भा.को.को.लि. भारत कोककग कोि लिलिटे ड एक लिनी रत्न कम्पनी (कोि इण्डडया की इकाई) पंजीकृत कायाािय भवन कोयिा :,कोयिा नगर, धनबाद - 826005 CIN : U10101JH1972GOI000918 संववदा प्रबन्धन प्रकोष्ठ फोन/फैक्स-0326- 2230206 e-mail : [email protected] TENDER NOTICE Tender Notice No. BCCL/GM (CMC)/C.A.Lab/2014/3485 Date:19.12.2014 1.0 Sealed tenders are invited from the experienced, eligible consultant(s)/ Contractor(s) for taking up the following work:Description of work Providing consultancy and services for Calibration of Lab equipments and getting NABL Accreditation to two Area Coal Analytical Laboratories located in Bastacolla and Katras area of BCCL. Location Estimated value Bastacolla Rs & Katras 5,00,000/Area (Five lakh) Analytical Laboratori es BCCL Cost of tender document Earnest Money Contrac t Period Rs 250/(Two hundred fifty) Rs. 5000/(Five thousand) 12 (Twelve) months 2.0 EARNEST MONEY / BID SECURITY Valid Certified Cheques or Demand Drafts of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand) only is to be deposited towards Earnest Money / Bid Security drawn in favor of Bharat Coking Coal Limited on any scheduled Bank payable at its branch at Dhanbad. The Earnest Money / Bid Security of the unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded as promptly as possible after finalization of the Bid and shall bear no interest. 3.0 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (TO QUALIFY FOR THE AWARD OF THE CONTRACT) : (i) The intending tenderer/bidder/consultant/consultancy agency must have a Prime Contractor/ Consultant/Consultancy. The intending Tenderer may be proprietary firm or partnership firm or JV(Joint Venture) or a Company registered in Company Act 1956(amended in 2013). Documentary proof in respect of the above should be provided. Page::1 (ii) The intending tenderer/bidder/consultant/consultancy agency must have experience of successfully completed similar nature of works (as defined below) or at least must have completed Calibration of minimum one Coal Testing Laboratory equipments and NABL accreditation of one Coal Testing Laboratory along with compliance to Standard ISO/IEC/17025:2005 from NABL in his credit with documentary evidence of satisfactory completion of work during the last 7(seven) years ending last day of month of previous to the one in which bid applications are invited. Similar nature of work shall mean: Successful completion of Calibration of minimum one Coal Testing Laboratory equipments and NABL accreditation of one Coal Testing Laboratory along with compliance to Standard ISO/IEC/17025:2005 from NABL. 4.0 a) Affidavit on Non-judicial stamp paper in support of authenticity of credentials: The bidder shall have to submit an affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper in support of authenticity of credentials of statutory completion of calibration of Coal Testing Lab equipments and Certification by NABL. b) Affidavit on Non-judicial stamp paper specifying clearly that: The bidder will submit an affidavit for providing services and consultancy during the entire period of contract i.e. 12 months. c) Originality Certificate: The bidder must submit a declaration that i) All offered consultancy/service items / software / Quality Manual etc which shall be supplied to BCCL, if the order is placed on the bidder, shall be original for BCCL for exclusive use of BCCL only. It should not be offered to any outside organisation without the consent of BCCL. ii) All the offered Services/Software/Quality Manual, if any as may be necessary, shall be arranged with duly authorised certificate in the name of Bharat Coking Coal Limited from the respective NABL Authority / Certified Authority. 5.0 APPLICATION FEE FOR TENDER DOCUMENT: The price of a tender document will be Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two hundred fifty) only payable either in cash or by valid certified Cheque or bank draft drawn in favour of BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED on any scheduled bank payable at its branch at DHANBAD. 6.0 AVAILABILITY OF BID DOCUMENTS : Tender documents including Terms and Conditions of Work shall be available on payment from the office and period as stated below: Date: From 30.12.2014 to 16.01.2015. Time: 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM (on all working days) i) Office of the GM (CMC) ii) Office of the Desk Incharge, BCCL, Contract Management Cell, BCCL M M division, 4th floor, 6, Lyons Level-V, Koyla Bhawan, Range, Kolkata-700001. Dhanbad - 826005 Page::2 Tender document will also be available on BCCL website http://www.bccl.gov.in and NIC portal website http://www.tender.gov.in from the date of sale of tender document. The tenderers who downloads the tender documents will have to enclose a Bank Draft towards cost of tender document and undertaking along with their tenders in a separate envelope superscribing “COST OF TENDER DOCUMENT AND UNDERTAKING”. The bank draft should be payable in favor of BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED drawn on any scheduled bank payable at its branch at DHANBAD. 