Parish Bulletin - Holy Angels` Roman Catholic Church

208 - 2
3 rd Sunday of Easter
April 19, 2015
In Christ’s resurrection,
God’s goodness triumphs over
suffering and death.
“Seeing is believing.” We see a clear example of this in
action in today’s Gospel reading. The disciples see the
risen Lord with their own eyes. Even then, they don’t
believe it is Jesus, at least not at first. They had no
logical reason to believe anything except that their
Master was dead and gone forever.
Jesus did tell them what would happen. He explained to
the disciples that he would suffer, die and rise again.
But the disciples didn’t understand it – except Peter, who
tried to stop Jesus from going through with it. Peter did
not understand why Jesus had to undergo the horrible
experience that he foretold. But the risen Lord opened
their minds to the meaning of everything that had
happened. It truly was a case of “seeing is believing.”
God could have brought about this expiation for sins any
way he wanted. He could have simply willed it, and it
would have happened. So why didn’t he? Perhaps
because seeing is believing and because everything –
even suffering – happens for a reason. For the earliest
followers of Christ and for us, this act of expiation of
sins wasn’t some unseen, abstract situation or concept.
The disciples actually saw it happen. Christ’s one
sacrifice is made present in the Eucharist. In the
Eucharist, we see victory over sin and death.
Is was through the suffering, death and resurrection of
Jesus that God’s love for us and his wish for us to be
with him forever is really driven home in our minds and
hearts. The gift he won for us, eternal salvation, is there
for the taking – and all people, including even the
Israelites in the first reading who had handed Jesus over
to be executed, are eligible for this gift.
IMPORTANT: ShareLife Luncheon today.
Tickets are available at the door. Please support
this important fundraiser.
Dates to Remember:
April 26, 2015
June 14, 2015
St. Anthony’ Festa
July 19, 2015
Mount Carmel Festa
1) ShareLife Sunday 2015 : Together we are
continuing to work wonders…. Our campaign for
ShareLife, right across the diocese, is down from
$7.0M last year to $4.0M so far this year. This is
quite a difference. Our parish goal this year is
$56,500.00. This time last year we had collected
$33,000.00 but our total so far this year is
$20,547.98. Hopefully our ShareLife Luncheon
will be successful. Tickets are still available.
2) Visit the European Shrines August 24th to
September 7, 2015 under the spiritual leadership
of Fr. Peter Gioppato. A 14 day tour to Lisbon,
Fatima, Santiago De Compostela Barcelona,
Lourdes, Nice, Lucca, Pisa and the Vatican.
Brochures are available at the back of the church.
Please call to register.
3) “Planning Ahead Made Simple”: Please join us
Saturday, April 25th, at 11:00 a.m. in the parish hall
for coffee, sweets and a panel discussion about
planning ahead sponsored by Trillium Gift of Life
Network, Turner & Porter Funeral Directors.
Invitations are at the back of the church. R.S.V.P.
requested. Call the office at (416)255-1691 or
email: [email protected]
4) “Mercy & Hope” – A Mass for those grieving the
loss of a loved one through abortion, miscarriage,
stillbirth, or tragedy Sunday, May 31, 2015 at St.
Peter’s Catholic Church 830 Bathurst St. at 3 p.m.
Call 416-463-2722 for more information.
5) Family of Faith campaign is nearing its
conclusion at Holy Angels. As of this week, 165
families have made pledges. Thank you for your
generosity? We have achieved over 80% of our
parish goal; the participation of every family will be
vital to achieving our goal of $290,000.00.
We kindly request all Family of Faith contributions
and pledges be submitted by Friday, April 24th.
Garage Sale $2,744.00
Good Friday $33.00 ShareLife: $6,112.00
Offer. Apr. 12 $3,675.00 Repairs $145.00
Mass Intentions Apr. 20 to Apr. 26
Monday, Apr. 20, 8 a.m.
Nicola Fatiga / Caterina Pileggi
Piero e Carmela Andreana/ Figlia Saveria
7:00 Colomba e Giovanna Landolfi/ Stefania
Mike Pilotti / Clorinda Pilotti
Tuesday, Apr. 21, 8 a.m.
