The Catholic Parish of Brunswick and Brunswick East Parish Newsletter St Ambrose’s Our Lady’s 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick Telephone 9380 1023 Fax: 9388 8144 Email: [email protected] Website: 49 Nicholson Street, Brunswick East Telephone: 9380 1844 Fax 9388 0170 Email: [email protected] Website: PARISH TEAM PRIESTS OF THE PARISH: Fr Michael Casey and Fr Vinh Nguyen PASTORAL ASSOCIATES: Sr Diane Cleveland and Sr Julita Buss FAITH DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION: Tricia Murray SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Mr Philip Cachia, SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s WEEKDAY MASSES: Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s St Ambrose’s RECONCILIATION: Our Lady’s MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS: By appointment 6.00pm Saturday Vigil, 9.00am Sunday (Italian/English). 10.30am Sunday. Tuesday to Thursday at 9.15am, Friday at 9.00am Tuesday to Saturday at 10.00am 10.30am Saturday 11.30am Saturday FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT – YEAR B 22 FEBRUARY 2015 RESPONSORIAL PSALM GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Be merciful, O Lord. Be merciful, O Lord. Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned. Make our hearts, O Lord, Rich soil for your Word. Plant new seeds of faith, hope and love. Make our hearts, O Lord, Rich soil for your Word. Welcome to the Word of God. Have mercy on my God in your kindness In your compassion, blot our my offence. O wash me more and more from my guilt, And cleanse me from my sin! My offences, truly I know them, And my sin is always before me. Against you, you alone have I sinned. What is evil in your sight, I have done. A pure heart create for me, O God. Put a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence, Nor deprive me of your holy spirit. Give me again the joy of your help, With a spirit of fervour sustain me. O Lord, open my lips And my mouth shall declare your praise. EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II RECENTLY DECEASED: Vincenzo Pittorino formerly of Glenlyon Road, Letecia Delasan, Sr Mary Hunt RSM ANNIVERSARIES: Ern McCulloch, Christopher Banon, Amadio and Giovanna Slobbe, Claudio Joseph Slobbe WILDERNESS TIMES Wilderness times are moments of crisis – moments when choice and change are forced upon us. It is rare that we walk willingly into a wilderness, usually it is the result of losing our way, or an accident; the Gospel tells us that Jesus was ‘driven by the Spirit’ into the wilderness. In other words, the wilderness for Jesus was to be an encounter with God, it was where God wanted Jesus to be. For all its starkness and inhospitableness a wilderness can be an invitation to discover depths in ourselves that ordinary living can leave untapped, for a wilderness demands more resourcefulness than the everyday norm. This is why the wilderness is often used as a place for initiation in ancient religions, for here a person can meet the Divine reality with greater immediacy. OUR LENTEN THEME This Lent, our theme is Mountain, Metaphor and Mystery. As the weeks of Lent go by, this theme will be explored in greater detail. Journeying to the mountain top will be seen as a metaphor for our spiritual quest for encountering the Mystery of God. OUR LENTEN ICON Our focus for the Lent/Easter season is the icon of the transfiguration (gospel for the 2nd Sunday of Lent). In this season of renewal and transformation we strive to set our focus on Christ. In this icon we see him radiant with light on the mountain top, revealing the Divine Mystery to his confused and overwhelmed disciples. LENT: A TIME FOR PRAYER During Lent we are called to allow extra time for prayer, to listen for God’s presence in our lives. What extra time can I spend in prayer during these days of Lent? Perhaps I can: • • • • • • • Come to weekday Mass Spend some time in extra prayer at home, or in a visit to the church Come to the Stations of the Cross— on Tuesdays at Our Lady’s after the 9.15 Mass or on Fridays at St Ambrose’s after the 10.00 Mass Come to the Lenten Prayer Group at the Marists on the Thursday evenings of Lent Come to Evening Prayer on Wednesday at 5.30pm Come to a Lenten Reflection Group