WELCOME TO ST. DAVID’S PARISH March 29th, 2015 Reflection We begin Holy Week by recalling Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The Passion reading makes us reflect on the suffering and death of the Lord. United with Him in His agony on the cross, may we come to share in His victory over sin and death. ShareLife Update Thank you to everyone for your great generosity toward ShareLife so far this year. To date we have raised over $ 32,300.00. First Communion Review and Practice All our children are reminded to attend (with their th parents) on Monday, March 30 at 7:00 pm in the church for their final preparation. Get excited!!! Mass of Chrism at St. Michael’s Cathedral The annual Chrism Mass will be celebrated by Cardinal Collins, the auxiliary bishops and the st priests of the Archdiocese on Tuesday, March 31 at 11:00 am. All are welcome to attend. Tenebrae st On Tuesday, March 31 at 7:30 pm, the St. Michael’s Choir School Alumni Choir will be in our church to present a Tenebrae service. We are truly blessed to have this opportunity to listen to some Lenten music with passion readings to “stir the soul”. The Tenebrae responsories convey the sorrow of Holy Week through solemn and noble music. Spread the word to everyone you know. Don’t miss it!!!! Seder Supper st On Wednesday, April 1 at 6:30 pm we will be holding a Pot-Luck Seder in the Parish Hall. Please join us in this Christian Celebration of Passover, remembering the Last Supper of Jesus and the Apostles. Please bring a dish of food to share with everyone. (No pork meat, please.) Tickets available after Mass or at the office. Easter Lilies Remember all the poinsettias we had in church at Christmas? Well... we need just as many Easter Liles. Please drop them off at the church during Holy Week, by Holy Thursday. Thank you. Passion Drama Come out and support our young people!!!!! Tickets will be available at the door before the Good Friday Performance (if room). Easter Food Drive Thanks to everyone who donated food for the hungry of our area. Our parish community was able to help many needy families. God bless you. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Palm Sunday: usual weekend schedule. (English Mass in Hall at 10:30 am) Holy Thursday: Bilingual Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 8:00 pm followed by Adoration at the Convent Chapel until midnight. Good Friday: 10:00 am- Children’s Service 12:00 noon- Italian Service Followed by procession through the neigbourhood streets. 3:00 p.m. English Service (Youth Service in Hall) Holy Saturday: 7:30 p.m.- Italian Easter Vigil 10:00 p.m.- English Easter Vigil Easter Sunday: usual Sunday Schedule, with an English Mass at 10:30 in the hall. Good Friday Collection Please note that the annual collection for the needs of the Church in the Holy Land will be taken up at all the Good Friday Services. Thank you for your support and generosity. Office Schedule Please note that the Parish office will be closed on both Good Friday (April 3) and Easter Monday (April 6). On Easter Monday the only Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 am. Our parish is going full steam ahead with the Archdiocesan Capital Campaign and, prior to the Commitment Weekend, has raised over $716,000 toward our goal of $835.000. We are still accepting donations and pledges and will be able to report how far we’ve reached on the weekend after Easter. Please give some thought and prayerful consideration to how much you can contribute to this worthy cause that will greatly benefit the people of St. David’s and of the whole archdiocese. Pledge cards are available at the entrance of the church. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Parish Pilgrimage to Fatima & Lourdes Fr. Ernie will be leading a group of pilgrims from our parish from November 9 to 21 to visit Fatima, Lourdes and several other important shrines. This twelve day journey will cost $2,995 (plus applicable taxes) per person (double occupancy) with breakfast, dinner and great accommodations included. You can pick up a copy of the itinerary at the parish office or you can book a spot by calling Henry at Gideon Travel: (905) 949-5533. