q,[ectricit) aisti,utioi Companl Limite[ (A Qovernment o;f 'West cBenga[Enterprise) Office oif tfie A t (frie.1f Engineer, tEstate lnegemeflt AePartment ,/i[1ut cBfiawan (3-d qtoor, tBtock-A) Satt LdRg, KotRgta - 7oo o91 'rlest , / li\ w wBtEofL (Bengdf Statu (Pfrone: 033-2359192O Notice Inviting e--f E Fl E E FR ItATEt 24-09.2014 NIT No: WBSEDCL/ACE/EMD/2014-15/e'tender/6 The Additional Chief Engineer, Estate Management Department, WBSEDCL invites e-tender for thqwork detailed ifl the table below. (Submission of Bid through online) ': :-,::ri:'_'-.i;i" r:rf_l' Bonafide, expedenced & resourceful contractoB of Govt., Semi Govt., Go!'t. Undertaking Organizations, Govt. Enterprises @ 2o/o of the estimated Repair and ofexis!ing Bituminous Road inside I Rs. 18,02,5 r4.00 WBSEDCL, (Rupees eighteen lac two thousand five hlrndred fourteen) Salt Lake, only LA Block Housing Complex Sector- Kolkata of IlI, etc. submitted in the form of Bank Draft/Pay Order drawn in favour of Rs. 1810.00 4 (four) months from the date eight WBSEDCL. Bengal stete electricify Distributioa Estate Managemeni Departmeflt, te n) only Who have successfully completed within last s€ven years a)3 similar nature ofwork oosting not less than 40o% of the estimated cosl or Company b)2 similar nature ofwork costinB not less than 50% of the estimated cosl Limited", payable ar Kolkata 0r c)l similar Datue of work costing not less than 80o/o ofthe estimated 1) r may download the ln the event of e-fillin 9, documents from the website hllp/llryldLt.lry-bte-o-dcls4Qv-i]o directly with the help of Dlgital Signature- Certificate. Necessary cost of tender documents (tender fees) and Earnest Money may be remitted through Demand Draft ,/ Pay Ordet issued from any natlonallzed bank in favour of the "west Bengal st.ite electricitY Distrlbution company Limlted", payable at Kolkata( and also to be documented through e-fillin9. The original Demand Draf'L / PaY Order against tender fees, Earnest Money {,, [N', of The Deposit (EMD) should be submitted PhYsicallY to the Office wbSEDcL Additional Chief Engineer, Estate Management Department, u nder sealed cover. concurrently Both Technical Bid and Financial Bid are to be submitted htto://www wbtenders oov in d uly digitallY signed in the website and submhssion of Tender documents may be downloaded from website stated Technical Bid and Fina ncial Bid wilt be done as per Time Schedule in Sl. No. 9 3) will be considered ' The FINANC!AL. OFFER of the prospective tenderer qualified by the only if the TECHNICAL BID of the tenderer is found and absolute in Department. The decision of the Department wlll be final in the website' this respect. The list of Qualified Bidders wlll be displayed 4) Etigibility criteria for participation in the tender' s) Gor4" Govt' Bonafide, experienced & resourceful contractors ofGolt ' Semi Srg"rtzations, Go\4. Enterprises etc' Who have successtully completed ;;;;ilG within last sevetr Years a) estimated cost 3 similar nature of work costing not less than 40% ofthe b) estimated cost 2 similar nature of work costing not less than 509/0 ofthe c) I similar OI or cost nature of work costing not less than 80% ofthe estimated L ii. iii. iv. Self-attested copy of valid PAN' vAT registration Certificate' service Tax Registration certificate (if available)' with the Technlcal Bid EPF reglstration Certiflcate are to be accompanled vii. viil. Documents. Copy of I.T' returns for last 3 financlal years' E.S.I Registration(if applicable)' Professional Tax deposlt challans for last 6 months' nature of work' Performance as prime contractor for execution ofsimilar for LAST 5 YEARS and details of works in hand' with' Information regardlng any past and current litlgation is involved' the bidder WBSEDCL,/WBSETCL/GOW'/P S U in which the ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. party's concerned and disPLrted amount' be less than 3oolo Average anuual turn over during last 3 years shall not of the estimated cost. year oF the bid submission Working capital in the year,proceedlng the shall not be less than 3oolo of the estimatated cost' bank is In case documents certirying credit facility from a scheduled judged by adding submitted, the requirement given in cl' X' shall be together' available credit facility and working caPital taken submitted for Annual Audiied Financial RePort for last 3 years to be is of Accounts verification in resPect of bidders for whom Audit / they mandatory,For those whose Audit of accounts is not mandatory' shall submit copy of IT Returns along with related enclosures (Form 3CA and Form 3CB) for last 5 years' lNon - sta tutorY docum e nts) will be allowed' 6) No mobilisation advance and secured advance 7) percent) of cost of const.uctional Labour WelFare cESS @ 1olo (one agency' construction will be deducted from every Bill of the selected Bidshallremainvalidforaperiodnotlessthanlso(onehundredeiqhty) Bid If the from the last date of submission of Financial Bid / Sealed B) days bidderwithdrawsthebidduringthevalidityperiodofbid'theearnest any money as deposited will be forfeited forthwith without assigning reason thereof. Date and Time Schedule I Particulars Date oi uploaams-f-N.iJ. & other Documents (onllne) (Publishing Date) Documents dfinloaaiaAf start date (online) bmission start date (On line uUmission closing (On line ai,C-srr L-t Date -ilubnrisslon of original copies for the cost of Tender Documents and Earnest 15.10.20141:00 P.M. Money Deposit (Off line) To be intimated later Bidder(online) Date for oPening of Fina 10) (two percent) of the Earnest Moneyl The amount of Earnest Money @ 2o/o Draft / PaV Order of Estimated Amount put to tender ln the shape of Bank Bengal State "West bank drawn in favour of the any commercial only' Electriticity Distribution Company Llmited" payble at Kolkata 11) to visit and The Bidder/ at hjs own responsibility and risk is encouraged and obtain all ' examine the site of works and its surroundings Bid and entering informations that maY be necessary for preparing the Tender' into a contract for the work as mentioned in the Notice Inviting before submitting offer with full satisfaction, the cost of visiting the site shall be at his own exPense. The intending Bidders shall ctearly understand that whatever may be the out come of the present invltation of Blds, no cost of Bldding shall be reimbursable by the Department' The Department reserves the right to accept or reject any offer without asslgnlng any reason whatsoever and is not liable for any cost that might have been incurred by any Tenderer at the stage of tsidding. r3) Prospective applica-nts are advised to note carefully the minimum qualification criteria as mentioned in'Instructions to Bidders'stated in Section -'A'before tenddring the bids. 14) Conditlonal / IncomPlete tender wlll not be accePted under any circumstances, 15) The lntending tenderers are required to quote the rate o"i"e' 16) During scrutlny, lf it comes to the notice of the tender inviting authorlty that the credential or any other paper found incorrect / manufactured / fabricated, that bidder would not be allowed to particlpate in the tender and that application will be rejected without any prejudice' :.7) The Department reserves the right to cancel the N I'T' due to unavoldable circumstances and no claim in thls respect will be entertained. 2-\lcl{\ (U.K. AUDDY) Additionnal Chief Engineer Estate Management Department \VBSEDCL ($ Afl \dy
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