a copy of our Sunday Bulletin

at the parish office during the week. Thanks to
everyone for helping.
April 19th, 2015
3rd Sunday of Easter – B Reflection
In today’s Gospel Jesus appears to His followers,
giving them convincing proof of His resurrection,
and opening their minds so they could preach the
Gospel. Just as the first disciples were
commissioned to bring the Gospel of salvation to
all nations, so we too are called to be witnesses of
the resurrection of Jesus Christ to all who live on
the face of the earth.
ShareLife Update
Thank you to everyone for your great generosity
toward ShareLife so far this year. To date we have
raised over $42,100.00.
Coins for Life
Please remember to return your coin containers
this weekend. These funds will be donated to
Campaign Life Coalition to help them in their
important work of defending human life from the
very first moment of conception. Thank you.
Please Pray.....
For all the children of our parish who will be
receiving their First Holy Communion during these
weeks of the Easter Season and for our young
people who will be receiving the Sacrament of
Confirmation. May the Lord Jesus always watch
over them and guide them.
C.W.S. Religious Gifts
The Catholic Women’s Society will open up the
counter so that you will be able to purchase gifts
of faith for special occasions such as First Holy
Communion and Confirmation. Purchases may be
made at the end of each Mass.
Catholic Women’s Society
The C.W.S. will be holding their monthly meeting
this Monday, April 20 at 8:00 pm in the meeting
room. All the women of the parish are invited and
most welcome to be part of this super group!!!
Youth Group
The Youth Group will resume its regular activities
this Friday, April 24 at 7:30 pm. Young people in
grades 7, 8, 9 and 10 are encouraged to be part of
this wonderful group. The youth group will also be
going to Steubenville, Ohio for the annual youth
conference this July. For more information, come
to the meeting this Friday and sign up as soon as
Good Shepherd Casseroles
Please keep those casseroles coming!!! The many
hungry and homeless of the city need and
appreciate your help. You can pick up more pans
Our parish has now completed the Archdiocesan
capital campaign and we are proud to report that
we have raised a total of $1.2 million in cash and
pledges (so far), or 140% of our goal of $835,000.
This is a huge success which will greatly benefit
the people of St. David’s and the whole
archdiocese. More donations are still coming in
and being processed and we project our parish
share to be $500,000. You can still participate in
this historic campaign by making a monetary
contribution. Pledge cards are available at the
entrance of the church. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
May: the Month of Mary
Join us on Monday, May 4 at 7:30 pm in the
church as we pray all twenty mysteries of the
rosary together. The month of May is dedicated
to Our Lady and we are encouraged to pray the
Rosary and join in other special events to honour
the Blessed Virgin Mary.
First Annual Knights of Columbus
Wine & Cheese Fundraising Dinner
The Knights of Columbus of St. David’s are
hosting their first annual Wine & Cheese
Fundraising dinner on Thursday, May 14 , 2015,
starting with Antipasto at 6:30 pm and dinner at
7:30 pm, at Presidente Banquet Hall. Tickets are
$60 per person. There will be door prizes, Live
Entertainment etc. For Tickets please call Joe
Petrolo (416)678-9182 or Tony Alberga (416)5058445. Tickets will also be sold after each Mass.
Parish Pilgrimage to Fatima & Lourdes
Fr. Ernie will be leading a group of pilgrims from
our parish from November 9 to 21 to visit Fatima,
Lourdes and several other important shrines. This
twelve day journey will cost $2,995 (plus
applicable taxes) per person (double occupancy)
with breakfast, dinner and great accommodations
included. You can pick up a copy of the itinerary
at the parish office or you can book a spot by
calling Henry at Gideon Travel: (905) 949-5533.
Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to travel to
these incredible holy sites which will nourish your
faith and strengthen your bonds to our community.
Pre-Authorized Giving
This new way of supporting the church is now
being offered in our parish and any of our
parishioners may find this method practical and
convenient. Please take a brochure home and see
if this way of giving is right for you.
Terza Domenica di Pasqua – B –
Nella partecipazione all’eucaristia, l’incontro
sconvolgente col risorto nel suo corpo
sacramentale ci pone entusiasticamente al
servizio di una buona notizia che deve risuonare
nel profondo del cuore dell’uomo e di tutta la
Grazie della vostra grande generosità. Abbiamo
già raccolto più di $42,100.00.