Come to Centering Prayer at 7.30pm Tuesdays in the Spirituality Room at St Ambrose’s LENT: A TIME FOR FASTING This aspect of Lent invites us, through fasting and self denial, to deepen our ability to respond more fully to the call of God and the call of others – to become less self-centred and more other-centred. What can I ‘give up’ in order to ‘take on’ God’s plan for me? LENT: A TIME FOR ALMSGIVING In the Gathering Space is this year’s Project Compassion material, with the boxes and sharepacks. This offers a real way to respond to the Lenten call to almsgiving. LENTEN PRAYER GROUP AT THE MARISTS On the Thursday Evenings of Lent, commencing 26 February (and excluding 5 March, due to Judith Dupre’s session at St Ambrose’s) there will be a Lenten Prayer Group held in the Marist Brothers Chapel from 7.45 – 8.30pm at 106 Holden Street, North Fitzroy. It will be a quiet time of reflection and prayer with a focus each week on the Gospel Reading for the following Sunday. The leaning will be towards silent, personal prayer but in a group setting. For catering purposes, please sign the sheet on the church table today or next weekend. All welcome! OTHER LENTEN REFLECTION GROUPS An Italian reflection group meets every Tuesday at 10.30am in St Ambrose’s Parish House, led by Sr Julita. • Another Italian reflection group led by Sr Julita meets in Our Lady’s Community Room on the Thursdays of Lent at 9.45am. • The English-speaking Lenten reflection group led by Sr Diane is held each Wednesday of Lent in the front meeting room of St Ambrose’s Parish House after the 10.00am Mass. • EVENING PRAYER DURING LENT On the Wednesday evenings of Lent, beginning on 25 February, there will be the Evening Prayer of the Church 5.30 – 5.50pm in the Spirituality Room at St Ambrose’s Community Centre. This will provide an opportunity for an extra prayer practice during the season of Lent. ROSTERS AVAILABLE TODAY The new rosters for lectors, Special ministers of the Eucharist, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 10.30 cuppa and the 10.30 welcoming roster are all available today. A sincere thanks to all who have generously volunteered to actively participate in the liturgical life of the parish through these ministries. The rosters will run until the end of August. There will then be an opportunity for others to join the new rosters beginning in September. CONFIRMATION PARENT NIGHT Parents of children making their Confirmation at Our Lady’s on Saturday 14 March are reminded of the Parent Night on this Tuesday 24 February at 7.00pm in Our Lady’s School Centenary Centre. MEETING REMINDERS • The Parish Leadership Team meets this Wednesday night, 25 February in Our Lady’s parish House at 7.00pm. • The RCIA candidates, catechists and sponsors will meet this Thursday evening 26 February at 6.30pm in St Ambrose’s Spirituality Room. SYDNEY ROAD STREET PARTY – NEXT SUNDAY The Sydney Road Street Party will be next Sunday 1 March from 12noon. We will have a craft stall on the street and there will be amusements in the church grounds. Helpers are needed to sell craft items. It’s a great way to meet other parishioners, as well as enjoy the street party. If you would like to help, please add your name and contact details to the list in the Gathering Space. PS: You will need to allow extra time to get to 10.30 Mass next weekend due to Sydney Road being closed between Victoria and Union Streets! PROJECT COMPASSION 2015 This year’s theme is “Food for Life.” As we all know, food is essential to sustain life, yet many of the world’s poorest people do not have a reliable food source, or enough money to buy food every day. As Eucharistic people, we believe that no-one’s bowl should be empty. We share our bread with the hungry. This year Project Compassion focuses on the ways in which Caritas Australia is working with partners around the world to empower vulnerable people to establish sustainable food sources and develop income streams for life. WEEK 1: FIJI Married couple Eric and Ma had an unprofitable farm and limited diet before they engaged in training at the Tutu Rural Training Centre, supported by Caritas Australia. Now they have a successful farm, a sustainable income and food for life. EASTER ACTION – WEEK 1 Are