SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME - YEAR A – FEBRUARY 16TH , 2014 CONFIRMATION REMINDER Parents and CONFIRMATION Candidates are reminded to attend ONE of the following dates for their meeting for Unit 3 — please make sure to review the unit with your son/daughter and to accompany them to the meeting. Today at 10:30 am OR Sat Feb 22nd at 4pm FAMILY DAY – GIORNATA DELLA FAMIGLIA The Parish Office will be closed on Monday February 17th for Family Day. Office will be open Tuesday Feb 18th usual hours. Enjoy your Day! READERS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS/ LETTORI E MINISTRI STRAORDINARI DELL’EUCARISTIA We are currently trying to settle all those who have participated in our recent workshops. This will include an official installation for each group and turns on the regular weekend schedule. Just as a practical step, we would ask you to come into the sacristy a little while before Mass in order to see if we are short some ministers for your Mass. Sometimes people cannot keep their schedule at the last minute and we would be happy to have your help. We find that our Liturgies are enhanced by your participation. Sometimes we also end up having the same person performing all the different roles – like a one-man band. If you are here, why not add to the dignity of the sacred liturgy? In questo periodo stiamo cercando di sistemare tutti quelli che hanno partecipato alla recente formazione mirata ai ministri ecclesiali. In ciò consiste l’istituzione ufficiale di ciascun gruppo di ministri liturgici e la loro inclusione nei turni domenicali regolari. Come iniziativa pratica, siete pregati di passare dalla sacrestia una po` prima dell’inizio della Santa Messa a chiedere se è necessaria la vostra collaborazione per sostituire per ministri liturgici che manchino. La Vostra prestazione d’aiuto e ben gradita, perché accade a volte che alcuni all’ultimo momento sono impossibilitati alla turnazione del proprio servizio. A nostro parere, le celebrazioni liturgiche sono rese sempre più rilevanti con la Vostra partecipazione. A volte durante la Santa Messa la stessa persona svolge tutti i ruoli ministeriali, quasi come un tipo di uomo orchestra. Se siete presenti, perché non contribuite ad arricchire la dignità della celebrazione liturgica? Oggi domenica si terrà l’istituzione dei Ministri dell’Eucaristia. Vi chiediamo gentilmente di prestare attenzione per quanto sarà resa nota la lista e la data in cui avrà luogo l’istituzione dei Lettori. ORDINE FRANCESCANO SECOLARE La prossima riunione per l’ordine Francescano secolare si terrà giovedì 20 febb seguendo la S. Messa delle 8 am. WORKSHOPS — MINISTRY ONGOING EDUCATION The following workshops are available through the Office of Formation for Discipleship: Liturgy of the Word with Children Wednesday, February 19 at St Paul’s Basilica, 83 Power Street, Toronto; Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Ministry of Hospitality Thursday February 20 at St Anthony’s Parish, 1037 Bloor Street West, Toronto; Time 7:30 pm to 9: For more information and registration forms, please visit our website: HEATING EXPENSES ENVELOPE For those who have not yet used their Heating envelopes, you can still forward your donation during the month of February. Thank you for your generosity last weekend: 84 people donated a total of $1,292. This would have been an average of $15 per envelope. Vi ringraziamo in anticipo per il vostro contributo generoso verso le bollette invernali per il riscaldamento e la luce. Anche se l’attendenza (e perciò, anche l’offerta domenicale) è diminuita, i conti arrivano lo stesso – consultatevi con la bacheca all’entrata della chiesa. Domenica scorsa abbiamo ricevuto un totale di 84 buste per il riscaldamento per una cifra di $1,292. GRAZIE! INCOME TAX RECEIPTS Income tax receipts are available in the sacristy for those who would like to pick them up. Should you have any questions please contact the parish office. