Catholicism 101 Season 3 - St. Margaret Mary Parish

Best wishes to all our families!
We thank each and everyone of you
who are supporting our parish with
your prayers, generosity and sacrifice.
Many of us want things for a cheap or a reduced price,
yet we are told that the best things in life are free. God
generously gives us all that we need. We can enjoy
God’s abundance in this life and the next by listening
to the Lord and following his will in our daily lives.
What a bargain.
On the recommendation of our parish
priests, the Serra Club of the Archdiocese
of Toronto has come to recognize some of
the outstanding Altar Server in our
parish for the Bishop’s Altar
Server Award for Service.
Candidates were chosen for this
special honour because we feel
that they have a good
understanding and appreciation of their
responsibilities at the altar, are faithful in their altar
duties and provide leadership to new servers. The
awards ceremony was celebrated by His Excellency,
the Most Reverend Wayne Kirkpatrick, on Saturday,
October 11, 2014, at St. Clare of Assisi Church in
Woodbridge. Our heartfelt congratulations go out to
all of our faithful Altar Servers! We are very proud of
you and your ongoing dedication.
Giorgio Abbruscato
Massimo Andriano
Luca Dallan
Isabella DiPalma
Alessandra Grossi
Martina Grossi
Stefania Grossi
Stefan Ivanovic
Alessia Maria Lomuto
Amanda Lisi
Anthony Macchia
Bianca Macchia
Nicholas Padula
Melissa Pellegrino
Rachel Pellegrino
Marco Poletto
David Rotondo
Elaina Vinzi
Thanksgiving Day: Monday October 13
Masses at
8:00 am in English
9:00 am in Italian
There will be no evening Mass.
Our Parish will be collecting canned and non
perishable foods. All collected items will help the
less fortunate in our community. You may drop
off your items in the side foyer after Masses or
during the week.
Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday. Every
parish across the world will celebrate World
Mission Sunday next week. It is a global sign of
the Universal Church and Mission. Your prayers
and donations will help support churches,
hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where
the Church is beginning, where it is new. Please
be as generous as possible to the collection for the
Propagation of the Faith, for more than 1120
dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the
Pacific Islands and some of our Canadian dioceses
depend on the World Mission collection.
Please use the envelope attached to this bulletin.
Sat. April 11, 2015 @2:30pm Our Lady of Fatima School
Sun. April 12, 2015 @2:30pm Our Lady of Fatima School
Sun. April 19, 2015 @2:30pm St.Margaret Mary School
Sun. May 31, 2015 @ 2:30pm Public & Private Schools
Sat. May 2, 2015 @ 2:30pm Our Lady of Fatima School
Sun. May 3, 2015 @ 2:30pm Our Lady of Fatima School
Wed. May 20, 2015 @7:00pm St.Margaret Mary School
Sat. May 30, 2015 @2:30pm Public & Private Schools
Catholicism 101
Season 3
No class Mon. Oct.13
Class will resume on Mon. Oct. 20 at 7:30pm
Topic: The Book of Revelations
Come riuscirà la Chiesa,
Sposa di Cristo, a presentare
agli uomini del nostro
mondo, della nostra società
post-cristiana, l’incredibile
invito del Padre alle nozze di
suo Figlio? Come far sedere
alla tavola di questo
“banchetto di grasse vivande,
di cibi succulenti, di vini
raffinati” un’umanità apparentemente senza
appetito? Questo compito appassionante di tutta la
Chiesa - questa nuova evangelizzazione - deve
occupare tutti i figli del nuovo popolo di Dio. Ne
va di mezzo la vita e la vita del mondo.
Sembra che annunciare l’invito con un nuovo
ardore, con nuovi metodi, con una nuova
espressione non sia un mezzo superato. Alcuni tra
coloro che trasmettono questo invito alle nozze
saranno forse maltrattati, forse uccisi. Ci saranno
certamente quelli che rifiutano l’invito. Poco
importa. C’è gente agli angoli delle strade. Basta
annunciare con convinzione che noi andiamo a un
banchetto, che l’invito di Cristo è arrivato fino a
noi e che noi conosciamo le portate. Basta sapere
che noi possiamo tutto in colui che ci conforta.
L’annunciamo così? Siamo convincenti perché
abbiamo già partecipato a questo banchetto? Non
c’è niente di più ripugnante di coloro le cui parole
ripetono quello che dicono gli altri, senza dare
prova di alcuna esperienza.
In questa Giornata del
Ringraziamento auguriamo
a tutti tanta gioia e
tanta pace.
Ringraziamo il
Signore per tutti i dono
recevuti. Auguri a
Giorno del Ringraziamento;
Messa alle 8:00 am in Inglese
Messa alle 9:00am in Italiano
CWL Mass and Meeting
on Tuesday, October 21st at 7:30 p.m.
We cordially invite all members of our CWL.
Mass and meeting on Tuesday, October
21st. Please join us for the Mass, then for
coffee and refreshments in the Church Hall. Our
meeting will begin shortly afterwards.
We look forward to seeing you. We welcome all of our
returning members and newly registered members.
*** Mission Statement: The Catholic Women’s
League of Canada is a national organization rooted in
gospel values calling its members to holiness through
service to the people of God
Catholic Women’s League Annual
Is taking place on Saturday, November 8thand
Sunday, November 9th
St. Padre Pio Prayer Group
Will hold a Dinner & Dance on Sunday November
9, 2014 at DaVinci Banquet Hall, Woodbridge
Antipasto bar at 1:30pm Come and enjoy!
Tickets are $65.00 per person, $35.00 for children
12 and under. For tickets, call Miriam 905 8515494 or Vittoria 905 264-3976.
We are calling upon all bakers of St. Margaret Mary
Church and friends to please bring your freshly baked
goodies, such as, crostoli, pizelle, biscotti, fudge, pies,
cakes etc. to the Parish Hall on: Friday, November 7th
from 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Donations of new items and gift baskets are also
welcomed anytime at the Church office, Monday to
Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Come and buy raffle tickets or bid on silent auction
items. You may also want to meet family and friends
for coffee or for lunch.
This year we will once again be selling cookbooks
entitled: Keepsakes: Treasured Family Recipes.
These cookbooks contain family recipes of some
of our parishioners.