Advertise Tender Enquiry for Computers

Kadganchi, Aland Road
AlandTq: Gulbarga 585 311
Phone (08477) – 226716
Telefax : 272066
Email: [email protected]
(Established by an Act of the Parliament in 2009)
Date: - 19.012.2014
Advertise Tender Enquiry
Sub: Procurement of Computers – reg.
The C e n t r a l University o f K a r n a t a k a K a d a g a n c h i , K a l a b u r a g i , intends to
procure the computers as per the specification mentioned in Annexure-I from the original
manufacturers / Government Organization/ reputed suppliers only. You are requested to submit the
tender in sealed envelope as per Annexure-I on the printed letter head of the firm consisting the
details as per attached Performa, along with the dealer authorization letter from the main agency,
if any on or before.
12.01.2015 up to 12.00 hrs, the tender will be open in the presence of all bidders at 3.00 pm at
the CUK, Kadganchi Admin Building.
A Demand Draft / Banker’s cheque of any nationalized banks amounting to
Rs.5 0 ,000/- favouring Central University of Karnataka payable at Kalaburagi towards security
bid and tender fees of Rs.2000/- should be submitted along with the bid. The Security bid of the
unsuccessful bidder will be returned back and the EMD of the successful bidder will be converted
into a Security Deposit and will be returned after completion of warranty period.
Terms & Conditions:
1. The successful bidder has to supply the materials within a period of 2 week only from
the date of issue of P.O.
2. Unit prices are to be quoted both in figures and in words. In case of a discrepancy, that
quoted in words / lowest amount will be taken as valid.
3. The bidder should be a reputed firm. A list of organizations / agencies to which said items
has been supplied f o r a v a l u e n o t l e s s t h a n R s . 3 , 0 0 , 0 0 0 / - d u r i n g t h e l a s t 2
f i n a n c i a l y e a r s may be furnished along with copies of supply order. ( attach proof)
4. Detailed specifications, catalogue / literature, of all the items quoted should be supplied
with the technical bids. Incomplete Bids in any respect are liable to be rejected.
5. The specification of the items must be as per the Annexure – I.
6. The quantity included in the tender can be increased or decreased at the discretion of the
Central University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi.
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The supply of said items has to be made within a period of two week o nl y from the date
the issue of Purchase Order by the University. In case firm fails to supply the said items in
the specific time, 0.5% cost of the whole supply for every week as late supply will be
deducted from the bill to the maximum of 10% after which the order will remain cancelled
and Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposited will be forfeited.
Item offered in the tender may be re-ordered at the same rate, terms & conditions within
a period of twelve months/one year.
The said items should be best in class, if the firm has more than one model of any item,
must quote for each item separately in the respective column.
10. The amount quoted should include all the charges including taxes, transportation,
installation etc., however the taxes is to be indicated separately.
11. All pages of the tender document are to be signed and stamped by the tendering firm and
to be attached along with the bids.
12. The University reserves all the right to reject or accept any tender without assigning any
reason or cancel or withdraw the tender notice.
13. The firm should have Service Centre at Kalaburgi to provide service after sale and
provide the address and phone number of local centre / dealer.(attach proof)
14. In case of any dispute, Kalaburagi will be the Jurisdiction the Registrar, Central
University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi shall decide the issue and his decision will be final
and shall be the binding on the parties.
15. Necessary and supporting documents must be attached with the tender documents, failing
which the claim will not be considered and may disqualify the technical bid of the firm.
The decision of university in the regard will be final and binding.
Intel® Core™ i7
IVth Generation
(Three Years
4.0 GHz Quad Core LGA 1150 Socket Processor (8Mb Cache, up
to 4.40 GHz ) or Equivalent or higher.
2TB Hard Disk
Blue-Ray DVD writer
4 GB graphic card
Windows 8.1
Wifi inbuilt, wireless key board and mouse.
19” LED monitor.
Place: Kalaburgi
Date: 19.12.14