you buying slavery-free Easter chocolate? Did you know that much of the chocolate available in Australia comes from cocoa beans picked by children, many of whom have been trafficked or forced to work in exploitative conditions? The International Labour Rights Forum estimates that there are 500,000 – 1,5000,000 children working in the cocoa sector in West Africa. If you want to buy slavery-free Easter chocolate, look for these certification labels: Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance and UTZ. ACTION: talk with at least 5 of your friends about slavery-free chocolate this week. JUDITH DUPRÉ TO VISIT BRUNSWICK Come and hear art historian Judith Dupré (USA) as she navigates us through Mary’s journey of faith and invites us to examine where we say ‘yes’ to God in our own lives. Judith is the New York Times bestselling author of the widely acclaimed Full of Grace: Encountering Mary in Faith, Art, and Life. Judith teaches at Yale and other universities. She is coming to St Ambrose’s Community Centre on Thursday 5 March, 7.30 – 9.00pm. Mark the date in your diary! JARS FOR JAM As part of our parish fund-raising efforts this year, generous parishioners will be making jams to sell. However glass jars are needed for the jams. If you can bring in any spare jars over the next few weeks, and leave them in the box near the vesting sacristy, that would be great! FOODBANK MARKET – DONATIONS NEEDED As part of our parish Foodbank in St Ambrose’s Community Centre each Thursday, there is also a market stall selling items to raise funds toward the running costs of the Foodbank. This stall is in need of donated items to sell (not books or electrical items). All donations can be left at St Ambrose’s Parish House. FURNITURE AND WOOD DONATIONS Marist Youth Care, based at the Marist Centre in Brunswick, is running an ongoing furniture-making and carpentry program where 15 young people learn the basics of the trade through accredited training. They urgently need some support via donations of good quality pieces of wood and furniture that can be used or restored. Donations can be made via the following: Phone Marist Youth Care 9380 2065; Email [email protected]. Location: 1 Dawson Street, Brunswick. PARISH DANCE The first parish dance for 2015 will be on this Friday night 27 February at 8.00pm in Our Lady’s Hall. Cost $5.00. There will be plenty of good music. Tea and coffee provided. If there are sufficient numbers they will provide a dance lesson. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED In order to continue the operation of the Heart to Hearts Soup Kitchen, we are asking for volunteers to assist with meal preparation on either Thursdays or Fridays and meal delivery on Friday evenings. If you can spare a couple of hours even once a month you would be most welcome! Please contact Helen Warren on 0418 708 708. 2016 ENROLMENTS FOR SIMONDS COLLEGE The application period for Year 7 enrolments for 2016 at Simonds Catholic College will close on Friday 20 March. See the noticeboard for further information. REST, PRAY AND RECREATE WEEKENDS The Pallotti retreat team at Millgrove invite you to come away to relax, unwind and replenish your spirit in the beauty of the Yarra Valley. Held on the second weekend of each month. Cost $180 includes all meals. Contact Denis on 0427 449 434. PARISH PRAYER FOCUS FOR FEBRUARY We pray with gratitude and humility for your gift of the sun. May we enjoy and use with respect its solar rays. PARISH COLLECTIONS Church: $1678.56 Presbytery: $801.93 READINGS NEXT WEEK: Genesis 22:1–2. 9–13. 15–18; Romans 8:31–34; Mark 9:2–10 PAGINA IN ITALIANO NOSTRO TEMA PER LA QUARESIMA Il nostro tema per la Quaresima è montagna, metafora e mistero. Col passare delle settimane di Quaresima, questo tema sarà esplorato in maggiore dettagli. In cammino verso l'alto della montagna sarà visto come una metafora per la nostra ricerca spirituale per incontrare il mistero di Dio. NOSTRO ICONE PER LA QUARESIMA Il nostro obiettivo per il Tempo di Quaresima/Pasqua è l'icona della Trasfigurazione (Vangelo per la 2° Domenica di Quaresima). In questo tempo di rinnovamento e di trasformazione ci sforziamo a focalizzare la nostra attenzione su Cristo. In questa icona lo vediamo raggiante di luce