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION According to the norms of canon law, the following are authorised to be Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion at St Francis of Assisi Parish. Secondo il codice del diritto canonico, le persone sopra elencate hanno ricevuto il mandato di Ministro Straordinario della Comunione alla Chiesa di San Francesco d’Assisi. Chiediamo a queste persone di venire in sacrestia 15 minuti prima della S. Messa del 15 o 16 febbraio per poter spiegarLe il rito per l’istituzione dei ministri straordinari. Ricardo Aleixo Mauro Gaetano Fallico Rocco Farella Rosina Garisto Maria Zelia Larguinho Antonietta Olimpio Giuseppina Olimpio Pauline Perri Rocco Petrella Antonietta F. Raviele Ivana Vaccaro Raviele Lina Spatola Piera Vitale Following the 11:30 Mass this morning, our friends from Vescio Funeral Home are offering some coffee and refreshments at the entrance to the church. They offer their congratulations to our newly installed Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. LA SESTA DOMENICA — ANN0 A — 16 FEBBRAIO 2014 GOOD FRIDAY MEETING THURS 20 FEB INCONTROxVENERDÌ SANTO-GIOV 20 FEBB Our meeting to begin preparations for this year’s procession will be on Thurs Feb 20th at 7 pm in St Francis Parish Hall. This is a showcase event for the faith of our community. This year we will be a little disadvantaged with the rectory being cut off for renovations. We are hoping to carry out some re-organization including characters and a simplification of the route. We ask our groups to begin collecting names and contact information for those wanting to participate. MASS SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 15th to FEBRUARY 16TH 2014 Saturday, February 15th 11:00 AM 5:oo PM Sunday, February 16th 9:00 AM Giov 20 febb alle 7 di sera nella sala parrocchiale di San Francesco avremo il nostro primo incontro preparativo per la processione del venerdì santo. Siccome la casa parrocchiale è un cantiere di lavoro e perciò chiuso, saremo un po’ svantaggiati quest’anno. Cerchiamo di organizzarci bene e di semplificare anche la rotta della processione. Gentilmente chiediamo i capi gruppi di raccogliere i dettagli (nomi, ricapiti telefonici e indirizzi di posta elettronica) di chi vuole partecipare. 11:30 AM Monday, February 17th Seven Founsers of the Servite Order 8:00 AM COME AND SEE VOCATION RETREAT The Franciscan Vocation Office will hold a retreat weekend for single Catholic men between the ages of 1838 discerning a possible vocation to be a Franciscan Brother or Priest. The retreat will take place at the Franciscan Friary in Boston, from February 21-23, 2014. There is no charge for the retreat. Contact Fr. Alvin ([email protected]) if you're interested in attending. GRAZIE PER LE SALSICCE E SOPPRESSATI! Cogliamo l’opportunità per ringraziare le generose anime che anno fatto arrivare al convento dei salsicce, soppressati, pasta e altre bontà in questi giorni. Queste offerte casarecce sono state ottime e ben apprezzate – da casa vostra a casa nostra! Thanks to our parishioners who have been sharing their homemade bounty with us! 8:0o AM Antonio Gagliardi 7:00 PM Rosina Bruno Wednesday, February 19th St Conrad of Piacenza nd We thank you for taking the time to execute on this important session keeping our parish staff and volunteers, who deal with the public informed. Your Feedback is welcome! Giovanni Olimpio Tuesday, February 18th VOLUNTEERS OF ST FRANCIS PARISH Once you have completed this online training you must reply to this email, by FEBRUARY 24 2014. Reporting is required and will be submitted to the Archdiocese on behalf of St Francis of Assisi Parish. If you have any problems or questions you can email:[email protected] Giovanni, Carlo e Famiglia Barbati; Rocco Baldassaro e Famiglia; Agostino Lanzeroti; Ferdinando Taddeo; Giuseppe e Rosalia Teddiano; Lucia e Carlo Tedesco; Nela Ferrer For Parishioners’ Intentions In our February 2 bulletin, we advised all our Volunteers of St Francis of Assisi parish to respond to the request issued by the Archdiocese of Toronto to comply with the (AODA) Accessibility Ontario Disabilities Act. The Archdiocese of Toronto has made available training to employees and volunteers who deal with the public (i.e. secretaries, ushers, lay ministers, hospitality ministers, etc.) on the Customer Service Standards of the AODA. You will be able to complete this web training at your leisure in your home. It will take about 20 minutes of your time. Here is the link, just click on it to view. First Reconciliation – All Schools Rev. Angelo Bucciero OFM 8:00 AM Erin Siberry 7:00 PM Domenico Careri Thursday, February 20th 8:00 AM Rev. Arthur Lattanzi OFM Friday, February 21st St Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Churh 8:00 AM OFM NYC Saturday, February 22nd The Chair of St Peter the Apostle 5:oo PM For Parishioners’ Intentions Sunday, February 23 rd 9:00 AM Rosa e Giovanni Callipo; Giuseppe e Francesco Sisi; Francesco Dileo e Rosa Virdo`; Maria Rosa e Antonio Santaguida; Antonio e Domenica L’Europa; Leonardo e Anna Di Napoli; La Famiglia Stellato; Maria e Alberto Barone; Filomena e Liberato Martino 11:30 AM Caterina Rizzuto
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