7.0 GENERAL INSTRUCTION FOR SUBMISSION OF BID : i. Sealed Bid(s) have to be submitted by Bidders in four sealed envelopes after putting the same in one outer envelope duly sealed indicating reference to this Bid notice Ref. No. and date along with their full postal address and telephone nos. as specified in the Bid document. ii. Four sealed envelopes as mentioned above shall consist of : (a) Envelope for cost of Bid document and undertaking (in case Bid/Tender document is downloaded from website), (b) Envelope for Earnest Money Deposit, (c) Envelope for Techno-Commercial Bid (Part-I) and (d) Envelope for Price Bid (Part-II). iii. Name of the work along with Bid Notice No. and date should be super scribed on the left hand side of all the sealed covers. iv. On the date of opening of Bid, the envelope containing cost of Bid/Tender document and undertaking (in case Bid document is downloaded from website) and the envelope containing Earnest Money will be opened first and if these are found to be in order as per requirement of NIT, then only the envelope for Techno-Commercial Bid (Part-I) will be opened otherwise the Bid will not be considered for opening of Techno-Commercial bid (Part-I). v. Envelope for Price Bid (Part-II) will be opened only in respect of such Bidders as found valid and qualified after scrutiny of Techno-Commercial Bid (Part-I). 8.0 VALIDITY PERIOD OF OFFER : The rates offered in Part-II should be valid for 180 (one hundred eighty) days from the date of opening of Part-I of the Bid. 9.0 RECEIPT OF THE BID TENDERS: Tenders are to be received in sealed cover on 27.01.2015 up to 3:30 PM at the address given below: i) Office of the GM (CMC) Contract Management Cell, BCCL Level-V, Koyla Bhawan, Dhanbad - 826005 Page::3 ii) Office of the Desk Incharge, BCCL, M M division, 4th floor, 6, Lyons Range, Kolkata-700001. 10 OPENING OF TENDERS Tenders will be opened on 28.01.2015 at 4:00 PM in the office of GM(CMC) , BCCL, Level-V, Koyla Bhawan, Dhanbad. Part - II of the offer shall be opened only in respect of such tenders as are found valid and qualified after scrutiny of Part - I. 11 INTEGRITY PACT : The bidders are required to sign the Integrity Pact as per format given in the Tender Document and submit in Part I envelope along with their Bid. Name and address of Independent External Monitor: Name Address Prof (Dr.) L C Singhi, IAS ( Retd.) L-31, 3rd Floor, Kailash Colony, New Delhi- 110048 12 All the payment will be made by ELECTRONIC MODE through bank. The intending bidders must furnish the details in triplicate (in original) in the proforma as given in the Tender Document and enclose the same with their Part-I offer of the Bid. 13 The bidders are required to furnish PAN based Registration No. of Service Tax. 14 The Company is not under any obligation to accept the lowest Bid(s) and reserves the right to reject any or all the Bids without assigning any reasons whatsoever and also to distribute the work and allot the work(s) to more than one Bidder at its sole discretion. 15 JURSDICTION OF COURTS: Any dispute arising out of or in respect of the contract will be subject to the jurisdiction of Dhanbad Court only. Sd/General Manager (CMC) Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. Page::4 Distribution: 1. Prof.(Dr.) L.C.Singhi, IAS(Retd.), L - 31, Third Floor, Kailash Colony, New Delhi – 110048. 2. PRO – with a request to publish the abridged NIT as enclosed in local as well as National dailies as per norms of the Company and also arranges to send the paper cutting to the Contract Management Cell. 3. D(T) OP /D(T) P&P /D(F) /D(P) /CVO, BCCL. 4. GM (Co-ordn.) /GM(F) I/C /GM (P&P)/ GM(MM)/ GM(E&M) I/C /GM(SYSTEM) / GM (QC), BCCL. 5. Sr. ES to CMD for kind information of CMD. 6. HOD (Admn.) with a request to display this Notice in Koyla Bhawan Notice Boards. 7. All CGMs/GMs in the Areas including Washery Zones for wide circulation through display in the Notice Boards. 8. Inspector, CISF- with a request to deploy security personnel at the office of GM (CMC), BCCL Koyla Bhawan, Level-V from 9.30 AM to 4.00 PM on 27.01.2015 and also from 3.30 PM on 28/01/2015 till end of meeting. 9. Desk In-charge, BCCL, M M Division, 4th floor, 6, Lyons Range, Kolkata -700001, India. 10. CGM/GM (Contract Management Cell), ECL/WCL/CCL/SECL/NCL/MCL 11. GM (Production), CIL, Kolkata. 12. Sri R.K.Chobey, Sr. DEO / Sri B N Banerjee, Jr. DEO – To upload this NIT in BCCL website and subsiquently tender document also in BCCL website and forward soft copy of NIC format alongwith tender document to GM(SYSTEM) for uploading the same at NIC portal website. Sd/General Manager (CMC) Bharat Coking Coal Limited Page::5
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