SAINT DUNSTAN PARISH 1133 BROADWAY, MILLBRAE, CALIFORNIA 94030 Rev. Diarmuid Casey, C.S.Sp.—Pastor Rev. Joseph Glynn, C.S.Sp.—Associate Pastor Rev. Brendan Hally, C.S.Sp.—Associate Pastor Rev. Alwyn Furtado, C.S.Sp.—In Residence Dr. Bruce Colville — Principal Cindy Bruni — Music Director Sheree Leone — Religious Education Coordinator Ann Woolen — Office Manager TELEPHONE: Rectory/Office 697-4730 FAX 650-697-5203 School 697-8119 Religious Education 697-7451 Extended Care: Mary Anne Anderegg 697-2231 Music Director 697-1907 MASSES: Weekdays: Saturdays: Sundays: 6:30 am, 8:00 a.m. & 5:10 pm 8:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. (Vigil Mass) 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, & 11:30 a.m Holy Days: 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m, 5:10, & 7:00 p.m. RECONCILIATION: Saturday 8:30-9 a.m. & 3:30-4:30 p.m. BAPTISM: Sundays at 12:30 pm preceded by instruction for the parents and godparents. Please call the rectory to register for classes. MARRIAGE: Arrangements for the marriage preparation program must be made at least six months prior to the date of marriage. Call the Rectory for an appointment. ANOINTING THE SICK: Call the rectory when you know of anyone who is ill at home, in the hospital, scheduled for surgery or homebound. DEVOTIONS: Morning Prayer Monday through Saturday at 7:15 am. The Rosary will be recited in the church Monday through Friday at 7:40 am. The novena in honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is held every Tuesday morning after the 8:00 am Mass, followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, First Friday devotions include a Holy Hour from 7:00—8:00 am, followed by Mass. First Friday Eucharistic Adoration devotion will be held in the church from 3-5 pm. Please join us. Come and let our parish pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. REGISTRATION IN THE PARISH: Our warmest welcome to all who worship in our community. If you are not registered in the parish, stop in or call the Rectory. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph December 28, 2014 My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all the peoples. — Luke 2:30-31 WE ARE GOD’S HOLY FAMILY The scriptures of Israel are filled with many stories of barren couples who were miraculously granted the gift of children by God. Surely the best known among these is the first reading from today, from which Luke took inspiration when he recounted the miraculous birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah and Elizabeth, and the more miraculous birth of Jesus to Mary and Joseph. In each instance, we are given examples or role models of those who trusted in God. More than examples of those who trust, they are models of self-surrender. They abandoned their own presuppositions and prejudices about the workings of the world and turned their lives over to belief in a God who can make life grow where none ought to; a God who can turn death around into a new and unimagined life; a God who can, today, take a tiny child of humble parents in an insignificant town and make him into a light for all the world. This is what we, as God’s holy family, are called to do each day: to trust not in ourselves and the way we think things should be, but to open ourselves and surrender ourselves in faith to a God of endless promise. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. The priests and staff of St. Dunstan Parish wish you all a blessed New Year, 2015! ! New Years Prayer Thank you Lord for giving me The brand new year ahead, Help me live the way I should, As each new day I tread Give me gentle wisdom, That I might help a friend, Give me strength and courage, So a shoulder I might lend. The year ahead is empty, Help me fill it with good things, Each new day filled with joy, And the happiness it brings. Please give the leaders of our world, A courage born of peace, That they might lead us gently, And all the fighting cease. Please give to all upon this earth, A heart that's