sulla cima della montagna, rivelando il mistero divino ai suoi discepoli che rimangano colpiti e confusi. QUARESIMA – TEMPO PER PREGARE Durante la Quaresima siamo chiamati a dedicare più tempo alla preghiera, all'ascolto della presenza di Dio nella nostra vita. Quale momento posso spendere in piu per dedicare alla preghiera durante questi giorni di Quaresima? Forse posso: − − − − − Venire alla Messa nei giorno feriale Trascorrere più tempo in preghiera a casa o in una visita alla Chiesa Venire per la via Crucis — Martedì presso Santa Maria dopo la Messa delle ore9,15 o Venerdì a Sant'Ambrogio dopo la messa delle 10.00 Andare al gruppo di preghiera Quaresimale presso i Maristi nelle sere dei Giovedì di Quaresima Venire a un Gruppo di Riflessione Quaresimale QUARESIMA: TEMPO PER DIGIUNO Questo aspetto della Quaresima ci invita, attraverso il digiuno e il dominio di sè ad approfondire la nostra capacità di rispondere più pienamente alla chiamata di Dio e quella degli altri – a diventare meno egocentrico e più altricentrato. Che cosa posso io 'rinunciare' al fine di 'assumere' il piano di Dio per me? QUARESIMA: TEMPO PER L’ELEMOSINA Nello spazio d’incontro della Chiesa cè il materiale del Progetto Compassione di quest'anno, con le scatole e buste. Questo offre un vero modo di rispondere alla chiamata Quaresima per l'elemosina. GRUPPI RIFLESSIONE QUARESIMALE Un gruppo di riflessione in Italiana si incontra ogni Martedì alle ore 10:30 nella casa parrocchiale di Sant'Ambrogio, guidato da Sr Julita. − Un altro gruppo di riflessione in Italiana guidato da Sr Julita si incontra nella sala della comunità Santa Maria ogni Giovedì di Quaresima alle 9:45. − ROSTERS DISPONIBILI OGGI Il nuovo roster per lettori, ministri Speciale dell'Eucarestia, cuppa delle ore 10.30 e le 10.30 il roster di accoglienza delle ore10.30. I roster sono tutti disponibili oggi. Un sincero grazie a tutti coloro che generosamente e volontariamente hanno attivamente partecipato alla vita liturgica della parrocchia attraverso questi ministeri. Il roster verrà eseguito fino alla fine di Agosto. Poi ci sarà un'opportunità per gli altri unire il nuovo roster a partire da Settembre. VASETTI PER MARMELLATA Come parte dei nostri sforzi di raccolta fondi per la parrocchia quest'anno, sarà di fare marmellata. Parrocchiani generosi farano la marmellata da vendere. Tuttavia è necessario vasetti di vetro per le marmellate. Se puoi portare qualsiasi barattolo che avete disponibele nelle prossime settimane e lasciarli nella casetta vicino la sacrestia! MERCATO FOODBANK – NECESSARIE DONAZIONI Come parte del nostro Foodbank della parrocchia nel Centro Comunitario di Sant'Ambrogio ogni Giovedì, c'è anche una bancarella del mercato la vendita di oggetti per raccogliere fondi verso i costi di gestione della Foodbank. Questo bancarella ha bisogno di oggetti donati da vendere (non libri o articoli elettrici). Tutte le donazioni possono essere lasciate a casa parrocchiale di Sant'Ambrogio. DONAZIONI DI MOBILI E LEGNA Marist Youth Care, sede presso il centro di Marist in Brunswick, esegue un programma di falegnameria e fabbricazione di mobili in corso dove 15 giovani imparano le basi del commercio attraverso formazione accreditato. Hanno urgente bisogno di qualche supporto tramite donazioni di pezzi di buona qualità di legno e mobili che possono essere utilizzati o ripristinato. Le donazioni possono essere effettuate tramite i seguenti: telefono Marist Youth Care 9380 2065; Email [email protected]. Locale: 1 Dawson Street, Brunswick. BALLO DELLA PARROCCHIA Il primo ballo della parrocchia per il 2015 sarà questo Venerdì sera 27 Febbraio alle ore 8.00pm nella sala di Santa Maria. Costo $5,00. Ci saranno un sacco di buona musica.Sarà servito tè e caffè. Se ci sono numeri sufficienti sarà proveduto lezione di danza. SANTA MESSA IN ONORE DI SAN GIUSEPPE Giovedi 19 Marzo, nella Chiesa di Sant’Ambrogio la Santa Messa alle ore 10:00am in onore di San Giuseppe. Per informazione o donazioni, telefonate Antonio Parisi 9387 2119. Tutti benvenuti! PREGHIERA PARROCCHIALE PER FEBBRAIO Preghiamo con gratitudine e umiltà per il dono del sole. Che noi possiamo godere e utilizzare con rispetto i suoi raggi solari.
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