SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES Reflecting on our Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan Core Direction #1 – Parish Life Our parishes are spiritual homes where we meet one another to encounter Christ. Our plan calls on us to make our 225 parishes places of welcome and hospitality, both for those who are with us each week and those who return home after many years. We will prepare ourselves with care each week to celebrate the sacraments and encourage attentive and active participation from everyone. We will support our priests and deacons as they lead the way, and when asked to assist, we will respond. It’s important that we celebrate the many parishes already engaged in outreach ministries and programs that support the family, the domestic church. Visit to view the eight goals associated with “Parish Life”. SUMMER TIME!!! We are now firmly in the summer season, the traditional time for vacation and relaxation. I hope that each of you finds some time to “get away from it all,” so that you can be refreshed and renewed. As you head to the shore, the mountains, or another favorite vacation spot, please don’t forget us here at home. We still continue to pay our bills. Your continued support is needed and greatly appreciated. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Parish Finance Council assists the pastor in the administration of parish temporal matters. An active, well-formed Parish Finance Council is a key element for promoting the financial health of a parish, assuring accountability and assisting the pastor with his temporal responsibilities. Members of the Parish Finance Council should be chosen based on demonstrable skills or expertise in management and/or finance. If you have an expertise to share with the community, please call the office or see Fr. Lorenzo. Planning to be a Catholic Teacher? It is critical for you to know that to be hired to teach in any Catholic school board in Ontario, as part of your application for employment there must be a letter of reference from your pastor. If you (or if your adult child) is planning to apply to teach in a Catholic school, it is highly recommended you contact the pastor before Thanksgiving. Please plan to have a conversation with your pastor early in the process and you will avoid disappointment and stress at the time when applications are to be submitted. Pastor’s reference policy is available at the office. June 30th –July 6th 2014 Monday: June 30th 8:00am–+James Keenan 7:00pm - +Ignatius D’Souza Tuesday: July 1st Canada Day 8:00am- +Berta Botelho 9:00am –+Nicola Mole Wednesday: July 2nd 8:00am – +Antonio Vella 7:00 pm – +Mary Manuelpillai Thursday: July 3rd 8:00am – Thanksgiving & Blessing received Eufemia Colaco 7:00pm- +Rosa Cirillo Friday: July 4th 8:00am –+Nancy Politi 7:00pm- +Genaro Vitug Saturday: July 5th 8:30pm – +Elizabeth Consantino 5:00pm –+ Paul & Mildred Antony +Roy Thuraisingham Sunday: July 6th 9:00am –+Antonio Braga +Virginia Melo 10:30am –+Giuseppe +Catarina Bava 12:00pm - For the Community of OLA CONGRATULATIONS! Donato, Muhamad Enriquez, Rona Marie July 26th, 2014 Horam, Jeffrey Ghosal, Switlena August 16th, 2014 Mercado, Erick/ Penueco, Rinalyn October 18th, 2014 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Italy September 7-21-2014. To register or for more information contact: Henry at Gideon Travel: 905-949-5533- Fr. Jimmy at 905-677-4615 or Silvana Morra at416-579-4798. COMING SOON….. Family of Faith Campaign…. For information, please look at the Archdiocesan website at JUNE 29, 2014 VOCATION CORNER…... Saints Peter and Paul - June 29, 2014 “But who do you say that I am?” If you feel you are being invited to service in consecrated life or the priesthood, contact the Vocations Office: 416968-0997 / [email protected] / CHURCH BULLETIN ADVERTISING Liturgical Publications will be setting up the advertisements for our church bulletin. The advertising will begin in September 2014 & supports the bulletin service. Please support the bulletin and advertise your product or service. Call Liturgical Publications at 905-6244422 WITH GRATEFUL HEARTS! We would like to thank all of our Parish Choirs and Directors and Organists for all the hard work and talents they share with our community this year. As the summer season approaches, all the parish choirs will be off for the summer brake from the Months of July and August. NEEDED Summer Repairs! Replacing remaining flat roofs Replacing rotten frames and doors around the whole church. Rectory garage doors Repairing windows and Siding on South side of Church. Man and Woman Restrooms at the lobby. GOD HELP US! There will be Thanksgiving Masses on Holiday Monday, July 1st, 2014 at 8:00am—English 9:00am—Italian Society of St. Vincent de Paul BUNDLE UP! We are collecting Clothing at OLA Church on August 16-17, 2014 A truck will pick up all the clothing on the said dates only. Please note: NO baby furniture. Thank you for your support! Il Pellegrinaggio Terra Santa e Italia: 7 Settembre 21 Settembre 2014. Siamo lieti di rapportare che Alitalia ha esteso la data per prenotare i biglietti per il pelleginaggio alla Terra Santa e Italia fino al 3 Luglio 2014. Stavate pensando di fare il pellegrinaggio ma avevate bisogno di tempo per decidere? Adesso potete farlo perché ci sono ancora alcuni posti disponibili. Venite con il nostro gruppo (23) parrocchiani e amici a visitare posti dove Gesú ha vissuto la sua vita terrena, partecipare all’udienza generale con Papa Francesco e visitare alcuni dei santuari piú rinomati in Italia come, Assisi, Loreto, Roma and San Giovanni Rotondo. Per prenotare il Vostro biglietto o per ottenere informazione telefonate; Henry - Gideon Travel: 905-949-5533, Padre Jimmy:905-677-4615 o Silvana Morra:416-579-4798. Pellegrinaggio a Quebec – 25-27 Luglio 2014 Please pray for those who are sick members of our parish and those who love and minister to them: WEEKLY OFFERINGS Sunday Collection $ 5,515.00 Sharelife $ 125.00 Building Maintenance $ 3,233.00 Thank you so much for your support! Visiteremo la cittá di Quebec, Sant’Anna de Beaupre, Capo della Maddalena, Oratorio San Giuseppe in Montreal. Costo: 1 persona per camera $480.00 -2 persone per camera $380.00- 3 persone per camera $360.00 -4 persone per camera $340.00 . Incluso nel costo: Autobus 3 giorni, Albergo 2 notti, 2 colazioni, un pranzo e due cene. Per prenotare i vostri posti, contattare Pina Sidoti: (416)843-8803/905-678-8679 –Silvana Morra (416)579-4798. THOU SHALL NOT PARK! PLEASE PARK YOUR CAR AT THE DESIGNATED PARKING SPOT ONLY !
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