Spiccioli per la Vita
Non dimenticate di ritornare la scatoline (piene)
questa domenica con i soldi che avete raccolto
per il movimento pro-vita, per difendere il diritto
alla vita dei bambini nel grembo materno. Grazie.
Comunità di Fede
Abbiamo concluso la Campagna Diocesana nella
nostra parrocchia e siamo lieti di annunciarvi che
St. David’s ha raccolto $1.2 millioni!!! Questa
somma rappresenta 140% della nostra meta di
C’e ancora tempo per chi vuole
contribuire e partecipare in questa campagna
Troverete la Tessera di Adesione
all’entrata della chiesa.
Grazie della vostra
grande generosità.
Maggio: il Mese della Madonna
Lunedì, 4 maggio alle 7:30 pm, mediteremo i 20
misteri del Santo Rosario in chiesa. Durante
questo mese dedicato alla Madre di Dio,
cerchiamo di pregare il rosario più spesso....a
casa, a scuola, al lavoro, da solo, insieme.
Pellegrinaggio a Fatima (Yongstown, N.Y.)
Sabato, 30 maggio. Chiamate Maria Borello al
905-832-1288. Per favore non aspettate all’ultimo
momento per riservare il vostro posto.
Pellegrinaggio a Ste. Anne de Beaupré
Andiamo a celebrare la Festa di Sant’Anna i giorni
25, 26, 27 luglio. Riservate il vostro posto al più
presto possibile!!! Chiamate Maria Borello al
(905)832-1288 per informazioni.
Baptisms- April 19 , 2015
Nicolas Cavalcante
Adam Nigel de Paulsen
Mateo Emiliano Morales Monroy
Vanessa Angelina Morales Monroy
Rodrigo Luiz Oliveira
Gabriel Michael Paulozza
Chelsie Ellie Roccatani
William David Stewart
Saturday – Sabato April 18
5:30 p.m. †Dorina Magistrale (1 Yr)
†Giuseppe Magistrale (12 Yrs)
Sunday – Domenica April 19
7:30 a.m. †Daniela Ujevic †Tony De Santis
9:00 a.m. Pro Populo
10:30 a.m. †Alda & Milan Kirin †Miro Likon
†Ennio & Ivio Luciani †Raffaele Grossi †Antonio
Arruda †Nicola Mattacchione †Virginio & Elena
Bernacchi †Rosario & Agata Di Luca †Maria &
Guido Vacca †Adamo & Filomena Vacca
†Giacinto Cannatelli †Paolo Addesi †Franco Di
Feo †Michele & Antonio Agostino †Concetta &
Giuseppe Talarico †Maria Gallo †Elena & Rinaldo
Pistillo †Luigi Felin †Pietro Caleca
12:00 p.m. †Tommaso Catroppa
1:00 p.m. Baptisms
3:00 p.m. First Communion- St. James’ School
5:30 p.m. †Lorenzo Bernacchi (5 Yrs)
Monday – Lunedì April 20
7:30 a.m. †All Souls
7:00 p.m. Confirmation- Public & Private Schools
Tuesday – Martedì April 21
7:30 a.m. †Francesco e Assunta Vitale
†Vincenzo Rizzo
7:00 p.m. Confirmation- Fr. John Kelly School
Wednesday – Mercoledì April 22
7:30 a.m. †Carmine Tarantino
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
7:00 p.m. Confirmation- Blessed Trinity School
Thursday – Giovedì April 23
7:30 a.m. †Biagio Corrado
7:00 p.m. Confirmation- Blessed Trinity School
Friday – Venerdì April 24
7:30 a.m. †Alberto De Ciccio
6:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Maria D’Amico Gioia
(Died in Italy)
7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Oliverio Gileppo (1 Yr)
Saturday – Sabato April 25
7:30 a.m. †Bruno Di Stefano
10:30 a.m. First Communion- Holy Jubilee School
2:00 p.m. Wedding- Amanda Arevalo &
José Arias
5:30 p.m. †Dina Carinci