constructions No job too small or too big!! Mobile:0405 187 070 ELECTRICIANS & PLUMBERS EXPERIENCED LOCAL RELIABLE 5% of job value is donated back to the church In your family name M: 0411 390 714
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