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February 1 , 2015
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time – B Reflection
Today’s Gospel demonstrates the power and
authority of Jesus as he expels an unclean spirit
from a man and heals him. People look at him
with admiration for he spoke with authority and
power. Hidden in the Gospel story is the unspoken
question: Will we listen to him? Will we choose to
be part of his world, the Kingdom of God which
Jesus is bringing into our midst?
Blessing of Throats
On Tuesday, February 3 , the Feast of St. Blaise,
we will have the traditional blessing of throats at
the morning Mass.
First Friday & First Saturday
This Friday, Feb. 6 , there will be Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm,
ending with Benediction. Masses will be
celebrated at 7:30 am. and 7:30 pm. (Confessions
will be heard at 8:00 am). On Saturday, Feb. 7
at 8:00 am, there will be a Holy Hour of Adoration
with Meditated Rosary.
****First Communion Enrollment Ceremony****
The enrollment ceremony for First Communion will
be held at all the Sunday Masses on the
weekends of February 7/8 & 14/15. (It should be
understood that anyone who has not registered at
this point will be preparing for First Confession
and Communion next year.)
Confirmation Sponsors’ Names Needed
Attention all Confirmation candidates!!! Please call
or email the church to submit the name of your
sponsor and the parish he/she attends. Be sure to
spell it out!!! Also, be sure to include your name
and school you attend. You can send it to
[email protected]. Thank you!!!
Mark Your Calendars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You won’t want to miss this one...... St. David’s
Third Annual Dinner Dance in support of our twin
parish in Tarapur, India at the Terrace Banquet
Hall on Saturday, February 21 . The evening
begins with a full antipasto buffet and open bar at
6:30 pm, followed by a lavish dinner which will
include pasta, veal chop (vegetarian option
available) with vegetables and potatoes, salad,
dessert and coffee/tea. There will also be
performances, music and dancing, and raffle.
Tickets are $85 for adults and grown children ($50
for children 12 and under). You may purchase
your tickets after the weekend Masses, at the
office during the week, or by calling Dominick at
416-717-7446. We encourage you to arrange
tables of 10 if possible.
Mass for the Sick
On Saturday, February 7 at 9:00 am there will be
a Healing Mass with sacramental anointing. There
will be several priests present to administer the
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick to our suffering
brothers and sisters. After the Mass, we will
gather for a coffee hour in the parish hall. As
always, please bring some sweets to share.
World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life
Pope Francis, declared 2015 will be dedicated to
consecrated life. Therefore, on Sunday February
1 , the Church celebrates the World Day of Prayer
for Consecrated Life.
In the Archdiocese of Toronto we are blessed to
have living and serving among us more than
1,000 religious men and women of over 100
different religious congregations. This World Day
of Prayer for Consecrated life is a wonderful
opportunity for us to thank God for the gifts of
these religious sisters, brothers and priests.
There will be a special Mass this Sunday,
February 1 at 3:00 pm at St. Paul’s Basilica,
Toronto, in celebration of the vocation and witness
of these special men and women religious.
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 18 , Ash Wednesday, is a
universal day of fast and abstinence. There will be
several Masses offered, all with distribution of
ashes: at 7:30 am; at 9:30 am for St. David’s
School; at 12:00 noon; and at 7:30 pm. Most of
these services will be celebrated bilingually.
2015 Offering Envelopes
Boxes of envelopes are ready to be picked up in
the church hall after all the Masses this weekend.
Envelopes are in numerical order. Please put your
name and address on the first 4 envelopes that
you use in order that we may verify and adjust our
records. Please do not use envelopes from
another year!!! Thank you for your cooperation.
Good Shepherd Casserole Program
Please keep those casseroles coming!!! The
hungry and homeless of the city need and
appreciate your help. You can pick up more pans
at the parish office during the week. Thanks to
everyone for helping!!!
Hollywood Gala to Cure Cancer
Support Vaughan in Motion’s annual fundraiser by
purchasing tickets to this great event, to be held
on Sat. Feb. 7 , 2015 at the Terrace Banquet Ctr.
Proceeds will go to Mackenzie Health Foundation
for the purchase of cancer care equipment.
“Dedicated to cancer care in our community.”
