Maintenance of horticulture work at Shstri park Depot, Shastri park Staff Quarter and its approach road Notice Inviting Tender Contract CCM-186/2014 SECTION 1 NOTICE INVITING TENDER 1.1 GENERAL 1.1.1 Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Ltd. invites sealed open tender in two bid system i.e technical & financial for “Maintenance of horticulture work at Shastri Park Depot Shastri Park Staff Quarter and its approach road.” of DMRC LTD. 1.1.2 Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Ltd. Invites sealed open tender in two bid system i.e technical & financial for the above-mentioned work (clause 1.1.1). Approximate cost of work : Rs. 168.42 lakhs Tender Security amount : Rs.1,68,500/- Cost of Tender form (NonRefundable) : Rs. 5250/- Completion period of the Work : 3 years (Further extendable for two more years) Tender documents on sale/to be download from DMRC website : Date & time of Submission : of Tender documents both technical 23/12/2014 to 12/01/2015 upto 17.30 Hrs. 14/01/2015 between 9.30 hrs to15.00 hrs & financial bids Date & time of opening of Tender : 14/01/2015 hrs. on 15.30hrs The tender documents (non-transferable) can either be obtained from the office of Dy. General Manager/Civil /HQ, C-Wing, 6th floor, Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-01 or can be downloaded from metro Payment shall be made by demand draft drawn in favour of DMRC Ltd. payable at New Delhi as detailed above. Download documents should be submitted along with the cost of tender in the shape of DD in favor of DMRC Ltd. 1.2 POINTS TO BE NOTED 1.2.1 Works envisaged under this contract are required to be executed in all respects up to the period of completion mentioned above. 1.2.2 The mere fact that the tenderer is short listed as mentioned in sub clause 1.2.2 shall not imply that his bid shall automatically be accepted. The same should contain all technical, Financial & other details as required for the consideration of tender. 1.2.3 Tender document consists of the following: a. Notice Inviting Tender - consisting of i. Notice Inviting Tender ii. Scope of Work iii. Tender prices b. Instructions to Tenderers c. General Conditions of Contract d. Special Conditions of Contract e. Bill of Quantities. f. Technical Specification Page 1of 4 Maintenance of horticulture work at Shstri park Depot, Shastri park Staff Quarter and its approach road Notice Inviting Tender Contract CCM-186/2014 1.2.4 The Contract shall be governed by the documents listed in para 1.2.4 above. 1.2.5 The tenderers may obtain further information in respect of these tender documents from the office of Dy. General Manager/Civil/HQ, C-Wing, 6th floor, Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-01 1.2.6 All Tenderers are hereby cautioned that the tender containing any material deviation or reservation as described in Clause20.0 of “Instructions to Tenderes” and / or minor deviation without quoting the cost of withdraw shall be considered non-responsive & shall be summarily rejected. 1.2.7 DMRC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals without assigning any reasons. No tenderer shall have any cause of action or claim against the DMRC for rejection of his proposal. 1.2.8 Technical bid & financial bid should be submitted separate envelop by mentioning for technical & for financial bid and both these envelop should be kept in single envelop. This single envelop should be dropped in the tender box. Technical envelop shall be opened on 14.01.2015 at 15:30 Hrs. at first technical bid shall be opened in the presence of the tenderer who may must to be present. After finalizing the technical bid, qualified tenderer / Agencies shall be informed accordingly with detail for opening the date & time for financial bid. 1.2.9 All the documents including DD, Pay order, B.G etc. except financial bid i.e BOQ should be kept in the technical bid envelop. All documents as required as per tender documents should be submitted alongwith the tender package. No correspondence/demand of documents shall be done after opening of tender. Dy. General Manager /Civil/HQ DMRC, New Delhi Page 2 of 4 Maintenance of horticulture work at Shstri park Depot, Shastri park Staff Quarter and its approach road Notice Inviting Tender Contract CCM-186/2014 SECTION 2 SCOPE OF WORK 2.0 Maintenance of horticulture work at Shastri Park Depot Shastri Park Staff Quarter and its approach road.” Contractor shall prepare the drawing for the approval of the The contractor will execute the work i.e DMRC as pe requirement. 2.1 2.2 2.3 The above mentioned work should be carried out with contractors own material & labour as per the specification & drawing The scope of work is broadly mentioned in BOQ and as per site requirement. Time Schedule: The contract period for execution of the above mentioned work is 3 years (Further extendable for two more years) from the date of commencement of work. The works should start immediately for the different works after issuance of work orders by the competent authority time to time for the different works. However the emergency works arisen should be attended promptly.. 2.4 Specifications: CPWD Specifications & technical specification are applicable & work will be executed as per the directions/instructions issued by the Engineer-in-charge. Page 3 of 4 Maintenance of horticulture work at Shstri park Depot, Shastri park Staff Quarter and its approach road Notice Inviting Tender Contract CCM-186/2014 SECTION 3 TENDER PRICES AND SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT 5.0 Tender Prices 5.1 a. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the Tender Documents, the contractors shall be responsible for the whole works, based on the work orders issued by the competent authority and payment shall be as per accepted rates based on the items carried out as per the work orders issued by the competent authority as and when required. b. 5.2 The rate quoted by the tenderer is inclusive of all duties, taxes, fees, octroi and other levies, materials, labour etc. Schedule of Payment The payment will be made on actual basis as per the accepted rates based on the activities carried out as per the work orders issued by the competent authority as and when required. The payment will be made as per measurement recorded in the measurement sheet & on account bill submitted by the contractor and verified by the engineer. 5.2.1 Special condition 1. All works/items entered in “Site Order Book / Complaint & Progress monitoring Register” shall be acknowledged within 24 hours and its compliance shall be ensured within given time period. Any delay/failure to comply/attend the work may invite penalty as mentioned in clause 18.3 of SCC and the particular delay/failure shall be recorded and reflected in his performance report for the purpose of evaluation/consideration of further extension of the contract. 2. The contractor shall depute authorized supervisors who shall attend each JE/ASE/SE’S office daily and note down works entered in “Site Order Book / Complaint & Progress monitoring Register” He shall also record the compliance dates for previous noted work complied with. Page 4 of 4
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