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to travel to these incredible holy sites. Good Shepherd Casseroles Please keep those casseroles coming!!! The hungry and homeless are counting on your help. BENVENUTI A ST. DAVID’S Domenica delle Palme – B – Insieme ai figli di Israele, la Chiesa partecipa oggi al trionfo profetico del Cristo, che entra nella città santa di Gerusalemme per passare da questo mondo al Padre. Il racconto della passione che si legge in questa domenica presenta un’unica storia, il cui elemento dominante è la vittoria di Dio sugli assalti del male, che raggiunge il culmine nella passione di nostro signore Gesù Cristo. ShareLife Grazie della vostra grande generosità. Abbiamo già raccolto più di $32,300.00. Ufficio delle Tenebre Martedì della Settimana Santa, 31 marzo alle 7:30 pm, il Coro degli Alunni di St. Michael’s Choir School presenterà nella nostra chiesa un programma di musica sacra con lettura della Passione. Venite numerosi a paretcipare in questo santo rito. Cena degli Azzimi Mercoledì, 1 aprile, alle 6:30 pm si terà la cena degli Azzimi nella sala parrocchiale. Venite a festeggiare insieme questo rituale nel quale si fa ricordo dlel’ultima Cena di Gesù con i suoi Apostoli. Ogni famiglia è inviata a portare un piatto di cibo da condividere con gli altri partecipanti (pot-luck). Per favore, non portate carne di maiale. I biglietti sono disponibili all’ufficio parrocchiale. Colletta del Venerdì Santo Come di solito, la colletta del Venerdì Santo sarà per i bisogni della Chiesa nella Terra Santa. Grazie della vostra generosità. Gigli di Pasqua Vogliamo vedere la nostra chiesa piena di gigli questa Pasqua. Chi ne può offrire uno (o poù), è pregato di portarlo alla chiesa durante la Settimana Santa, prima di Giovedì Santo. Grazie. Cibo Per i Poveri Grazie a tutti i parrocchiani che hanno portato generi alimentari per i bisognosi della nostra zona. Tanti poveri saranno più felice questa Pasqua. Orario dell’Ufficio L’ufficio parrocchiale sarà chiuso Venerdì Santo (3 aprile) e lunedì di Pasqua (6 aprile). Il giorno dopo Pasqua, l’unica Messa sarà celebrata alle 9:00 am. Comunità di Fede Andiamo avanti con la Campagna Diocesana nella nostra parrocchia e stiamo ancora calcolando tutte le ricevute. Se volete contribuire, troverete la Tessera di Adesione all’entrata della chiesa. Vi chiediamo di dare la vostra attenta considerazione. Grazie della vostra grande generosità verso la Chiesa. Saturday – Sabato March 28 5:30 p.m. Pro Populo (Vigil of Palm Sunday) Palm Sunday – Domenica delle Palme March 29 7:30 a.m. Pro Populo- Italian Mass 9:00 a.m. Pro Populo- English Mass 10:30 a.m. Pro Populo- Italian in Church English Mass in Hall 12:00 p.m. Pro Populo- English Mass 5:30 p.m. Pro Populo- English Mass Monday – Lunedì March 30 7:30 a.m. †Alberto De Ciccio 7:00 p.m. First Communion Review No Evening Mass Tuesday – Martedì March 31 7:30 a.m. Intentions of Antonio Foggetti 7:30 p.m. *****Tenebrae***** No Evening Mass Wednesday – Mercoledì April 1 7:30 a.m. Per Le Lampade Viventi 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:30 p.m. *****Seder Supper***** No Evening Mass Thursday – Giovedì April 2 Holy Thursday 8:00 p.m. Bilingual Mass of the Lord’s Supper Friday – Venerdì April 3 Good Friday 10:00 a.m. Children’s Service 12:00 p.m. Italian Service Followed by outdoor Procession 3:00 p.m. English Service (Youth Service in Hall) 8:00 p.m. Passion Drama Saturday – Sabato April 4 Holy Saturday 7:30 p.m. Italian Vigil (Pro Populo) 10:00 p.m. English Vigil (Pro Populo) ************************************************************* ***Good Friday Procession Route*** Begins at St. David’s Church on Saint David’s Way, out to Maple Plaza... onto Netherford Rd... onto Church St... east to Gram St... south to Goodman Cres... West to Netherford Rd... north to first entrance on the Maple Plaza... behind the Plaza and back to the front doors of the church. ************************************************************* Pellegrinaggio al Divine Mercy Shrine In osservanza della Festa della Divina Misericordia, organizziamo un pellegrinaggio a Stockbridge, Mass. con partenza venerdì, 10 aprile e retorno domenica 12 aprile. Chiamate Maria Borello al (905)832-1288 per prenotare il vostro posto. Grazie.
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