Pasquale Micco / Fam. Visca
7:00 Luigi e Carmelina Mari / Domenico e Letizia
Donato e Rosa Cascioli/ Figlia Maria Concetta
Wednesday, Apr. 22, 8 a.m.
Elisa Pepe / Nicola e M. Di Franco
7:00 Lenny Di Filippo / Genitori e Fam.
Lucia Figliola / Antonietta Filippo Nicola
Thursday, Apr. 23, 8 a.m.
Jean Pedreiras / Husband
7:00 Donato De Santis / Famiglia Niro
Filigno M. Carmela / Rosa Cacciacarro
Oggi la Liturgia ci presenta un Gesu’ Risorto che si fa
toccare e mangia con I discepoli.
Anche noi, tante volte presi dal dubbio della presenza di
Gesu’, desideriamo incontrarlo.
Lo incontriamo la Domenica, nello spezzare il Pane e
nella preghiera commune. E’ alla Domenica che noi
facciamo la nostra esperienza di Fede.
Un sentito ringraziamento a tutti coloro che hanno
collaborato alla campagna “ Comunita’ di Fede “.
Siamo arrivati a 237.000 $.
Faccio un sentito appello a coloro che ancora non hanno
contribuito di impegnarsi in questa importante campagna
della Diocesi. Solo la meta’ dei parrocchiani hanno
contribuito, aspettiamo l’altra meta’.
Ringraziamo tutti coloro che hanno organizzato e
lavorato al Garage Sale. Si e’ fatto 2,700$.
Ci sono ancora dei tavoli vuoti per il pranzo di oggi.
Coraggio, compriamo I biglietti.
La Santa Messa in onore di San Padre Pio nel mese di
Aprile sara’ Martedi’ 21 alle ore 7:00 P.M.
Friday, Apr. 24, 8 a.m.
Jean Pedreiras / Husband
7:00 Vito Forte / Famigliari
Saturday, Apr. 25, 8 a.m.
Lucia Ruggiero / Tony Ruggiero
Jonny e Clementina Trigiani/ Lucia Trigiani
9:00 Rosetta Zita / Zia anna Policelli e Fam. H.M.
7:00 Josef Kaczmarek / Bulczynski Family
Giuseppe Vendramin/ Vendramin Fam.
Sunday, Apr. 26
7:30 Saverio Andrenucci/ Riccardo Andrenucci
Alfonsi Angelo / Moglie
9:00 Ferdinando Ciafaloni / Luisa Visca
Giovina Luciani / Luisa Visca
10:30 Giannini Antonio / Zita Family
Maria Trigiani / Trigiani Joe e Fam.
Filippo Di Iorio/ Moglie e Figli
12:00 Danuta Cetnarowski/ Husband
Sebastian Alcamo/ Michele Alcamo
7:00 Domenico Sabatino / Moglie e Figlia
Grieco Guerrino/ Sabatino Matilde
La parrocchia ha organizzato un grande concerto con la
partecipazioni di famosi cantanti.
Aprile 26 alle 3.30 PM. Biglietto 25 dollari.
Il ricavato andra’ per la campagna Comunita’ di Fede.
Il fotografo di Giovanni Paolo II il signor Arturo
Mari sara’ con noi Lunedi’ 27 Aprile.
Alle ore 8.00 P.M. fara’ una conferenza in Italiano
raccontando le sue esperienze con il Papa. Tutti
sono invitati, chiediamo solo un’offerta.
Il 25 Aprile alle ore 11.00 A.M. nella sala parrocchiale
un rappresentante della Turner e Porter parlera’ come
dare l’addio dignitosamente ai nostri cari.
La Parrocchia ha organizzato un bellissimo e attraente
pellegrinaggio con la guida del nostro parroco, in Europa.
Inizieremo a Fatima per andare a Santiago, Lourdes,
Barcellona e Italia. Partenza il 24 Agosto e ritorno 7
Posti limitati, per favore prendete il foglio illustrativo ed
La lampada del SS. Sacramento del mese di Aprile 2015
e’ stata offerta da Rosa Cacciacarro.