The Odisha State Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd. D-2, SAHID NAGAR, BHUBANESWAR-751 007. Ph No- 2546030/2540273/2540417, Fax No (0674)2540974 The Orissa State Cooperative, Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd. D-2, SAHID NAGAR, BHUBANESWAR-751 007. Ph No- 2546030/2540273/2540417, Fax No (0674)2540974 1STCORRIGENDUM FOR E-TENDER REF NO. ROJ/RKVY/158/SBPD/EXP/14 In view of the technical error relating to Bill of quantity the time period for the above tender is extended. As per the followings: SL. NAME OF THE WORK NO. 1. COMPOSITE TENDER FOR CIVIL/STRUCTURAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK FOR EXPANSION OF SAMBALPUR DAIRY, GOSHALA. DIST. SAMBALPUR TENDER DOCUMENTS OPENING DATE EXTENDED UP DEPOSITED & TIME TO DATE 28/10/14 29/10/14 TO 31/10/14 ON 30/10/14 11.30 AM Further details can be seen in the e-procurement portal The management reserves the right to cancel any or all bids without assigning any reason thereof. Sd/- General Manager (P &D) The Orissa State Cooperative, Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd. D-2, SAHID NAGAR, BHUBANESWAR-751 007. Ph No- 2546030/2540273/2540417, Fax No (0674)2540974 Bid Identification No. PROJ/RKVY/158/SBPD/EXP/14 Sl . N o 1 01 Tender for the following work of OMFED are invited on-line through ‘e’-procurement of Govt. of Odisha web Portal ( The bidders should have the necessary portal enrolment with his own Digital Signature Certificate. Name of work Estimated Cost Cost of Bid Class of Period of (Rs.) tender Securit Contractor completion paper. (Rs.) y (Rs.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 COMPOSITE TENDER FOR 1, 19,48,023.00 CIVIL/STRUCTURAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK FOR EXPANSION OF SAMBALPUR DAIRY, GOSHALA. DIST. SAMBALPUR 10000/-+5% 1% of VAT quoted ‘A’ class contractor 11 (Eleven) calendar months value 2. Bid documents consisting of specifications, the schedule of quantities and the set of terms and conditions of contract and other necessary documents can be seen in the website: 3. The Bid documents will be available in the website: from 10.00 AM of 22.09.2014 to 5.00 PM of 28.10.2014 for online bidding. 4. The tender paper cost / EMD in the form of D/D in original and Photo Copy of VAT, PAN, Registration Certificate, Experience Certificate, other document as per DTCN shall have to be deposited in two different envelop within 4.00 PM from dtd. 29.10.14 to dtd. 30.10.14 at the OMFED Corporate office, Bhubaneswar. Non submission of cost of bid document and bid security within the designated period shall debar from participating in the online bidding system and his portal registration shall be cancelled. His name shall also be informed to the registering authority for cancellation of his registration. 5. Bids shall be received only “on line” on or before 5.00 PM of 28.10.2014. 6. Bids received on line shall be opened at 11.30 A.M. on 31.10.2014 at OMFED Corporate office in the presence of the bidders who wish to attend. Bidders who participated in the bid can witness the opening of bids after logging on to the site through their DSC. If the office happens to be closed on the last date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. 7. The cost of bid documents & EMD in demand draft issued from any Nationalized Scheduled Bank may be prepared in favour of OMFED, payable at Bhubaneswar. 8. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. 9. The management reserves the right to cancel any or all bids without assigning any reason. Sd/General Manager (P &D)
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