filled with love, A gentle happy way to live, With Your blessings from above ~Charlotte Anselmo WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK AT SAINT DUNSTAN PARISH….. Tuesday, December 30 Wednes., December 31 Thursday,January 1 Friday, January 2 Saturday, January 3 Novena in honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament after the 8 am Mass Choir practice at 7 pm New Year’s Eve New Year’s Day Day; holy day Parish Office closed; First Friday holy hour at 7 am & Eucharistic Adoration at 3pm Immaculate Heart of Mary Prayer Group meets at 8:45 am in the Convent Legion of Mary meets in the convent at 10 am First Saturday Devotion at 6:10 pm in the church Monday thru Saturday Morning Prayer in the church at 7:15 am Monday thru Friday Rosary recited in the church at 7:40 am Parishioners, as a courtesy to others, please silence your cell phones during our Eucharistic celebrations. Thank you. Prayers of Protection for Our Men and Woman in the Service In continued prayerful support of our men and women in the military, please call the rectory with name, rank, and branch of service and location (if allowed) of your loved ones who are serving our country. Richard “Nacho” Munoz Munoz E6 US Navy Seal Gerald Ryan, CWO4, USCG Edward Cardon, Lieutenant Ge., US Army Michael Grogan, CWO2, US Army CID Christopher Bruzzone, SPC, Army Combat Medic 1LT Daniel Realini, US Army Daniel Mazzoni, USMC Eric M. Warren, US Air Force Major Deron T Warren, DO, US Air Force, MC Patrick Constantino, Capt. US Army 448th Civil Affairs Battalion Tom Harold Purple, US Army Adam J Helmers, US Navy Elizabeth Constantino, LT 173rd Airborne Brigade Gregory M Grogan, LCPL, US Marine Corps PV2 Joseph Rogers, US Army Cavalry Michael Obregon, CPL, USMC December 28, 2014 PRAYER DISCUSSION GROUP Would you like to try a faith-sharing group that includes a blend of praise, song, scripture, petitions, talk, etc? This group meets Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at Marymount Green Hills Retirement Center. Call Fran or Joe Sigona at 650.692.2466 for more information. The Parish Office will be closed on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, December 31, January 1 & 2 . Regular Office hours will resume Monday, January 5 at 8 am. ! ! St. Dunstan Religious Education (CCD) classes will resume on Tuesday, January 6 at 3:45 pm. St. Dunstan School will resume classes will resume on Monday, January 5 at 8:00 am. Thursday, January 1 is New Year’s Day, as well as the Solemnity of Mary, a holy day of obligation. Masses will be celebrated at 6:30 & 8 am and 5:10 & 7:00 pm. ! ! Friday, January 2nd is the First Friday of the month. There will be a Holy Hour at 7 am in the church. Eucharistic Adoration will be held at 3 pm until 5 pm. All parishioners are encouraged to attend!! ! Saturday, January 3rd First Saturday Devotion Sponsored by the Legion of Mary will be held in the church at 6:10 pm - 7:00 pm.! VOTIVE CANDLES Parishioners, we ask that if you wish to light candles, please remember to place the $3 donation (per candle) in the collection box on the wall adjacent to the candles. We appreciate your cooperation and support. Catholic Worker Hospitality House is running low on some of their basic supplies. Can you please help with the following items? CANNED FRUIT, CANNED SOUP, COFFEE, CREAMER & SUGAR, SLICED BREAD & DONATIONS FOR ONGOING EXPENSES Contact Peter Steihler at 650.827.0706. Catholic Worker House is located at 672 Second Avenue, San Bruno. Thank you for your ongoing support. . Page 3 Last Weekend’s Regular Collection: Last weekend’s Parish Maintenance & Development Fund Collection: Due to early transmission of the bulletin for the Christmas holiday, totals will be posted in next weekend’s bulletin. Thank you for all your support SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Monday: Fifth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; St. Thomas Becket Tuesday: Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord Wednesday: Seventh Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; St. Sylvester I; New Year’s Eve Thursday: The Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; Mary, the Holy Mother of God; World Day of Prayer for Peace; New Year’s Day Friday: Ss. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen; First Friday Saturday: The Most Holy Name of Jesus; First Saturday Many thanks to those who served as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Services this weekend: Sat., December 27 5:00 PM Lector: G Roylance Yeung Eucharistic Ministers: Coh, B&G Borba, F Gutierrez, S Vaz Altar Servers: Tiao, Pangasnan, Eidson Sun. December 28 7:00 AM Lector: R Flahavan Eucharistic Ministers: B Penner, J Cardon, M Hutchings Altar Servers: Condevillamar, Panopio, Coleman 8:30 AM Lector: C Chan Eucharistic Ministers: M Muzzi, M Ocafrain, M Cownan, T Pessagno, M Anderegg Altar Servers: Kinnaman, O’Brien, O’Neil 10:00 AM Lector: F Sigona Eucharistic Ministers: J Sigona, F Bertin, M&K Cepriano, L Low, T Herbeck Altar Servers: Laubacher, Laubacher, Bertin 11:30 AM Lector: T Dizon Eucharistic Ministers: B Cappel, N Bamba, C Caimotto, H&A Cook Altar Servers: Quigley, Park, Chan Special thanks to all of our ushers for their dedicated service at our weekend Masses. St. Dunstan Church Page 4 Dec. 28 - January 3, 2015 Sunday 7:00 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:30 am Monday 6:30 am 8:00 am 5:10 pm Santos Enos Beloy Tito Caputo Carol Depew Tuesday 6:30 am 8:00 am The Murphy Family Frank Cannizzaro & Rosina Alioto Fina Gattuso ! 5:10 pm For Parish Teodoro Clemente Marini Herbeck Family (liv/dec) Paul Tsih Wednesday 6:30 am 8:00 am 5:10 pm John Somers Frank Agius Fina Gattuso Thursday 6:30 am 8:00 am 5:10 pm 7:00 pm Carmen Torres Mora Jana Scandurra Emanuel Misfud Armenta, Marinaro & Caputo Families Friday 6:30 am ! 8:00 am 5:10 pm Ozvaldo Villazon (liv) & Rocio Belon (liv) Joseph Vella Frank Cannizzaro ! ! Saturday 8:00 am Lella Vassalo 5:00 pm Lena Ragni We pray for the sick members of our parish family and for those who care for them: Madison Kitz, Lisa Kitz, William Dill, Ted & Eileen Damian, Pat Saracini, Helen & Vicky Noceti, Elsie Noceti, Pauline & Joseph Burgio, Susan Silvera-Dunn, George Rodriguez Jr, Nafal Jweinat, Michael Coffaro, Irma Sweeny, Esther Litton, Helen Maternia, Wayne Devora, Judy Marks, Richard Castro, Rene Tiamson, Robert Weldon, Joseph Conrad Rodriguez, Raymond Reudy, Mona Pasco, Emily Marshall, Joseph Caruana, Mrs. Lina U. Dowell, Ursula & Greg Mendoza, John Fuste, Phyllis Perez, Gerry Engeli, Jim Gallagher, Mary Spiteri, Annie O’Sullivan, Maria Rodriguez, Mrs. Aponte, George Aponte, Donald “Doc” Jepson, Wilma & Heather Aragon, MJ Leachman, Marge Pipal, Joe Pipal, Frank Pipal, Mary Pipal-Martin, Julie Montiel, Maria, Francisco & Kasey Breiz, Lourdes Poquiz, Donna Cambruzzi, Mark Moressi, Grace Moressi, Peter MacDonnell, Kathleen Corry, Barry O’Neill, Vonnie Spencer, Frank Sanchez, Maria Teresa Rosario, Dolly Magsaysay, Emer O’Keefe, Dotty Mandiloff, Nico Castro, John Regal, Kathy Montiel, Loraine Koel, Cathy Prince, Chris Sevieri, Gaspare Bernardo, Gloria & Ralph Fernandez, Heather Fiske, Mike Phipps, Mark Domenico, Sue Joseph, Mr & Mrs Figenbaum, Michael J Fetterman, Cristie Arguel, Olga Petrella, Jeffrey Kollmann, Lisa Charney , Gil Chacon, Peter De Souza, Penny Costamagna, Ida Marinaro, Barbara Nicholson, Robert Deshaies, Benjamin Ready, Kay Foreman, Frances Chetcuti, Anita Shoop Komula, Charito Anturan, Vic DeVera, Kenneth Antee, Nine Antee, Putt Marchieve, Arnette & Marie Martman, Mary Cuneo, Raphael Dueri, Arnette Bonzani-Borla, Iris & Roger Presa, Cathy Schwarz, Anita Verdugo, Melba Sweeny, Linda Starrh, Fred Starrh, Jr, Jack Cardon, Doug Uthman, Letty Santa Cruz, Gladys Todaro, Marie Parashis, Ann Heersink, Pauline Bertolino, Lillian Levine, Melanie Kukk, Nancy Kukk We pray for the deceased members of our parish family: ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !
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