Ordinario: Quarta Domenica – B –
Gesù si esprime come uno che sa di che cosa parla e non si limita a ripetere quello che
gli è stato insegnato. È per liberarci dalle idee preconcette e dalle risposte prefabbricate
che egli viene, ancora oggi, a parlarci con autorità.
Benedizione della Gola
Martedì, 3 febbraio, festa di San Biaggio, faremo la benedizione della gola durante la
Messa del mattino, alle 7:30 am. Siete tutti invitati di partecipare.
Primo Venerdì e Primo Sabato
Questo venerdì, 6 febbraio, ci sarà l’esposizione del Santissimo Sacramento in chiesa
dalle 8:00 am alle 7:00 pm. Questo sabato, 7 febbraio alle 8:00 am., ci sarà un ora santa
di adorazione con rosario meditato. Venite tutti a pregare.
Santa Messa con Unzione Sacramentale
Sabato, 7 febbraio, alle 9:00 am, una Messa speciale sarà celebrata nella nostra chiesa
con l’Unzione degli infermi. Saranno presenti diversi sacerdoti per amministrare il
sacramento. Dopo la Messa ci sarà un’ora di caffé nella sala parrocchiale. Siete pregati
di portare qualche dolci. Grazie.
Mercoledì delle Ceneri
Iniziamo la Quaresima mercoledì, 18 febbraio, con l’imposizione delle ceneri a tutte le
Messe in questo giorno universale di digiuno e astinenza. Ci saranno quattro Messe in
chiesa: alle 7:30 am; alle 9:30 am per St. David School; a mezzogiorno; e alle 7:30 pm.
Riservate Questa Data!!!!!!!!!!
Non mancate.............. la Cena con Ballo di St. David’s, sabato, 21 febbraio, alla Terrace
Banquet Hall, iniziando alle 6:30 con buffet di antipasto e bar aperto, La cena consiste di
pasta/risotto, veal chop con contorni, insalata mista, dolci e caffè. Sarà una bellissima
serata con musica e danza. I biglietti sono di $85 per adulti e $50 per bambini (meno di
12 anni). Cercate di oraganizzarvi con tavoli di 10 personne. I biglietti saranno in vendita
dopo le Messe domenicali, e all’ufficio durante la settimana, oppure chiamate Domenick
al 416-717-7446. Venite tutti!!!!!!!
Buste di Offerte – 2015
Le nuove scatole di buste saranno disponibile nella sala parrocchiale oggi dopo le
Messe. Siete pregati di ricordare il vostro numero!!!
Baptisms- February 1 , 2015
Francesco Fera Dos Santos
Ariana Flamminio
Adriano Flamminio
Saturday – Sabato Jan. 31
5:30 p.m. †Anna & Domenico Carello
Sunday– Domenica Feb. 1
7:30 a.m. Pro Populo
9:00 a.m. †Santino Taraborelli
10:30 p.m †Pasquale Pelullo & Family Members †Capano Family Members †Franco
Aquino †Frank D’Andrea †Jamie & Francelina Da Silva †Jamie Romero †Luigi Di
12:00 p.m. †Pasquale & Albina Liscio
50th Wedd. Anniv. of Vito & Angela Trentadue
1:00 p.m. Baptisms
5:30 p.m. †Niko Di Iorio
Monday – Lunedì Feb. 2
7:30 a.m. Pro Populo
7:30 p.m. Mem. Mass: †Silvia Filice (1 Yr)
Tuesday – Martedì Feb. 3
St. Blaise
7:30 a.m. †Gianni Di Battista
Blessing of the Throats
6:30 p.m. Mem. Mass: †Angelina Simone (Died in Italy)
7:30 p.m. Mem. Mass: †Mario Martellini (Died in Italy)
Wednesday – Mercoledì Feb. 4
7:30 a.m. Bilingual Mass
8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30 p.m. Intentions of the Prayer Group
Thursday - Giovedì Feb. 5
7:30 a.m. †Concetta & Vince Rossi
7:30 p.m. Mem. Mass: †Alberto De Ciccio
(Died in Montreal)
First Friday – Primo Venerdì Feb. 6
7:30 a.m. Per Le Lampade Viventi
8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30 p.m. †Mario Sorrentino (1 Yr)
First Saturday – Primo Sabato Feb. 7
8:00 a.m. Meditated Rosary
9:00 a.m. Mass for the Sick
5:30 p.m. †Peter Ceolin